hotDon't worry man, kissing is fine as long as you don't slobber or omnomnom her face.
A girl actually did that to me :/
Don't worry man, kissing is fine as long as you don't slobber or omnomnom her face.
A girl actually did that to me :/
Awe! I hope I get a kiss, even if its in a parking lot *blushu* and then we can lean against my truck and squish our bodies close and I will hold his neck and look in his eyes with a reserved lust and.... Sorry. Got a little fanfic there.
LOL. I created a second account and made all my details basically the same as mine, but I used pics of a dude who has that stereotypical male beauty and suddenly I got four messages in one day compared to the one I've gotten over the past year and a half and I continued to get more replies throughout the week.
I think that puts some credence in that my genetics are a primary factor for why women don't want to fuck with me online or in real life.
Let me first of all apologize if it's a frequently asked/dumb question but I'll be new to the whole online dating service probably within a few months when I give it a try and I didn't see it in the OP. After dating some women I've noticed that the biggest issue for me to make it go serious, and the reason things tend to go bad, is that we have little in common in hobbies. Not because we can't make conversation but for other reasons.
Now I'm not saying she needs to be a gamer, but is there a dating site among the popular ones that GAF agrees upon where there is a decent amount of nerdy/geeky women? I remember giving a look to a website specifically for geek dating a couple of years ago but there was like nobody there within the town. My friend suggested OkCupid as that's where he met his fiancee, and I see it's popular in GAF, so is that a good option?
Online dating is THE most superficial dating environment out there. I'm comfortable saying 99.999% of the people there will only reply to pics they are interested in. With that said, if you think you're lacking in the looks department then stay off online! Go improve yourself as much as you can and approach women in real-life. They'll be able to see your personality and coolness, two things that are not apparent online.LOL. I created a second account and made all my details basically the same as mine, but I used pics of a dude who has that stereotypical male beauty and suddenly I got four messages in one day compared to the one I've gotten over the past year and a half and I continued to get more replies throughout the week.
I think that puts some credence in that my genetics are a primary factor for why women don't want to fuck with me online or in real life.
Excellent, so going in for a hug, hopefully it sets a relaxed tone for the date, im going to have him teach me how MTG works since I never played before.
LOL. I created a second account and made all my details basically the same as mine, but I used pics of a dude who has that stereotypical male beauty and suddenly I got four messages in one day compared to the one I've gotten over the past year and a half and I continued to get more replies throughout the week.
I think that puts some credence in that my genetics are a primary factor for why women don't want to fuck with me online or in real life.
I broke up with the girl i was seeing for the past few months, and decided to get back on the dating apps.
I've been getting some weird messages this time around. I get alot of messages from women and they either just say "hey" or something like this:
I used to rarely get messages, so I don't know what is different this time around.
seems fishy to my senses, idk.
oh definitely. That lady is crazy. It's just I think I have a better set of pictures up or something because I've been getting alot more attention and women messaging me first lately.
And that is usually all it takes!
It's unfortunate, but unless you're a chiseled dude, us ~average~ guys have to leverage everything we have in order to get responses and present us in a best light that'll allow us to at least get looked it.
Speaking of which, I messaged a girl on Tinder and told her I was going to lick nutella off her and we exchanged numbers and have plans to meet up tomorrow.
And that is usually all it takes!
It's unfortunate, but unless you're a chiseled dude, us ~average~ guys have to leverage everything we have in order to get responses and present us in a best light that'll allow us to at least get looked it.
Speaking of which, I messaged a girl on Tinder and told her I was going to lick nutella off her and we exchanged numbers and have plans to meet up tomorrow.
The website you're talking about is called which I mentioned in the OP as being the website where Ashodin infamously met his girlfriend on in an attempt to tag fish. I think you'll have a decent shot on OKC as well as POF and even Tinder but pictures are everything; if you want to attract nerdy girls only, then let your pictures reflect that but not super overt nerdy pictures as well mention a few nerdy references. I think that it's best to be subtle about it as opposed to overt about it since as stn has mentioned in the past there's still this stigma about nerds that people have especially if you go out with girls who are more girly and will look down upon t.Let me first of all apologize if it's a frequently asked/dumb question but I'll be new to the whole online dating service probably within a few months when I give it a try and I didn't see it in the OP. After dating some women I've noticed that the biggest issue for me to make it go serious, and the reason things tend to go bad, is that we have little in common in hobbies. Not because we can't make conversation but for other reasons.
Now I'm not saying she needs to be a gamer, but is there a dating site among the popular ones that GAF agrees upon where there is a decent amount of nerdy/geeky women? I remember giving a look to a website specifically for geek dating a couple of years ago but there was like nobody there within the town. My friend suggested OkCupid as that's where he met his fiancee, and I see it's popular in GAF, so is that a good option?
Definitely agree with all of this. Pictures are everything in the online dating scene no matter how compelling and well written the profile is sadly hence why people can and are more selective online.Online dating is THE most superficial dating environment out there. I'm comfortable saying 99.999% of the people there will only reply to pics they are interested in. With that said, if you think you're lacking in the looks department then stay off online! Go improve yourself as much as you can and approach women in real-life. They'll be able to see your personality and coolness, two things that are not apparent online.
Just don't be one of those guys who uses online dating as a basis for thinking he has no chance with women, and then subsequently gives up because of it.
Who you calling average
Also as much as the idea of licking nutella off a girls ass seems like it might be a good idea, the fact that is a brown doo-doo like material might damper the mood.
Haha my bad. Two separate thoughts!
