I've spent the afternoon revisiting POF, editing my profile and sending out messages to local women. I've sent quite a few.
One has replied so far. I sent her a message out of curiosity, but I don't think I'm interested in pursuing anything with her. She clicked meet me and I kind of felt inclined to.
She's really strange.
Elaborate on the strangeness
Hey there, I liked your profile. I'm not a singer in the shower but I do occasionally recite my favourite white bread recipes while I'm in there! I've been told that's an odd thing to do, but if they had to choose between my recipe reciting and my singing I'm sure they'd see things my way! I see that your into cooking, any favourite recipes to help break my white bread monotony?
I sent more messages out, and one girl replied. However, I think me living at home and looking after disabled family members scared her off.
are you using that as a pick up line or something? sheesh.
i dont talk about family stuff until i meet in person.
No, I'm not. I'm just honest in conversation.
As I said, I suck at this.
I met a great girl last night, and have been talking with her a lot. She just told me she has two kids, aged 8 and 6, though. I'm not really into dating someone with kids, but she seems great.
It sucks
As someone who isn't ready to deal with kids yet, I really appreciate the women who are upfront about having them. It sucks when they don't and a conversation goes well until they bring it up. If you don't think you can handle it, it's better to bail now. But it does indeed suck.
I don't even know what faded means.
Gradual non-communication into no communication at all.
Yeah...so the new Tinder sucks even it means there's less bots now. Controlled likes is so not cool. Gonna try to uninstall and reinstall it. My bro has the old version. Not that it matters since I'm not gonna be actively dating this month.
Really? I don't see that at all. Sure, a lot won't reply, but can you blame them with the amount of messages some get. And if they do turn someone down, there is the risk of the guy going crazy, so it really is better not to sent anything. And lets be honest, us guys are just as picky when choosing the girls to message when it comes to looks.I'm finding that women are really entitled and conceited on online dating sites. It's something my friend brought up in conversation as well, even though he's better looking and more outgoing than me.
Really? I don't see that at all. Sure, a lot won't reply, but can you blame them with the amount of messages some get. And if they do turn someone down, there is the risk of the guy going crazy, so it really is better not to sent anything. And lets be honest, us guys are just as picky when choosing the girls to message when it comes to looks.
Everyone that does reply or that I meet has been very nice, even if it didn't go anywhere in the end.
Don't fall into the trap of feeling bitter and blaming others in online dating. It won't do you any good and just makes you feel bad. Taking a break from it might be better then.
Keep it short. Just say hi and ask something that took your interest in their profile. Maybe a book they read, sport they do, place they visited, etc. No longer then a few lines.i'm trying to get into online sites for the first time. set up an okcupid account. getting used to it, it was pretty uncomfortable at first as presenting myself in a positive way feels like bragging or at least transparent pandering and being very self-deprecating/loathing to compensate i know sends out a horrible message. did manage to write something, and my profile kinda sucks compared to others but i'm trying to improve it slightly each week.
anyway my main question. how long should my first messages to people be and how should they go? i can be a bit intense sometimes, so i sent someone who seemed a good match a really long message, basically a letter about their profile and myself, then got back about a line in reply. felt a bit embarrassed for myself for coming on way too strong, but baby steps. so what kind of thing should i be going for? i'm not good at text chat which is why i wrote something lengthy, but i want to start small and be less intimidating and insane seeming this time. any tips?
Explain what you mean by entitled and conceited?
Really? I don't see that at all. Sure, a lot won't reply, but can you blame them with the amount of messages some get. And if they do turn someone down, there is the risk of the guy going crazy, so it really is better not to sent anything. And lets be honest, us guys are just as picky when choosing the girls to message when it comes to looks.
Everyone that does reply or that I meet has been very nice, even if it didn't go anywhere in the end.
Don't fall into the trap of feeling bitter and blaming others in online dating. It won't do you any good and just makes you feel bad. Taking a break from it might be better then.
Yeh, much better to not reply than potentially get sucked into an argument or harassment. I found some men thought they were entitled to a reply from me and got a bit aggressive when they didn't get it.
Lots of people who roam online dating will not give you courtesy or politeness. They will also generally only go for what they perceive to be the best of the best, as evidenced by the fact that almost every girl I see on OKC replies very selectively (then again so do I, lol).It just seems like they think they're a league above everyone, and can't be bothered to reply unless it's a perfectly guy on the other end. Being nice seems to get you nowhere.
I've sent quite a few messages out, I'll admit. A lot of them have had interesting profiles and attractive pictures, but I'm not exactly picky when it comes to looks.
Yeah, I guess you're right. It's still frustrating, though.
I keep telling myself to take a break, because I'm obsessing over it too much. For years, I was okay with being single, but it's as if I hit puberty again and it's all I'm thinking of.
I've never been aggressive or sent angry follow-up messages.
After you sent a message, put it out of your head and look at the next one. If someone replies, good. If not, nothing lost. Just write short messages so you don't put too much time in it. It's a numbers game basically. And honestly, if I was getting tons of messages from girls, I'd probably be more picky also. We all would. So I wouldn't blame anyone for not replying.Yeah, I guess you're right. It's still frustrating, though.
I keep telling myself to take a break, because I'm obsessing over it too much. For years, I was okay with being single, but it's as if I hit puberty again and it's all I'm thinking of.
