Very weird phenomenon on OkCupid. I keep seeing that someone has visited my profile (a 1 appears) but my visitor list is unchanged...?
maybe a person that has visited it before has re-visited it?
Very weird phenomenon on OkCupid. I keep seeing that someone has visited my profile (a 1 appears) but my visitor list is unchanged...?
maybe a person that has visited it before has re-visited it?
Nah, last visit dates are still the same.
Then all I can think of is that they deactivated their account after visiting your profile.
So, things were seemingly going well...(he claims to 'miss' me and wants to hold me blah blah affection) and then suddenly he stops texting me, like the last one I recieved from him (which was still sappy and affection ridden) was at 10:20pm yesterday. I messaged him once today to ask if he still exists and nothing.. that was at 3pm.
I know I am annoying always coming inhere with my problems (usually adding nothing to the thread) but what the fuck.
I am sort of considering just ending our dating. He does not have a lot in common with me other than he plays video games and loves animals...I like lack of common interests but I feel like he can't engage in conversation well enough with me (he is not very bright).
The hell do I do? i already put a lot of time (and gas) into seeing him and I don't want it to feel like a waste as he tends to proclaim.
Well when he texts me everyday within an hour each text it is really worrying. I know some people dont like to have much contact at all but personally that doesnt seem like either people are interested.O_O Girlfriend, 10:20pm until 3:00pm today is not a very long time!
If someone messaged me asking me if I still existed, and the last time I talked to them was 10pm last night, I'd immediately be wary of clinginess. Not saying you are, but just saying.... it hasn't even been a day!
Now, whether or not you two have chemistry is something else entirely. That's totally up to you.
Yeah see you know what I'm talking about.If you're not really into him then well, that's a whole other story. But as far as the contacting bit goes, I understand where you're coming from.
This girl I'm currently seeing (have talked about her and this issue at the top of this page) doesn't make a whole lot of effort to text or call me. It's a pain, but until you guys are official there isn't much you can do about it. Do you talk to him on the phone as well, or just text? Phone talking is a good exercise that perhaps you should get into if you aren't already. Try calling him tonight to see what's up.
For me, it feels great when I receive a text or call from her without any initiation from me. It tells me she's actually thinking about me. I just wish she would do it more often.
Is there a way to see who likes you on OKCupid without signing up for A-List?
Which is funny that you say that because in my experience in dating people text way too much in the beginning, the only time they wont be so in contact is if they are not interested or are skeptical about the prospects. In any case you never really know, some people like little contact some like a lot.Oh wow.
Honestly, when I met my partner, we talked everyday almost constantly, on all mediums. So it's not that I think it's always wrong; I just find that in my experience of dating, usually most people prefer a little space in the beginning.
Still, now you know what happened![]()
Fucking girls, so selfish.Ended up cancelling my date with the girl that lived two states over; she was pretty mad that I chose my friends over her and sounded a bit bitter. I think she made excuses not to see me that she was several blocks away from me. So we traded selfies and since then, the texts have gotten somewhat tense. Hopefully she'll calm down in several hours but now the trade off is (assuming she's still interested), is to keep on communicating via text for 3 weeks and having to wait until then to see her. It's a bummer but I'm not bummed out by it to be honest because women come and go like a revolving door all the time so no worries. I don't regret choosing my friends over her. Girls need to understand that their lives don't revolve around them.
Ended up cancelling my date with the girl that lived two states over; she was pretty mad that I chose my friends over her and sounded a bit bitter. I think she made excuses not to see me that she was several blocks away from me. So we traded selfies and since then, the texts have gotten somewhat tense. Hopefully she'll calm down in several hours but now the trade off is (assuming she's still interested), is to keep on communicating via text for 3 weeks and having to wait until then to see her. It's a bummer but I'm not bummed out by it to be honest because women come and go like a revolving door all the time so no worries. I don't regret choosing my friends over her. Girls need to understand that their lives don't revolve around them.
No, I have not met her. Yes, I made kinda made plans with her (hang out in the convention center). Not looking for a girlfriend so it doesn't bother me in the slightest but neither am I looking for a simple hook up. I've mentioned that a few times throughout the thread that I'm not looking for anything serious but just going with the flow and dating around. If it leads to a short term relationship, then great but not a long term thing.I don't really understand. Have you even met her?
