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Oppenheimer |OT| I am become Nolan, the destroyer of subwoofers


Elden Member
Saw it yesterday, its a great movie, an 8/10 for me. I knew close to nothing about Oppenheimer as a person prior to the movie, only that he was involved with the creation of the atom bomb. I thought the first act of the movie was paced too fast, and it was confusing for me as the movie kept interjecting the element of Communism with Oppenheimer very frequently. It was made clear throughout the movie why this was relevant but it was jarring opening act for me. It was interesting how the movie portrayed how Oppenheimer viewed his world initially, but it became messy once they got to the communism part.

I didn't mind the whole hearing part of the movie, it was interesting banter but I would have preferred if the plot just revolved around Oppenheimer's dilemma with him having a hand at delivering a weapon of mass destruction to the world. Then again, I didn't make the movie but I felt it would have made the movie more focused. Another issue I had was with the final act, there were just too many names for me to remember who did what that I couldn't appreciate it to the fullest.

Though I can't say why this movie needed to be viewed from IMAX, I think it would have been just fine on normal screens since the bulk of it was human drama but I did watch it on IMAX. The Trinity part of the explosion wasn't as menacing as I expected it to be. I have seen the footage of the real testing and Nolan's version was just a big explosion but I give Nolan a lot of respect for using practical effects.
I agreed with a lot of this, and I still think the movie was a 8 or 9 out of 10.

My biggest criticism of it is simply down to the Trinity test just not being an impressive effect. I know Nolan wanted it practicle, but I’m sorry Mr. N, this is one time where I think you should have done more and let yourself use more tools to show the magnificent terror and size of what was created.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

^ General Groves was warned repeatedly about the dangerous fallout that would impact civilians in the surrounding area, but refused to warn them or evacuate. Afterwards when it was realized that plutonium had spread all over the region, nothing was done and no one was notified of the dangers. Children played with fallout, got cancer and died:


Young teenager Barbara Kent said that several hours after the atomic bomb went off on July 16, 1945, she and some friends in Ruidoso, New Mexico—a part of Lincoln County—noticed white flakes drifting down from a big cloud in the sky. “We were grabbing the white flakes, and putting it all over ourselves, pressing it on our faces,” Kent said. “But the strange thing, instead of being cold like snow, it was hot. And we all thought, ‘Well, the reason it’s hot is because it’s summer.’ We were only thirteen; we didn’t know any better.” Kent says that this photo of her and her friends was taken that day, and that it features them playing in the fallout. Image courtesy of Barbara Kent’s daughter, Kaysie Kent.

Also in the years following the test, Barbara Kent—who had played with fallout along with her fellow campers—began hearing that her fellow campers from that summer had been falling ill. By the time she reached 30, she recalled in 2021: “I was the only survivor of the girls at that camp,” adding that she herself has had several cancers, including endometrial cancer and “all kinds of skin cancer.”


Gold Member
Nolan is in my top 5 favourite directors so I'm there day 1 for whatever he does. Unfortunately, we still don't have a Japanese release date but I'll be there in front of the big screen as soon as it comes out here, the rest of you enjoy.


Flashless at the Golden Globes

^ General Groves was warned repeatedly about the dangerous fallout that would impact civilians in the surrounding area, but refused to warn them or evacuate. Afterwards when it was realized that plutonium had spread all over the region, nothing was done and no one was notified of the dangers. Children played with fallout, got cancer and died:


Young teenager Barbara Kent said that several hours after the atomic bomb went off on July 16, 1945, she and some friends in Ruidoso, New Mexico—a part of Lincoln County—noticed white flakes drifting down from a big cloud in the sky. “We were grabbing the white flakes, and putting it all over ourselves, pressing it on our faces,” Kent said. “But the strange thing, instead of being cold like snow, it was hot. And we all thought, ‘Well, the reason it’s hot is because it’s summer.’ We were only thirteen; we didn’t know any better.” Kent says that this photo of her and her friends was taken that day, and that it features them playing in the fallout. Image courtesy of Barbara Kent’s daughter, Kaysie Kent.

