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OS X Yosemite [OT]


Speaking of progress bars. I still don't understand why they brought the boot up progress bar back. It's not even real. When OS X came out, there was a real progress bar. It would show every system as it was loading like Classic Mac OS did. At one point they removed the text that it displayed and made the progress window fake. In that it based its loading bar speed on the previous boot. Which meant it would sometimes not even finish or others would finish early before booting was finished. But as the Intel switch came along and computers got faster, they removed it completely to simplify things.

But now it's back. For no reason. It's never accurate. Why is it there? Just show a spinning progress indicator to show the computer isn't frozen and be done with it. Boot up is relatively fast anyway. Especially on flash based machines.

Might as well bring back the Happy Mac icon.

I demand the march of Inits back.

Abed, you can probably set an NV args parameter to only boot in robot-barf mode so you can see everything as it loads.

I don't see anything on my Mac Pro because I have an unflashed PC GPU.

Was very surprised by the white on black boot bar on a 15" retina I put Yosemite on today. What a gorgeous machine. No desire for a laptop that big, but damn.

I don't mind the progress bar because I have a fusion and it's fast. I can lord it over traditional HD boots :p. I don't get the apple logo in the rope left as if it were an apple menu on the login screen though. It's not clickable?

But anyway, I've seen white apple on black loading screen.. What is the significance of this vs black on white?



Like white faced iPhones and iPads have white boot up screens. (Or did last I checked. I haven't had a white iPhone or iPad in a while now.)

I knew about phones. Didn't know it was like that in macs.

Pretty sure my 2012 iMac boots to a white screen though.

I'll keep an eye out on all the desk tops though.


I feel like my 2014 rMBP boots up white, but then again it boots up so fast to the blurred login screen I dunno if I'm just imagining things.


Craig Hockenberry on discoveryd (the thing that makes your WiFi suck)

And Marco Arment's response:

I’m as frustrated as Craig: the majority of issues I’ve had with Yosemite are consistent with reported discoveryd problems. It’s not just for Wi-Fi devices, because our wired computers have the same issues, and it’s not just with AirPort routers, because I don’t use one.

I had to disable Bonjour on my printer to work reliably with Yosemite, my AirPlay menu today includes “Apple TV (3)”, and just ten minutes ago, I had to put some files onto a NAS share first to give to my wife because her computer disappeared from Finder visibility and local DNS. I connect to my headless Mac Mini by IP address every time now because it’s almost never visible.

Your computer can’t see my computer on the network or vice versa? The only solution that works is to reboot everything, just like using Windows fifteen years ago. Before Yosemite, I never had these issues on Macs.

Yosemite is now 6 months old, these bugs still aren’t fixed, and it feels like they probably won’t be fixed anytime soon. Yosemite is probably in minimal-maintenance mode as primary resources have likely moved on to headlining features for 10.11. This is what’s so frustrating about today’s Apple: if a bug persists past the early beta stages of its introduction, it rarely ever gets fixed. They’re too busy working on the new to fix the old.

Fully agree with that.
yeah, discoveryd is a disgrace. The issue with opendirectoryd was just fixed in 10.10.3.

With WWDC being exactly a month away, what do people want to see in 10.11? (apart from bug fixes)


There are no reasons those can't be in 10.10.4 - 10.10.6. Save new features for a new release.

There's no reason those couldn't be in 10.10.3 ;)

In other words, I don't trust Apple to fix bugs and increase performance significantly (or just make stuff work as advertised) unless they're dedicating an entire major release towards it.


I want to see 10.11 in 2016. And not sooner. Fix the broken things.

I would like to see it sooner than later and it be a performance and bug fix a la snow leopard.

There's no reason those couldn't be in 10.10.3 ;)

In other words, I don't trust Apple to fix bugs and increase performance significantly (or just make stuff work as advertised) unless they're dedicating an entire major release towards it.

I agree.

That's what I've been saying for a while now. One big, well-tested release, only including bug fixes and performance improvements, nothing else. Not even a single tiny new feature.

But as you said, it won't happen. 10.11 will bring a new bag of half-assed crap that doesn't even work half the time, and it sure as hell won't fix old bugs.

ClamXav found what it calls an infected file, though it classifies it as Adware.OS. It's:


Is this something I should delete? Or did it screw up and give me a false positive? I scan regularly out of paranoia, and have for a while, yet this is the first result I've ever had.

I don't even use Safari, and haven't in months.