Also, you made plans with her, then canceled?
I don't think she's acting too out there IMO if that's the case... Also don't really get the revolving door thing. It's like why bother trying to get a girlfriend if that's the case for you lol
Nope, she didn't come here exclusively to see me. She was here in the city to have brunch with a friend and figured she would see me afterwards. To be fair, since I was caught up in the con itself, I didn't clearly tell her to go home until she got mad that I chose my friends over her and said so which caused a chain reaction since she took my no response as being exactly that I was more interested in my friends (I didn't respond for a full hour or so). Different strokes on priorities so I respectfully disagree with you. I have zero regrets on setting my priorities for friends since I thought it was time well spent.Wait, you canceled when she had already made the trip out here? Didn't she come just to see you?
If that is the case, pretty shitty move on your part.
Personally, I would have chosen the girl.
I kind of feel like you should do her a favor and just break it off so she can put her efforts into someone that will have more interest in her, does she know you are not looking for a long term or serious relationship? She may not know that and now she is just wasting her/your time.No, I have not met her. Yes, I made kinda made plans with her (hang out in the convention center). Not looking for a girlfriend so it doesn't bother me in the slightest but neither am I looking for a simple hook up. I've mentioned that a few times throughout the thread that I'm not looking for anything serious but just going with the flow and dating around. If it leads to a short term relationship, then great but not a long term thing.
As for the revolving door thing, it means that I can talk to new girls pretty easily to take her place should things go sour with her. I told numerous girls that this past weekend was bad to meet up because of the circumstances. I'd previously already given the said girl the heads up that this matters to me a lot more than anything else at the moment.
Nope, she didn't come here exclusively to see me. She was here in the city to have brunch with a friend and figured she would see me afterwards. To be fair, since I was caught up in the con itself, I didn't clearly tell her to go home until she got mad that I chose my friends over her and said so which caused a chain reaction since she took my no response as being exactly that I was more interested in my friends (I didn't respond for a full hour or so). Different strokes on priorities so I respectfully disagree with you. I have zero regrets on setting my priorities for friends since I thought it was time well spent.
To clarify a few things (I wrote the above post in a sleepy state), evidently she was really excited to see me more than the going to the aforementioned brunch. However, on my part I didn't tell her at what time she should meet up with me until 5:30PM and even then I wasn't 100% sure; I'd told her about 3 hours earlier that I was busy and would get back to her. She told me that the sooner, I would let her know the better. I didn't She told me that if I'd rather be with my friends, then she understood but I needed to let her know directly. She said that she was going home which I took as misread as an offense and let my emotions get the best of me in the moment by telling her it was her loss, not mines. In retrospect, it was not the case; I told her that I took back what I said since I misread what she said and was cool with my choosing to be with friends. So when I firmly said that we should put a rain check on it, she said she appreciated me being honest with her and told me that another time would be better so crisis averted.
Thinking about it in her shoes now, she felt rejected over the fact that she was excited to meet a guy she'd texted for a few weeks only to get her excitement deflated when I told her what I wanted to do. She took my lack of response as a sign of rejection and acted accordingly. Now she's probably thinking that she might be wasting her time knowing that said guy likes to prioritize other things above her. Texting is a god awful medium.
In the aftermath, I don't know how badly this has pretty soured my relationship with her but I think it'll blow over. It's clear to me that I was wrong and she was right because she was being considerate to my desire to hang out with her but as long as I didn't regret missing my friends that she was willing to compromise. A sticking point for me going forward is that if I have an event more important to do on a weekend, I make sure it's completely clear of other plans and set an alternate date. I need to be more direct with people going forward, be honest and say so and so day will not work because I'm busy.
I kind of feel like you should do her a favor and just break it off so she can put her efforts into someone that will have more interest in her, does she know you are not looking for a long term or serious relationship? She may not know that and now she is just wasting her/your time.
