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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond

Second date with the girl from wednesday today. Well I think this it GAF, I never thought I would meet someone I feel an instant mutual connection to on freaking tinder.
She's a 6ft tall, gorgeous, smart and witty special ed teacher. Meeting again tomorrow, that's just crazy...
Could've had a date tonight with someone. Made up an excuse (plans were never definite, anyway) and rescheduled because I'm just not feeling it. It's not her -- she actually seems pretty cool, and we agreed to meet up after talking an hour on OKC -- but I'm just leery of starting the entire dating process all over again after this past L shook me hard.

Not feeling very confident at all.

Going out with friends instead. I'd rather kick off my weekend with something effortless.


Second date with the girl from wednesday today. Well I think this it GAF, I never thought I would meet someone I feel an instant mutual connection to on freaking tinder.
She's a 6ft tall, gorgeous, smart and witty special ed teacher. Meeting again tomorrow, that's just crazy...

Hope it goes well :3

Could've had a date tonight with someone. Made up an excuse (plans were never definite, anyway) and rescheduled because I'm just not feeling it. It's not -- she actually seems pretty cool, and we agreed to meet up after talking an hour on OKC -- but I'm just leery of starting the entire dating process all over again after this past L shook me hard.

Not feeling very confident at all.

Going out with friends instead. I'd rather kick off my weekend with something effortless.

Totes understand on taking a weekend just to let yourself unwind. It's always good to do that!

But don't let online dating get you down with a rough patch. Everyone has them! You'll get back into it soon. You're a lawyer after all, you're not allowed to not be confident in yourself :p
Totes understand on taking a weekend just to let yourself unwind. It's always good to do that!

But don't let online dating get you down with a rough patch. Everyone has them! You'll get back into it soon. You're a lawyer after all, you're not allowed to not be confident in yourself :p

Last night was OK -- went out to another comedy routine, hung out with a friend, and met some of her friends. Ended on a sour note when they went to a club and I got vaguely fifth-wheeled, but on balance, it was solid. Will definitely be going back to that place! Found a hidden gem.

Have a date tomorrow, too. Plus a second date with Coffee Girl on Thursday, and I've spent the night talking to someone on OKC who messaged me; it's already shifted into drunk texts. We're going out Friday. Guess I've still got some game!
Back at the grind after a hiatus and getting that discouraging feel all over again. Messaged a 99% match on OKCupid and still sitting on my heels for a response after 4 days. :/


Went out with a really amazing girl last night. Went bowling then I took her to a german restaurant. Sadly she doesn't want a follow up because I'm still in school (despite that being listed on my profile???). Really hurts when you connect w/someone and get the rejection afterwards.
Still texting this girl from yesterday. It's been nonstop banter, giving each other shit, talking about drinking bourbon while playing Mario 3 on her Nintendo, and culminating with a bikini selfie from her party last night. I don't even want to wait until Friday - if this keeps up, I think I'll just invite her over tomorrow night. Really hope she finds me attractive.

Ramen/sake date in a few hours with another cool chick, have a second date with a cute girl who shares my love for Bernie Sanders on Thursday, and I'm trading messages with a gorgeous doctor who's starting her residency here.

I sincerely hope one of these candidates in this round sticks...
Yeah, I think I found my new girlfriend on tinder.

And like always I fell ass backwards into a relationship before even realizing what hit me, I'm still convinced I have no game at all when it comes to real life dating.


Feeling kinda invincible now, at least when it comes to hooking up dates. I'm sure I'll eat my words sooner or later, but eh. I'm feeling myself right now. That said I haven't been on a date with someone looking for something serious in a little while, maybe because I been off OKC.

Gray Matter

Feeling kinda invincible now, at least when it comes to hooking up dates. I'm sure I'll eat my words sooner or later, but eh. I'm feeling myself right now. That said I haven't been on a date with someone looking for something serious in a little while, maybe because I been off OKC.

I have noticed a pattern with you. You feel confident for while, then you hit a slump, and then get back on the horse. It's a cycle.


I guess so, but I'm feeling way confident now like I never have before. That said it's been a bunch of dates with girls just looking for a hook up. I guess I've just come to accept that.

Yesterday I got hit up by a girl who just wanted me to come over. She has a gf but wanted some company, smoking hot. We were gonna meet at a bar but she got cold feet, which is cool. We talked on the phone after and she regretted canceling. Doesn't know when she'd be able to do something like that again. We'll see.

