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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I don't know, it's one of the unique things about me so I felt like it was worth mentioning; especially since there aren't many mixed gay guys on tinder

Girls? :p


sorry, guys too I'm assuming. People. :p


Geez I haven't had any matches on Tinder nor OKC in awhile lol. Feels bad man. For some reason though, some of my past dates have hit me up wanting to go out again. I don't really have any interest in that.

I'm still dating this one girl. I can't say it's been smooth sailings as far as our scheduling goes, but we've always had a good time going out or talking over the phone. I'm not sure what we are yet but she's starting to call me "baby" and "honey", so I want to say we're starting to get past the dating phase and into a relationship, which would be nice. Before her, I've dated quite a bit but have not been into an actual relationship in awhile so this is nice.


Geez I haven't had any matches on Tinder nor OKC in awhile lol. Feels bad man. For some reason though, some of my past dates have hit me up wanting to go out again. I don't really have any interest in that.

I'm still dating this one girl. I can't say it's been smooth sailings as far as our scheduling goes, but we've always had a good time going out or talking over the phone. I'm not sure what we are yet but she's starting to call me "baby" and "honey", so I want to say we're starting to get past the dating phase and into a relationship, which would be nice. Before her, I've dated quite a bit but have not been into an actual relationship in awhile so this is nice.

I know that feel lol. I've been so bored lately without much to really go for. I approached this one girl who's straight up gorgeous after class once and we walked and talked, but her body language doesn't seem to indicate any interest. Tinder's been a bit dry lately as well.
So for Tindering, how long do you guys usually talk before making a move? It's different because the attraction is already there, but it's also only online so I don't want to come off as a creep. On the other hand, it's also online so it's much more casual.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So for Tindering, how long do you guys usually talk before making a move? It's different because the attraction is already there, but it's also only online so I don't want to come off as a creep. On the other hand, it's also online so it's much more casual.

about 5-10 messages.
about 5-10 messages.
So here's the catch, I'm a high school senior in suburbia and I only downloaded it as a casual hookup thing. I'm not looking to have a committed relationship with someone who lives 20 miles away - if that changes things.

Edit: So as an example, just matched with a girl this morning. Started talking a few hours ago, about 10 messages between the both of us. She lives 22 miles away. Should I just ask her if she wants to see a movie or what.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So here's the catch, I'm a high school senior in suburbia and I only downloaded it as a casual hookup thing. I'm not looking to have a committed relationship with someone who lives 20 miles away - if that changes things.

Edit: So as an example, just matched with a girl this morning. Started talking a few hours ago, about 10 messages between the both of us. She lives 22 miles away. Should I just ask her if she wants to see a movie or what.

Tinder IS only for casual hookups for the most part. That's why I said 10 messages. You're not trying to learn her life story first, that's what meeting up in person is for. If she's not interested in meeting up in person then there's no point anyway.


Homeland Security Fail
That's damn good son. I dunno how you do it. People should be learning more from you than me.I've been on a bit of dry streak for the past couple of months with dates but it hasn't been all that bad because I've been able to hang out with friends and relax on the weekends since I don't play video games on the weekend anymore nor have the desire to do so. We'll see how the hook up with this 32 year old plays out. If I'm not feeling her after that encounter, I won't see her again. The only reason I'm going for it is because it's a much older woman but at the same time, I have my doubts since she doesn't any shots of her mid section which is a bit of a concern for me. I'll see if I get her to send me a picture.

I like how we're all basically all in the same boat. I really do enjoy being single as well despite girls giving me the busy card. It's the freedom man as much as I love dating since it hasn't . After I finish school this semester is when I'm when I'm really going to have to start kicking off my freelancing career, making money, and figure out what I want to do.

Lol, I have been on a hot streak lately. And it has been with women that I have met. I haven't fired up Tinder in a long time. Gonna ride this hot hand out.

Trying to get a whole body picture is tricky. I usually try and get it via instagram. Or sending text pictures if I have their number.


I feel like the way this is going for me, is something like the number of prospects are like a handful of candles and every time I send a message to one and get nothing back there is a bit less light in the room.

