Went on a date with a pretty cool girl I met online last night.
Cool person, no chemistry. And that's starting to become a pattern. I'm running into a bunch of really nice girls. But then we go on a date and I can keep a conversation going for hours on end, but I'm having a hard time spicing things up.
I know you're looking for something more, but most people wouldn't say a one night stand is a loss.
Also, didn't you say she was moving in a couple weeks (months?) anyway, or was that someone else?
I've been there before man and it's not because I have my expectations set high. Pretty much every Tinder date I've been on has been cool girl but no chemistry either from my end, their end, or both and I usually had to initiate things afterwards. The same has applied OKC dates as well. In every case. the girl ended the date. It feels like you're constantly walking into dead ends. That's one of the reasons why I took a break from dating. Hopefully you have more dates lined up and I hear you on dates being pricey.Went on a date with a pretty cool girl I met online last night.
Cool person, no chemistry. And that's starting to become a pattern. I'm running into a bunch of really nice girls. But then we go on a date and I can keep a conversation going for hours on end, but I'm having a hard time spicing things up.
Pray do tell us your findings.I've learned so much from this venture. It's quite surreal.
If I told you, this thread would backfire on me in a hurry. Let me give it a few days to think it over....I've been there before man and it's not because I have my expectations set high. Pretty much every Tinder date I've been on has been cool girl but no chemistry either from my end, their end, or both and I usually had to initiate things afterwards. The same has applied OKC dates as well. In every case. the girl ended the date. It feels like you're constantly walking into dead ends. That's one of the reasons why I took a break from dating. Hopefully you have more dates lined up and I hear you on dates being pricey.
Pray do tell us your findings.
@Lulubop, get back on that horse man. I think you're trying too hard to seek a relationship with girls when you should just let it play out. It seems that that's where your frustration seems to be stemming from. You have plenty of silver linings any way so why drive yourself insane over one girl? Maybe playing some Ultra Street Fighter IV will do you some good.
So I've begun messaging girls on OKC and it feels a bit awkward the whole messaging dance where I send message, girl lurks on m profile, rinse and repeat. It feels like my pictures aren't that good considering that I haven't taken any that I deem super good this year (by that I mean out with friends, etc.). I keep reminding myself to approach as having fun/relaxed, less as a chore since I'm not looking to take it seriously/seek out a long term relationship but friends is on the plate.
Too many profiles I've ran into have a variation of Netflix, differences between your/you're when in some cases, they ironically have typos on their profiles (hilarious), going out with friends, etc. I ignore the whole match percentage thing when looking at profiles since that doesn't matter to me. You gotta love online dating eh?
Hahaha, South Koreans are usually open to dating Hispanics than other Asians based on what I've observed with friends. My brother once went out with a Korean girl for a couple of dates but left her when she wanted to be exclusive. To this day, he remembers her being one of the more memorable girls he messed around with.Korean, like from Korea. Shit was new territory for me breh, But I'm over it. And yea, I guess I'm stressing it because I'd like something a bit more serious with a person I'm actually into.
Nothing really shaking for me this weekend.
If I told you, this thread would backfire on me in a hurry. Let me give it a few days to think it over....
I did gander at the profile of the last girl I dated, as a freshman in high school. How pathetic is that? Ahaha. Might send a message, probably my best shot at getting a response.![]()
Well I mean, she made it seem like it wasn't just a one night stand, not necessarily something serious. I did talk to her a bit last night, asked her about weekend plans. She said she's gonna be out of town. Sounds like a lot of BS. She was going back home to Korea for a month or so on Monday. I just unfriended her, and deleted her from my contacts. Like be up front about, don't give me the run around. Whatever, I'm not feeling so salty right now.
If I told you, this thread would backfire on me in a hurry. Let me give it a few days to think it over....
I did gander at the profile of the last girl I dated, as a freshman in high school. How pathetic is that? Ahaha. Might send a message, probably my best shot at getting a response.![]()
Ah, it was just a trip. My bad.
That sucks, though, sorry bro. At least you got something outta it, though!
But broooo, I wanna hear it.And we're just people on the interwebs anyway!
(Just ignore me, I'm bored a lot and like hearing stories)
But broooo, I wanna hear it.And we're just people on the interwebs anyway!
(Just ignore me, I'm bored a lot and like hearing stories)
Same issue here. Part of the problem for me is that I'm open to making friends as well. So a first date I always go with the goal of a good conversation and whatever happens beyond it is a bonus. However I did have a great first date recently with great chemistry but I apparently wasn't looking for the same thing (even though I never mentioned what I was looking for).Went on a date with a pretty cool girl I met online last night.
Cool person, no chemistry. And that's starting to become a pattern. I'm running into a bunch of really nice girls. But then we go on a date and I can keep a conversation going for hours on end, but I'm having a hard time spicing things up.
Well if it's a story you want, let me tell you about the past month...so not dating related, but whatever.
Last month my sister got out of jail after six months. That same week her ex-husband, who had full custody of their kids, was hit and killed by a truck. No car accident, just full on man vs truck on the interstate. He was an asshole, so we're not mourning him as much as we're supporting our nieces. At the funeral, his twin sister shows up, ready to take the nieces to California, as that was the deceased's wishes...mother's parental rights be damned. My cousin showed up and convinced them that would be bad, so he acquired temporary custody of them, since he had it before. So now there's a legal battle to determine where the kids go...to their mother, who is jobless, deeply in debt, can't drive, and just got out of jail...or to their aunt, who is happily married to a wealthy man with whom she has two normal children.
Something tells me I shouldn't tell that story on dates. "My family does drama better than TNT" just ain't attractive.