I'm not actually sure if she expects nutella as it was just a line to get into her pants...
No you can't back out now. Nutella all in that vag. Unsanitary yeast infections ahoy!
The website you're talking about is called which I mentioned in the OP as being the website where Ashodin infamously met his girlfriend on in an attempt to tag fish. I think you'll have a decent shot on OKC as well as POF and even Tinder but pictures are everything; if you want to attract nerdy girls only, then let your pictures reflect that but not super overt nerdy pictures as well mention a few nerdy references. I think that it's best to be subtle about it as opposed to overt about it since as stn has mentioned in the past there's still this stigma about nerds that people have especially if you go out with girls who are more girly and will look down upon t.
Personally I think that if you want to meet geeky/nerdy girls, then you have a better chance meeting girls with those interests by going to conventions/gaming events (PAX East, New York Comic Con, etc.), joining a club where girls share those interests (assuming you're still in college), and whatnot. For example, here in NYC there's a website called that lists all kinds of events happening around the city.
Appreciated. I guess my issue is that I want to meet someone who is outgoing, geeky but not so obsessed with their fandom that I need to be able to quote material to be interesting haha. Guess a good shot might be OkCupid and just hope that there's a "search by category". Well whenever I do it.
Pretty sure one girl I'm texting just copies/pastes messages to me every morning or whenever she gets done with work. They're always long and incredibly non-specific. Today she apologized for not being able to talk most of the day, when we've never talked during the day.
Should I read anything into this? We haven't met yet, so I cannot fault her for talking to multiple guys - hell, I'm talking to multiple girls. But to be treated like just one of many...i dunno, can't say I like it. I mean, how many others are there, if she just copies/paste stuff?
Online dating is THE most superficial dating environment out there. I'm comfortable saying 99.999% of the people there will only reply to pics they are interested in. With that said, if you think you're lacking in the looks department then stay off online! Go improve yourself as much as you can and approach women in real-life. They'll be able to see your personality and coolness, two things that are not apparent online.
Just don't be one of those guys who uses online dating as a basis for thinking he has no chance with women, and then subsequently gives up because of it.
I don't think that's anything unusual. Online dating is the most superficial thing there is. Rule 1 / Rule 2 always applies.
If you're not comfortable in your own, I think that comes across in your pictures / profile and whatnot. You should work on changing that. You'd be surprised how much feeling good and looking good does for your persona, confidence, and self-esteem.
And that will translate to much more than responses in the online dating scene.
seems kind of weird, but unless you can know for sure just give her the benefit of the doubt.
if you don't like the content of what she's saying just stop replying if you dont think its going to work.
You're not, you're changing yourself for you. Increased attention from women is just one of the benefits of that. Everyone wants someone committed to personal growth.I don't see why I should change myself for a stranger when I'm not expecting them to do that for me.
I'm more sure of it than not. Like once I realized it, almost all of her morning/after work messages fit the mold. If the conversation was dropped on another topic, I'd get generic message and answer message in rapid succession. And it's not that I don't like the content, I don't like feeling like I'm one guy on an assembly line.
honestly it might be some sort of bot or social experiment
who knows, really. just ask her to meet asap and see what the response is.
or you can fuck around and message them stuff like "Nice screen name lol, what is it in reference to" and see what happens.
She's real - just actually got off the phone with her. But that phonecall did a lot more harm than good. The conversation sucked; she was talking like she had to be there, not that she wanted to be. And what she did talk about wasn't that great to hear. Short version - I think she thinks that I'm kind of a douche, and she's in a lot of debt. Thankfully I only gave her my google voice number so I can block her SMS messages easily.
Instead I'll focus on this other girl I've actually met and converse well with.
Man, one day I'll find out the reason why so many naturalized Asian women don't like to date Asian guys. :/
Sounds like a psycho then, what with the copying and pasting messages.
Short answer: Unflattering portrayal in the media (applies to all minorities, really), cultural differences, and the whole "exotic" business with regards to minority women.
Don't give up though. There are Asian women and even some white women that prefer Asian men.
Yeah, I kind of want to believe that hypothesis but seeing as how all my Asian guy friends have Asian or White gfs/wives...
Actually, I don't know a single Asian guy that's single.
So maybe it's just me???
You can match with someone again? I always assumed they'd disappear for good if they swipe left or swipe right and unmatch you.Two of the girls above I've already been matched with and spoke to before on Tinder but never got far, this time after being matched again
You can match with someone again? I always assumed they'd disappear for good if they swipe left or swipe right and unmatch you.
I am most definitely comfortable, but that doesn't mean shit. From the time when I didn't try at all and didn't give a fuck about my appearance to actually giving a fuck now and being happier in general, shit hasn't really change, in actuality it has brought more negative emotions before and I almost got my ass beat a few times.
I've been on a roll recently with my new Tinder account.
I know it gets said a lot in this thread but it's definitely better to go straight in for the number and arrange a date.
Keep your head up
Eventually everyone finds that special girl/guy
Unfortunately I've been plagued with moving too slow lately. It's been a case where I drag the conversation on too long before they stop replying and get bombarded by other messages when I send them a message a few days later making the number next to impossible to ask for it then. The peak of the conversation is usually gauged by the length of the replies.Agreed. I only really fuck around for a few messages. Gauge their responses to my shitty opener and go from there. It's always better to move conversations off from Tinder as soon as possible while you have their interest because every day they get bombarded with more and more messages. So you stand out from the pack when you have their number and have a more direct line to her.