Unfortunately no, but it could be easily done with UserJS, but nobody did it yet. Meanwhile tryout FastForward for kicks. When you are reading, just press space, and that will scroll you exactly one page, so you can continue reading. When you are at the bottom of the page, press space, Opera will scroll as down as it is possible, and then press space again, FastForward will activate, and you will be brought to the next page in series.(Try it in google, it works there for sure, but doesn't work on GAF. If you're a tinkerer, you can tweak FastForward in fastforward.ini, it's pretty easy, and a few years ago I made it work with nearly every website)IcedTea said:Since I'm here, there are 4 things that I really love Firefox for. I almost switched after using Firefox 3.5 but I had a hard time living without this stuff. 3.6 is so snappy that I don't think it is necessary anymore, but Opera is still a bit more lightweight.
1) Auto Pager. Anything like this for Opera?
http://widgets.opera.com/widget/9141/ - the multi-gmail widget. Or you could use Opera as your mail client. Not only you will get a notification whenever you get a message, but also you will be able to read it. Use imap, so your messages won't be deleted. The space tip works in the mails also, btw.2) Gmail notifier. I have several gmail accounts and it is handy to be able to track them all without having to log in and stuff. Any solutions to track multiple gmail accounts at once?
Oh, and on a side note, if you fire up Mail in Opera then you will notice that google took a few tips from Opera
3) Stylish/Greasemonkey. I know that you can define custom stylesheets per site and there is a UserJS file you can change that is mostly compatible with greasemonkey, but I tweak stuff all the time. Is it possible to install/edit custom JS and CSS files inside of the browser with a few clicks, or do you have to manually edit and reload outside files or restart the browser every time?
You drop your JS into a folder in separate files, and that's it. you only need to refresh the site, Opera will catch the updated JS or whatever on the fly when you refresh the page.
That was years ago, no longer applies, since at least v8.5I remember having to browse the browser's install folder, find one random file to open, edit it inside a text editor, save, restart the browser, reload the page to check the tweak, repeat x1000 back in the firefox 1.0 days. Not fun.
Probalby easy to do with custom menus and stuff. Heck, I had one for bugmenot for a long time. But I need to know how exactly is it working in firefox extension.4) Bugmenot and Trashmail. Any way to integrate these with the browser at all? Being able to create throwaway email accounts when registering for stuff, or just using a trash login and not having to register just to view one random article or forum post or whatever is so nice.