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[Opinion] April 2023 is the beginning of the end for Xbox as we know it.

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That was my point, if MS go to a gamepass only model they lose access to the whole console market, unless they put Gamepass on Switch and Playstation. And that will be costly.
Getting %70 of +100m Gamepass subscriptions is infinitely better than getting %100 out of 30m.


Eh, maybe I did exagerate a bit. But one thing I am fairly sure of: Once most, if not all, third party games release on Nintendo systems, is the day that I probably won't be needing a Sony system, and just a Nintendo console. Especially now that all of Sony games are comming to PC.

And I doubt that I'm the only one thinking like that.
Power alone won't be enough to solve Nintendo's third party issue, it will still take time for them to build and improve relationships.

Will this reduce PlayStation's competitive advantage over Switch, somewhat. Will it be enough to significantly impact the PlayStation business, no.


Power alone won't be enough to solve Nintendo's third party issue, it will still take time for them to build and improve relationships.

Will this reduce PlayStation's competitive advantage over Switch, somewhat. Will it be enough to significantly impact the PlayStation business, no.
Western studios? Sure. But Japanese? Nintendo has been in good terms with most big third party japanese devs(Square, Capcom, Konami, Sega, etc) just by looking the ammount of support the Switch got from them, and if these companies want their games to sell in Japan, they need to be in a Nintendo system.So if it has the power to run, the games will be there.

I... somewhat disagree the last part.Its a gut feeling, so I can't really prove it, but its really hard to compete with a Nintendo that plays COD, RE, The Witcher, Ubisoft games, etc, AND Nintendo games. It won't torpedo Sony by that alone, obviously. But I can easily see a scenario of that kind of Nintendo competing with the PS4(as if it just launched), that the PS4 would have sold 90-100 millions instead of the 120 million it did.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I'd love for Microsoft to leave the console biz! Imagine there only being a single, monolithic company - the magnificent Sony. Without someone to keep them in check, they'd only ever offer the best value console with no stupid shit like gamepass. They'd also stop focusing on blockbuster AAA games and give us more stuff of variety like Tokyo Jungle, Gravity Rush and SOCOM again.
Microsoft hasn't done but two things to keep Sony in check:
Jack and Shit. And Jack left town.

MS biggest failure is their inability to get a steady flow of first party games. Spare me the bullshit of them just acquiring their studios. These studios they acquired have been around for 10+ years. There is no reason that they shouldn't be able to release 2-3 major games a year with all the studios they own. Not to mention they don't do anything worthwhile with the IPs they do own. They should have a studio working on a new Fallout game, a new Elder Scrolls game, a new Doom game. The simple fact of the matter is that they do not have competent people managing their studios.
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Phil Spencer shouldn't be fired. This deal has the stink of Satya Nadella's Holier Than Thou attitude all over it. Satya wanted Xbox to be number one in gaming and he wanted it fast so he can brag about it and can be lauded as the visionary CEO who finally made Xbox #1 in gaming. Phil Spencer is still a liar though in my book.
The average review score of first party games from MS since the new consoles launched is at like an 85. Their exclusives may have been bad much of last gen, but that’s no longer the case

People laughing but people have no arguments. They just want to keep saying “Xbox bad”

You are right. They -MS- are really bad at creating IPs, hence why they resorted to picking up Zenimax, which can be run independtly, only providing some assistance when really needed. Anybody who suggests that Doom, Fallout, ES, Starfield and company will not be quality, are lying to themselves. I think that MS issue is having those zeitgeist franchises that drive consoles sales; Nintendo and Sony both do. The latter has taken at least a decade to get there. The second issue is that the Xbox brand identity has not been properly cemented, or, rather, it has thus far failed in breaking the chrysalis of the American-focused, dude-bro go-to option. That image served them rather well in the early 2000s, but is no longer a viable vehicle. Unless MS addresses those two crucial points, they will forever lag behind. No wonder they want to burn all the steps and acquire anything that writes a code...It does not require them to change at a core level. Just throw money at it, and the market will no doubt follow.
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Gold Member
Somepeople really want to pay over 800$ for the next playstation lol.
$800 for a premium PS5 Pro?

Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC
Give I Want One GIF


I’m convinced that Microsoft will abandon the Xbox at some point, but it will be after I can play a majority of my purchased games through the cloud. I don’t think they will go full 3rd party.


Weeb Underling
I don't know about them abandoning consoles, but it is true that they were absolutely counting on the Activision acquisition as a foundational move for their flawed vision of gaming. Whatever happens won't be small, at least.


Weeb Underling
“It MiGhT sOuNd a BiT dOoM aNd GlOoM”

That’s literally all you post with regard to Xbox, is negativity and doom and gloom.
There's not much to be positive about.
Also, please pick a side on some of these topics. One minute GamePass numbers must be dwindling and not growing, the next minute GamePass is so big and affecting software sales so much.
The two can absolutely be true at once. If the Xbox audience is shrinking overall as users on the previous gen of Xbox become inactive or switches platform, but the number of people who still in it are dedicated to GamePass, the negative impact on software sales (which is not up for debate as per Microsoft themselves), grows. GamePass itself doesn't need to be shrinking for this to be the case. I don't think it is, to be clear, but it's clearly not doing that well in terms of subscriber growth if Microsoft is unwilling to share their subscriber numbers for well over a year; practically the last actual number that they've given in well over 5 years.

UK boxed sales split 😆
The Resident Evil figure is UK physical+digital, PC included. So no, you can't hide behind muh boxed sales as an argument; as if the annual 9-10 billion dollars physical games generate in the industry makes boxed sales in Xbox's second best territory an insignificant factor.


Moderated wildly
Let's see what the June showcase brings...I think big Jim Ryan is gonna walk out on stage and announce he has bought Microsoft, Sega and Sony....its now just Jimmy no ms, no Sony.

The Jimmy Dreamstation X is launching exclusively in the UK 2024. Register your interest with the CMA now to get a free stuffed cloud version of the console on day one!


Getting %70 of +100m Gamepass subscriptions is infinitely better than getting %100 out of 30m.
That's a fair point! I do think Microsoft will find it easier to get subscribers on their own platform than on Sony's or Nintendo's though.
Western studios? Sure. But Japanese? Nintendo has been in good terms with most big third party japanese devs(Square, Capcom, Konami, Sega, etc) just by looking the ammount of support the Switch got from them, and if these companies want their games to sell in Japan, they need to be in a Nintendo system.So if it has the power to run, the games will be there.

I... somewhat disagree the last part.Its a gut feeling, so I can't really prove it, but its really hard to compete with a Nintendo that plays COD, RE, The Witcher, Ubisoft games, etc, AND Nintendo games. It won't torpedo Sony by that alone, obviously. But I can easily see a scenario of that kind of Nintendo competing with the PS4(as if it just launched), that the PS4 would have sold 90-100 millions instead of the 120 million it did.
For Japan, we will need to see improvements in support from Bandai Namco Studios, RGG, Atlus, Capcom and Team Ninja. I do think we'll see improvements from Capcom and Team Ninja, but the rest we'll have to wait and see.

For the West, I think we'll see improvements from Warner Bros., Ubisoft and maybe Activision but not EA.

Either way, i think Sony's brand recognition, marketing deals with big third parties and online ecosystem that they have people in, will largely protect them from the Switch 2.


That's a fair point! I do think Microsoft will find it easier to get subscribers on their own platform than on Sony's or Nintendo's though.

For Japan, we will need to see improvements in support from Bandai Namco Studios, RGG, Atlus, Capcom and Team Ninja. I do think we'll see improvements from Capcom and Team Ninja, but the rest we'll have to wait and see.

For the West, I think we'll see improvements from Warner Bros., Ubisoft and maybe Activision but not EA.

Either way, i think Sony's brand recognition, marketing deals with big third parties and online ecosystem that they have people in, will largely protect them from the Switch 2.
Sure, fair enough.


OP just forgetting than a Gamepass version in other consoles wouldn't sustain itself without the 3ºparty content.
MS wants to produce first party AAA games in a Regular Basis and filling it with 3º party AAA deals and indies.
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Microsoft is a software company...xbox division is moving to a software/cloud service company....they will produce less hardware next years...but xbox as brand will be there like Sega..but bigger.


