Thank you! Unfortunately didn't work, so I had to erase and reinstall Mavericks and am now waiting for my backup to restore. I'll try upgrading again tomorrow.
Dark mode, so good. I didn't enable it on the Beta because some of my menubar icons looked really weird when it was enabled.
Anyone know a good dark Chrome theme to match?
If you like moe, I recommend this one.
The reinstall from disc option will be Mavericks without performing a clean install I'm pretty sure. Did the same after upgrading to the beta a while back, and the reinstall restored Mavericks. Did a full clean install of the beta and the restore then gave me Yosemite.Posted this on the last page but I will repost here. I'm waiting on a green light from you guys so I can just go do this thing.
A quick question.
If you want to do a clean install, can we just upgrade to Yosemite for now, and then use the reinstall option from the Disc Utility menu after?
Might be a noob question, but other than the fact that it takes longer, is there any other difference doing it?
The reinstall from disc option will be Mavericks without performing a clean install I'm pretty sure. Did the same after upgrading to the beta a while back, and the reinstall restored Mavericks. Did a full clean install of the beta and the restore then gave me Yosemite.
I can only talk from my experience, but when I did this after installing the Yosemite beta over Mavericks and running the restore from disc it actually reverted to Mountain Lion (which is what my Air was pre-installed with, and upgraded to Mavericks then Yosemite).I mean wouldn't it be same as this?
Erase your Mac, then reinstall OS X using the built-in recovery disk. Before you erase, back up your essential files. If youre installing on a portable computer, make sure your power adapter is plugged in.
Important: To reinstall OS X, you must be connected to the Internet.
- Choose Apple menu > Restart. Once your Mac restarts (and the gray screen appears), hold down the Command (⌘
and R keys.
- If youre not connected to the Internet, choose a network from the Wi-Fi menu (in the top-right corner of the screen).
- Select Disk Utility, then click Continue.
- Select your startup disk on the left, then click the Erase tab.
- Choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) from the Format menu, enter a name, then click Erase.
- After the disk is erased, choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
- Select Reinstall OS X, click Continue, then follow the onscreen instructions.
- Reinstall OS X
I still have three stragglers that keep me from being able to turn it on. Hazel, which I paid $29 for so they'd better update it soon. PTH PasteBoard, which I paid $24 for so they'd better update it too. (Their requirements still say 10.5 or later and it's not even Retina yet.) And CrashPlan which I pay large amounts for and it isn't even Retina either. All of which are indispensable.Dark mode, so good. I didn't enable it on the Beta because some of my menubar icons looked really weird when it was enabled.
Anyone know a good dark Chrome theme to match?
I still have three stragglers that keep me from being able to turn it on. Hazel, which I paid $29 for so they'd better update it soon. PTH PasteBoard, which I paid $24 for so they'd better update it too. (Their requirements still say 10.5 or later and it's not even Retina yet.) And CrashPlan which I pay large amounts for and it isn't even Retina either. All of which are indispensable.
I just wish Dark Mode had stuck to its original promise of being a total UI change. The light window borders and backgrounds kind of don't go with the dark contrasted Dock and menubar. It almost makes me want to only use dark wallpapers though. I would like at least a dark Safari mode at the very least. It's one of a few apps I spend time in. I do have Sublime Text 3 though with a dark theme and it's great. And dark NeoGAF and ArsTechnica is nice. If only "dark mode" was a universal option all OS' had as a global setting and websites were designed to detect it and change accordingly. Dark mode for everyone would be sweet.
I've been using Graphite instead of the Blue setting for months now too.
Apps can decide to use the setting for full UI if they want to. But who knows if in time it'll become something that happens. I wish Apple had enforced it or recommended it. Or at least offered it in their own apps.Completely agree, was really excited when they previewed the whole OS going into dark mode, but then the beta only allowed for the menu and dock. Really thought with the final release, we would see a full dark mode. Wonder why they decided not to or what the hold up really is for everything to use it...
Are all the people that are doing a clean install doing it because they had Yosemite Beta previously installed, and now it's just update after update? (My case at least)
This is my current update, and I'm pretty sure i'll have another one right after it's done. Should I just clean install too?
I just had the same thing happen on my 2010 MacBook Pro. I also force shut down and now I'm trying to start it up again.Left this installing last night, 27" iMac 2011, this morning it was stuck at a white screen with apple logo (half way through progress bar), powered off and on and it booted into Yosemite OK, should I be concerned?
nah, fuck it. more important things to worry about.
Are all the people that are doing a clean install doing it because they had Yosemite Beta previously installed, and now it's just update after update? (My case at least)
This is my current update, and I'm pretty sure i'll have another one right after it's done. Should I just clean install too?
Are all the people that are doing a clean install doing it because they had Yosemite Beta previously installed, and now it's just update after update? (My case at least)
This is my current update, and I'm pretty sure i'll have another one right after it's done. Should I just clean install too?
Handoff is not working for me. I have a 2014 Macbook Air and an iPhone 5... Everything is turned on as well and they're on the same wifi network. What's wrong?
You can have a thousand accounts in, thenexus6 pls.Anyone know if I can have two accounts on the mail app? My normal hotmail and gmail at once? I might go back to using it from airmail if I can for that nice new UI.
Anyone know if I can have two accounts on the mail app? My normal hotmail and gmail at once? I might go back to using it from airmail if I can for that nice new UI.
You have bluetooth on?
You can have a thousand accounts in, thenexus6 pls.
I had it during the beta, couldn't find a way to get rid of it for the life of me until I found this version of Java:Anyone else has a message telling you that you need Java when you boot your mac?
Very annoying..
I had it during the beta, couldn't find a way to get rid of it for the life of me until I found this version of Java:
This got rid of it for me. The version linked to in the pop up you get is outdated.
Do you mean *more* transparent? This will remove all transparency.Is there a way to increase the transparency of the dock?
Batch rename: Quickly rename a set of files in the Finder. Select the files and choose Rename. You can also add custom text and numbers to each filename.
Wait, this is a thing?!
WAIT, THIS is a thing?!Does this behave similarly to the batch rename that's been in Windows since Vista? The lack of this has been really annoying me on my work computer (mac) lately cause I've just gotten so used to using it in Windows Explorer for the last 6 years. Had several cases in the last month of "oh yeah, now I need to open this in terminal..."
i always used automator for this o.o
I'm having some weird issues regarding ITunes, Pages and Numbers updates. They update, install and then the update notification pop up again on app store. I've update it them and installing several times now but The notification keeps coming up. So annoying.
Tweetbot is looking pretty dated next to all these applications with the new Yosemite style.