Looks like it is more efficient to just copy/paste messages than it is to write out original ones:
I told her I'm not looking for a serious relationship an neither is she as far as I know since she told me broke up with her boyfriend several months ago after a 3 year relationship. She did admit that she's had a couple of hook ups but like me, she said they've felt superficial. I don't think she deactivated her Tinder either since I'm pretty sure she was active last I checked about a week ago.I kind of feel like you should do her a favor and just break it off so she can put her efforts into someone that will have more interest in her, does she know you are not looking for a long term or serious relationship? She may not know that and now she is just wasting her/your time.
Basically and then some ala what Funky Papa was describing. I don't want it to interfere with my social life or school stuff since I'm the type of guy that likes his freedom and alone time every now and then by virtue of being introverted. I'm not the most socially active person in the world to who goes out every weekend so those weekends I would like to hang out with a girl.Pretty much this. She lives too far away to be friends with benefits which is pretty much what he said he's looking for.
This and many other super interesting nuggets can be found in the book Dataclysm. I took a chance on it last week and it's been downright fascinating if you care about online dating or big data at all.
This really hot girl messaged me and didn't quote a price. She made me "promise to be a gentleman" and gave me her number. Still not convinced she's real.
I have literally zero ambition towards online dating at the moment. I still feel like I've seen every profile on OKC. I get messaged every day but by no-one I'm really into. And its the same girls constantly viewing my profile over and over. I know I sound like an ungrateful idiot since I still do get messaged, but I like what I like. I've just never believed in settling for something you don't fully like because you feel like better will never come.
I tried Tinder but wasn't swiping "yes" enough to get matches. I also checked out Match but decided the selection pool was not big enough to warrant my money. POF has introduced me to some good looking girls but I closed my account a while ago.
Funny enough, all my interactions with really good looking girls on either OKC or POF have always ended in a weird way. I've been messaged by them and have messaged them myself, yet something always ended things abruptly.
(I'm just talking to myself here. Feel free to comment if you want.)
Eh, it's a rather fine line that you have to feel out for yourself. I think way too many people settle or try to force things to work. Can't go too hard in either direction.How old are you? There will always be something better out there man. Always. The grass is greener on the other side, etc. If you're young and aren't ready to settle down then the way you're acting is totally fine. Otherwise, I think you need to come down from the clouds a bit.
I told her I'm not looking for a serious relationship an neither is she as far as I know since she told me broke up with her boyfriend several months ago after a 3 year relationship. She did admit that she's had a couple of hook ups but like me, she said they've felt superficial. I don't think she deactivated her Tinder either since I'm pretty sure she was active last I checked about a week ago.
To be honest, I don't know how much longer I can keep it going before I lose interest in her because of the whole traveling stuff every weekend. She's going to be super busy traveling to other states for 2 weeks so unless I keep communicating with her, I feel like it's going to falter. Texting is cool and all but it's only half the fun so I might suggest having some kind of Skype date. I want to make this work but I don't know how without 'having to make compromises.
I would like to meet her once at least since she seems like a nice girl and looks pretty attractive. Maybe I should tell her my concerns about this whole thing working out and set the record straight since I've told her that I have been seeing other girls. We haven't even met yet but if it turns out that she gets attached to quickly, I'm gonna get turned off/scared and suggest being friends. Long distance stuff is all new to me so it sucks that she doesn't live in the city. And I do feel like I owe her an apology for misreading what she said.
Basically and then some ala what Funky Papa was describing. I don't want it to interfere with my social life or school stuff since I'm the type of guy that likes his freedom and alone time every now and then by virtue of being introverted. I'm not the most socially active person in the world to who goes out every weekend so those weekends I would like to hang out with a girl.
And the copy/pasted messages do indeed work. If a girl is interested, she'll reply no matter what. I always send the same "Hey how's it going/How's your weekend been" an it works.
I'm 28. Thing is, I'm the type that never likes to push when it comes to relationships. I don't push myself or the other person. If I doubt whether I like a girl, I just stop everything and move on. Same way I never try to "fix" a girl or try to "make things work" if they're not working at the time. And I don't want to invest time in someone who's not 100% into me, same way I'm sure a girl wouldn't want me to lead her on if I'm not totally into her.How old are you? There will always be something better out there man. Always. The grass is greener on the other side, etc. If you're young and aren't ready to settle down then the way you're acting is totally fine. Otherwise, I think you need to come down from the clouds a bit.