It is interesting to do a match search for someone located anywhere and you put restrictions: answered 1k questions, is agnostic/atheist, and you get a bunch of 99% matches. If only I lived closer I could send a message and still not get a response.


3 miles away


Edit: Also quoting does absolutely nothing for phone screens, is there a way to make them display smaller on here?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm hoping that was in response to her response and not me. We actually did have a long conversation that wasn't posted. But yeah. Tinder is neat.

just message her again in 3 weeks and don't take it personally. Either she's making it up or being honest, no harm done!


Okay, so third (fourth?) time's the charm? Got the coffee date set up for this weekend with the girl. Hopefully it doesn't fall through again.

TBH, I'm sure she's seeing other people or has a better prospect already, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

Then again, the last time I was really pessimistic about things, I wound up with a 1.5 year relationship o_o
Had my first of 4 dates with different guys last night. Was good and I'm not against meeting him again but one of my dates is with my ex so if that works out (which I really hope it does!) then everyone else will get canned.

Never been on such a hot streak before!


Had my first of 4 dates with different guys last night. Was good and I'm not against meeting him again but one of my dates is with my ex so if that works out (which I really hope it does!) then everyone else will get canned.

Never been on such a hot streak before!

Normally I'd never pry but since this is the Internet I'll bite; why is he your ex?
Normally I'd never pry but since this is the Internet I'll bite; why is he your ex?

Haha it's cool. Timing was all wrong basically, he was too busy to commit and had too much other stuff going on at home etc. I'm not sure how much things have changed but I'm going to be straight with him tomorrow and tell him what I want. If he can't give me that then I know we have to move on.


Haha it's cool. Timing was all wrong basically, he was too busy to commit and had too much other stuff going on at home etc. I'm not sure how much things have changed but I'm going to be straight with him tomorrow and tell him what I want. If he can't give me that then I know we have to move on.

Good luck. :)

I just invited a girl out for lunch and possibly watching Interstellar. She's super cute and seems nice, so fingers crossed. Waiting on a response.


Guys I really need some help here. I basically traveled an hour from NJ to uptown Manhattan (and it cost me $20 at that) to meet this guy who I've been talking to for about two days on tinder; primarily because he's wayyy out of my league. While I was en-route he messaged me and told me that there was an emergency with the mother of the kid that he babysits and he couldn't spend more than like thirty minutes with me. When we met up we started walking around the park and it was great. We talked about TV shows, careers, NYC and much more. Then he told me that he had to go but "maybe I'll come to you next time." to which I responded "I'd like that."

Here's where everything went downhill, I apologized for him having to leave so early which was weird looking back at it now and I gave him a hug which he didn't seem to really like. I left and went home, took a nap and sent him a message at 3am which he's read (he's been online since I sent it) and now I'm almost sure that he's not responding and I wasted my time.

The message I sent said: "Hey 😸 Sorry today was super short-lived, lol. For what it's worth though I enjoyed talking to you in the time that we did have! If you do have time later this week I'd love to meetings [sic] up again Eric 😊"

Am I fucked or can I save this?

It still seems possible to save it, but do you really want to? It seems like he's giving clear signals that he's not looking at you in that way.

What I don't like is that he didn't apologize to you at least for coming all that way. Guy seriously doesn't even seem like he appreciates that you did that which in some ways says a lot.

The hug might just be because it's the first meeting, but usually most people are ok with hugs though even when first seeing each other.


Gonna get coffee with another girl later today. Not as interested in her as I am in the first girl (yet anyway) but I'm excited to finally meet with someone again nonetheless.


Guys I really need some help here. I basically traveled an hour from NJ to uptown Manhattan (and it cost me $20 at that) to meet this guy who I've been talking to for about two days on tinder; primarily because he's wayyy out of my league. While I was en-route he messaged me and told me that there was an emergency with the mother of the kid that he babysits and he couldn't spend more than like thirty minutes with me. When we met up we started walking around the park and it was great. We talked about TV shows, careers, NYC and much more. Then he told me that he had to go but "maybe I'll come to you next time." to which I responded "I'd like that."

