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Otome Community Thread: Happiness isn't a limited commodity, my love is boundless!


Makes me wonder: of the four or so new ones announced, how many will be worth it?

I have my fingers crossed for CxM. I really want that game to be good.

BAW is supposedly very good and the C:R fandisc...well it's C:R surely they wouldn't fuck it up? :(
I like to go into these things knowing as little as possible, so I'm just gonna buy them all and hope for the best. Hopefully I won't get screwed over lol. It's just been a while now since I played something that I felt compelled to finish all the routes :(. Fingers crossed!


I like to go into these things knowing as little as possible, so I'm just gonna buy them all and hope for the best. Hopefully I won't get screwed over lol. It's just been a while now since I played something that I felt compelled to finish all the routes :(. Fingers crossed!

That'll probably be what I end up doing too, tbh, providing they're spaced out enough. If I happen to not be able to buy them for a while, like with Norn9 and Code: Realize, then I can rely on you guys' impressions as guinea pigs. :D


Makes me wonder: of the four or so new ones announced, how many will be worth it?

There's not much that Otomate can do to screw up a fandisc, but BAW and PC are already known to be mediocre and I'm skeptical about CxM because the heroine seems to be a bit of a doormat.

I'm buying everything so I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised.


Okay, update time on my otome playing progress.

MM is going well; I’m on day 6 and managed to land on Zen’s route. There’s no indicator anywhere with how many affection points you’ve got with each character, so I was concerned that I may have overdone it with Jaehee and Yoosung.

I’m really curious as to how this party’s supposed to work; I’ve been fielding e-mails from various random organizations, such as a Middle East oil baron (who has promised to hook me up with his son), a university’s coffee club, a humane organization that takes care of street cats, a LoL guild, a romance novel association, and a group focused on promoting traditional Korean music by being super hip (“A young sport told me about this party, but I’ll have to see if everything will be tickety-boo if we go. I’m going to write some of our words in this letter, so let’s see what you belch out. Hurrah~~). Whenever a group e-mails you, they’ll generally either ask you a question about the party or your knowledge of a topic they’re interested in. If your response isn’t to their liking, you’ll fail that e-mail chain and they’ll refuse to attend. You have to succeed for three e-mails before they’ll commit.

Cheritz’s translation feels a little rougher than usual, but I’m not sure if that’s intentional or not, because of the chat setup. I also wanted to comment on how genius the whole setup is- for all intents and purposes, you’re a silent protagonist, but unlike the vast majority of otoge where it’s weird/never explained why you never seem to talk (*cough*Amnesia), it’s completely justified here, since your options for conversation are all reactionary to whatever texts come your way. It doesn’t feel weird to be quiet in a chatroom, since some people normally are.

Finally, another set of screenshots, showcasing some nice fourth wall breaking on Cheritz’s part:


I’ve been on a Dandeilon kick lately after playing through Ozmafia (which I may go back to at some point to finish up those love triangles…). And even with its stat-heavy gameplay, it’s quite a bit more fun than Ozmafia, imo. Focusing on the stats, they’re surprisingly appropriate and relevant to the game as a whole, both the “positive” stats (femininity, beauty, and art skills) and the “negative” (stress and pressure). Not only that, but Cheritz is kind enough to allow you to easily replay story scenes from the main menu once you’ve seen them, meaning that you won’t have to go through an entire year of in-game time to see that one cute scene at the end.

I’ve completed Jihae’s (silver rabbit), Jieun’s (white rabbit), and Jiyeun’s (sp?) (orange cat) routes so far, all good endings, and working on Jiwoo’s (spotted rabbit). One complaint I do have is that all the boys’ names start with a J; I’m not that familiar with Korean names, and them all starting with the same letter do no favors for me recognizing who’s who. (So forgive me if I mixed up a name up there D:) It was so nice in Nameless for the names to be extremely distinct (though it made more sense in that game, I suppose). Even Heejung’s like, “Well, their names are kind of similar… But it’s fine!” -.-;

I might eventually go back to get their bad ends, but that’s pretty much having to replay their entire route. And with (as far as I can tell) no CGs unlocked in bad ends, there’s not much incentive to, either.


Pics in post above updated!

One bad thing about the whole otome-built-entirely-around-a-messaging-app:

Day 4: "Man, I really wish I could meet you. I really like you."
Day 5: "I wish we could move in together."

To reiterate: you've known me for 5 days, and we've never even met. (Still haven't gotten around to it, somehow.)

Oh well. Other than that I'm enjoying myself hugely with the game, so I'm not bothered. Otoge have taught me that love can blossom in even the most adverse conditions
regardless of whether you want it to or not.
Can Mystic Messenger just release already 😑 You're making me reconsider going back to Dandelion with a guide so I don't waste my time again. I just got SO mad and quit because even with a guide I went back and my stats weren't high enough and I kept getting the same shit ending when I was romancing the ginger cat.


