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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


I totally get it, I would have the same thoughts but September 23 was 14 days ago....

When was your guys first, second, and third dates?
Yeah our third date was like last monday and we had another one yesterday. Our first and second dates were long before sep 23rd, although the ending to our second date didnt go amazingly lol so that may have been why.
Yes, if it was 14 days ago, don't worry about it.
I dont think I should worry technically since it was a long time ago but it still sticks in the back of my mind, just because on a personal level, it feels almost 'wrong' to be seeing more than one person because then you have to pick one ...idk maybe im just weird.


Yeah our third date was like last monday and we had another one yesterday. Our first and second dates were long before sep 23rd, although the ending to our second date didnt go amazingly lol so that may have been why.

I dont think I should worry technically since it was a long time ago but it still sticks in the back of my mind, just because on a personal level, it feels almost 'wrong' to be seeing more than one person because then you have to pick one ...idk maybe im just weird.

You stahp it right now. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for why he was signed on.

If you're too uneasy about popping the gf/bf question, then at least open up with something like, "So I know we both are coming from online dating.. can we throw in the exclusive towel?"

That's how I eased my way into things. This way you'll at least get an answer right away about how he's treating his online dating life (whether he stopped, is continuing, etc).


You stahp it right now. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for why he was signed on.

If you're too uneasy about popping the gf/bf question, then at least open up with something like, "So I know we both are coming from online dating.. can we throw in the exclusive towel?"

That's how I eased my way into things. This way you'll at least get an answer right away about how he's treating his online dating life (whether he stopped, is continuing, etc).
Well what other explanation would he have? But yeah thats a good suggestion, that way there is no bf/gf level of obligation but still a sense of commitment.


You dont even need to win them all, you just need to win 1 (for most people).

I'll agree. The first date is make it or break it for many people. Make a good impression and you might possibly get a second date out of it; make a bad impression or think it's going well but the girl might not be feeling it and the second date is pretty much gone.

In my case, I haven't gotten a second date in a while. I went out with the cook girl on Saturday night to have drinks at a bar and I got bored of her rambling on in the middle of a conversation about cooking and venting about how she's had to juggle 8 jobs. She sounded much different from her texts in person and looked a bit different than her pictures; she'd gained some weight and hair color was different.

However, for some odd reason it got into my head that it was going well possibly from the two Whiskey Sours I had. So it was no surprise that when I tried to make out with her in the end, I was denied. Shot her a text later that night asking if she got home all right, and she said she did but was going to bed. That was the last time I heard from her so after speaking to a friend about it, came to my senses, and moved on since she didn't reply to my text the next day.

So quick update: I have a date with the girl who lives two states over on Sunday evening. I told her to come down to the convention center to meet me. On this date, I'm just gonna focus on having a good time. No trying to make out, no showing off anything unless the girl asks; only keeping it light and flirtatious. If I play my cards right and hit it off, the hypothetical second date will probably end up back in my place to look the paintings in my room. The texts have gotten steamy and teeming with sexual innuendos left and right so this date looks very good so far. Fingers crossed that it goes well for a change.

And I also just got a girl who just new to the city that's originally from Georgia but went to school in D.C. Unfortunately, I told her that we won't be able to hang out this weekend due working at NY Comic Con and the aforementioned date that I'm squeezing in on Sunday evening but she's cool with it. She's a bit on the thicker side (not morbidly obese with two chins thankfully)but overall looks easy on the eyes. She's been complimenting me left and right and is fascinated by me being an artist that she said she has romantic views of them. Overall she seems pretty nice so I told her that even if there's no chemistry after meeting her in person that it doesn't lead to a romantic relationship, I would like to stay platonic friends with her since I can always use more female friends.

Tinder sensei indeed guys. When one dating door closes, open several more in their place to bounce back so keep at it guys. Tinder is more of a supplement for me at this point but a good one at that since it's still getting me dates on top of talking a few girls I'm interested in school and possibly getting lucky at NY Comic Con as well ; I'm gonna sign up for one of the free Speed Dating sessions there.

My third date is going to be at my house for beer and horror movies. Initially, the third date was a Coney Island date (still happening), but one thing lead to another and now it looks like fun time.

