My name is .... and your profile has caught my attention. The first thing I noticed was your smirk, it's a creative smile after all, and that yes you have brown eyes. The bit about serial daters stands out too. What you said is honest and respectable. The pool is muddied when the intention is to get many dates and in some cases turn it into a blog to shame people. That's not cool and very shady.
With that out of the way, want to trade numbers?
I'm just kidding
I also actually noticed we had some things in common. I really enjoy going out to the movies, though I haven't had a chance to experience a luxury theater yet. We share a common liking of wine tasting (no better place than the Bay Area imo) for that. So many wineries and festivals to choose from. When I'm not with family or working, I enjoy going for walks too. Someone needs to teach me how to hike. Either way there's nothing better than some fresh air and sun on the skin. Thankfully the weather had gotten decidedly better for that.
And I wanted to go back to your affection for dogs. I've always wanted to British boxer, but recently encountered a greyhound at work who's absolutely adorable. What's your preference?