New Safari is lovely. If it had a better dev tool, it would be my default.
If i didnt have any bugs with Maverick, should i even bother with a clean install?
If i didnt have any bugs with Maverick, should i even bother with a clean install?
How do I change the tone that happens in iMessage? I liked the old one better
After almost 5 years, THE KING STILL WORKS!
General > Message Receive sound
I don't need to update if I'm on the latest version of the public beta, do I?
no transparency on 2012 macbook air?
Is there a way to change/remove the square enclosing around the dock design so the icons are open like the old one?
The 3d dock is gone, as far as an Apple product goes, but you may be able to find 3rd parties creating them in the future.
If you're after a "no dock", ie: just the icons and nothing else, then you can use stuff like to accomplish that. I'm using it atm(still had it installed from Mavericks) and it works fine in Yosemite.
That said, as far as Yosemite goes...
Not liking the overall colors/contrast/design. I've tried it on both retina and non-retina and neither looks all that good, but especially the non-retina looks bad. Specifically, native text(ie: Safari tab labels, apps, etc) looks like absolute shit and is next to impossible to read at times(and I've got good fucking eyes). It's WAY WAY too "light"(thin) of a font, whoever thought this was a good idea is a bozo.
As far as the colors go: I'm not liking the overall "pop" look to stuff like the icons and translucent settings. The folder colors look like fucking Starburst wrappers on my desktop. And serious wtf @ Safari translucent upper-section when scrolling...why was that shit necessary? It's like, "nah brah, we need more colors, we gotta go deeper brah, we need colors ALL the time".
Also: why did they think it was a good idea to put all those "help"/info dropdowns all over? Like in spotlight it brings up "hey, we can search your Pornhub comments for you too" and then in Safari it has it as default to obscure half your screen with "favorites" when typing into the search bar(don't get me started on default "short linking" obfuscation that they applied...). Lot of weird shit that I had to spend ~1hr unchecking boxes for.
This is really annoying. I keep getting "os x could not be installed file system verify or repair failed" while installing...
On my iPad right now and I never had issues updating to Lions/MLions/Mavericks. I'm running an early 2011 13" MBP...
When I go to download it I get told to update from the updates tab but there's nothing there. Do I just go ahead and download the full 5gb install anyway?You do.
Apple designed the OS around Retina displays. Notice how whenever they market the OS, it's on an rMBP?
Is there any way to change the color of the folder icon? That's really my only beef so far with Yosemite.
Settings, General, Second checkbox from the top.still getting used to everything... seems pretty nice so far, though.
how do i turn on dark mode? that's my most wanted feature by far...
Boot into Recovery Mode using Command+R during a restart and run Disk Utility. Select your boot drive and Verify Permissions and Verify Disk. Repair whichever throws back an error.
I realize that, but the font doesn't even look good there either. It's more readable, sure, but...still no where near the previous font.
Not easily, no. You can change the icon itself easily:
right click the folder, get info, and then click on the folder icon in the resulting window. From there you can copy/paste in a new version. I'd suggest using an icon manager for this(ie: if you want it system wide), as the other approach will only be for that specific folder.
For some reason it wasn't on for me, a restart did it
edit: I see it in Safari but not Finder, how odd
Settings, General, Second checkbox from the top.
I tried it earlier and it said it was fine, I'm doing it again and it says that disk utility can't repair this disk. -__-
I realize that, but the font doesn't even look good there either. It's more readable, sure, but...still no where near the previous font.
Not easily, no. You can change the icon itself easily:
right click the folder, get info, and then click on the folder icon in the resulting window. From there you can copy/paste in a new version. I'd suggest using an icon manager for this(ie: if you want it system wide), as the other approach will only be for that specific folder.
Really? The last time that happened to me, my drive was on the way out. I would make a Time Machine backup (or regular one of important files) as soon as possible.
I literally just got this SSD last Black Friday and there have been no issues at all up until this update...
What brand is it?
Settings, General, Second checkbox from the top.
Samsung EVO 840 750GB.