I seriously doubt Microsoft would throw the towel after so much effort and money. Maybe if they were in financial distress but they are in better shape than ever.

Also, as consumers, we would need to be crazy to wish for this. Competition is the only thing that keep this guys in check and motivate them to heavily invest.

My friends and I are PC gamepass subs and have been (full price) since it was released in our country (maybe 2 years). There is a market.


The Game Pass model was all about Microsoft hedging its bets. Hardware powers the games, sure, but games are, ultimately, the money maker. Getting its games on PC, mobile phones, and Game Pass was all about allowing Microsoft to make more money than its console install base allowed. This allows Microsoft to avoid another Xbone disaster: you simply don't sell enough hardware to justify the whole endeavour at all, and the brass looks at walking away from the whole thing.

Given their dollar-value commitment, Microsoft isn't walking away from Xbox anytime soon. They saw the money rolling in during the Xbox 360 days, so management know if they can get their platform back to that position they'll see it rolling in once again. Their Surface hardware doesn't make them oodles, but it doesn't lose money either, so they continue with it. The issue, which was ushered in by Don Mattrick and has, seemingly, continued with Spencer, is that Microsoft simply doesn't know how to output the games needed to get Xbox back into that position. I'd imagine buying up ABK and Zenimax was as much about IP as it was about development and management expertise that allowed those companies to thrive for multiple decades. Say what you will about Bobby Kottick, but there's no denying he turned ABK into a fucking powerhouse that's held onto its top-dog position for over a decade. Having that kind of thinking behind Xbox would be pretty tantalizing, I imagine.

What I see happening after the current generation, however, is Xbox's management changes its approach. Sarah Bond is already in position for Xbox when Spencer moved up to his gaming tsar role, so I'd wager she'll continue Spencer's direction for Xbox for a while. However, if they close out this generation in a similar position to last generation, I'd expect changes. Microsoft's board will want to see a return on their investment, and Spencer's vision has had long enough to deliver. Will Bond deliver Xbox back to the 360 hay-day? Who knows. But, Microsoft will give her the opportunity to deliver, which means at least one more generation for Xbox as we know it.
If we're going with the mid-gen route again I'm just going to keep my Series X for the odd console-only GP game, and pick up a $1500-ish PC. I'm just tired of the console nonsense.

That being said I don't want a case that looks like I got it at a pride parade. Calm down on the RGB people.
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Dr. Claus

I feel like this has been true forever, but Starfield is the first major Xbox exclusive I've been interested in since Scalebound, almost ten years ago. I'm also interested in their upcoming Perfect Dark game. And their Indiana Jones game. And their rumoured Banjo Kazooie game.

If all this shit pays off I'll forgive the many years of cancellations and droughts, no problem. But yeah, as it is, you're right- fucking nothing pretty much sums it up.

That is the big issue. We keep getting promised games. 2 years ago, we were promised that things would change. Last year we were promised things were changing and games are coming. Same thing this year. The few games we get are either moderately good to great A-AA games once or twice a year or a completely shitty to mediocre AAA game like Halo Infinite and RedFall.

I want to see Xbox become a powerhouse again. I want the Xbox I loved to play from the turn of the millenium up through 2010.

That Xbox is nowhere to be seen and its being paraded around by retards and their retarded fanboys.

Dr. Claus

Playground Games

1 - Fable
In Dev Hell

NInja Theory

2 - Hellblade 2
3 - Project Mara
A game that has been promised for 5+ years and we see nothing but a very short "gameplay" clip. And a game we know nothing about that may not release for another 3-6 years. Woopie.

The Coalition

4 - Next Gears
5 - Additional Project (Rumored Star Wars IP)
Two things we only have promises and rumors of. Nothing substantial.

Undead Labs

6 - State of Decay 3
A game in dev hell.


7 - Everwild
8 - Additional Project
A game in Dev hell and a promised product we know nothing about that may not release for 5-10 years.


9 - Starfield
10 - Elder Scrolls 6
11 - Redfall
StarField is the only game coming out soon. ES6 didn't start full dev, confirmed by Bethesda, until StarField launches. So min of 5-7 years from now.

Redfall looks like trash.