Here's where everything went downhill, I apologized for him having to leave so early which was weird looking back at it now and I gave him a hug which he didn't seem to really like. I left and went home, took a nap and sent him a message at 3am which he's read (he's been online since I sent it) and now I'm almost sure that he's not responding and I wasted my time.

The message I sent said: "Hey 😸 Sorry today was super short-lived, lol. For what it's worth though I enjoyed talking to you in the time that we did have! If you do have time later this week I'd love to meetings [sic] up again Eric 😊"

Am I fucked or can I save this?
I put in a bold a few mistakes I think you made. One, stop going in with the mindset that he's out of your league. That level of lack of confidence can be shown without you realizing it. Next, you apologized to him for his mistake. To me this shows some kind of nervousness on your part which, again, flows from lack of confidence. Don't be apologetic for something unless its your wrong. Lastly, this is just my opinion but I don't like the idea of texting at odd hours. For one, you never know if a notification might wake the recipient up. Also, I like any person to think I have a normal routine (which I do). This is just a nitpick and only my own personal preference.

And yes, you're probably "fucked". What can you do to save it? Nothing. You can't save a first date, there's nothing to save. The moment you have a "I need to save this" mentality you've already lost. Why save it? Go out and meet someone else.


I'm definitely going to see how far the rabbit hole goes, even if it doesn't end well. At this point I'm just trying to figure out what to say and when to say it? It seems like he's asleep rn idk. I don't want to send another message when he seemingly ignored my last one but I might have to. Maybe something like "Uh so do you maybe want to come to [my town] or meet at Penn Station (between us) sometime this week?"

And he did apologize, sorry if I left that bit out, he wasn't that apologetic about it though.

I agree with stn, it doesn't sound like this is really gonna be worth it.

I'd wait for him to come to you, and keep doing other things till that happens.
Urrgghh I've just got the dreaded 'Sorry I'm seeing somebody else' text.

Id be lying if I said I wasn't expecting it, we've not seen each other the past two weeks and last week the conversation just stopped. I tried to start it again and it went nowhere.

The annoying thing is I told her on Sunday I felt like I wasn't taking the hint and she text back telling me I was just being stupid and asked if I wanted to come over to hers this week. Three days later she tells me she's didn't mean for it to happen but she's seeing an old friend, feels pretty shitty man.

On a positive note I've managed to get a few numbers of Tinder the past couple of days and a couple of dates lined up.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Really? I just figured I would drop it entirely and move on.

There's no harm and checking in with her in 3 weeks. Just send her a quick message and see, if she doesn't respond leave it be, if she responds all the better. 10 seconds of effort! ;)


Was exchanging messages with this girl and she asked "May I text you?" and I'm like sure, and gave her my number. And she...vanished, lol. So bizarre.


you can't put a price on sparks
Was exchanging messages with this girl and she asked "May I text you?" and I'm like sure, and gave her my number. And she...vanished, lol. So bizarre.

She was scoping your area code and did a google search and found something she didn't like.

Or she was a scammer trying to get numbers.

Have a date later tonight... So I guess we will see how that goes. I feel like I'm doing a bad job texting her, but I don't have much to say before meeting her.


From the site? did you do a search on the #?
Not sure what you're asking here. Since she never texted me I don't have her number. But yeah, this was a girl from OKC. Been talking for about two days.

She was scoping your area code and did a google search and found something she didn't like.

Or she was a scammer trying to get numbers.

Have a date later tonight... So I guess we will see how that goes. I feel like I'm doing a bad job texting her, but I don't have much to say before meeting her.

That'd be a really weird way to scope someone out since your area code goes with you even if you move. And that's how it is in my case...I'm in a totally different place area code wise. Hopefully it wasn't a scammer =\ I haven't received any bs calls yet though.

Good luck with your date buddy.


So I met up with one girl today. Went eh. I think the feeling was mutual, lol. We talked for about an hour about TV and hobbies and whatnot. Didn't feel a connection - I ended up doing most of the talking and I got the feeling she thought I was a bit odd, lmao. She said she had to go and I went on my way as well. Haven't texted her since and she hasn't either, so yeah, I think that's done. lol.

