"There's no one new around you"
Well then, time to delete my account.
Usually there'll be a bunch of new people if you wait a day.
edit: Oh hey, we got moved to Community? :/
"There's no one new around you"
Well then, time to delete my account.
edit: Oh hey, we got moved to Community? :/
Sent out 6 opening messages in early July on POF to a big goose egg. Back at it now with 6 openers to new people. Repeating "numbers game" continuously in my head yet still getting discouraged. -___-'
Here's my view on the numbers game: It's the most inefficient way to find a date, whether it be online or offline. Instead of focusing on the amount of women, focus on the women that you'd actually be interested in. Your opening messages will be much better.
Of course, playing the numbers game doesn't necessarily mean you'd be messaging any girl, but I think you get my point, no?
I do. I still do read through the entirety of profiles and message girls that do seem fun and have similar interest, but I can see how I come across might be diluted if I have like 6 or 7 tabs of "potentials" I'm supposedly interested in. We'll see how this turns out but I'm am definitely noticing something does need to change with how I handle it rather than treating it, for lack of a better phrase, like some sort of buffet of choices.
Before I got started I was totally going to go about it this way..
Then, after surfing through hundreds of profiles I realized I couldn't even come up with at LEAST 5 that I wanted to message. In fact, 2 was the lasting number.. I put all my eggs into one (well I guess two) baskets and thought really hard about what I wanted to message these girls. I think I literally spent a day thinking about the opening messages.
Anyways, one of them didn't answer. I'll be going on my third date with the other come mid next week. (=
They've seriously heard/seen it all. Make it personal. Really read their profile and pick something up that's a little out of the norm.
Broke it off with the girl today.
I think it was a good decision but part of me thinks it could be one of the worst decisions of my life.
I re-activated my old profile and all these girls doing nothing for me doesn't exactly make me feel better.
Fuck man.
I just sent my first ever message on a dating site (Tinder here). I've browsed many profiles 2 years ago on some local dating sites, until I met my ex (which was not by online dating), but I never had the guts to approach someone. The girl has been active since I sent the text and I didn't get an answer. Now I understand why people get discouraged, the feeling of being ignored is horrible.
There were things I wasn't happy with in the relationship/about her and couldn't get over them/was curious about what else is out there.Why'd you do it then? If you don't mind me asking.
I think there's nothing wrong with that personally. I've always done that with girls I'm not really feeling; I don't contact them at all and they get the hint. They usually don't contact me after the date since I have to do it. If she gives me a lukewarm post-date response, I delete her number/texts and move on.Ok, so people just seem to ignore you completely if I date doesn't go well for them I've noticed it. Just seems kinda rude?
I mean, I've been on a couple of bad dates, but I've told the girl when she messages again she's nice, but I wouldn't like to do it again.
Manners won't kill you
I think there's nothing wrong with that personally. I've always done that with girls I'm not really feeling; I don't contact them at all and they get the hint. They usually don't contact me after the date since I have to do it. If she gives me a lukewarm post-date response, I delete her number/texts and move on.
Your time is very valuable to be wasting it over being annoyed by the fact that a girl didn't let you down easily by not replying. I don't think they owe you anything. Short term wise it might suck, but you get over it; in the long term it doesn't phase you. Somebody says no? Move on to someone that values your time. Easy as that. There's plenty of other fish in the sea.
I only get annoyed if the girl has that "I DON'T REPLY TO HI!!!!" crap in her profile. Otherwise, I know its hard sometimes for girls to make the first move. They've been taught and conditioned to never do it, the "hi" is just a way of being able to say you haven't made too much effort in case you get rejected.Am I a jerk for getting annoyed when girls with me with just "Hi"? I would never get a reply if I send mails with just "Hi", but for some reason it is ok for ladies. /endrant
Agreed. My gf dumped me or whatever in late June. Idk, but I'd bet I've blown off well over 200 messages since. Most are straight up ignores. Many are your typical "talk to a guy enough to get my self esteem injection," others just disappear when it becomes real to them if I ask for or give my number.You have to learn to deal with it. ONE rejection is nothing. Think of it as nothing ventured, nothing gained. You lose absolutely NOTHING by messaging them, and you have everything to gain. It's not personal if they don't message back.
