I think it's about time for a massive rewrite, so I wouldn't mind a little extra advice in addition to what I've already seen from others here.
Make the second picture your main one :3
Hopefully you won't mind me quoting some stuff. If you don't want me to in the thread I'll remove it. It's essentially "parts of your written profile I think you should cut out". I'm not commenting on the length per se, just bits where you over-explain/ramble too long.
What I'm doing with my life:
"Summer vacation from work just started for me, so I've been somewhat busy planning just how I'm going to spend all of this free time that I've found myself with. I think I'm going to try and do a lot of exploring the state. I may even try to take that swing dancing class they offer in Fountain Square. There is a ton of stuff to see out there, might as well take a glance now and again." - Seems better to talk about in messages.
"If they don't get calloused, I'm probably going to start wearing a couple pairs of socks. I've heard that it can really reduce the friction on your actual feet." - ...I don't think that's... needed...
"I actually had the opportunity to teach a class of my own last semester. I'm pretty sure the experience killed off most of my interest in pursuing an actual career in teaching. Of course, I was dealing with freshman kids during their first few months at high school and was teaching a class that would probably be a heck of lot more useful for seniors (preparing for college and careers), so it probably wasn't representative of most teaching positions.
I really do enjoy my job though. My favorite thing, of course, is the built in vacation time. I have plenty of free time to do whatever I want at the end of every 9 weeks. 2 weeks each in fall, winter, and spring, with 2 months off in the summer. I love it. Of course, it would be ten times better if it were paid." - I'd say condense these into one paragraph. Also, no need to explain what your vacation days are--most people would have a general idea since you said you were a teacher.
"I don't make a whole lot, but I really can't complain too much. I could totally do with some benefits though. They'll come if I stay at the school for a while longer because it's likely I'll become an instructional assistant.
I will say, that it does tend to get a bit monotonous at times. It would be nice to have some responsibility and actual work to do every once in a while, which an IA position would provide." - Not really important information for a profile, since it doesn't say anything at all about you personally.
I'm really good at:
"I think that skill kind of comes from the fact that I am quite the quick study and pick up a variety of things very easily. Of course, I constantly need to refresh my skillset or I'll end up forgetting how to do things and have to relearn it all from scratch. I probably became such an easy learner to make up for my impossibly bad memory. " - This doesn't really explain what you're good at
First things people notice:
"My handwriting is atrocious. Like, completely terrible. Worse than a doctor's, in fact. However, my cursive is still a million times better than my print. When writing in print, I can sometimes leave up to an inch of empty space between letters in a single word and I have absolutely no clue as to why. It's better if I just write in cursive (easier on the hand too). Why would people even notice my handwriting in the first place? Well, I guess I'm just used to the whole school environment where I usually have something I'm working on out in front of me." - People really notice your handwriting before anything else? This doesn't really fit well with your other two examples. Only your students would notice that first.
Favorite stuff:
Ditch the first paragraph. It's not really needed.
The lists in general in this area seem a bit long... but honestly, I suppose that isn't a big deal.
Six things:
Typically it's best to just keep this as a list... without explanations. Gives people a reason to try to puzzle your thinking out, and ask questions.
I spend a lot of time thinking about:
I... just... try to make each "bullet point" less than 2-3 sentences. All your explanations here seem really rambly, and don't really have a lot of information about
you and
your personality. Not that there isn't something there, but it's getting lost in the wall of text in this area.
Friday night:
The first paragraph is fine. Keep that, scrap the rest of it, unnecessary.
Private thing:
I'm just skipping this, since I have no real advice on that one.
Message me:
Again, first paragraph is fine, the rest is needless fluff.
TL;DR version: Your profile has waaaaaaaay too much fluff in it. You write a lot (A LOT), but it really doesn't have as much substance about you as you think. It's full of random comments that don't need to be there (see the quotes I pulled above for some examples) that not only provide no meaningful information, but also make you seem a bit of a rambler/scatterbrained on top of it. A lot of these little tidbits would be fun to do in the messaging stage, but it's wasted in the profile.
Lemme put it this way. After combing through your profile, here's what I remember about you without me glancing at your profile while making this list:
- You're a teacher.
- You're currently walking a lot, and need to wear socks.
- Family is important.
- You don't get paid a lot, and have two jobs.
- Quiet
- Bad handwriting
- You like a lot of media (but forget most of it when you're done?)
That's... about it. Obviously there's a bit more there, but it's not going to all stand out because readers need to sift through a lot of stuff to get any pertinent info. Despite all those words, you're not really standing out amongst most of the other guys out there, but the big difference is that they are much, much more succinct about it. People will not want to wade through such a long profile to find out if you're worth it... and those that do, well, might come away disappointed because you haven't put too much about yourself that's unique to you (and if you did, it's too hidden to stand out).
It might take a lot of revisions, but it's worth working through and cutting out as much as you can.
...Ah, shit.
TL;DR version for the TL;DR version: Cut out out the rambles and the fluff, and your profile would be half the length.