I have been using Tinder off and on since around November and yesterday I decided to restart my account for the first time. So now I feel like summarising my first tinder round:
After, what is it? Just over five months, I had accumulated 200 matches, not counting the ones I had unmatched or been unmatched by. That's like, around 1.5 matche per day. I live in a medium sized town in Europe, around 500 k, with my range probably covering up to a population of one million ( though I tend to not care about those further away than 20 km). Out of those 200 I have maybe talked with 20-25, and maybe ten of those have been lengthier conversations. I have met up with three of them and out of those three I have sleept with two. One of those two I had a longer dating/relationship/something-period with, lasting from December to February. So naturally I wasn't (very) active on Tinder during that time. My experiences are as follows:
It's been working semi-well, but not as good as I had hoped. The fact that I rarely innitiate the conversation is of course a big factor. But I hate taking the first step, same as in real life. It's of course hard to rate your own apperance, but judging from IRL succes at clubs etc I know that I'm better looking than most, though nothing close to a 'hunk'. So I feel that my match count probably should be higher? I have been not been overly picky, I say yes to maybe 1/4 on average. That wich has worked best for me is exchange students or tourists. They tend to a bit nicer than the rest, because let's face it, attractive girls probably don't need tinder. But people new in town actually have an excuse and also tend to be more dedicated to meeting up.
I have tried a few different approaches to photos. At first I had a picture of me in an exotic landscape holding a SLR camera, but where I didn't look very attractive. Later I changed to a simple selfie where I looked good ( in my eyes at least ). I also tried a more humoros photo of myself and one more vauge looking photo to "lure" them into my profile. The good looking selfie generated way less matches than the picture with the camera and the funny one; the vauge one was a little bit worse than the others, but not as bad as the selfie. Conslusion: context is much more important than looks, at least for the opening picture, you have to spark an interest, and a selfie does not.
When it comes to actually writing with the girls, the one that didn't seem intersted at all (short responses, never asking follow up questions etc) was the one that I had most succes with. Everyone has their own style of writing, and it's always hard to judge someones intententions from text alone. I was the one that initiated the conversation with both of the girls that I later sleept with.
From my experience, the Tinder-algorithm have some serious issues. For example I tend to get more matches if I'm being picky, if I just decide to spam like on everyone (wich I've tried from time to time), I tend to not match with anyone. My theory is that if you like too many people, you do not get placed at the beging of the people you likes deck, wich seems to be the case othervise (since I usually match with the first ten people if I've been inactive for a long period). Also I seem to get more matches directly after editing my profile (however small the change is; for example swapping the order of the pictures). I think this might bump you 'higher' in the deck. All in all I've experienced tons of glitches, like matches disappearing and then reappearing after reinstalling the app, the app saying that there no new people in my area, while my friend gets people on his Tinder than I haven't seen yet. People that show up in my deck days later. I have also heard of friends that have liked each for fun other without getting a match. Etc etc. All in all, I do not entierly trust Tinder, but do take all of this with a grain of salt, since it's pure speculation.