Yes, you need to make the plans if she didn't mention anything about it herself. I'd stick to texting. Ask her a few days before if she is still free (maybe around Wednesday or something, so you don't have to keep messaging for days and have a dying conversation). If so, pick a time and place to meet. From there go to a nice bar you know, order some drinks and get to know each other.I mentioned earlier in this thread that I'm meeting up with a girl I met online.
She said she wants to meet up next weekend and I'm already getting really nervous. My social life really sucks and I rarely get to do stuff like this.
Am I supposed to come up with a plan on what we should be doing? Do I call or text her?
Take charge, don't be passive. No matter what anyone tells you, you always want to take charge in a situation like this. Why? It appeals to women because it shows confidence and assertion. Figure out where you want to take her, then text her the time and place. If she can't on that day, ask here when works for her. But do not wait for her to plan stuff.I mentioned earlier in this thread that I'm meeting up with a girl I met online.
She said she wants to meet up next weekend and I'm already getting really nervous. My social life really sucks and I rarely get to do stuff like this.
Am I supposed to come up with a plan on what we should be doing? Do I call or text her?
Agree with this.Take charge, don't be passive. No matter what anyone tells you, you always want to take charge in a situation like this. Why? It appeals to women because it shows confidence and assertion. Figure out where you want to take her, then text her the time and place. If she can't on that day, ask here when works for her. But do not wait for her to plan stuff.
i'm trying to get into online sites for the first time. set up an okcupid account. getting used to it, it was pretty uncomfortable at first as presenting myself in a positive way feels like bragging or at least transparent pandering and being very self-deprecating/loathing to compensate i know sends out a horrible message. did manage to write something, and my profile kinda sucks compared to others but i'm trying to improve it slightly each week.
anyway my main question. how long should my first messages to people be and how should they go? i can be a bit intense sometimes, so i sent someone who seemed a good match a really long message, basically a letter about their profile and myself, then got back about a line in reply. felt a bit embarrassed for myself for coming on way too strong, but baby steps. so what kind of thing should i be going for? i'm not good at text chat which is why i wrote something lengthy, but i want to start small and be less intimidating and insane seeming this time. any tips?
It just seems like they think they're a league above everyone, and can't be bothered to reply unless it's a perfectly guy on the other end. Being nice seems to get you nowhere.
I ended up scaring off the woman (with kids) that I was talking to, because of my mental issues.
I need to stop being so honest, or just accept that I'll always be alone with this untreatable depression, unless I off myself which I don't want to do.
Now just try to get them to respond. I don't think anyone with 90% or more has ever answered me. Something about being a 75-85% match seems to make them respond.So just signed up for OKC. Still trying to work against the stigma of online dating, but hot damn. Reading the profiles of the people you're a 90%+ match with is something else. Incredible.
I was looking at my answered questions and realized that most of them say "Irrelevant" for desired responses. I'm going to go through and be more picky/idealistic and see if it gets me any better results.
Now just try to get them to respond. I don't think anyone with 90% or more has ever answered me. Something about being a 75-85% match seems to make them respond.
How is it possible that every single woman is "Less Sex Driven" than the average woman?
How is it possible that every single woman is "Less Sex Driven" than the average woman?
Is this a selectable status on a dating site? I almost guarantee that's a way to ward off sex pervs. Which is strange... Because most women I've met on dating websites I wound up having sex with one date 1 or 2. Not by design either.
@OCDChewie, are you seeing a therapist for it now? Stuff like that does scare away people since it's very heavy handed stuff. If anything, then maybe you should take a break from dating until you get better. Self-pitying isn't really helping your cause. Women love and always want to focus on positive stuff, not negative stuff.
Just hook on to one thing on their profile - a shared interest or something you are curious about and strike up a conversation from there. Avoid comments on physical traits, no flirting (unless on tinder), just straight conversation. Expect to get no response - but that is better than getting your hopes up.
Being nice isn't a strategy; you are nice or you aren't and you don't get to decide whether you are nice or not.
It is a buyer's market - women have all the power in online dating. That is the reality. In some ways that is unfortunate as you'd like it to be equal, but given all the inequalities in the world that women face it is hard to get worked up about it. Why wouldn't they prioritise those who they think are perfect? I mean... women get more attention than men, it is only logical that they prioritise. You would do the same, given the chance.
If you want a more even playing field go to clubs (as in reading groups/uni societies etc., not nightclubs) or bars and try to communicate with potential partners there. If you want online, just accept the realities, don't get too hung up on any single person and keep at it.
Personally I dislike online because I am better in person than in text form, although okcupid still rates me as hot (or the step above), I just hate typing to people as I can't get to grips with the correct boundaries. Find what works for you.
From reading a few of your posts recently you seem very... eager to speak about problems. That isn't a bad thing, per se, but you do come as quite desperate and fragile. I'm sorry if that is offensive, but sometimes it is hard to understand how one comes across. Obviously mental health is no joke and in some ways your openness about it may be a good thing, but it is probably overwhelming. Keep a bit more coy and outwardly positive in your messages.
No offence and I don't know you, but take care of yourself before trying to take care of someone else.
I've never been aggressive or sent angry follow-up messages.
But some men do and there is no way of telling who is going to and who isn't, which is why it isn't worth replying when you aren't interested.
As for depression, it's not necessarily a deal breaker. I'm on antidepressants for mild depression (though coming off them soonish). I didn't mention it till my third date with my bf, he didn't mind. Just don't make it define you.