Also in the years following the test, Barbara Kent—who had played with fallout along with her fellow campers—began hearing that her fellow campers from that summer had been falling ill. By the time she reached 30, she recalled in 2021: “I was the only survivor of the girls at that camp,” adding that she herself has had several cancers, including endometrial cancer and “all kinds of skin cancer.”
Jesus fucking christ.

i understand keeping it a secret before the Nazis surrendered but i highly doubt the Japanese had any spy networks in the u.s at the time.

really fucked up stuff. but then again, we were interning 500k japanese americans at the time so America at the time was just a different fucked up place.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I agreed with a lot of this, and I still think the movie was a 8 or 9 out of 10.

My biggest criticism of it is simply down to the Trinity test just not being an impressive effect. I know Nolan wanted it practicle, but I’m sorry Mr. N, this is one time where I think you should have done more and let yourself use more tools to show the magnificent terror and size of what was created.
Nolan's refusal to use CG really rubbed me the wrong way in Dunkirk. coming off of Atonement, the beach at dunkirk felt like a retreat. he got 2,000 extras but that beach had 380,000 people.

that said, the trinity explosion didnt bother me as much. the scene overall was still the best scene in the movie, and while the actual explosion was a bit underwhelming it wasnt as egregious as the sterile feeling dunkirk.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is amazing. Nolan is basically the Spielberg of our generation. Everything he touches turns to gold. Just like Spielberg's 80s and 90s output. except that Spielberg's dramas like Schindler's List, Amistad, Empire of the Sun and A.I didnt open with $80 fucking million. He's getting his fanbase to watch his action movies and biopics/period pieces. I wonder how the Prestige would do if it was released today. Easy $50 million opening IMO.

The fact that this is Rated R and topped Dunkirk, Inception and Interstellar is so impressive. And kinda infuriating because Dunkirk wouldve been a better movie had he not targeted a PG-13 rating.

P.S Villenvue is probably looking at this and wondering just wtf hes doing wrong lol. I love Prisoners, Arrival, Blade Runner and Dune just as much as Nolan's movies but its bizarre to see them not perform as well in theaters. I think they might be lacking the action setpieces Nolan has made his name on, but Oppenheimer has no action and people tuned in like its the Matrix or john wick.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Saw it on release day and left pretty amazed.
  • The first hour is, in terms of soundtrack, pretty amazing. The themese by Ludwig Gorannsson evoke Oblivion/Interstellar motifs and i very much enjoyed this.
  • The sound design is, as the OP's title implies, pretty gnarly. There are sudden sounds that can easily be mistaken for jumpscares due to their weight. It gives a lot of oomph, but some effects are louder than when they should have.
  • Cinematography it is top-notch. Its a 3 hour zinger, but the visuals are incredibly high solid.
  • The movie is easily broken up in two parts - Namely the part where the development of the bomb is in place, and the politics thereafter.
    • Whereas the politics part serves to explain the endgame (Which admittely, paints a rather bleak picture in how things work behind the door) it is also doubtly the worst part of the movie. I can understand why it needs to be said, but you can tell Nolan's not at ease doing these kind of narratives.
  • Acting wise the majority is firing on all cylinders. Cillian Murphy proves himself Oscar-worthy, but the side-cast is equally impressive (Safe for Florence Pugh, whose part should have had more weight thrown into the mix).
Ultimately, Oppenheimer is undoubtly a Nolan film. It fits right into his scheme of work. But if you liked Tenet, then Oppenheimer is far less of a mind-fuck. In that sense, Oppenheimer is more a classical movie than a experimental one.

It didn't faze me as much as Tenet or Interstellar or even Dunkirk did, but Oppenheimer is without a shadow of a doubt a testament to cinema. In a world where everything is Superhero CGI, Oppenheimer reveals how bleak life used to be like.

Its worth a watch. Now, next week off to Barbie to complete the meme.


As much as I would love to watch this on iMax… I think I will watch at home with subtitles, or theaters with closed captions enabled... Sucks to be non native speaker, and Oppenheimer seems to mumble quite a bit. :(


Elden Member

^ General Groves was warned repeatedly about the dangerous fallout that would impact civilians in the surrounding area, but refused to warn them or evacuate. Afterwards when it was realized that plutonium had spread all over the region, nothing was done and no one was notified of the dangers. Children played with fallout, got cancer and died:


Young teenager Barbara Kent said that several hours after the atomic bomb went off on July 16, 1945, she and some friends in Ruidoso, New Mexico—a part of Lincoln County—noticed white flakes drifting down from a big cloud in the sky. “We were grabbing the white flakes, and putting it all over ourselves, pressing it on our faces,” Kent said. “But the strange thing, instead of being cold like snow, it was hot. And we all thought, ‘Well, the reason it’s hot is because it’s summer.’ We were only thirteen; we didn’t know any better.” Kent says that this photo of her and her friends was taken that day, and that it features them playing in the fallout. Image courtesy of Barbara Kent’s daughter, Kaysie Kent.