The Real Abed

Delete it. It's just a Safari extension. If you don't use Safari, you don't need it. Plus it sounds like one of those stupid toolbar search engines you see people cluttering their other browsers with because they don't realize they're not supposed to be there or think they need it because they don't realize Google can do everything all those toolbars do. "Oh just leave it. I'm used to it."

It's just a search toolbar that sends your searches through an ad company to make money from your searches.

If you leave it, it won't be a problem though. The real question is how it got there. Could have been a checkbox in an installer you didn't realize was turned on.
Delete it. It's just a Safari extension. If you don't use Safari, you don't need it. Plus it sounds like one of those stupid toolbar search engines you see people cluttering their other browsers with because they don't realize they're not supposed to be there or think they need it because they don't realize Google can do everything all those toolbars do. "Oh just leave it. I'm used to it."

It's just a search toolbar that sends your searches through an ad company to make money from your searches.

If you leave it, it won't be a problem though. The real question is how it got there. Could have been a checkbox in an installer you didn't realize was turned on.


I actually contacted Apple Support, and they told me to delete it. It's from a company called Spigot, and I guess I somehow got it today when I was on Youku. It had attached itself to Chrome as well. Fucking thing.

I scan very often, because I'm paranoid about viruses, adware, etc.

Anyways, Apple Support told me to download a detection program, which I did, and it found the two other adware files on my computer. I got rid of them.

It really bugs me having found this stuff, because I'm very careful. I regularly check my processes and my downloads, and I don't torrent. Maybe it's been there since when I did a bit? I guess adware sometimes gets installed, but I hate thinking about viruses/adware/spyware.

The Real Abed

If you need a Torrent program on OS X and aren't using Transmission, you're doing it wrong and taking a huge risk anyway. (Not directed at Chewie of course since he doesn't Torrent. Just a general suggestion.)

Anyway, Chewie, I don't know what you downloaded from there but yeah, as long as you stick to programs you know are awesome and Google the names of ones you are curious about, you'll be safe on OS X. Just remember no one, not even OS X or Linux, is completely safe from Trojans (Which is what this was) you're giving permission to an installer you aren't familiar with.
It looks like its bundled with shareware. Some torrent clients and stuff from download dot com
Where has the SearchMe extension for Safari and Chrome come from?

Thank you, sir

I took a look, and the only thing that stood out was uTorrent. That said, I uninstalled uTorrent months ago, and scan this computer regularly. The last scan was likely a few days ago. If not, a week at most.

I haven't really downloaded anything as of late, though.

If you need a Torrent program on OS X and aren't using Transmission, you're doing it wrong and taking a huge risk anyway. (Not directed at Chewie of course since he doesn't Torrent. Just a general suggestion.)

Anyway, Chewie, I don't know what you downloaded from there but yeah, as long as you stick to programs you know are awesome and Google the names of ones you are curious about, you'll be safe on OS X. Just remember no one, not even OS X or Linux, is completely safe from Trojans (Which is what this was) you're giving permission to an installer you aren't familiar with.

Why do you say it's a trojan? Even Apple Support simply said it was adware. Perhaps I'm just not knowledgeable about this terminology, though. (EDIT: Nevermind. I looked it up. Scary stuff. Fuck.)

As I said, I haven't downloaded anything, but I did use Youku and it redirected me to an odd site. After seeing it, I Googled it and couldn't find much. Then, I scanned not too long after.

I'm generally very smart about what I do online, but made the mistake of clicking something that I thought was going to take me to videos. It was in Chinese.

Anyways, the adware is seemingly all gone, and I've changed the passwords on my email accounts.

I'm afraid of downloading torrents for this exact same reason.

The Real Abed

Why do you say it's a trojan? Even Apple Support simply said it was adware. Perhaps I'm just not knowledgeable about this terminology, though. (EDIT: Nevermind. I looked it up. Scary stuff. Fuck.)

As I said, I haven't downloaded anything, but I did use Youku and it redirected me to an odd site. After seeing it, I Googled it and couldn't find much. Then, I scanned not too long after.

I'm generally very smart about what I do online, but made the mistake of clicking something that I thought was going to take me to videos. It was in Chinese.

Anyways, the adware is seemingly all gone, and I've changed the passwords on my email accounts.

I'm afraid of downloading torrents for this exact same reason.
Trojan just means it's malware that requires user permission to install itself. Usually it does it by disguising itself as something else. Like a Flash or Java installer. (Which is why Flash always takes you to Adobe now instead of installing in place like it used to.) Just stick to well known apps and you're golden.

