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Online game manuals?


I know all about gamefaqs.com. Tonight my neighbor came over and asked if I knew where he could get a copy of the original Splinter Cell manual for the PS2. He said he could find walkthroughs/cheats/etc but couldn't find the manual. I told him about gamefaqs.com and I will print him out a copy of the button assignments if I can't find the original manual online. I was hoping someone here could help me out, he bought the game used without the manual.

He's waging war on our local Gamestop, but that's a whole other story entirely :D


Well..let me preface this by saying I'm a huge Teddman fan. If it was anyone but him asking this question, it would be ignored. That said, I'm kind of scared by my neighbor. He's a very nice guy, but he's kind of tweaked in the head from Desert Storm. I try and keep my distance from him, but he's a very nice and helpful guy. He's a mechanic, and has helped my ex and myself on plenty of occasions, and I have no reason to doubt anything he says.

Well, he rang my doorbell about the same time the Panthers and Steelers game started. He told me that he needed the Splinter Cell instruction booklet, because he had just bought the game for his 10 year old, but his kid didn't know the buttons. He found some walkthroughs online, but didn't want to give those to his kid "cause that isn't how the game is supposed to be played." I totally agreed with him, even when his son had to restart a game due to "using all his ammo." I have to say I've never played a SC game, but I know the premise behind the games.

Anyway, apparently my neighbor has had some problems with the local Gamestop. He bought a steering wheel under the guise that it would work with Grand Theft Auto. Now I knew that no such wheel exists, but I'm a geek. He asked the clerk repeatedly if the wheel would work, and that if it didn't, would he be able to get his money back? Well, as we all know, the wheel didn't work, but the clerk was being a dick about giving his money back. Now my neighbor was pissed, and I'd really hate to see the dude pissed. He called up Gamestop, and got the regional manager on the line. This manager was apparently in the military at some time, and the manager and my neighbor bonded. The manager had a lackey call the store while my neighbor was still on the phone, and the poor dude who made minimum wage was scared shitless. My neighbor was outside on the phone with the regional manager while the worker was getting worked over by the lackey. Apparently, my neighbor not only got his money back, but also a $100 store credit for his trouble. This was all from a previous incident, which must be fairly common. He let it be known that the regional manager knows him by his first name.

I must let it be known I've got no problems with this particular Gamestop. I've got some corporate problems, but nothing against the particular regional office. I told my neighbor that the store undoubtedably gave the consumer less cash for the game (Splinter Cell) without the manual, but probably didn't sell the game for any less.

Anyway, it's not that great a story, but since Teddman asked, he receives :D

I'm looking for an original Splinter Cell manual to keep my neighbor from having my local Gamestop shut down. He told me the regional manager has had problems with our branch and that he would be making an unannounced visit in two days. I've got $22 in store credit there, I don't want the place shut down, that's half of my payment on Paper Mario 2 :)

So yeah, my neighbor is a freak, he gets shit done but he's a freak. I like the guy, but he's a nutjob who doesn't stand for bullshit. I can't say I blame him, but that doesn't mean I want the store shut down.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
DJ_Tet said:
help from the daytime crowd?

I really don't think such a thing is available. I mean, aren't instruction books copyrighted?

That said, you could probably track down such a thing on usenet...if you have the means.
Minotauro said:
I really don't think such a thing is available. I mean, aren't instruction books copyrighted?

Yeah, I know of a site that used to post manuals for recent games, but was forced to stop because of copyright infringement warnings.

way more

It would be a great idea for someone to post game manuals. I've searched over the years and never found a site.


Thanks for running down the background on your neighbor's feud with Gamestop, DJ. My favorite parts:
He bought a steering wheel under the guise that it would work with Grand Theft Auto.
LOL. That is the type of thing an average gamer might do, but anyone who's played the game a lot would think is ridiculous. That they actually sold him one is the icing on the cake.
This manager was apparently in the military at some time, and the manager and my neighbor bonded.
I wonder how he worked that into the conversation? "I'm a Gulf War veteran, you don't go selling me a $#%& steering wheel that don't work with GTA!" ;)

I asked because anecdotes about store boycotts have always struck a chord with me... Take for instance my current standoff with Blockbuster Video. I won't set foot in that damn place.