I ran into a girl on tinder and it's been a while since I swiped right so I think she nope'd me, but I'd still like to send her a message anyway. 90% of tinder users can be found on facebook simply by typing "people who live near me named x" and so I found her on facebook.
Would it be weird to introduce myself and send her a message? I have friends who randomly add people they find on facebook and some of them have actually gotten a couple of dates out of it. What do you think?
To echo Makonero's thoughts, I don't think you should do it man. Don't listen to the irrational side of your head that says you still have a chance. The idea of a stranger looking up another stranger on FB that have never met should make you think twice before biting the bullet. The rational side of your head is right in saying that she swiped left once for a reason.I ran into a girl on tinder and it's been a while since I swiped right so I think she nope'd me, but I'd still like to send her a message anyway. 90% of tinder users can be found on facebook simply by typing "people who live near me named x" and so I found her on facebook.
Would it be weird to introduce myself and send her a message? I have friends who randomly add people they find on facebook and some of them have actually gotten a couple of dates out of it. What do you think?
Unless there were more girls as awesome as electricshake---who sends out more than just a simple "Hi" message---in the planet, I'll agree with stn about girls doing it for no reason other than to put in a minimum amount of effort to chase the guy. It is ironic when a girl has listed on her profile she doesn't message guys who sends "Hi" as a message but sends out a "Hi" message herself. I get irritated as well since such a dry bare bones message but honestly, I don't really mind.Am I a jerk for getting annoyed when girls with me with just "Hi"? I would never get a reply if I send mails with just "Hi", but for some reason it is ok for ladies. /endrant
General point based on what I've been seeing here the last while:
I see people spend lots of time thinking about what's wrong with them after something fails online. The harsh reality is that online dating is mostly about the pics. There's generally no point in wondering what you did wrong or are doing wrong. If online dating isn't working, go offline. Its a hell of a lot more interesting to meet girls in real-life, anyway.
I had some girl stop talking to me even though she "liked" me, we found out we were from the same background, and we had a shit-ton in common. Sometimes even that is not enough. You never know what goes in someone's head chemically when they make the decisions they make.
If you're a person who's ever said to yourself shit, I'm not getting any replies online, then ditch it immediately and go out. The main issue with that is that it can slowly drain one's confidence. If you're going to get your confidence drained per say, at least go get rejected by a girl outside. At least that builds character and immunity to rejection as opposed to nothing gained online.
Went out with this great chick who was nice and thick in all the correct areas. She was a fun date and was smoking hot, but she lives far as fuck (about 25 miles away) and didn't have a car of her own. On top of that I spent like $60 at the bar we went to. Now all of this would have been okay if she seemed interested in me, but while we had a great time at the bar, afterwards she seemed pretty quiet and distant. I got a kiss out of it, but that doesn't necessarily mean shit. I sent her a text an hour or so later telling her I had a great time, but she hasn't responded.
I'm frustrated as hell right now.
i think i'm getting fatigued from these web sites again. i tried messaging probably around 100 girls within the past month and got almost nothing back.
one girl actually replied to me, tried to exchange numbers on the 3rd message, but she said she wanted to talk more before doing that. 30 messages later, i run out of things to talk about and ask if she wants to meet up at all, and she hasn't responded, so that's done. not sure how much/how long that's supposed to go on for, i guess everyone is different.
then today i get another text from some person in the past i tried to connect with that never wanted to meet up with me -- she's pretty much a psycho and last time we were texting she was telling me how she was going out on dates and shit, and i had no idea what the hell she wanted from me because i asked if she wanted to meet and she basically told me no, so i stopped contact with her, and she got super pissed off as a result. then i get a "hey" today for no reason. i've never met her in real life.
really sort of annoying. i'm sure i'll naturally just forget about this again and try again later this year.