12 - Indiana Jones Game
A game we know nothing about and may not release for 2-5 years yet.

Obsidian Games

13 - The Outer Worlds 2
14 - Awoved
A sequel to a shitty game and a game we know nothing about, aside that it is set in the PIllars of Eternity universe, of which only one game was actually good out of the two that exists. Also a game we may not see for 2-5 years.

Turn 10

15 - Forza Motorsport Reboot
"Reboot", aka the same damn game we got 6 times before with minimal changes aside from a focus on graphical fidelity that you will not see during racing anyway.

If they confirm proper progression, quality design, and no MTX I may be interested. Otherwise it is another MTX driven shitpile like 7 was.

You are correct, they have nothing. You win :/
Lots of empty promises and games that were shown off years ago that we know nothing about and still are nowhere near the horizon aside from like... 3. The egg is on your face.


The nicest person on this forum
This just me but honestly most of the games I'm looking forward from Playstation are from 3rd party developers, I can think any Sony's own first party games I'm looking forward this year or year after that.


This just me but honestly most of the games I'm looking forward from Playstation are from 3rd party developers, I can think any Sony's own first party games I'm looking forward this year or year after that.
Not just you. Switched from PS to Xbox middle of last gen. Really love the MP arhat Microsoft puts out with Halo MCC, Halo 5, and Gears 5. Add in Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport and I know I’ll have stuff to return to. Then Starfield and other WRPGs have me very intrigued.

That’s not to say Sony doesn’t have good games, but after a few generations of getting every one of their blockbusters and also seeing some favorite franchises left to rot (Socom, Motorstorm, Twisted Metal, Jet Moto, Jumping Flash, Gravity Rush) I think I’ll pass on them for now.


The nicest person on this forum
Not just you. Switched from PS to Xbox middle of last gen. Really love the MP arhat Microsoft puts out with Halo MCC, Halo 5, and Gears 5. Add in Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport and I know I’ll have stuff to return to. Then Starfield and other WRPGs have me very intrigued.

That’s not to say Sony doesn’t have good games, but after a few generations of getting every one of their blockbusters and also seeing some favorite franchises left to rot (Socom, Motorstorm, Twisted Metal, Jet Moto, Jumping Flash, Gravity Rush) I think I’ll pass on them for now.
For me the biggest reason I got in to Playstation in the first place was for their Japanese titles, this gen its mostly gone, thankfully I still have third party games but when it comes to Sony' own first party games, I cant think anything I'm looking forward to.


For me the biggest reason I got in to Playstation in the first place was for their Japanese titles, this gen its mostly gone, thankfully I still have third party games but when it comes to Sony' own first party games, I cant think anything I'm looking forward to.
Team ICO was amazinf.

Btw, did you ever get into Jumping Flash. The second game in the series is a lot of fun imo
Or they could go scorched earth and lock major IPs by spending like madmen...I have no idea what will happen...Whether the deal could still go ahead and whether the consolidation process could continue as planned...


The nicest person on this forum
what games are you into?
- Character Action games,
Point click adventure like Ace Attorney and Zero escape
- 3rd person survival horror games
- platformer
- adventure games like Zelda
- Japanese Mecha games
- Puzzle games like Catherine

Majority of games I enjoy are Japanese games, because I like their art direction and their approach designing combat and overall gameplay.
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The Switch is on its way to be the best selling console of all time, even when it only has 10% to 20% of the high end games.

So see it like that: Even without those games, Nintendo is selling far more consoles than MS and Sony ever dreamed of, while having a healthy profit on each console from day one. This is something that Sony and MS could never do.

And Nintendo kicked Sony out of Japan, the second biggest country for videogames.

And that is all what the market decided. After all, people chose to buy Nintendo products, even without having a lot of the High end games.

Now imagine this: Power gains are becoming less and less important, and the gap between Nintendo and its competitors are becomming smaller and smaller.If Sony and MS is having this much trouble with the advantage they have now in their favor, imagine when they lose that only advantage they have?

Once the Switch 2 launches, power will probably be a non issue(Given that it will be a 10th gen system), even if the PS5 is still more powerful. Then Sony and MS will be in hot waters, more than what they are in now.
smh man, what a load of nonsense


voted poster of the decade by bots
People keep on saying they could just put gamepass on ps5 and switch, yet conveniently forget that both Sony and Nintendo might not even allow it, and the 30% cut would hurt badly. Not controlling your own platform is a huge problem.