Also in the years following the test, Barbara Kent—who had played with fallout along with her fellow campers—began hearing that her fellow campers from that summer had been falling ill. By the time she reached 30, she recalled in 2021: “I was the only survivor of the girls at that camp,” adding that she herself has had several cancers, including endometrial cancer and “all kinds of skin cancer.”

As someone who grew up in Alamogordo, NM its something that many of the original AFB retired residents still talk about.


Gold Member
I saw it yesterday and thought it was very good and the acting was fantastic. I don’t know that it’s a film I will care to see again anytime soon though.


God, what a slog, everything before the end of WW2 was good to amazing, the storylines that came after were all sooo boring. I'm clearly in the minority but that's one of the worst experiences I've had in the cinema. Everything after Trinity dragged.
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Mixed feelings on this movie. Alot of good, some bad. I'm also not a huge fan of Oppenheimer as a person, and I think this movie was pretty fair with regard to that perspective. Multiple characters speaking about his self-martyrdom and hypocrisy.
Just saw the movie today and was a lot to take in. Direction, Acting, and special effects were done well. Sex scenes/nudity seemed unwarranted but I guess they really wanted that R rating. This will spark new conversation about our history and what came from it. Family had discussion on outcome of Allied invasion of mainland Japan and the possible outcomes/casualties.
I’m sure this movie will do well come award season.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Just saw it. It was okay for 1 watch. I dont think I'd ever need to see anything again besides the 60 seconds of hot sex.

In terms of score, cinematography and acting its great. However the script has major issues. The last 45 min of the movie is rapidly throwing out name after name that means almost nothing to the viewer. The whole "trial" is so out of nowhere and virtually nothing about RDJ's character in the movie felt earned or even adequately explained. The war and the larger communist setting felt barely set in context for the viewer despite having 3 hrs. Even viewed purely as a character study of 1 person, the viewer honestly feels like they still dont even really know the main character, his motivations, his emotions. Nothing on his parents, upbringing or what defined his interest in science or what fueled his nearly homicidal anxiety. Barely anything on his brother or his marriage. Its not the worst movie Ive ever seen by a mile, but it lacks a lot in terms of plot, pacing, story structure. Still glad I saw it and glad its doing well. Not Nolan's best but some of the acting is worth seeing. You still learn more about the man then you probably knew before.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Nothing on his parents, upbringing or what defined his interest in science or what fueled his nearly homicidal anxiety.
This was a time when physics was constantly breaking new ground and reshaping the entire world. All the most interesting problems to solve were in that field. He was a bright student who had an interest in and knack for theoretical physics. He got into Harvard, finished a physics undergrad there, went to Cambridge for grad school, had a miserable time and tried to poison his prof with the apple, etc., before finding a better environment and thriving. It's gone over quickly but his early days are present in the film.

As for the anxiety, clearly he was a conscientious guy who considered everything deeply. And smart people often have problems processing their emotions in a healthy way.


Just saw it. It was okay for 1 watch. I dont think I'd ever need to see anything again besides the 60 seconds of hot sex.

In terms of score, cinematography and acting its great. However the script has major issues. The last 45 min of the movie is rapidly throwing out name after name that means almost nothing to the viewer. The whole "trial" is so out of nowhere and virtually nothing about RDJ's character in the movie felt earned or even adequately explained.
This killed the movie for me. I felt absolutely nothing seeing RDJ rant about Oppenheimer in that small black and white room.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This killed the movie for me. I felt absolutely nothing seeing RDJ rant about Oppenheimer in that small black and white room.
It was just strange, because that's probably one of the best acted scenes in the movie. RDJ really nails it. But I was just not sure why this was suddenly the focus on the whole movie for an hour. Some 30 sec flashback clip of him making a joke about isotopes lead to this? And it was very weird how RDJ's assistant seemed to be completely against him, but we barely knew who that guy was. I don't know. I guess they were trying to create some kind of moment of triumph the end the movie instead of just slowly fizzling out, but it was strange.