Went out with this great chick who was nice and thick in all the correct areas. She was a fun date and was smoking hot, but she lives far as fuck (about 25 miles away) and didn't have a car of her own. On top of that I spent like $60 at the bar we went to. Now all of this would have been okay if she seemed interested in me, but while we had a great time at the bar, afterwards she seemed pretty quiet and distant. I got a kiss out of it, but that doesn't necessarily mean shit. I sent her a text an hour or so later telling her I had a great time, but she hasn't responded.
I'm frustrated as hell right now.
I've actually got a couple girls I'm messaging back and forth. Problem is I still have trouble with not attaching unneeded pressure to myself. Happens to me in outside too. I struggle through every interaction trying to respond or find a way to start conversation and our drives me up a wall.
Gonna keep at it, though.
I've actually got a couple girls I'm messaging back and forth. Problem is I still have trouble with not attaching unneeded pressure to myself. Happens to me in outside too. I struggle through every interaction trying to respond or find a way to start conversation and our drives me up a wall.
Gonna keep at it, though.
It took me about 20 messages before I asked my new ladyfriend out. I made the very dangerous decision to befriend her through messages first.. I swear even after our first date I was treading carefully on that friendzone line.
I have no idea how you guys do it in 3-4.
Keep your dates cheap, dude. I'd never spend $60 on a first date or even second date.
Pretty quiet on my end. I'm chatting with a few different girls and they seem interested to meet but pretty hesitant at the same time. I confronted one of them I've been chatting with for awhile now and I said if she really wanted to meet, she would've done so already. She asked me what I wanted out of this and I said I have no interest in continuing to text if we are never going to meet. She says she was scared because our texting is going fine and she is scared it would change if we finally meet. I told her if it happens, it happens and now she's finally agreed to actually go out.
Another one went on vacation for a few weeks and just got back into town and remembered to text me to my surprise, so I will try to get something going there.
Yeah just a bunch of hesitant girls I need to convince to go out lol.
Welp since I'm officially back on the market I figured I make an OKC profile and show it to all of you
Let me know what you all think![]()
This comes across as very entitled. It was OK for you to spend 60$ if she'd been interested? That's.. kind of creepy. She was distant for a reason. The funniest thing about this is that you don't seem to factor yourself into this, as if it's her fault for not being interested.
Keep your dates cheap, dude. I'd never spend $60 on a first date or even second date.
Completely remove that first picture... or leave it until the end. It's not very flattering which is strange because in literally every other picture you look x1000 better.
Wait, there's an instant messaging on the OKC website? So I send someone a cheesy pick up line via the message box and I see message pop up outside the messages inbox. The girl responded and said hey. I say hey back and ask her what's up. She tells me she's working and I ask her what got her working so late into the night. She laughs and says she works as a webcam model, laughs it offs and ask if that scares me. I don't believe she's legit but she didn't link me to a site or anything and we just said gn. Cautiously approaching this one.
Anyways, how do you send an instant message?
Anyone else decide they're just going to take a break? In the past few months, I've gone out with 10-15 girls of all types. Some I really liked, some I didn't really feel a connection. Didn't get past a 3rd date with any of them. I feel so exhausted and defeated. I think I just need to take a break, focus on work, hang out with friends, and hitting the gym
Anyone else decide they're just going to take a break? In the past few months, I've gone out with 10-15 girls of all types. Some I really liked, some I didn't really feel a connection. Didn't get past a 3rd date with any of them. I feel so exhausted and defeated. I think I just need to take a break, focus on work, hang out with friends, and hitting the gym
Oh there are so many of those sites
what site
OKC. OKC had an instant message system that I don't know how to access. Maybe it's for A-listers only and the other person was one?