I'd trade it all to be in a relationship with a hot blonde, but whateves.
Last night's date went well -- cute, sarcastic, hilarious girl, and what I expected to be a couple hours turned into 5.

Before I even went out, I was texting that other girl, whom I haven't met yet, all afternoon. Apparently I'm killing it with her. We'd already made plans for Friday, but I actually told her that Friday was too long of a wait and said, "Cancel your other plans." I've never been this assertive before.

She texted me today, letting me know that her plans fell through and that she wanted to grab a drink tonight. Getting ready now.


Back at the grind after a hiatus and getting that discouraging feel all over again. Messaged a 99% match on OKCupid and still sitting on my heels for a response after 4 days. :/
Try messaging her again since women get inundated with new messages from would-be suitors left and right.

A girl I'd reply to 3 days after I responded to her fell off with her reply. I never heard back from her. I messaged again today to let her know I still exist. If they don't reply after the second time, chalk it up as their loss, and move on.
Went out with a really amazing girl last night. Went bowling then I took her to a german restaurant. Sadly she doesn't want a follow up because I'm still in school (despite that being listed on my profile???). Really hurts when you connect w/someone and get the rejection afterwards.
That sounds like such a poor excuse to dismiss someone. She probably thought that both of you were at different points in your lives. She's going to have a hard time dating guys that are in grad school but have a professional job.
I have noticed a pattern with you. You feel confident for while, then you hit a slump, and then get back on the horse. It's a cycle.

Online dating.™

So a little update on my front. I've been kinda realizing why I don't like OKC as much as I like Tinder: message person with outrageous/mundane message---->person lurks on profile if no reply---> rinse and repeat. I've been keeping a fun attitude about it but I've thought about messaging the girls that lurk on my a second time on a whim with pls respond.;p
I'm being facetious.

I keep thinking the pictures I currently have on my profile might suck or many girls I message aren't into Hispanic guys. I welcome feedback on it.. Then again, I really have nothing to lose and take a what you see is what you get approach.

However, not all has been all doom and gloom in my OKC messaging adventures since I've been messaging a fellow illustrator girl who it turned out was tabling at a con I volunteered at a few months ago. She told me she had a bad experience at New York Comic Con but I swept that conversation under the rug and focused on positive stuff. The probability of me meeting up with her this week is very, very high because if it there's no chemistry, then I'll definitely suggest being friends.

The downside is my phone situation is down at the moment since I'm sans phone/haven't paid off my bill but that will change soon enough.

@Lulubop, I found your Missed Connections post on craigslist but will refrain from posting it to respect your privacy. It's a long shot/very low probability that she'll see it but I read an article several months ago about some people meeting their SO's through finding the other party's post.


I keep thinking the pictures I currently have on my profile might suck or many girls I message aren't into Hispanic guys. I welcome feedback on it.. Then again, I really have nothing to lose and take a what you see is what you get approach.

You dropped a ".com" in your link. Fixed in the above. Only thing I'd say is that you have two pics of you sleeveless. From many of the profiles I've read, girls don't like it when there's pics that focus too much on a guy's body. But that's just what they're saying. Whether they mean it, or what they're actually looking for, I have no idea. My inbox can attest to that.


You dropped a ".com" in your link. Fixed in the above. Only thing I'd say is that you have two pics of you sleeveless. From many of the profiles I've read, girls don't like it when there's pics that focus too much on a guy's body. But that's just what they're saying. Whether they mean it, or what they're actually looking for, I have no idea. My inbox can attest to that.
Thanks for the heads up! I fixed the link in my post and thanked you in the edit. ;)

That's a damn good point you're making since it seems I've been giving out the wrong vibes. I'm not really looking for hookups on OKC but I'll change up the pictures so I don't send out the wrong message. It's already contradicting what I have written on my profile. I'll eliminate one of the pictures and replace with an older picture where I'm not showing as much skin. You think I should make a picture where I show less skin my main picture? I've driving myself nuts with alternating pictures.


You dropped a ".com" in your link. Fixed in the above. Only thing I'd say is that you have two pics of you sleeveless. From many of the profiles I've read, girls don't like it when there's pics that focus too much on a guy's body. But that's just what they're saying. Whether they mean it, or what they're actually looking for, I have no idea. My inbox can attest to that.

I feel it's sort of a fine line in that aspect. Like, women wanna know what kind of bodies the men have (so only face pics are a no-go), but at the same time they don't want the men to be too pompous about it--like, you know, the guys that have the profile pics of them shirtless and flexing.