She's really down to earth and not complicated, which I'm digging a lot.


Well what other explanation would he have? But yeah thats a good suggestion, that way there is no bf/gf level of obligation but still a sense of commitment.

I'll give you a few:

-he misclicked the app on his phone, closed it immediately
-forgot he had the website open on his browser, it opened up whenever he opened his browser
-was showing YOU off via the app (I'm guilty of this one)
-was showing a friend how to use the app (I'm guilty of this one as well; after I told my friend I had success with a dating site he wanted to know more about it so I showed him around, inevitably having to log in to do so)

gugi, if I recall your profile you seemed like quite the catch. I'm sure this guy is not stupid and isn't doing anything to mess this up c:


I'll agree. The first date is make it or break it for many people. Make a good impression and you might possibly get a second date out of it; make a bad impression or think it's going well but the girl might not be feeling it and the second date is pretty much gone.

The first date is a meet-and-greet to see if you, in person, match her impressions of you because -- well, let me put it this way: online appearances can be deceiving and she wouldn't be out on a date with you if her impression of you wasn't positive.

There's always a chance of a second or third date, but it all depends on how much she wants to give you a shot.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
The first date is a meet-and-greet to see if you, in person, match her impressions of you because -- well, let me put it this way: online appearances can be deceiving and she wouldn't be out on a date with you if her impression of you wasn't positive.

There's always a chance of a second or third date, but it all depends on how much she wants to give you a shot.

not just physical appearance, but some people are also REALLY bad at non-online conversation


Full werewolf off the buckle
I'll give you a few:

-he misclicked the app on his phone, closed it immediately
-forgot he had the website open on his browser, it opened up whenever he opened his browser
-was showing YOU off via the app (I'm guilty of this one)
-was showing a friend how to use the app (I'm guilty of this one as well; after I told my friend I had success with a dating site he wanted to know more about it so I showed him around, inevitably having to log in to do so)

gugi, if I recall your profile you seemed like quite the catch. I'm sure this guy is not stupid and isn't doing anything to mess this up c:

All excellent points. When I first started talking to my GF on OKC she kept going back to my profile to look at my pics. So I'd go to hers to look at pics too, sort of like an "I caught ya' creeping" gag (We still do this on Facebook. She'll casually mention some shit I posted years ago). Eventually I noticed that she was on there literally ALLLL THE TIME. I asked her if she was talking to someone else and she denied it. Eventually I realized that she was never closing the app manually between checking out my pics, so it was always running in the background on her phone.

As I said on this subject in a different thread (I think); Not everyone is some Gaffer nerd that manually closes each app as soon as their done using it to conserve memory. I mean, I do, but that kind of shit is important to me ;)

Give the fellow the benefit of the doubt for now.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Feel free to offer your opinions.

Quote for link.

Pretty good, but if I were you I'd cut out the bits about being an atheist and logical fallacies. Look, I understand. I'm an atheist as well. I don't know about YOUR town, but mine is super small and almost everyone on there is religious. Even the vast, vast majority of those who claim they are not on their profile have somehow bumblefucked their way into entering that and can't figure out how to change it.

Personally I always found it handy to avoid the subject, take them out, let them get to know you and like you, and when the subject is broached by them (AND ONLY BY THEM) say that religion isn't a big part of your life. I know this may seem disingenuous. It absolutely sort of is. My thinking is that if I don't believe, why am I crippling my chances with someone simply to so ardently proclaim my lack of faith in a thing that doesn't exist? If we all turn into worm food, who cares what they believe as long as they accept you?

Believe me, when I was a younger man I went the whole 9 yards explaining my lack of belief. The problem I'd always run into was that 99% of every woman I've talked to is either outright religious or vaguely spiritual and into chakras and auras and crap. I know there are atheist chicks out there, I'm dating one now, but they are extremely rare (In my area at least).

My point is that depending on your area you might have better luck leaving your spiritual beliefs or lack thereof out of the picture and just letting them get to know you as a person first.
My point is that depending on your area you might have better luck leaving your spiritual beliefs or lack thereof out of the picture and just letting them get to know you as a person first.
It's a good point.

