I watched the premiere last night and I think I'm ready to call it the best episode since S1. Surely enough, there wasn't a lot of comedy, but I think this is one of the factors that worked well. While Tatiana's comedic timing is spectacular, I feel like the writers have been catering the fans at the expense of neglecting plot and character development, which is why I loved to see some old school detective work.
Sure, Beth is not the most engaging clone of the entire club, but having a little backstory to understand her desperation was a great idea, so it was bringing back intriguing characters such as Leeky and that tail-dude (I mean, has anyone else noticed how S1 was the only season that had supporting characters worth a damn?). As somebody with an interest in transhumanism, I always felt that the show was going the wrong direction by ignoring Neolution and focusing on the much less interesting military/corporate subplot.
I hope we get more flashbacks, just as much as I hope the show goes back to its previous nature. Orphan Black works
so much better when comedy is used as relief and stories keep the plot (mostly) at street level.
Celebratory JIFs.
And BDP's surprise appearance for the stans.