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Oppenheimer |OT| I am become Nolan, the destroyer of subwoofers


I didn’t like it. It’s too bombastic for the subject matter. Its cut and scored like dunkirk when it should’ve been a character focused drama like the prestige. It feels too unfocused. I was onboard when he just focused on oppenheimer’s inner conflict about the bomb but then they create this conflict with RDJ’s character and communism scares, and they lost me. Nolan does his best to inject drama here with a bombastic soundtrack and it doesn’t always work. Probably because the movie Is 3 hours long and is edited like a montage. Dunkirk only worked because it was like 96 minutes. This feels way too long for something edited like a fast paced thriller.

Like all Nolan movies, it has its redeeming qualities. Some stunning visuals, and a great soundtrack, but by the end i was thoroughly bored by it all. Cillisn Murphy is fantastic here but oppenheimer simply isn’t the protagonist type. He mostly just goes along with everything and I’m not sure if it makes for a great protagonist.

P.s my theater had an ac malfunction or maybe it was because the theater was packed but everyone was sweating by act 2. Very uncomfortable experience that likely hurt my enjoyment of the movie.

P.p.s Florence Pugh is a goddess. Good lord.
I agree with these sentiments. I don't think Oppenheimer is interesting enough to carry a 3 hour film. The movie was at its best when it dealt with the morals and politics of using a nuke on a civilian population. Oppenheimer's own character felt overdramatized for who he actually was. I would've preferred a movie more about the arms race than a character study. Also, I felt like the audio was used too much as an attention grabber with those loud nuclear sounds thrown at you every so often.

Dunkirk, I loved that movie. It was tightly paced and the subject matter was engaging and emotional. The closure of Dunkirk is to this day one of my favorite film endings ever. Compared to that film, Oppenheimer felt short.
Good movie and it was full of great performances. I have to say that I was disappointed with the explosion. I saw this in a normal theatre so maybe it was better in IMAX.
In IMAX it felt like the building was caving in during the explosion sequence and the mushroom cloud was in full view of the IMAX screen all the way from the bottom to the top. The whole thing filled the screen. It looked incredible.

You should have gone to see this in IMAX.


Saw this yesterday in IMAX and thought it was incredible. I think it’s one I’ll be thinking about for a while to come. Decent chance I go see it for second time in the coming days. I’m glad I saw it in IMAX not just for the screen size, since the visuals were spectacular but also the sound. The part where Oppenheimer is walking out to give his speech after the bomb is dropped and everyone is stamping their feet faster and faster. It was like the sound of a runaway train, which is appropriate for the subject matter of the film.

Has anyone read American Prometheus? If so how is it? I’ve been thinking about picking it up.
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People on Linkedin are unhinged. Imagine seeing that film and this is what you take away from it. Apologies for the picture quality. I saw this shared somewhere else.



Thought people might be interested in this article featuring comments from Nolan about the ending.

Saw this last night. it felt like a mashup of JFK, There will be Blood, Uncut Gems, and Dunkirk
Where does the Uncut Gems aspect come in? The rising, uncomfortable tension in various scenes? Guessing it's not just Benny Safdie, one of the directors of Uncut Gems, playing Teller.


Saw it at the IMAX too, only here for 3 days, had to book tickets two months ago. Was super good, albeit, it did feel a little slow at certain spots, I am pretty sure they could have made it even longer, but it felt, just long enough. The story is well told, and so many good actors.

The nuke scene was spectacular. :eek:


How sappy it is from 1 to 10? How many times the word "love" is mentioned in the movie?

I don't really trust Nolan after Interstellar.


Now this makes me REALLY want to see it. All of those movies are great...well, except for Uncut Gems.
It got great reviews but yeah, it gave me the worst fucking headache midway through. Sandler is good in it though.
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Great movie. It's structurally is the Oppenheimer's Imitation Game by Nolan. The sound in general, specially the sound engineering, is a work of art. Better even than Dunkirk or Interstellar.

But the explosion felt a little underwhelming (non 70mm, non imax version) and the last act drags a little more than it should.

Fools idol

Not *quite* up there with Interstellar in my book but very close.

Nolan has a way of making films that feel like historical benchmarks, almost as if they were made by humanity itself.

To me this felt like I was watching the actual events from a remote viewing or something. It all felt genuine and scary, you really feel the anxiety around creating the ultimate destruction tool, and the implications of doing so.

Much like with interstellar, it felt like you were watching humanity pose the ultimate questions about the universe, almost in a childlike wonder kind of way, and the answers were emotional and hard to fathom, which made it terrifying. I will never forget that feeling of dread and excitement when he goes into the black hole, and the slipping between the cracks of reality felt genuinely disturbing. Like there are things we should just not be trying to find out, even though they are intriguing.

10/10 film making, script and production but 9/10 overall for me, I did feel like a few of the supporting roles fell flat, but almost a 10.
Great movie but man, this movie's cast is insane. I kept getting distracted when I recognized an actor but couldn't quite remember where from, like the elf from The Santa Clause. :messenger_grinning_smiling:


How sappy it is from 1 to 10? How many times the word "love" is mentioned in the movie?