I went to one last year with GK86 almost to this day in another week or two. It was in a rooftop bar of some lounge in the Lower East Side right next to I want to say the Williamsburg Bridge. It was pretty nice.Anyone ever go to one of these OKC events? Usually they seem lame but I'm considering this 90's music night one just as a change of pace.
Same issue here. Part of the problem for me is that I'm open to making friends as well. So a first date I always go with the goal of a good conversation and whatever happens beyond it is a bonus. However I did have a great first date recently with great chemistry but I apparently wasn't looking for the same thing (even though I never mentioned what I was looking for).
Regardless, going out tomorrow night. It's been a while since I lined up a bunch of dates with different girls at once. It's exhausting.
Why didn't you go for a hug? Was the vibe that you got from her that bad when you met up with her?Well, that date was just forgettable. 90 minutes, and I don't remember anything from it I didn't know prior. We spent about 30 min on what it was like being (her major) at (her school). Nary a flirtacious detail in sight!
The greeting was awkard beyond words too. Put my hand out for a handshake, nothing. You know it isn't a good date when there's zero contact.
Need to adjust strategy to help bridge closeness. Fewer questions about past, more about her thoughts...and pick tables that are smaller as to make touching more natural.
Why didn't you go for a hug? Was the vibe that you got from her that bad when you met up with her?
Even on bad dates where I didn't follow up with the girl afterwards, I've always gone for a hug and ended with one (with trying to occasionally be bold and make out but I haven't done that in several months). Who decided to end the date? You or the girl? Sorry for so asking so many questions. Otherwise, no real sweat off your back. It sounds like a date I had with a Brazilian girl way back in December where it was about the 90 minutes and forgettable.
Hey man, some dude got a bj after a starbucks date in the dating OT. might be worth it.
Well the threesome was real, but I backed out. I guess I'm not an orgy guy.
WTF is wrong with me?
Hahhaha oh man I forgot about that night. Thankfully I learned my lesson and don't have to deal with garages anymore.I went to one last year with GK86 almost to this day in another week or two. It was in a rooftop bar of some lounge in the Lower East Side right next to I want to say the Williamsburg Bridge. It was pretty nice.
There were a good amount of women and men intermingling with groups but it was mostly friends that went with other friends for fun/as a back up plan. Saw groups of huge muscular men that would fit right in with the Magic Mike guys as well as your typical girl-next-door looking girls.
It was initially awkward to break the ice as we had to split up to divide and conquer, but once we did, it was fine. We didn't get any numbers out of it, but it was fun in the end. Would totally do it again with some more Online Dating/NYC GAF bros in tow.
And yeah man, I hear on trying to make new friends but usually girls have none of it since I' never mention my intentions which is a bummer.
Good luck on that dating gauntlet! I hope your wallet doesn't take too much of a beating since I'm remembering that ticket that you got slapped with for one of your dates.
Were they hot?
I have a five-year old daughter.It really depends on what kind of thing we're talking about. You don't need to go into huge details, but some context would be useful
I have a five-year old daughter.
Does my daughter live with me? No. Truth be told, I haven't seen my daughter in over a year. Her mother moved away without telling me and has changed all means of contact. It's no excuse but this is why I didn't mention it to my partner as talking about it kills me.Does she live with you?
See above.Tell her you need to talk to her, sit her down and just come out with it. It is something you should have told her from the beginning, though.
Does my daughter live with me? No. Truth be told, I haven't seen my daughter in over a year. Her mother moved away without telling me and has changed all means of contact. It's no excuse but this is why I didn't mention it to my partner as talking about it kills me.
You don't have generic teen movie dudebro sexuality. It's okay, liquor might help.WTF is wrong with me?
Say what? That must have been awkward as sin. You probably got the hell out of dodge as soon you saw her. Never thought it would have happen although IIRC, it's happened to a couple of GAF members in the past.Went on two dates this past week. One went badly (her pics were fake, but I'm so I just slowly let her off). 2nd one went well, she texted that she wanted to see me again, then earlier today she said lets just be friends (hadn't texted her save once w/dorky joke). Talk about a bummer as I felt we were a really solid fit.
I'm starting to have an issue of not even getting "had read" on my messages. Normally I'd say its just a girl w/too many but its happening a bit frequently enough for me to think something is wrong.
I see, that's a lesson well learned. I have very good long term memory. I know the littlest details about people for whatever reason may be such as the name of the girl my older brother lost his virginity to (he forgot).Hahhaha oh man I forgot about that night. Thankfully I learned my lesson and don't have to deal with garages anymore.
I think I may pass on the OKC thing. I don't have any friends who would accompany/save me.
I disagree, it could be for a multitude of reasons not necessarily pertaining to someone stealing her pictures to catfish/troll people with. For instance, some people might choose to make an alternate Facebook account/use a pseudonym on Tinder to protect their professional life so they won't run into anyone they work with (teachers in particular would want to be wary of it).Lol. Was swiping on tinder and run into this account with pictures of a former high school classmate of mine, with a different name. Pretty damn sure it isn't her.
Be careful of the pictures you post online fellow gaffers, someone might have a fake tinder account with your pictures.
I disagree, it could be for a multitude of reasons not necessarily pertaining to someone stealing her pictures to catfish/troll people with. For instance, some people might choose to make an alternate Facebook account/use a pseudonym on Tinder to protect their professional life so they won't run into anyone they work with (teachers in particular would want to be wary of it).
Why do I know this? Because a hook up that I bailed out on back in December was a teacher at a prison. She used a pseudonym on Tinder so that she wouldn't run into any of the inmates she taught or any colleagues.
I thought you said you were retiring from online dating for for good. I guess you couldn't resist its allure. Why the change of heart?