I keep thinking the pictures I currently have on my profile might suck or many girls I message aren't into Hispanic guys. I welcome feedback on it.. Then again, I really have nothing to lose and take a what you see is what you get approach.

I feel the second pic really hurts you. It's the only picture you have of your face close up, but the coloring makes you look really off. I'd say take a different close up photo of you with more normal lighting, put that as your main pic, and scrap #2. I like #1 and #3, and I don't feel one way or the other toward #4 (so you might as well keep it :D)
Last night's date went well -- cute, sarcastic, hilarious girl, and what I expected to be a couple hours turned into 5.

Before I even went out, I was texting that other girl, whom I haven't met yet, all afternoon. Apparently I'm killing it with her. We'd already made plans for Friday, but I actually told her that Friday was too long of a wait and said, "Cancel your other plans." I've never been this assertive before.

She texted me today, letting me know that her plans fell through and that she wanted to grab a drink tonight. Getting ready now.

Have you posted your profile here before?


I feel it's sort of a fine line in that aspect. Like, women wanna know what kind of bodies the men have (so only face pics are a no-go), but at the same time they don't want the men to be too pompous about it--like, you know, the guys that have the profile pics of them shirtless and flexing.

I feel the second pic really hurts you. It's the only picture you have of your face close up, but the coloring makes you look really off. I'd say take a different close up photo of you with more normal lighting, put that as your main pic, and scrap #2. I like #1 and #3, and I don't feel one way or the other toward #4 (so you might as well keep it :D)
It's a bit ironic when women show skin in as a main picture but I suppose the context matters a lot such if it's at a beach as opposed to it being shameless mirror shot in front of a picture looking like a douche. On Tinder it's easier to get away with that since the general nature of it is to look for hook ups and play up the assets. A girl with a close up shot of her ass "Liked" me earlier but I ignored it.

That's probably because the white balance is way off thanks to the point and shoot camera that I've been using to take pictures of myself. I'm not at home at the moment (at a college computer) but I'll change it once I get home and dutifully note taking a clear close up shot. I nixed one of the sleeveless pictures as well as the second picture you mentioned above. I'm probably going to replace the 4th one with another picture of me at a drawing event.

Sadly, I don't have that many good pictures of myself this year unless it was at PAX East with Giant Bomb peeps but even then, I'm trying not to attract nerdy girls. I suppose using at least one to two pictures are 1-2 years in addition to recent pics would help. I'll update you guys once I change it up later.


And now for a bit of sad news on my end. Unfortunately the girl in question that I've been talking is going to be leaving for Ireland this weekend and has no time to meet up. It's bad timing but with it being the summer season and all, it happens; I know the week-before-travel-stress all too well. =/

Going to tell her that I understand and to let me know when she gets back. Although if past experience has taught me anything, is that interest usually fizzles after girls get back because there's usually zero communication (unless the vacation is within the country) within that time frame. I think I'm going to suggest exchanging numbers at the very least lest my message get drowned in the sea of dudes messages once she gets back.


And now for a bit of sad news on my end. Unfortunately the girl in question that I've been talking is going to be leaving for Ireland this weekend and has no time to meet up. It's bad timing but with it being the summer season and all, it happens; I know the week-before-travel-stress all too well. =/

Going to tell her that I understand and to let me know when she gets back. Although if past experience has taught me anything, is that interest usually fizzles after girls get back because there's usually zero communication (unless the vacation is within the country) within that time frame. I think I'm going to suggest exchanging numbers at the very least lest my message get drowned in the sea of dudes messages once she gets back.

Very anecdotal, so take it for what it's worth. Had a first date with a girl via OKC on a Friday. Went well, good fun and chemistry. Problem is that I was leaving for a trip for 1 1/2 weeks the next Wednesday. So I was bold and told her I wanted to see her again before I left. So we arranged another date on Monday, and it went well too. While texting, she gave me her email to keep in touch while I was away. So, while on my trip, I just casually sent her an email about the trip. The place I was staying, what I did that was interesting, the food, the weather, etc. Just fairly trivial things, and she'd reply back with her daily observations as well. We sent each other a few emails along the way, it was actually very 'pen pal'-ish. But you know what, it seemed to work, kept me on her mind, and when I came back, we just started texting and dating again as though I hadn't been away for 10 days. I'm still dating her :)