I don't really trust Nolan after Interstellar.
Is interstellar the only movie of his you have seen? Because both his films before and after have not used that theme... literally just interstellar


Gold Member
Hmmmm, 95% of the VFX was spent adding in that black dress. The animators logged in 300 hours each on it! All in 5 minute spurts. hmmmmmmmm
I like Nolan. I think he's one of the best directors out there right now and many of my favourite movies is from him BUT there comes a point where practifcal effects doesn't cut it. The trinity explosion in Oppenheimer looked nothing like the real footage. Nolan mentioned using real explosives to make it feel threatening to the audience but that footage we got in the movie is not it. It looked like your average bomb going off and they just filled the whole IMAX screen of the thing and a whole bunch of close-ups to make it look like one. In the end it was VERY underwhelming.

The only saving grace was the sound of the bomb (i hope the theatre speakers survived another showing) and the musical score before detonation. THAT felt threatening and eerie. What would have been wrong with using a real explosive but then supplementing that with some CGI to actually make the bomb LOOK threatening.

So for me Trinity going off was very underwhelming. The rest of the movie was amazing and I loved it. Will definitely see it again but not in IMAX. My neck can't handle another 3 hours in that position.
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Sucks to be them. I feel it’s important to get the artists unedited vision. Very important.

And what did they put on her when she's humping Oppie in the hearing? A red dress? I don't see what's wrong with seeing a tit or two on screen.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I like Nolan. I think he's one of the best directors out there right now and many of my favourite movies is from him BUT there comes a point where practifcal effects doesn't cut it. The trinity explosion in Oppenheimer looked nothing like the real footage. Nolan mentioned using real explosives to make it feel threatening to the audience but that footage we got in the movie is not it. It looked like your average bomb going off and they just filled the whole IMAX screen of the thing and a whole bunch of close-ups to make it look like one. In the end it was VERY underwhelming.

The only saving grace was the sound of the bomb (i hope the theatre speakers survived another showing) and the musical score before detonation. THAT felt threatening and eerie. What would have been wrong with using a real explosive but then supplementing that with some CGI to actually make the bomb LOOK threatening.

So for me Trinity going off was very underwhelming.
Have you watched the actual test footage recently?

A small-yield fission device going off looks similar to a conventional explosion. Nolan was looking to be accurate to the real Trinity footage, not audiences' preconceptions of what a nuclear blast looks like.


It’s out. Go see it in the biggest, loudest format possible, and report back with your thoughts.

That's not going to be possible for me because reasons but I can't wait for it to come out on streaming. Headphones on and going in completely blind!
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Have you watched the actual test footage recently?

A small-yield fission device going off looks similar to a conventional explosion. Nolan was looking to be accurate to the real Trinity footage, not audiences' preconceptions of what a nuclear blast looks like.

Yeah this is the footage I was basing my argument on. From what I can remember in the theatre the explosion didn't look as threatening as this. There was a brief scene where the 'mushroom' cloud portion filled the whole IMAX screen from top to bottom and that looked okay. The rest of it is just close up shots.

As I say It felt underwhelming. The only saving grace was the sound of the bomb going off. That was amazingly well done. Will see it again and maybe on 2nd viewing my opinion might change.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yeah this is the footage I was basing my argument on. From what I can remember in the theatre the explosion didn't look as threatening as this. There was a brief scene where the 'mushroom' cloud portion filled the whole IMAX screen from top to bottom and that looked okay. The rest of it is just close up shots.

As I say It felt underwhelming. The only saving grace was the sound of the bomb going off. That was amazingly well done. Will see it again and maybe on 2nd viewing my opinion might change.
Ah, fair then.


Saw it yesterday, its a great movie, an 8/10 for me. I knew close to nothing about Oppenheimer as a person prior to the movie, only that he was involved with the creation of the atom bomb. I thought the first act of the movie was paced too fast, and it was confusing for me as the movie kept interjecting the element of Communism with Oppenheimer very frequently. It was made clear throughout the movie why this was relevant but it was jarring opening act for me. It was interesting how the movie portrayed how Oppenheimer viewed his world initially, but it became messy once they got to the communism part.

I didn't mind the whole hearing part of the movie, it was interesting banter but I would have preferred if the plot just revolved around Oppenheimer's dilemma with him having a hand at delivering a weapon of mass destruction to the world. Then again, I didn't make the movie but I felt it would have made the movie more focused. Another issue I had was with the final act, there were just too many names for me to remember who did what that I couldn't appreciate it to the fullest.

Though I can't say why this movie needed to be viewed from IMAX, I think it would have been just fine on normal screens since the bulk of it was human drama but I did watch it on IMAX. The Trinity part of the explosion wasn't as menacing as I expected it to be. I have seen the footage of the real testing and Nolan's version was just a big explosion but I give Nolan a lot of respect for using practical effects.
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