The more I think back to it, some specific scenes were just flawless, like the crazy editing when Oppie is giving the speech to his colleagues after the bomb drops and the crowd goes silent. I may have to watch it at least one more time one of these days.


That screenshot gave me douche chills.
So many simps on LinkedIn these days. I feel bad for some who get laid off by big tech, but they're crying, begging and virtue signaling their appreciation for the opportunity to work with multinationals.

Simps! Grow a pair. You'll find another job. Have some dignity.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This killed the movie for me. I felt absolutely nothing seeing RDJ rant about Oppenheimer in that small black and white room.
Yeah, that rant didnt do anything for me. Im like why do I care about this guy. It felt manufactured and Nolan's use of a loud epic soundtrack to indicate this was some kind of explosive finale didnt help matters. i think the movie peaked at the test and then he had the choice to make the movie about Oppenheimer's regret or this Amadeus style rivalry and he tried to do both and the movie suffered for it.

This is what I wanted to see in the last act. A man completely broken and haunted by his creation.

You get hints of that. It bugged me that they dont even show the Hiroshima fallout. You just see his reaction and then Nolan moves on. At least, we got his scene with Truman which was fantastic. I wouldve loved for the final thirty minutes be three sorkin style dialogue scenes with Oppenheimer and Truman, Oppenheimer and einstein, and Oppenheimer and Groves. Remove RDJ from the movie and it probably becomes a tighter more focused movie.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
That's got to be a joke. Movie ticket scalpers???
Movie is doing insane numbers in IMAX. Something like 50% of its revenue or sales came from IMAX screens. My LieMAX theater is completely booked on discount Tuesdays. I watched Avatar 2 there and i dont remember it being this packed on the first discount Tuesday.

Everyone wants to see it in IMAX.
Jesus fucking christ.

i understand keeping it a secret before the Nazis surrendered but i highly doubt the Japanese had any spy networks in the u.s at the time.

really fucked up stuff. but then again, we were interning 500k japanese americans at the time so America at the time was just a different fucked up place.


I didn’t like Dunkirk or Tenet, but this is easily my favorite Nolan film since Interstellar. It’s a long film, but well edited and the score/sound design are haunting. The way Nolan plays with the absence of sound at times is unexpected but very clever. Some people are going to be disappointed by the Trinity test scene, but I think it is masterfully done.

This is some of Nolan’s best storytelling, never wasting a line of dialogue and perfectly delivered by everyone mostly giving career best performances. Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. are incredible in this.

The more I think about this film, the more I love it. Glad I got to see it in 70MM IMAX.
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This is amazing. Nolan is basically the Spielberg of our generation. Everything he touches turns to gold. Just like Spielberg's 80s and 90s output. except that Spielberg's dramas like Schindler's List, Amistad, Empire of the Sun and A.I didnt open with $80 fucking million. He's getting his fanbase to watch his action movies and biopics/period pieces. I wonder how the Prestige would do if it was released today. Easy $50 million opening IMO.

The fact that this is Rated R and topped Dunkirk, Inception and Interstellar is so impressive. And kinda infuriating because Dunkirk wouldve been a better movie had he not targeted a PG-13 rating.

P.S Villenvue is probably looking at this and wondering just wtf hes doing wrong lol. I love Prisoners, Arrival, Blade Runner and Dune just as much as Nolan's movies but its bizarre to see them not perform as well in theaters. I think they might be lacking the action setpieces Nolan has made his name on, but Oppenheimer has no action and people tuned in like its the Matrix or john wick.

I'm suprised Batman Begins didn't do anywere near as well as TDK. Maybe Heath Ledger's death got more people interested in the sequel.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I'm suprised Batman Begins didn't anywere near as well as TDK. Maybe Heath Ledger's death got more people interested in the sequel.
Begins was coming off of two really poor Batman movies that had effectively killed the franchise. Nolan wasnt that well known either. But Begins was very well received and that joker tease at the end got massive applause in the theaters. The next one was always going to do much better.


What time is it?
He used CGI for Interstellar so he's not a stranger to using it.

I've never been able to make it far into that movie without falling asleep. Blade Runner is the only other movie that I've had that issue with. But given the subject matter, it does make sense to use CGI.