If I'm honest, I'm generally not looking for a long term relationship right now seeing as I just got out of one. In the long term, however, someone who doesn't share a naturalistic, anti-religious perspective isn't likely to be the one for me.

So all this to say, I could take it out to better appeal to what I'm after for now. It's food for thought.


Full werewolf off the buckle
It's a good point.

If I'm honest, I'm generally not looking for a long term relationship right now seeing as I just got out of one. In the long term, however, someone who doesn't share a naturalistic, anti-religious perspective isn't likely to be the one for me.

So all this to say, I could take it out to better appeal to what I'm after for now. It's food for thought.

Thanks for making sense of what I was trying to convey. I'd never urge someone to be untrue to their nature, but sometimes the whole truth is best delivered at measured intervals, if you catch my meaning.

Best of luck to you in finding someone with a science-based worldview. I know it is discouraging out there sometimes, but you can't find someone if you aren't looking.


The atheist/antireligious bit can be solved on okc by seeing if they answered one of the
"would you date a <religious affiliation> person" questions

I am operating under the supposition that the question is different depending on what you identified as. I got the questions for Catholicism and Judaism.

I do not see how it would be that important for short term dating unless one of the persons is vocal about it or incredibly active in their church.

It kinda sucks that it is something that needs be held back so a level of trust can be built up only to find out that it's a dealbreaker.

This kind of situation is one that online dating seemed to resolve because you can air it out beforehand. That is what encouraged me to give it a try, though I haven't really done much messaging

Ironically atheism is such a wide spectrum that I can imagine getting along with a religious person much easier than another atheist


Full werewolf off the buckle
The atheist/antireligious bit can be solved on okc by seeing if they answered one of the
"would you date a <religious affiliation> person" questions

I am operating under the supposition that the question is different depending on what you identified as. I got the questions for Catholicism and Judaism.

I do not see how it would be that important for short term dating unless one of the persons is vocal about it or incredibly active in their church.

It kinda sucks that it is something that needs be held back so a level of trust can be built up only to find out that it's a dealbreaker.

This kind of situation is one that online dating seemed to resolve because you can air it out beforehand. That is what encouraged me to give it a try, though I haven't really done much messaging

Ironically atheism is such a wide spectrum that I can imagine getting along with a religious person much easier than another atheist
It is sad, definitely. In my experience, when I used to talk about it long ago, was that I couldn't even get my foot in the door. Maybe a more handsome dude could, I don't know. I'm sure my small town made it a bigger issue than necessary.


So I've been on three dates with the girl I mentioned before so far. On our third date we finally got a little physical - ie holding hands after the movie. She kissed me goodnight when I dropped her off as well!! Felt good man. We have another date setup for tomorrow and I plan on inviting her over to my place for dinner/movie on Friday or Saturday.

In general, things feel pretty good. However, she still doesn't attempt to reach out to me between dates. And it kind of irks me. Like, every time we talk it's because I contacted her first. She will respond to my texts and calls..it's not like she ignores me. Now, we are not official yet so I'm not expecting her to be all over me...but even in her profile questions she answered the "Should a couple talk to each other every day" question with "Yes, unless specified otherwise" or w/e. If I don't call or text her today, we simply won't talk. Not even a "have a good day". Isn't that strange? Am I over-analyzing? You'd think if you were into someone you'd want to talk to them, you know?

I just can't help but feel like I'm nagging her whenever I contact her, even though she doesn't really react like I am. I just don't get it.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So I've been on three dates with the girl I mentioned before so far. On our third date we finally got a little physical - ie holding hands after the movie. She kissed me goodnight when I dropped her off as well!! Felt good man. We have another date setup for tomorrow and I plan on inviting her over to my place for dinner/movie on Friday or Saturday.

In general, things feel pretty good. However, she still doesn't attempt to reach out to me between dates. And it kind of irks me. Like, every time we talk it's because I contacted her first. She will respond to my texts and calls..it's not like she ignores me. Now, we are not official yet so I'm not expecting her to be all over me...but even in her profile questions she answered the "Should a couple talk to each other every day" question with "Yes, unless specified otherwise" or w/e. If I don't call or text her today, we simply won't talk. Not even a "have a good day". Isn't that strange? Am I over-analyzing? You'd think if you were into someone you'd want to talk to them, you know?