I need helping up girls at like a bar. I got no wing man.
Why dont 'you post that in the NYC GAF thread? I'm sure there's plenty of single guys that will be down to help wing as well as married dudes. Number47 would usually chat up a girl in a bar to help wing during meet ups.
Very anecdotal, so take it for what it's worth. Had a first date with a girl via OKC on a Friday. Went well, good fun and chemistry. Problem is that I was leaving for a trip for 1 1/2 weeks the next Wednesday. So I was bold and told her I wanted to see her again before I left. So we arranged another date on Monday, and it went well too. While texting, she gave me her email to keep in touch while I was away. So, while on my trip, I just casually sent her an email about the trip. The place I was staying, what I did that was interesting, the food, the weather, etc. Just fairly trivial things, and she'd reply back with her daily observations as well. We sent each other a few emails along the way, it was actually very 'pen pal'-ish. But you know what, it seemed to work, kept me on her mind, and when I came back, we just started texting and dating again as though I hadn't been away for 10 days. I'm still dating her :)
Interesting that you managed to keep the interest alive during your trip. I did that with a girl last year who was on vacation in another state. She was down to meet up after that but alas, it didn't go past a second date.

I responded by asking her if there's some kind of way I can keep in contact with her since I know that she probably won't be checking her OKC during her vacation. She'll be gone until the beginning the fall so late August/early September since she told me she'll be tabling at a con on weekend of the 14th of September. In a sense, I got the impression that she thinks I should move on. In another sense, the messages already feel pen pal-ish. Fingers crossed!

I overhauled my pictures as promised. Hit me with the feedback. The main picture is a picture that I took of myself in late May this year but my hair still looks more or less the same but is longer obviously and I have more beard on the cheeks.


I overhauled my pictures as promised. Hit me with the feedback. The main picture is a picture that I took of myself in late May this year but my hair still looks more or less the same but is longer obviously and I have more beard on the cheeks.

...I'm not a fan of the green shirt pic. You seem to be carrying some sadness in the eyes, and the lack of a smile doesn't help either. The photo of you with the camera has a great smile, at least what we can see of it. You manage to put that smile front and center, I think it'd play well.

I am also envious of your beard. Tried to grow out my facial hair once. All neck.


Why dont 'you post that in the NYC GAF thread? I'm sure there's plenty of single guys that will be down to help wing as well as married dudes. Number47 would usually chat up a girl in a bar to help wing during meet ups.

Interesting that you managed to keep the interest alive during your trip. I did that with a girl last year who was on vacation in another state. She was down to meet up after that but alas, it didn't go past a second date.

I responded by asking her if there's some kind of way I can keep in contact with her since I know that she probably won't be checking her OKC during her vacation. She'll be gone until the beginning the fall so late August/early September since she told me she'll be tabling at a con on weekend of the 14th of September. In a sense, I got the impression that she thinks I should move on. In another sense, the messages already feel pen pal-ish. Fingers crossed!

I overhauled my pictures as promised. Hit me with the feedback. The main picture is a picture that I took of myself in late May this year but my hair still looks more or less the same but is longer obviously and I have more beard on the cheeks.

Lol I kinda did if you read my answers in the questionnaire. I been bar hopping in Williamsburg the last two Saturdays with nothing to show for. Well kinda, but she was from Tinder. I just can't approach.


Interesting that you managed to keep the interest alive during your trip. I did that with a girl last year who was on vacation in another state. She was down to meet up after that but alas, it didn't go past a second date.

I responded by asking her if there's some kind of way I can keep in contact with her since I know that she probably won't be checking her OKC during her vacation. She'll be gone until the beginning the fall so late August/early September since she told me she'll be tabling at a con on weekend of the 14th of September. In a sense, I got the impression that she thinks I should move on. In another sense, the messages already feel pen pal-ish. Fingers crossed!
Wow, that's a long time to be away. Sounds like if you decide to keep contact, it should be pretty casual with no expectations/hyperinvestment on your part.


I keep hearing the same thing from my Tinder dates - the messages they receive are pretty much exclusively variations of "hi", "how are you doing?" or "wanna fuck?". Yes I know bringing up the dating platform isn't the best idea, but it has actually been her the last few times. Anyway, just want to put that out there - put just a little effort in your first message and you're way ahead of the pack.


Lol I kinda did if you read my answers in the questionnaire. I been bar hopping in Williamsburg the last two Saturdays with nothing to show for. Well kinda, but she was from Tinder. I just can't approach.
Hahaha, you got me man. Guilty as charged. I gotta follow up with DoktorEvil to see what the sitrep is on the fabled GAF meet up that's supposed to be brewing next month. Try posting a request for that again?