The thing is, Chrome getting an extension installed without your intervention is nearly impossible. So I don't know how it would get in there. They disabled the ability to easily install extensions from outside the store a while ago. The Safari part is weirder since you don't even use it. Would it even be possible for a Chrome extension to install a Safari extension? (Safari still lets you install extensions from outside sources) I'm surprised it didn't also install a Firefox extension too just for the heck of it.

Are you sure you never entered your password for any installer or something at all? Are you sure it was that site and it was today and not a while ago? So weird. What is Youku anyway?

I end up on underbelly websites all the time in Safari and Firefox and get so many redirects to bad websites and have never had something install itself without my permission. It's even super rare that a DMG downloads unknowingly. (I think it happened once on a porn site.) So it's strange. Guess it goes to show just how rare it is for a Mac to get infected like this. And it seems it was just a browser extension and not something that can actually damage things. Plus it was super easy to remove. I guess maliciously installing extensions is easier than you'd think. Fortunately extensions are relatively harmless to the actual OS. (Especially in Chrome and Safari where everything is sandboxed. They shouldn't be able to do any harm. And adware is just that. Something that exists solely to advertise to you.)

And the torrents themselves aren't necessarily the danger. Usually when you get a fake torrent it has an EXE in it (Which is useless on OS X) or a locked RAR that you can't even use anyway. They're pretty much always aimed at Windows users. So downloading them isn't going to be a problem and you can just delete the files and move on. I'd say it's the torrent programs themselves that would be more of a danger. Case in point, BitTorrent is a big adware dealer. On OS X you should use Transmission. It's made by trustworthy people and it looks slick as heck. Not that you are looking to use a torrent program. But you never know when you might need one. (And no, I'm not talking about illegal stuff so shush. There's plenty of legal uses for torrents.)

I guess I'm fascinated by this.

Curious, are you in China or are Chinese? Or did you just happen upon the website looking for something?
Trojan just means it's malware that requires user permission to install itself. Usually it does it by disguising itself as something else. Like a Flash or Java installer. (Which is why Flash always takes you to Adobe now instead of installing in place like it used to.) Just stick to well known apps and you're golden.

The thing is, Chrome getting an extension installed without your intervention is nearly impossible. So I don't know how it would get in there. They disabled the ability to easily install extensions from outside the store a while ago. The Safari part is weirder since you don't even use it. Would it even be possible for a Chrome extension to install a Safari extension? (Safari still lets you install extensions from outside sources) I'm surprised it didn't also install a Firefox extension too just for the heck of it.

Are you sure you never entered your password for any installer or something at all? Are you sure it was that site and it was today and not a while ago? So weird. What is Youku anyway?

I end up on underbelly websites all the time in Safari and Firefox and get so many redirects to bad websites and have never had something install itself without my permission. It's even super rare that a DMG downloads unknowingly. (I think it happened once on a porn site.) So it's strange. Guess it goes to show just how rare it is for a Mac to get infected like this. And it seems it was just a browser extension and not something that can actually damage things. Plus it was super easy to remove. I guess maliciously installing extensions is easier than you'd think. Fortunately extensions are relatively harmless to the actual OS. (Especially in Chrome and Safari where everything is sandboxed. They shouldn't be able to do any harm. And adware is just that. Something that exists solely to advertise to you.)

And the torrents themselves aren't necessarily the danger. Usually when you get a fake torrent it has an EXE in it (Which is useless on OS X) or a locked RAR that you can't even use anyway. They're pretty much always aimed at Windows users. So downloading them isn't going to be a problem and you can just delete the files and move on. I'd say it's the torrent programs themselves that would be more of a danger. Case in point, BitTorrent is a big adware dealer. On OS X you should use Transmission. It's made by trustworthy people and it looks slick as heck. Not that you are looking to use a torrent program. But you never know when you might need one. (And no, I'm not talking about illegal stuff so shush. There's plenty of legal uses for torrents.)

I guess I'm fascinated by this.

Curious, are you in China or are Chinese? Or did you just happen upon the website looking for something?

I'm as perplexed as you are. But I assume it was installed recently, within the last week at most, because ClamXav found it and I use that program a lot due to paranoia. If it was there before, it would've found it during my last scan, I assume. It's a well-known trojan.

I deleted what it found, but used Adware Medic to look for anything else, and deleted what it found.

I write about video games, but I'm not one to download stuff very often. I need to download screenshots, but usually do so from reputable places. I also never download music, movies or TV shows, let alone porn. I install programs from time to time, but this computer is close to factory settings.

It likely downloaded with a Flash or Java installer now that I really think about it.

