Trojan just means it's malware that requires user permission to install itself. Usually it does it by disguising itself as something else. Like a Flash or Java installer. (Which is why Flash always takes you to Adobe now instead of installing in place like it used to.) Just stick to well known apps and you're golden.
The thing is, Chrome getting an extension installed without your intervention is nearly impossible. So I don't know how it would get in there. They disabled the ability to easily install extensions from outside the store a while ago. The Safari part is weirder since you don't even use it. Would it even be possible for a Chrome extension to install a Safari extension? (Safari still lets you install extensions from outside sources) I'm surprised it didn't also install a Firefox extension too just for the heck of it.
Are you sure you never entered your password for any installer or something at all? Are you sure it was that site and it was today and not a while ago? So weird. What is Youku anyway?
I end up on underbelly websites all the time in Safari and Firefox and get so many redirects to bad websites and have never had something install itself without my permission. It's even super rare that a DMG downloads unknowingly. (I think it happened once on a porn site.) So it's strange. Guess it goes to show just how rare it is for a Mac to get infected like this. And it seems it was just a browser extension and not something that can actually damage things. Plus it was super easy to remove. I guess maliciously installing extensions is easier than you'd think. Fortunately extensions are relatively harmless to the actual OS. (Especially in Chrome and Safari where everything is sandboxed. They shouldn't be able to do any harm. And adware is just that. Something that exists solely to advertise to you.)
And the torrents themselves aren't necessarily the danger. Usually when you get a fake torrent it has an EXE in it (Which is useless on OS X) or a locked RAR that you can't even use anyway. They're pretty much always aimed at Windows users. So downloading them isn't going to be a problem and you can just delete the files and move on. I'd say it's the torrent programs themselves that would be more of a danger. Case in point, BitTorrent is a big adware dealer. On OS X you should use Transmission. It's made by trustworthy people and it looks slick as heck. Not that you are looking to use a torrent program. But you never know when you might need one. (And no, I'm not talking about illegal stuff so shush. There's plenty of legal uses for torrents.)
I guess I'm fascinated by this.
Curious, are you in China or are Chinese? Or did you just happen upon the website looking for something?
I'm as perplexed as you are. But I assume it was installed recently, within the last week at most, because ClamXav found it and I use that program a lot due to paranoia. If it was there before, it would've found it during my last scan, I assume. It's a well-known trojan.
I deleted what it found, but used Adware Medic to look for anything else, and deleted what it found.
I write about video games, but I'm not one to download stuff very often. I need to download screenshots, but usually do so from reputable places. I also never download music, movies or TV shows, let alone porn. I install programs from time to time, but this computer is close to factory settings.
It likely downloaded with a Flash or Java installer now that I really think about it.
I'm not in China, but sometimes use that site (it's like China's YouTube, but it redirects to other former competitors that it bought and took over, like Soku). I sometimes use it to watch porn. I used it today, to see if I could find full episodes of past Survivor seasons, because I can't stream it from any services here.
Thanks for all of your help