I might be in Williamsburg this weekend to meet up with some staff members at a rooftop bar for this website I write for. Emphasis on the might pending on the boss's email because she canned it last week.

Normally when I'm out in bars, I go to relax not necessarily to to pick up girls so maybe taking Woodchuck's approach of you'll get it when you don't look for it would help.

A friend of mines was pressuring me to talk to these two women who sat next to us at bar last week but I dismissed it. I think the woman sitting next might have been interested since she glanced at the drawing I was doing of my friend. Pretty sure I could have said something as smooth as "Would you like me to draw you too?"

You can look into single guys meetup groups or check nerdyorkcity since they usually have cosplay parties at bars in the weekend. But any way this is way off-topic.

Wow, that's a long time to be away. Sounds like if you decide to keep contact, it should be pretty casual with no expectations/hyperinvestment on your part.
Yeah, I agree. In the past I've had girls who had been gone for long as a full month, came back, and got cold feet. I also got a little bit too invested with a girl who lived a state over that I never met up with before we agreed to give each other the cold feet/fizzle.

As of this time, there's been no reply so I'm going to delete the messages and move on. It's safe to say that that's what she was hinting at that I do. I was hoping it would lead to getting a decent friend out of it but c'est la vie. Onwards and upwards!

Update: Reply from a new girl I messaged! I guess backslashbunny's advice that I put a smiling shot as a main pic is going to pay off!


When I go to a bar I usually just stand around and try to look cute hoping some drunken girl will approach me. It never really works out that way, unless on a train apparently or on a date which has happened to me before. It doesn't really help that I have a serious resting bitch face and I can seem very unapproachable. I usually think am I pretty good looking dude relative to where ever I go, but I've always been extremely shy to people I've never said a word to. I just wanna be able to say fucking hi.

Also it's kinda hard to find bars with a good amount of single chicks, especially on a weekday. I know a few, like the 13th step or Fat Cat but I fucking hate both of those places. I'll ask in the NYC Gaf thread for some recs.
Nah your profile is great. Just feels a bit odd liking a guy's profile.

I'd invite you to the next T-Swift concert. <3

... anyway, another girl with whom I've exchanged messages pinged me this morning, even though I last replied over the July 4th weekend. She's texting me now too (although I'm not really invested; she seems fun, and ordinarily I'd be really into it...), because I told her point-blank that we should just go out and dropped my number.

I'm Lulubopping this. It's crazy. The adage of "give no fucks" is 100% correct.


Hey, guys!
I just recently had a match with an interesting girl on tinder. We have quite a few things in common, so we had a lot to chat about, e.g. music, movies, etc.
After a day of chatting on tinder, I suggested to switch to WhatsApp, which went perfectly fine, so we continued to chit-chat with some playful banters.
Then she suggested to meet up tomorrow at a bar, she's working at, which I gladly accepted.
Yeah, then things got a bit weird, as her texts became shorter and shorter and more infrequent, until she went cold and didn't respond back.
Momentarily she hasn't "read" my last message on WhatsApp (check marks still grey), but has been online throughout the day. Fyi, it was me asking when to meet up.
I don't plan on sending her another message until she has at least read it. Kinda weird.
So, anyone who has an idea what has happened here?

Edit.: Now she has seen the message but obviously didn't respond. Eh... Time to move on again.


Hey, guys!
I just recently had a match with an interesting girl on tinder. We have quite a few things in common, so we had a lot to chat about, e.g. music, movies, etc.
After a day of chatting on tinder, I suggested to switch to WhatsApp, which went perfectly fine, so we continued to chit-chat with some playful banters.
Then she suggested to meet up tomorrow at a bar, she's working at, which I gladly accepted.
Yeah, then things got a bit weird, as her texts became shorter and shorter and more infrequent, until she went cold and didn't respond back.
Momentarily she hasn't "read" my last message on WhatsApp (check marks still grey), but has been online throughout the day. Fyi, it was me asking when to meet up.
I don't plan on sending her another message until she has at least read it. Kinda weird.
So, anyone who has an idea what has happened here?

Edit.: Now she has seen the message but obviously didn't respond. Eh... Time to move on again.

A bit odd considering she asked you out. She most likely is talking to someone else that she finds more interesting, though.