I'm not in China, but sometimes use that site (it's like China's YouTube, but it redirects to other former competitors that it bought and took over, like Soku). I sometimes use it to watch porn. I used it today, to see if I could find full episodes of past Survivor seasons, because I can't stream it from any services here.

Thanks for all of your help


So when an AppleScript/JavaScript script fails, Script Editor tells you the line which caused the problem. Well, of course.
But Script Editor doesn't display line numbers. That's just fucking brilliant, seriously.


Graphics glitch in Mission Control:


Get your shit together, Apple.

By the way, someone please confirm it's not just me: Is it really not possible to drag & drop stuff to the Desktop on external monitors?
Just got a Macbook Pro retina 13" over the weekend. Been a while since I had a Macbook and loving it so far.

Do any of you scale? I'm doing the maximum. Is this the maximum resolution that the laptop will support?

The Real Abed

Just got a Macbook Pro retina 13" over the weekend. Been a while since I had a Macbook and loving it so far.

Do any of you scale? I'm doing the maximum. Is this the maximum resolution that the laptop will support?
What maximum do you mean? The maximum Retina or maximum actual resolution? Download QuickRes. It'll give you access to so many resolutions and everything the computer is capable of.

Maximum retina on a 13" is 1680x1050 I believe. And actual resolution is 2560x1600 if I'm not mistaken.

I have a 15" and use mine at the maximum 1920x1200 Retina. It's glorious.


Just got a Macbook Pro retina 13" over the weekend. Been a while since I had a Macbook and loving it so far.

Do any of you scale? I'm doing the maximum. Is this the maximum resolution that the laptop will support?

I'm alternating between 1440x900 and 1680x1050, generally preferring the former. If you download a program like Abed says you can gain access to non-HiDPI modes.
What maximum do you mean? The maximum Retina or maximum actual resolution? Download QuickRes. It'll give you access to so many resolutions and everything the computer is capable of.

Maximum retina on a 13" is 1680x1050 I believe. And actual resolution is 2560x1600 if I'm not mistaken.

I have a 15" and use mine at the maximum 1920x1200 Retina. It's glorious.

Thank you. I will consider it. At the moment the maximum scale feels right. Once I get accustomed to it. It may not be enough and will explore that option.

I'm alternating between 1440x900 and 1680x1050, generally preferring the former. If you download a program like Abed says you can gain access to non-HiDPI modes.

I don't know if I will alternate. I like the real space that comes with higher resolutions. At the same time I have to come to terms that 13" is not that much real state and resolution can only do so much.

The Real Abed

Thank you. I will consider it. At the moment the maximum scale feels right. Once I get accustomed to it. It may not be enough and will explore that option.

I don't know if I will alternate. I like the real space that comes with higher resolutions. At the same time I have to come to terms that 13" is not that much real state and resolution can only do so much.
QuickRes is very convenient for quickly switching between them. I'll warn you that using the actual maximum resolution of the screen will be really hard to read. The maximum Retina setting is pretty comfortable on both machines and highly recommended. Any resolution higher than that won't be Retina and will either be scaled with rough edges or really tiny. Best to stick with your 1680x1050 setting. But download it and play around.


Anyone here using automount/autofs?

No one? Damn. Still haven't found a solution.

I'm trying to find a way to keep my NAS permanently connected to my Mac mini, but it doesn't quite work. See, when automount is set up for a network share, the share is not really permanently connected, but when you try to access its local mount point, it mounts it immediately. That part works fine.

But my problem is that the share is mounted only for the user who tried to access the mount point. I've got two users, one running Kodi/Plex and an admin account. For some reason I don't understand, the NAS keeps getting mounted for the admin account, even though I don't use that mount point with Admin. So pretty much most of the time when I want to watch a movie, Kodi tells me it doesn't have permissions to access the share. Because it's mounted for Admin.

Whenever that happens, I have to open a terminal, unmount the NAS with Admin and ls it with the other account, but on the next day, it will be mounted for Admin again.
I don't get it. The obvious conclusion is that some app or process of Admin keeps trying to access the mount point, but which one? Certainly nothing set up by me.
No one? Damn. Still haven't found a solution.

I'm trying to find a way to keep my NAS permanently connected to my Mac mini, but it doesn't quite work. See, when automount is set up for a network share, the share is not really permanently connected, but when you try to access its local mount point, it mounts it immediately. That part works fine.