Meanwhile I'm talking to two other girls. Got both of their numbers and snapchats. Both of them older than me - one by about a year, the other by five. The year really doesn't mean anything to me, the five might. She asked if it bothered me and I said I didn't care since she wasn't a graduate. They both seem really nice. I was snapchatting with one and she told me to turn a light on because she couldn't see my "handsome face", the other said she was swooning at my deep blue eyes. bruh.

Good day, lol.


No one ever wants to me up on Tinder, I though that was the point. Maybe it's just me no one wants to fuck.

Edit: At Twio, I don't see anything you did that was deal breaking. Dude probably wasn't feeling it like that.


you can't put a price on sparks
well, had the date. i felt like it was going better during the date despite the few awkward silences in the conversation than i feel about it now.

afterwards on the drive home i felt like I would be graded as an F. I like her, but I don't think she was feeling me. I was talking about stuff I really shouldn't have been talking about, and I think that's what is going to be what kills any further chances. she was asking some questions back during the conversation, but during the silences i would have to be the one to think up the next thing to talk about.

I asked her if she might want to meet up again, and she said yes, but unless she really hated me i don't think she would say "no" on the spot.

i'll text her tomorrow or something and see if she responds/is still interested. i think i mostly need to get used to the very basic part of dating -- that someone might actually be interested in me, so its kind of hard dealing with that because i don't really know how i respond or how to respond to that particular fact, really.

i would be surprised at this point if she wants a second date. getting another person interested enough to go on a first date before the year end is probably not going to happen either


well, had the date. i felt like it was going better during the date despite the few awkward silences in the conversation than i feel about it now.

afterwards on the drive home i felt like I would be graded as an F. I like her, but I don't think she was feeling me. I was talking about stuff I really shouldn't have been talking about, and I think that's what is going to be what kills any further chances. she was asking some questions back during the conversation, but during the silences i would have to be the one to think up the next thing to talk about.

I asked her if she might want to meet up again, and she said yes, but unless she really hated me i don't think she would say "no" on the spot.

i'll text her tomorrow or something and see if she responds/is still interested. i think i mostly need to get used to the very basic part of dating -- that someone might actually be interested in me, so its kind of hard dealing with that because i don't really know how i respond or how to respond to that particular fact, really.

i would be surprised at this point if she wants a second date. getting another person interested enough to go on a first date before the year end is probably not going to happen either

What were you talking about that you think ruined your chances?


you can't put a price on sparks
What were you talking about that you think ruined your chances?

Roommate situation, said that they make a lot of noise sometimes and then she implied i was talking about them having sex, so then I said "now that you mention it..." And elaborated there.

We had ordered some nachos to share, but she didnt touch the guacamole so I asked if she liked it, she said yes but asked if I "wanted her to eat it" so I just said, no she doesn't have to.

This one could go either way: A couple of the jokes I used, she used it back at me and said the way she used it was better. So maybe she was mocking me, I'm not sure.

Talked about what I was doing this weekend a little bit (blizzcon) since I was mentioning about how my work schedule was different this week (which led from the initial planning conversation we were having by text.). That didnt seem to go over very well. She mostly didnt know what it was, but she thinks its basically just comic con.

She yawned a couple times, and there were times when we both were silent. Among some other things, I guess. I don't think my attempt at a hug helped me at the end, either.


Roommate situation, said that they make a lot of noise sometimes and then she implied i was talking about them having sex, so then I said "now that you mention it..." And elaborated there.

We had ordered some nachos to share, but she didnt touch the guacamole so I asked if she liked it, she said yes but asked if I "wanted her to eat it" so I just said, no she doesn't have to.

This one could go either way: A couple of the jokes I used, she used it back at me and said the way she used it was better. So maybe she was mocking me, I'm not sure.

Talked about what I was doing this weekend a little bit (blizzcon) since I was mentioning about how my work schedule was different this week (which led from the initial planning conversation we were having by text.). That didnt seem to go over very well. She mostly didnt know what it was, but she thinks its basically just comic con.

She yawned a couple times, and there were times when we both were silent. Among some other things, I guess. I don't think my attempt at a hug helped me at the end, either.

Sounds like a tough break. Good luck on the second date proposal, man.
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