I just can't help but feel like I'm nagging her whenever I contact her, even though she doesn't really react like I am. I just don't get it.
Personally I'd be genuinely bothered as well. I don't know the girl, but this does seem curious.


I'll give you a few:

-he misclicked the app on his phone, closed it immediately
-forgot he had the website open on his browser, it opened up whenever he opened his browser
-was showing YOU off via the app (I'm guilty of this one)
-was showing a friend how to use the app (I'm guilty of this one as well; after I told my friend I had success with a dating site he wanted to know more about it so I showed him around, inevitably having to log in to do so)

gugi, if I recall your profile you seemed like quite the catch. I'm sure this guy is not stupid and isn't doing anything to mess this up c:
Yeah even if he was talking to other girls it was a long time ago anyway, so I can't hold up my suspicions. Hehe well sometimes profiles coukd be great and some people will just downgrade to something easier. I dont think he is that way.

I also asked him what we were (exclusive or not) and he said he wanted to be my boyfriend but he knows I need more time to be decisive. He basically was telling me that he wants to be with me and was saying such sweet stuff omg the blushing was intense. Thanks for the advice everyone!
All excellent points. When I first started talking to my GF on OKC she kept going back to my profile to look at my pics. So I'd go to hers to look at pics too, sort of like an "I caught ya' creeping" gag (We still do this on Facebook. She'll casually mention some shit I posted years ago). Eventually I noticed that she was on there literally ALLLL THE TIME. I asked her if she was talking to someone else and she denied it. Eventually I realized that she was never closing the app manually between checking out my pics, so it was always running in the background on her phone.

As I said on this subject in a different thread (I think); Not everyone is some Gaffer nerd that manually closes each app as soon as their done using it to conserve memory. I mean, I do, but that kind of shit is important to me ;)

Give the fellow the benefit of the doubt for now.
Also valid points. I honestly cant stand when people dont close apps it drives me insane, I know for a fact he leaves them all open and it is insane.
So I've been on three dates with the girl I mentioned before so far. On our third date we finally got a little physical - ie holding hands after the movie. She kissed me goodnight when I dropped her off as well!! Felt good man. We have another date setup for tomorrow and I plan on inviting her over to my place for dinner/movie on Friday or Saturday.

In general, things feel pretty good. However, she still doesn't attempt to reach out to me between dates. And it kind of irks me. Like, every time we talk it's because I contacted her first. She will respond to my texts and calls..it's not like she ignores me. Now, we are not official yet so I'm not expecting her to be all over me...but even in her profile questions she answered the "Should a couple talk to each other every day" question with "Yes, unless specified otherwise" or w/e. If I don't call or text her today, we simply won't talk. Not even a "have a good day". Isn't that strange? Am I over-analyzing? You'd think if you were into someone you'd want to talk to them, you know?

I just can't help but feel like I'm nagging her whenever I contact her, even though she doesn't really react like I am. I just don't get it.

Is she really shy/introverted? Now that you've been on three dates you can probably ask her about it since you're pretty much at the "official" phase.


Now, we are not official yet so I'm not expecting her to be all over me...but even in her profile questions she answered the "Should a couple talk to each other every day" question with "Yes, unless specified otherwise" or w/e. If I don't call or text her today, we simply won't talk. Not even a "have a good day". Isn't that strange? Am I over-analyzing? You'd think if you were into someone you'd want to talk to them, you know?

I just can't help but feel like I'm nagging her whenever I contact her, even though she doesn't really react like I am. I just don't get it.

Couples, yes, but not when you've only been out on a few dates. And you seem to realize this, so it's best to not put too much thought or emphasis on this or you'll drive yourself crazy and become needy, and that's not good for anyone.

Reach out when you want to reach out. But don't get invested in a response. Some people don't feel the need to text or talk (or "check in") at lengths in between the early stages of a relationship. As long as she keeps agreeing to dates, you're in the clear.


Is she really shy/introverted? Now that you've been on three dates you can probably ask her about it since you're pretty much at the "official" phase.