God, what a slog, everything before the end of WW2 was good to amazing, the storylines that came after were all sooo boring. I'm clearly in the minority but that's one of the worst experiences I've had in the cinema. Everything after Trinity dragged.

I think I actually liked the post-Trinity dialogue-heavy politics stuff even more than what came before it, but I can absolutely understand this. The transition between the two periods is a bit like a Full Metal Jacket where the two halves almost feel like two entirely different movies.
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Just booked tickets with my homey finally, Thursday night, at the only true IMAX ratio theater in the area. Apparently most the other ones aren’t true to the aspect ratio so I’m going a bit out of my way for it


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Saw it this afternoon in IMAX here in Vegas. Damn that was a real loud movie lol.

Fantastic casting and amazing movie.
As a fellow Las Vegas resident, where exactly did you see it and was it the 70 mm version?


Begins was coming off of two really poor Batman movies that had effectively killed the franchise. Nolan wasnt that well known either. But Begins was very well received and that joker tease at the end got massive applause in the theaters. The next one was always going to do much better.

Not to mention Ra’s al Ghul and Scarecrow aren’t as well known as villains to the general public as Joker and Two-Face.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
AMC town square.
Do they have the 70 mm IMAX there? I've actually never gone there but that's sort of the other end of town. That's towards Summerlin, right? I usually go to Boulder Station or Sam's Town to see a movie. The Palms has (had?) a good theater.
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Saw it last night on IMAX. The acting of Cillian Murphy was great to see on such a big screen. Also the the trinity test was awesome on such a gigantic screen with a packed theater, and loud sound. Sheesh.
It was a complex movie and demanded a lot to keep up with it, with so many characters, especially post trinity test. It requires repeated viewings. Great experience.
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Gold Member
Do they have the 70 mm IMAX there? I've actually never gone there but that's sort of the other end of town. That's towards Summerlin, right? I usually go to Boulder Station or Sam's Town to see a movie. The Palms has (had?) a good theater.
Here is a list of 70mm IMAX. You have to be careful, there are some theaters that have IMAX and 70mm screenings, but not both at the same time. I've seen a lot of 70mm around here, but in standard format for sound and not IMAX.

At the very least you want IMAX if you had to pick and choose and can't get both. The sound quality is much greater with all the bass and synthy notes.
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Gold Member
Continuously engaged in his works since Interstellar. Some People aren't a fan of Nolan's writing, but I for one love it. I think the film being 3 hours was just enough to not go overboard and drag. It keeps the viewer engaged from start to finish.


The level of imagery in each. Nolan continues to push the boundaries of imagery and always makes us wonder what is real and what isn't. What if? Comes to mind whenever I watch his films.

I watched it at AMC under the Dolby Cinema "COMPLETELY CAPTIVATING" Theater. The subs were definitely in full force. Enhanced the reality of being a part of the film.
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This is amazing. Nolan is basically the Spielberg of our generation. Everything he touches turns to gold. Just like Spielberg's 80s and 90s output. except that Spielberg's dramas like Schindler's List, Amistad, Empire of the Sun and A.I didnt open with $80 fucking million. He's getting his fanbase to watch his action movies and biopics/period pieces. I wonder how the Prestige would do if it was released today. Easy $50 million opening IMO.

The fact that this is Rated R and topped Dunkirk, Inception and Interstellar is so impressive. And kinda infuriating because Dunkirk wouldve been a better movie had he not targeted a PG-13 rating.

P.S Villenvue is probably looking at this and wondering just wtf hes doing wrong lol. I love Prisoners, Arrival, Blade Runner and Dune just as much as Nolan's movies but its bizarre to see them not perform as well in theaters. I think they might be lacking the action setpieces Nolan has made his name on, but Oppenheimer has no action and people tuned in like its the Matrix or john wick.

Villeneuve didn’t have his main actor die before the movie release. And yes, Villeneuve is the better director, I said it.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Villeneuve didn’t have his main actor die before the movie release. And yes, Villeneuve is the better director, I said it.
Ledger was a side character, and Nolan didnt kill DiCaprio, McChaugeneheyheyehey, Christian Bale, Danzel Washington Jr. and that nameless Dunkirk protagonist to earn those opening weekends. Tenet made $340 million when half of the theaters were still closed.

He's simply been more consistent in pulling the audience that Villenvue deserves. And yes, I agree, Villenvue a better director of the two and I say that as a diehard Nolan fan.
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