So update for anyone that cares:
The guy that I had been seeing for a while was just on pof. So all my doubts are now sealed and im breaking it off. We established that we were exclusive and im just really insulted and now more paranoid.
Ugh the online dating life, back to square fucking one.
He is not someone I would want meeting my friends or family. I knew he was on because I saw it, I cant tell you the real truth!Not saying you're making the wrong decision by doing so, but I would ask him why he's on pof before pulling the trigger.
Also, how do you know he was on?
He is not someone I would want meeting my friends or family. I knew he was on because I saw it, I cant tell you the real truth!
Yeah, I just find it really hard to meet someone that I feel like I can trust, which is probably my own issue but now this has made that issue so much worse!!!! All my past bf's hid their profile when we were dating, maybe I expect too much because of that now.Haha, okay. I think the first part matters more anyway lol
Yeah, I just find it really hard to meet someone that I feel like I can trust, which is probably my own issue but now this has made that issue so much worse!!!! All my past bf's hid their profile when we were dating, maybe I expect too much because of that now.
Had a nice first date the other night with a girl I met on OKC, she was cute and (more importantly?) into lots of the same music as I am so it made making conversation a little easier. I texted her asking if she wanted to see a show next weekend, thought I had fucked up the date since she didn't text back, but I eventually got an affirmative response. Woo patience.
Yeah well now I know, and can move on and look for someone I can feel good about showing my family. I had an old account that I used to look at peoples profiles too see what they wrote in their descriptions so that I could make my true account sound better...I guess scoping out what people go for or dont..also for amusement haha. I was curious and wanted to end my turmoil of distrust and see finally if there was anything to worry about, and now I have my answer. Does that make me a psycho? Probably lol but at least I know.No, it's fine to expect that, but I would say that when going exclusive you should lay that in the ground rules just for your sake...
For whatever reason he was going on, it makes it seem like he didnt really take the exclusivity talk seriously or something. And he didnt seem like the kind of guy that gains amusement from looking at bad profiles (I do), so I wouldn't think that was something that was happening. At least from what you are saying.
I hope the reason you can't say isn't that you signed up on a different account or something, but I guess that doesn't matter even if you did.
Got a phone call with a girl tonight. Kind of nervous. Actually really nervous.
Just got back from a second date tonight. Had a really a great time, made her laugh A LOT, ate dinner, and just walked around the city. I walked her back to her place and asked if she was free on Friday and she said she wasn't. I then asked when she was available and she replied she'd let me know with sort of an smiling/awkward expression. There wasn't much physical interaction, besides some light touching.
Should I give her some space and send her a text later? Our first date was two days ago so it might be a bit overwhelming--what do you guys think?
Just talk about your day and stuff man, nothing heavy duty. Tell some funny stories. Ask questions, let her do the talking. You got this!
Yeah well now I know, and can move on and look for someone I can feel good about showing my family. I had an old account that I used to look at peoples profiles too see what they wrote in their descriptions so that I could make my true account sound better...I guess scoping out what people go for or dont..also for amusement haha. I was curious and wanted to end my turmoil of distrust and see finally if there was anything to worry about, and now I have my answer. Does that make me a psycho? Probably lol but at least I know.
Just got back from a second date tonight. Had a really a great time, made her laugh A LOT, ate dinner, and just walked around the city. I walked her back to her place and asked if she was free on Friday and she said she wasn't. I then asked when she was available and she replied she'd let me know with sort of an smiling/awkward expression. There wasn't much physical interaction, besides some light touching.
Should I give her some space and send her a text later? Our first date was two days ago so it might be a bit overwhelming--what do you guys think?
Waiting for sex isn't crazy. I'd do it too, if it didn't upset the other person.
edit: Odd. She didn't pick up.
It's over
Jk. Maybe. :!
So anyway, same girl ended up replying and I'm texting her now and we have a "thing" planned for Thursday that I have to figure out with her either today or tomorrow where we meet or whatever.
I'm really starting to scratch my head right about now. OKC has been a goose egg. 10 opening messages to people over 3 months and not one reply. Not even a profile look. It's insanely discouraging.