Kabuki Quantum Lover
Who was
in Rachel's glitch?
the old guy
Who wasin Rachel's glitch?the old guy
Who wasin Rachel's glitch?the old guy
I still can't believe one of the people who is principle to the development of this show was a driving force behind Ginger Snaps.
Holy shit, I forgot he had those cakes.
I also like whenever they bust out the hip hop version of the Hendrix theme.My favourite part of the episode (okay, other than Evie getting rekt by Rachel of all people) was hearing Helena's deliciously noisy theme again.![]()
So Cosima is on the same remote island that Delphine is already on. Well that was about the greatest dumb luck possible.
Not that they have ever really tried to hide the Canadian-ness of the show but this season feels like they're going past not acknowledging to almost saying it. I love it. Great episode too, with pretty much everyone even fake-Beth showing up and fitting in.
Only thing that was kinda iffy was that they're setting up an even more clandestine Neolution group now. There does need to be somewhere for the series to go after what happened in this episode but how deep does this go?
Yeah, same here. But the one positive is that it has given Krystal something relevant to the plot to be involved in.The Delphine reveal was eye-roll worthy. I guess I never cared much for the character.
Cause they win GLAAD awards and have a vocal section of their fan base that calls themselves Clonesbians. And as much as I love the show, one of the things that holds it back from being great is how much they have pandered to their vocal online following after season 1 aired. It's why Paul stuck around so long. It's why Helena went from scary oddball to roaming comedy act that occasionally kills people in fun ways. And it's why Cosima and Delphine are "soulmates" even though they only dated for like 3 months, and at least half that time Cosima either hated her or didn't trust her for completely nonsensical reasons.What is the significance of bringing her back really?
For Cosima and for the fans.What is the significance of bringing her back really? Loved the episode though. Only one left now?
Great episode. I loved seeing Helena living in a hut in the woods, covered in self-obtained furs and eating dried fish.
It was also really satisfying to see Evie get destroyed by Rachel.
By the way, wasn't Cal supposed to be in this season?
Highest rated episode of the season. Guess dropping all the Delphine hints ahead of time paid off.
Helena bow and arrow kill...DAMN.
Rachel taking down Brightborn like a damn savage.
There was mention that he would show up but I think his scheduling with GoT fucked that up something awful. They may even need to recast him.
Highest rated episode of the season. Guess dropping all the Delphine hints ahead of time paid off.
Honestly Rachel and Ira were the best bits of the episode for me.
They're like wealthy Sarah and Felix in a way. Since we can't have more than one Castor clone at a time *eyeroll* I hope he gets to stick around.
That's a pretty apt description of Rachel and Ira.
And it's really too bad the Castor clones were contained to season 3. But on that note, I think this season has been better for it so far. Just a tighter story overall focused on Leda and Neolution, with the threat of being made obsolete by Evie Cho. It has actually been refreshing not having to constantly have them all end up at Dyad's headquarters every episode.
I was disappointed last season that Neolution seemed to have turned its ugly head back, but turning it from a weird underground fad to some deep science cult has been pretty effective so far. As well as changing the dynamic with Rachel having to team up with Sarah, but this obviously won't last. The pencil through the eye is still the elephant in the room.
I'm sure Rachel trying to kill them all might be a point of contention too.The pencil through the eye is still the elephant in the room.
It's kind of bizarre that the show is kind of held hostage by the Delphine situation.
I didn't hear a hissing sound, reminded me of dogs showing their teeth when agitated
Helena's Hendrix save should've had the A-Team theme playing in the background.
I'm surprised so many like the Castor clones. I don't know if it's the writing or bad acting, but every Castor clone (except for Mark) has been uninteresting to me. To be fair, I find Rachel boring this season as well. Rachel and Ira could disappear and I don't think the show would suffer.
Unless the writers have come out and said they brought back Delphine back because of fan backlash*, I'm going to assume she was always scheduled to return, and that they probably wrote around the actor's schedule.
( * ) I think the backlash has some validity from the LGBT crowd considering Delphine has been the only love interest on the show to be (supposedly) killed off, and killing off the gay lover (and gays in general) is an unfortunate trope. The 100 got heat for this as well.
That's not exactly what I mean. The cast and crew were getting all kinds of horrors lobbed at them via social media. People aren't just willing to wait for answers with this show when it's been a mystery set up since day one with slow reveals and quick resolutions to bring in the next level of rabbit hole.
I felt bad for the cast and crew.