She isn't super shy, no. I'd say her shyness is about average. Part of me is concerned that even though we've had three dates, we've only known each other for about a week and a half. Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon? I don't want to scare her by calling her out on it too soon.

Another thing could be cultural? I've never dated a Chinese girl, so I don't know if they have some kind of notion that the guy should be doing all the legwork or something? She's been in the US for like 15 years and acts very American, but I don't know if there could be something subconscious going on.

We have a date setup for tomorrow night. But we have not set the exact time or place yet. Part of me wants to test her and just not contact her to see if she will call/text me to ask when/where we are going. But at the same time I feel like...isn't it too soon to be pulling that kind of shit? I tell myself that I want to see her and therefore I will set up the time/place simply because I want to. Sigh...things are pretty much perfect with this girl except this one thing. It's worrying me way too much.

Couples, yes, but not when you've only been out on a few dates. And you seem to realize this, so it's best to not put too much thought or emphasis on this or you'll drive yourself crazy and become needy, and that's not good for anyone.

Reach out when you want to reach out. But don't get invested in a response. Some people don't feel the need to text or talk (or "check in") at lengths in between the early stages of a relationship. As long as she keeps agreeing to dates, you're in the clear.

Yeah, that's exactly what I've been thinking. I feel like I'm overthinking it. I just start raking my brain with shit like "Well what if we start dating and it persists?" and construe all kinds of stupid scerarios in my head.


Also valid points. I honestly cant stand when people dont close apps it drives me insane, I know for a fact he leaves them all open and it is insane.

Just also wanted to point out that a lot of apps don't sign out by themselves on Android devices -- even if you swipe them away. I know the OkCupid and POF ones don't. It wouldn't surprise me that other apps (ie. eHarmony, Match, etc) don't do the same.


Well that fucking blows. There was this really cool chick I was talking to for the last day and a half and all of a sudden OkCupid says she doesn't have an account anymore.

Ugh, oh well. There goes that.


Homeland Security Fail
Well that fucking blows. There was this really cool chick I was talking to for the last day and a half and all of a sudden OkCupid says she doesn't have an account anymore.

Ugh, oh well. There goes that.

That is why I try to ask for their number as fast as possible. The sooner you get off OKC (or Tinder, etc) as your primary way of communication, the better.


That is why I try to ask for their number as fast as possible. The sooner you get off OKC (or Tinder, etc) as your primary way of communication, the better.

Last time I tried that after a decent conversation she never responded haha. But you're right, definitely should just ask for their number early on.


That is why I try to ask for their number as fast as possible. The sooner you get off OKC (or Tinder, etc) as your primary way of communication, the better.

Asking for a name or number is the quickest way to know if she's interested or not. If they're not, they just stop replying!


Getting messaged by profiles with no pic attached annoys the fuck out of me. It just makes it more awkward since I first have to request a pic, and then it becomes obvious I'm not attracted physically to the person if I stop replying after that? Talk about making this shit more awkward than it should be. Online dating is superficial, I strongly believe almost 100% of it is based on the strength of the picture (I'd love evidence or personal anecdotes that prove me wrong). Why can't some people get this?



Anyone without a pic is sketchy at best. Also they are probably most likely not attractive.

My dad is one of the more handsome fifty-year-olds I know (proof), and a thoroughly solid guy, but he won't put his picture up on the site. He has a line about how he'll email you a picture of him if you're interested.

I don't understand it, and I've told him as much, but I think some people are just seriously uneasy about sharing themselves so openly with strangers.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
My dad is one of the more handsome fifty-year-olds I know (proof), and a thoroughly solid guy, but he won't put his picture up on the site. He has a line about how he'll email you a picture of him if you're interested.

I don't understand it, and I've told him as much, but I think some people are just seriously uneasy about sharing themselves so openly with strangers.

some *older* people are just seriously uneasy about *anything online*


you can't put a price on sparks
Well, that definitely plays into it, but my dad is a voracious Facebook and Instagram user. *shrugs*

Those still have privacy controls you can set and unless you're advertising it a ton you're probably not going to get too much exposure on those sites unless someone is specifically looking for you.

