How have they not just shut their entire store down yet?
How have they not just shut their entire store down yet?
How have they not just shut their entire store down yet?
What the heck? I can't get stupid GFW working with Bulletstorm. Fruuuustrating.
Is it considered piracy if we got games without paying for them? ô¿ô
Man it won't work for my account anymore
Has anyone gotten a single one of these games working? I'm downloading Spore right now.
Finally getting 503'd over here.
Question of the hour.
How have they not just shut their entire store down yet?
Has anyone gotten a single one of these games working? I'm downloading Spore right now.
People are using Origin, and none of the games that actually sell copies become free with this.
What if this is just an elaborate troll and none of the games work?
Has anyone gotten a single one of these games working? I'm downloading Spore right now.
Code still works.
- Log Out
- Clear Cookies/Cache
- Open SlickDeals site, or even the Origin Client, add games
- Add Coupon AFTER adding all games
- Remove any games that coupon is incompatible with
- Redo information if you need to
- Check out
Just did a second check-out.
Didn't work for me, but it's alright. I'm done with this shit
But they are devaluing the Dragon Age IP!
Yeah, even downloading is slower than normal.With how hammered their servers are right now, I'd imagine nobody is able to get their games to authenticate.
So what do you guys think, will they remove the games or not?
worked for me!Didn't work for me, but it's alright. I'm done with this shit
Yeah for Bf3 and fifapeople worried about their games being removed from origin or getting banned
wait, you guys used origin before? lol.
I got Mercs 2 which was $9.99.Anyone able to get <20 games?
Also, Kingdoms of amalur through the slickdeals page? it is 16.
Yeah, they never seemed to care about that free MoH: Airborne thing that worked for six months or whatever.people worried about their games being removed from origin or getting banned
wait, you guys used origin before? lol.
I think it didn't work because I already used the code twice, heh.