For me the biggest reason I got in to Playstation in the first place was for their Japanese titles, this gen its mostly gone, thankfully I still have third party games but when it comes to Sony' own first party games, I cant think anything I'm looking forward to.
This was always bound to happen and it's a big reason I'll see the first half of the PS5 generation as to be lacking. But things should be improving with Japanese games from late 2023-2024 onwards, with projects from XDev Japan and Team Asobi (which is my right up my alley since I loved Japan Studio's cutesy games) starting to release, the problem is that we don't know about most of them and it's happening with their western titles too. They need to do a showcase soon.


smh man, what a load of nonsense
They aren't wrong though? The Switch is probably on track to beat PS2 sales, and has done so with no where near the same level of support as PlayStation or Xbox. First party strengths really play into the console's success, but also the technological uniqueness comparative to others helps as well.
- Character Action games,
Point click adventure like Ace Attorney and Zero escape
- 3rd person survival horror games
- platformer
- adventure games like Zelda
- Japanese Mecha games
- Puzzle games like Catherine

Majority of games I enjoy are Japanese games, because I like their art direction and their approach designing combat and overall gameplay.
i knew you were a weeb.

you gotta understand something mate. yes; weeb shit is getting more popular than ever in the west. but the PS3 era really fucked things up not just for sony but the entire Japanese scene.

remember how Capcom and konami started to abandoned their roots and even given IPs to western devs?

and sony was saved thanks to their Western devs.... in increasingly and higher-than-ever expectations graphically and scope-wise, Japanese devs are not suitable to fill the condom, to fill the shoes, or whatever the saying goes.

BUT...it seems things are changing....capcom with REengine, yakuza's explosion in popularity (relatively speaking), From Software finally getting the commercial recognition it deserves so on and and so forth.

now, and because you are such a nice person i would say that sony is getting around their lack of support for Asian development.

China, Korea and Japan... hopefully, all those investments are financial and critically successful.


They aren't wrong though? The Switch is probably on track to beat PS2 sales, and has done so with no where near the same level of support as PlayStation or Xbox. First party strengths really play into the console's success, but also the technological uniqueness comparative to others helps as well.
Yeah, and that wasn't all about his post.
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The nicest person on this forum
i knew you were a weeb.
If you mean I like Japanese games sure, that was no big secret.
and sony was saved thanks to their Western devs.... in increasingly and higher-than-ever expectations graphically and scope-wise, Japanese devs are not suitable to fill the condom, to fill the shoes, or whatever the saying goes.
Honestly whole focus on graphics and cinematic rather making games more is fun to play is my reason why I’m losing interest in Sony’s western first party games.


It might sound a bit doom and gloom, and if someone disregards it or mock me for it, that's fine. People also laughed when I said that ABK will be blocked. But I wanted to put my thoughts on the record by saying that the downfall of Xbox (as we know it) has just gotten into 5th gear.

Will Microsoft just wrap up the Xbox division? No.

But I do think they will abandon their consoles very, very soon. After that, they will primarily become a game publisher. With the resources, studios, and IPs available to Xbox Game Studios, they can be a reasonably good multiplatform publisher, adding operating profit to Microsoft's balance sheet.