Speaking of going all out I have a few potential dates for today and tomorrow. Like 4 possible dates tomorrow for some reason. We'll see what happens, I don't have Friday or Saturday off so this is how I compensate. I'm just waiting to be knocked down a peg at this point.
What do you text a girl that you wouldn't mind seeing again, but whom you'd actually be okay just being friends with? The girl from Sunday -- I like her, we laughed, and she was pretty damn cool -- and I don't want to be rude and simply ignore her. But I already have dates lined up Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night.
What do you text a girl that you wouldn't mind seeing again, but whom you'd actually be okay just being friends with? The girl from Sunday -- I like her, we laughed, and she was pretty damn cool -- and I don't want to be rude and simply ignore her. But I already have dates lined up Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night.

I would say something like it was really nice meeting her, you didn't feel any chemistry but wouldn't mind hanging out again as friends. Leave the ball in her court: if she wants to see you again she'll be in touch, if not then thanks for the date and good luck, etc.
I would say something like it was really nice meeting her, you didn't feel any chemistry but wouldn't mind hanging out again as friends. Leave the ball in her court: if she wants to see you again she'll be in touch, if not then thanks for the date and good luck, etc.

Actually, I did feel chemistry, though. A little. Anyway, I asked if she wanted to go trail running sometime, or complete the second half of the ramen taste test we devised. (These are not romantic activities in the slightest, and I can honestly say that I'm booked this weekend.) If she responds, great; if not, I won't have heartburn over it. I just didn't want to leave someone hanging altogether.

"Be the change you want to see in the online dating world," or something.
Actually, I did feel chemistry, though. A little. Anyway, I asked if she wanted to go trail running sometime, or complete the second half of the ramen taste test we devised. (These are not romantic activities in the slightest, and I can honestly say that I'm booked this weekend.) If she responds, great; if not, I won't have heartburn over it. I just didn't want to leave someone hanging altogether.

"Be the change you want to see in the online dating world," or something.

I feel like romantic or not they're still one-on-one activities that may give off a non-platonic vibe. Saying you didn't feel chemistry nips it in the bud so your intentions aren't ambiguous.

But the fact you've left it until now to get back to her (when your date was last Sunday) might be the answer she needs (you're just not that into her).


you can't put a price on sparks
I hit the actual bottom of the barrel in coffee meets bagel, it won't even give me anyone to pass on anymore lol

Probably going to uninstall that thing now. Only 1 date came out of it.

Pof seemed to pick up in activity all of a sudden, but no conversations yet, just more views and meet me matches. I think a spammer messaged me and all they said was "enjoyed reading your profile" and that was it. No response to my message back spammer or not.


I hit the actual bottom of the barrel in coffee meets bagel, it won't even give me anyone to pass on anymore lol

Probably going to uninstall that thing now. Only 1 date came out of it.

Pof seemed to pick up in activity all of a sudden, but no conversations yet, just more views and meet me matches. I think a spammer messaged me and all they said was "enjoyed reading your profile" and that was it. No response to my message back spammer or not.

I gave up on CMB last year when they would only offer up people two hours away, but list people you could buy access to in my town.


Actually, I did feel chemistry, though. A little. Anyway, I asked if she wanted to go trail running sometime, or complete the second half of the ramen taste test we devised. (These are not romantic activities in the slightest, and I can honestly say that I'm booked this weekend.) If she responds, great; if not, I won't have heartburn over it. I just didn't want to leave someone hanging altogether.

"Be the change you want to see in the online dating world," or something.

You can do that and all, but you should make sure she knows these aren't dates, just friendly get togethers. Those activities could easily be seen as date ideas and you don't wanna sting her along.
You can do that and all, but you should make sure she knows these aren't dates, just friendly get togethers. Those activities could easily be seen as date ideas and you don't wanna sting her along.

I'll be honest: I'm keeping my options open at the moment. In any case, she responded that work was busy and that we should touch base later on, so I'm 98% she understood, but -- I also had a giant red flag raised with the girl whom I was interested in most. It's all so complicated. I'm really looking forward to when I can lock down a "girlfriend" and stop worrying about this, but I've already been so burned by merely leaning towards someone, only to have her say she wanted something purely casual.
Is Tinder even working at this point?

I went through every like I can spend in a day and had ONE match, who hasn't been on tinder in over a week.

Also I need tips for what pictures to use.


Homeland Security Fail
Working for me. I had a tinder date this past Tuesday. I'm going over her house Friday night for "Netflix and chill."

But I haven't gotten many likes the past month or two. Online dating is fickle as fuck, man.
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