Elden Member
I agreed with a lot of this, and I still think the movie was a 8 or 9 out of 10.Saw it yesterday, its a great movie, an 8/10 for me. I knew close to nothing about Oppenheimer as a person prior to the movie, only that he was involved with the creation of the atom bomb. I thought the first act of the movie was paced too fast, and it was confusing for me as the movie kept interjecting the element of Communism with Oppenheimer very frequently. It was made clear throughout the movie why this was relevant but it was jarring opening act for me. It was interesting how the movie portrayed how Oppenheimer viewed his world initially, but it became messy once they got to the communism part.
I didn't mind the whole hearing part of the movie, it was interesting banter but I would have preferred if the plot just revolved around Oppenheimer's dilemma with him having a hand at delivering a weapon of mass destruction to the world. Then again, I didn't make the movie but I felt it would have made the movie more focused. Another issue I had was with the final act, there were just too many names for me to remember who did what that I couldn't appreciate it to the fullest.
Though I can't say why this movie needed to be viewed from IMAX, I think it would have been just fine on normal screens since the bulk of it was human drama but I did watch it on IMAX. The Trinity part of the explosion wasn't as menacing as I expected it to be. I have seen the footage of the real testing and Nolan's version was just a big explosion but I give Nolan a lot of respect for using practical effects.
My biggest criticism of it is simply down to the Trinity test just not being an impressive effect. I know Nolan wanted it practicle, but I’m sorry Mr. N, this is one time where I think you should have done more and let yourself use more tools to show the magnificent terror and size of what was created.