Here are a few of my logical reasons why I think Xbox would be abandoning its console in the next few years:
  • Microsoft loses up to $200 per Xbox console sold. On the other hand, PS5 has been selling at a profit for nearly 2 years now.
  • The idea of selling a console at a loss is not an uncommon one. Because console platform holders recover money by selling first- and third-party games on their platform. Unfortunately, the Xbox user base now does not buy as many first or third-party games.
    • Third-party games.
      • For example, Resident Evil 4 Remake sold 74% on PS5 and only 26% on Xbox Series S|X in the UK. However, the console sales split in the UK market is relatively equal: PS5 (56%) and Xbox (44%).
    • First-party games.
      • Digital Foundry mentioned that Xbox games have decreased in sales by up to 80%. Microsoft also has confirmed that Game Pass cannibalizes game sales. And since all first-party games launch on Game Pass day one, their game sales continue to decrease.
  • Talking of Game Pass, it has been 464 dayssince Microsoft last shared the Game Pass subscriber count.
    • Microsoft had earlier stopped sharing console sales numbers in Oct. 2015 because of poor console sales.
    • Then the argument was that console sales do not matter, and Game Pass subscribers are all that matter. Now, Microsoft has stopped sharing that as well.
    • Before Microsoft stopped sharing Game Pass numbers, Game Pass had "missed its subscription target" for 2 consecutive years. Then it all went quiet.
  • Talking of console sales, Xbox is being outsold by PS5 by nearly 3:1 now. PS5 has started averaging 24 million consoles per year recently. Xbox Series X|S is averaging 8.5 million consoles per year. And this is after investing more than $10 billion dollars in the division, only for acquisition.
If Microsoft stops selling consoles, they will immediately increase its profitability. The only reason why Microsoft has kept Xbox alive is the hope that one day Xbox will capture the market share and contribute to Microsoft's profits. That's the reason Microsoft invested in Xbox. But the results did not improve.

Microsoft outright said that they needed Activision Blizzard King to compete. Now that the acquisition has been blocked, how will they compete?

I believe Microsoft will soon realize that this is not working, and Xbox won't be able to capture the PS5 market share. Consequently, they will shift its business model to becoming a third-party publisher and put its games on Nintendo and PlayStation as their combined user base is ~200 million gamers who spend the most money on buying games.

This strategy will also enable Microsoft to acquire more companies and publishers without strict scrutiny.

Lastly, Microsoft's involvement with Cloud gaming and Game Pass will make it easier for Microsoft to shift to this new model.

April 2023 is the beginning of the end for the Xbox console hardware. We're witnessing history in the making.
And if this happens it will be terrible for the industry unless someone else fills the void.


I personally think Xbox was in decline once Bungie left them. I think it rocked them internally so bad to the core they never can recoup. Xbox in the 360 days was awesome. Ever since then thought it just eh… many broken promises. It’s very easy to see doom and gloom as an Xbox fan.
For me the biggest reason I got in to Playstation in the first place was for their Japanese titles, this gen its mostly gone, thankfully I still have third party games but when it comes to Sony' own first party games, I cant think anything I'm looking forward to.
Same. Sony will always be my go to because I prefer the dualshock and I've always enjoyed PS as a whole but yea, their first party games don't really interest me in the slightest. RE/Capcom is what keeps me invested in modern gaming. VR too, I'm all in with PSVR2.
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Phil is doing his job as head of ms gaming and making xbox really unattractive to the share holders so they kill it and ms can finally start to make bank by become a third party developer for playstation.

I would very much enjoy this. Not cuz I hate Xbox but I like their games and would love to play them on PlayStation. Forza is great and I really like Gears. I just don’t want to buy another console :/


In Dev Hell

A game that has been promised for 5+ years and we see nothing but a very short "gameplay" clip. And a game we know nothing about that may not release for another 3-6 years. Woopie.

Two things we only have promises and rumors of. Nothing substantial.

A game in dev hell.

A game in Dev hell and a promised product we know nothing about that may not release for 5-10 years.

StarField is the only game coming out soon. ES6 didn't start full dev, confirmed by Bethesda, until StarField launches. So min of 5-7 years from now.

Redfall looks like trash.

A game we know nothing about and may not release for 2-5 years yet.

A sequel to a shitty game and a game we know nothing about, aside that it is set in the PIllars of Eternity universe, of which only one game was actually good out of the two that exists. Also a game we may not see for 2-5 years.

"Reboot", aka the same damn game we got 6 times before with minimal changes aside from a focus on graphical fidelity that you will not see during racing anyway.

If they confirm proper progression, quality design, and no MTX I may be interested. Otherwise it is another MTX driven shitpile like 7 was.

Lots of empty promises and games that were shown off years ago that we know nothing about and still are nowhere near the horizon aside from like... 3. The egg is on your face.
Calm down, they have 23 studios and most haven’t announced anything yet, most projects should be 3+ years into development by now. The summer events should show where they’re heading.
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