Dating sites are all about people you don't know, it's almost the opposite of Facebook, to me

Also, yeah generational thing plays into it. Also if millennials are scared about that then they are paranoid and probably have other problems going on than pictures being seen by strangers. The only legit reason is so they can control who contacts them if they get tons of people messaging them all the time.


Cute redhead likes video games and is a 96% match. I wonder how many messages she gets.

Probably enough.

It kills when you send a message that you put thought into and you don't even get profile visit.

I can only assume that some girls are so flooded with messages that they must get numb to it after a while. Its like sending your interest for a job application and the recruiter doesn't even read your resume

It's still one of my hangups about online dating. The tendency and ability to instantly disregard someone where in real life you might be compelled by politeness to at least say no thanks.


Probably enough.

It kills when you send a message that you put thought into and you don't even get profile visit.

I can only assume that some girls are so flooded with messages that they must get numb to it after a while.

I don't have any numbers on this, but I would guess the amount of girls with A-List and invisible visiting turned on far outnumber the guys with the same. If you're the guy, you're probably liking every reasonably attractive girl who doesn't have any major red flags in her profile. If you're the moderately attractive girl, you're getting dozens if not a hundred or more likes per day, so the curiosity to see which guys those are is intense. Bottom line, you may be getting more profile visits than you think. I don't know how comforting that is, but it's something to think about.


I don't have any numbers on this, but I would guess the amount of girls with A-List and invisible visiting turned on far outnumber the guys with the same. If you're the guy, you're probably liking every reasonably attractive girl who doesn't have any major red flags in her profile. If you're the moderately attractive girl, you're getting dozens if not a hundred or more likes per day, so the curiosity to see which guys those are is intense. Bottom line, you may be getting more profile visits than you think. I don't know how comforting that is, but it's something to think about.

That's interesting. I feel so backwards then. I always indicate that I visited(I decided to try A List out as well) if I took the time to read someone profile thoroughly. If I ever get a message from someone with a filled out profile and a picture I would take my time to respond. Again I'm sure that makes sense until its 100 messages a day.

Likewise the quick match thing on mobile is basically Tinder lite as there is no way to look at a profile when you see a high match percentage. At least on the desktop version you just scroll down to read the profile. Feel so shallow using the mobile version


Met a woman through tinder of all places, really cute and out going seems like a cool person. We've been talking back and forth all week and I went ahead and asked her out this morning for this Saturday. I guess we'll see how she responds.
On OKC you can go invisible without A-List: you don't see your visitors, and others don't see your visits. But yes, they likely get inundated with messages and can be very picky about who they respond to.
On OKC you can go invisible without A-List: you don't see your visitors, and others don't see your visits. But yes, they likely get inundated with messages and can be very picky about who they respond to.

OKC gives it away fee to high rated users, too. Not full A-list, but I know a girl I dated for a while on there was gifted the ability to see who visited her but remain invisible herself for being in the top percentile of 'attractiveness' or whatever.
Right gaf, finally ready to start actually being proactive on OKC. I don't get a huge number of messages but the ones I do get are entirely from guys I'm not interested in. So need to start actually messaging guys. Any tips? What would you want to hear from a girl? Can post my profile too if it helps.


Right gaf, finally ready to start actually being proactive on OKC. I don't get a huge number of messages but the ones I do get are entirely from guys I'm not interested in. So need to start actually messaging guys. Any tips? What would you want to hear from a girl? Can post my profile too if it helps.

Yeah, hide your profile in tags if you want critiques.

But anyhow: just be genuine in your messages and show some level of interest in the other person. Interest is usually my deciding factor as to whether I'd think it would be a good pairing.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Right gaf, finally ready to start actually being proactive on OKC. I don't get a huge number of messages but the ones I do get are entirely from guys I'm not interested in. So need to start actually messaging guys. Any tips? What would you want to hear from a girl? Can post my profile too if it helps.
The most attractive thing I can see in a woman is enthusiasm. Show interest, be engaged if they hold your interest. Shouldn't really take too much if you're being proactive. Good luck!


Very weird phenomenon on OkCupid. I keep seeing that someone has visited my profile (a 1 appears) but my visitor list is unchanged...?
Messaging isn't rocket science. Be polite, articulate, reference something in their profile, and phrase a question that makes them answer back.
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