It all started a couple years ago when I was visiting my folks back home, and went out to rent a game with one of my old high school buddies. We ended up at the Blockbuster register with a copy of NFS: Hot Pursuit II, and my friend was going to put it on his card. The clerk scans his card and says, "Oh, your credit card expired last month. Do you have a new one you can put on file?"

"Yeah... Do you see anything else on there? It's just that my card is expired?" Right away, my friend is suspicious.

"Yep, that's it. We just need a new card for your membership."

"Well, yeah my card did get renewed last month. Okay, here you go..."

He hands the clerk a new VISA. Big mistake:

"Oh. Sir, looks like there are two late fees on your account for such and such DVD's. Did you want to pay those now?"

"WHAT! I returned those on time!"

"No, looks like they were a day late. It's going to be $12 for the late fee and the game."

"...You said it was just that the card expired. Forget it! You can take that card right off the database. TAKE IT OFF!"

"Afraid I can't do that, sir. It's in the system now, we're going to have to charge your card if you won't pay now."

"I'll dispute the charge and charge it back! $%#& you! No good lying sumbitch..." Slams the game on the counter and continues yelling on his way out...

I couldn't help but laugh a bit on the way out; my buddy wanted to go back in and chew out the manager (who was probably the clerk himself). I talked him out of it and we rented the game at some other place called Video Warehouse. The worst part is that Blockbuster no longer even requires credit cards for membership, just a driver's license. So they really did give him a line of BS to collect on late charges.

Here's the kicker: The next day I woke up from a hangover and stumbled downstairs at my dad's house. He goes, "Here's a pile of mail for you." Since I moved out several years ago, I still get the occasional piece of mail at his place.

What was sitting right on top but a late notice from Blockbuster!


Man, don't even get me started on Blockbuster. Their late policies are horrible, and it's funny how 'liberal' they can be. By that I mean, if the clerk doesn't want to get the tapes in the parking lot at noon, then your ass is late. I appreciate that they changed their return time from close at night to noon the next day, but still, it's sickening that they make their money off late fees. It was one of the main reasons why when I had a credit card in college with someone else's name/social security card that I wanted to rip off Blockbuster. Long story short, I got a launch Saturn with a few games and a Janes Addiction CD in 10 min. The card was maxed and I never saw a bill, even though I wanted to pay that bill. I wanted to hit up Blockbuster for 10 rented games, but the CC company never sent a bill, guess they knew they got hosed when $500 was charged to their card in 15 min lol.

As far as my neighbor, I snickered too at the GTA wheel anectdote. I informed him that as far as my geek ass knew, there was no wheel that worked with GTA. He responded that he knew, as the info wasn't on the back of the game, and the fact that driving is a semi-small part of the game. He went on to claim that he asked the clerk three times if the wheel supported GTA, and was told that it did. I replied that the clerk might have confused GTA with Gran Tourismo. I got a vacant laugh and a chuckle in return.

As far as him bonding with the higher-up in Gamespot, man, I don't know. I guess it must be a military thing, I wouldn't know. I do know that his 'best friend' in the neighborhood was military, and by the way they hang out you would never guess they only knew each other 5 months. I don't know how 'the military thing' comes up, but it does, and it allows men over the age of 25 to bond like they have a complimentary set of Star Wars figures ;)

I'll never know that comraderie, and I'll have to be ok with that. Fuck Blockbuster, but I do hit up their 3 for $20 DVD deals when they have them. Good way to pick up some good movies for relatively cheap. I'm still bitter I didn't get to hit them up when I had the chance though. If only my card could have taken a $1 authorization charge! Yeah, I maxed the fuck out of that card in 10 minutes. Good stuff for your karma, let me tell ya :)
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