But my problem is that the share is mounted only for the user who tried to access the mount point. I've got two users, one running Kodi/Plex and an admin account. For some reason I don't understand, the NAS keeps getting mounted for the admin account, even though I don't use that mount point with Admin. So pretty much most of the time when I want to watch a movie, Kodi tells me it doesn't have permissions to access the share. Because it's mounted for Admin.

Whenever that happens, I have to open a terminal, unmount the NAS with Admin and ls it with the other account, but on the next day, it will be mounted for Admin again.
I don't get it. The obvious conclusion is that some app or process of Admin keeps trying to access the mount point, but which one? Certainly nothing set up by me.

With my old Synology NAS, I had my video share from that NAS set to auto mount on start up. I was mounting from the admin login of my NAS. Even then it wasn't foolproof. I'd run into problems where Plex couldn't find the share more often than I'd like. I finally decided to scrap the wY I was doing things, and buy a QNAP NAS that has the ability to run PMS on it natively so I don't have to deal with any more share mounting. Obviously that isn't a cheap solution, but my old way was driving me nuts.

One solution I resorted to was having my Mac Mini restart itself each night at like 4 am since my shares were set to mount on startup. That solved some of my issues, but still 2-3 times a week I'd so to play a tv show or movie and Plex was telling me it was unavailable because it couldn't find the share.


With my old Synology NAS, I had my video share from that NAS set to auto mount on start up. I was mounting from the admin login of my NAS. Even then it wasn't foolproof. I'd run into problems where Plex couldn't find the share more often than I'd like. I finally decided to scrap the wY I was doing things, and buy a QNAP NAS that has the ability to run PMS on it natively so I don't have to deal with any more share mounting. Obviously that isn't a cheap solution, but my old way was driving me nuts.

One solution I resorted to was having my Mac Mini restart itself each night at like 4 am since my shares were set to mount on startup. That solved some of my issues, but still 2-3 times a week I'd so to play a tv show or movie and Plex was telling me it was unavailable because it couldn't find the share.

Originally, I had my MM mount the NAS on startup as well. But when the connection was lost, which happens quite frequently, it wouldn't reconnect. (Obviously not)

Pretty sure my NAS is capable of running Plex, but I deliberately don't do that. My NAS is just for storage, while all stuff regarding streaming and playback and organization is done on the Mini. Besides, I can't stand Plex' UI, which is why I'm using Kodi too.
The downside is that I have to maintain two separate media libraries, but I guess that can't be helped.
Originally, I had my MM mount the NAS on startup as well. But when the connection was lost, which happens quite frequently, it wouldn't reconnect. (Obviously not)

Pretty sure my NAS is capable of running Plex, but I deliberately don't do that. My NAS is just for storage, while all stuff regarding streaming and playback and organization is done on the Mini. Besides, I can't stand Plex' UI, which is why I'm using Kodi too.
The downside is that I have to maintain two separate media libraries, but I guess that can't be helped.

That was the problem I was having. Funny thing was that it would still look like it was connected in Finder, but it really wasn't. I'd have to re-mount it for anything to work.

I can understand someone not liking Plex. For me, personally the best solution was having my media library and PMS in one place. I also watch my movies and tv on multiple devices which is why I go the Plex route.
Would anyone know about a problem where an application crashes every time you try to change the font? I've had this for...a couple of years now and I've been too lazy to do anything about it, but now enough applications are doing it where it's just annoying.

So I click the change font button and this pops up:

The click details button gives me this (I'll link it rather than paste it here as it's kinda long: http://pastebin.com/EJnKf4ky

Any idea on how to fix it? Googling it gave me a thread with a kinda similar problem that said to repair disk permissions, which I did. No change.
I miss that awesome black and white thunderstorm wallpaper that was pre-installed with my last OS. The Yosemite mountain ones are beautiful, but that one was the GOAT.


Any idea why I get prompted to do this every 1-2 days? It's immensely annoying and all of my Google account integration breaks if I don't do it.

Already tried totally wiping out the account and re-adding it, etc.


Any idea why I get prompted to do this every 1-2 days? It's immensely annoying and all of my Google account integration breaks if I don't do it.

Already tried totally wiping out the account and re-adding it, etc.

Do you have a password on a per app basis?


Is there seriously no way to disable the Frequently Visited sites section of Safari's new tab page? It's fucking useless anyway. Like, yesterday I googled for something, and now it suddenly shows up there? Why?
And it happened again just a few minutes ago. I visited a site for the first time ever, and apparently Safari now considers it a "frequently visited" site. How on earth is this supposed to make sense?

By the way, someone please confirm it's not just me: Is it really not possible to drag & drop stuff to the Desktop on external monitors?

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