Really? I don't think I was ever within the ballpark of getting a bad end; I'd have to consciously work towards it to get one. :O Getting my stats high enough was never the problem for me. Keeping the motivation to keep playing was. (Although, I finished Jiwoo's route [spotted rabbit] last night, and his was awesome. No trouble continuing there! Just Mr. Black Kitty left.)

There's a tips and tricks guide on Steam for Dandelion, which I thought was really helpful.


Can Mystic Messenger just release already 😑

Update on Cheritz's Tumblr page on the iOS release (which I can't copy/paste on mobile ;_;): it's being delayed because of issues with some IAP conflicting with Apple's policies. If they continue having issues, they'll release it anyway and figure out some other way for iOS users to make those specific purchases if they wish.


Since SouSouRocket mentioned that they were having some trouble getting through Dandelion ~Wishes brought to you~ due to stats, I thought I’d post a quick overview of some of the systems, how they work, some tips for playing, etc. for new players. I would like to mention, before I begin, that there’s a nice general tips/tricks guide on Steam that I recommend all new players of Dandelion read. The game throws you in the deep end, with little/no explanation of what you’re supposed to do, so hopefully reading this post or that guide will save you a little bit of heartache when you realize that you’re halfway through the game but have no chance of seeing the good end. I’ll try to post pictures later tonight to better illustrate my points; if I do, I’ll update accordingly.

Okay. So, someone’s broken into your house and left five animals there. You decide to keep them, and your adventure begins. Like poor Heejung’s life, the game’s going to expect to you not only keep yourself at a societal-accepted level of femininity, beauty, and art ability (translated to meeting those stat requirements for your chosen boy) and not crack under the stress and pressure of it all (translated to keeping those stat gauges low), but also interact with your boy on a day-to-day basis (translated to getting affection points with them). Most of your stat management is done at home; outside automated events, like going to school, art club, or lounging around for the day, only serve to increase stress and pressure, and you can generally only decrease them (and increase the helpful ones) while you’re at home.

Your home is divided into several rooms. Each room has a number of activities associated with it (most of which will need to be unlocked), and each activity will raise/lower a couple of stats. In addition to the stats mentioned above, there’s another relevant one here: your heart gauge. This gauge is raised through doing certain activities, and once it maxes out you can choose to unlock another activity or decrease the effect stress or pressure has on you. You’re presented with four choices, which are chosen randomly.

I’m not going to list here with rooms/activities raise/lower which stats; it’s generally makes sense in context, and it’s something you’ll end up half memorizing as you go along, anyway, as your pool of activities is fairly limited when all’s said and done, especially if you’re only hanging around rooms your boy likes.

Each boy favors a set of rooms in your house, as well as certain activities in those rooms. The Steam guide mentions which rooms/activities they prefer, but it helps in the long run imo to simply take note of who you encounter where and remember it for future playthroughs. Note that even if a boy favors a certain activity, your chances of encountering them while performing it aren’t guaranteed, merely raised. If you do happen to encounter them, you are given a list of actions you can perform on them (talking to them, staring at them, etc.), which will increase as the two of you grow closer. You can also choose to give a gift to them.

Q: Wait! Hold up! I’m trying to woo boy A over here, but B keeps butting in, and I keep having to raise his affection with me, since I can’t back out of it!!

A: No problem! You’ve got a couple of different things you can do here to either avoid the encounter or avoid being nice to them. First thing you could do is give them a present that they don’t like; while you’re out on the weekends (more on this later), you’ll have the opportunity to pick up bits of trash. Give these to whoever’s being nosy, and they won’t be happy. Your affection level with them should decrease. Alternatively, if possible, you could choose an action associated with the boy (such as staring at him, for example), and try to stare someplace you feel he may not be happy with. My go to place is his crotch, but this can backfire. I’ve had boys level up their affection with me anyway. -.-; (I’m not sure if this is specific to anyone or not.) Finally, you can quicksave before deciding on an activity. If you fail to meet whoever you’re going for, quickload and try again. Note that when you load that quicksave, everyone’s positions in the house will shift.

Your week is divided into two kinds of days: weekdays and weekends. (Shocking, I know.) Your options for what you can do are determined by what day it is. If it’s a weekday, you default to being in the house. After a certain point in the storyline, you can leave at night to go to the store or work part-time at the art gallery, but the vast majority of your time will be in the house. During the weekend, you’ll be presented with three main options: stay in the house, work full-time for the day at the art gallery, or go out with an animal to one of several areas around town. I hesitate to say that you’re going out on dates with your companion, as you can easily go out with someone if you’re not on their route, but that’s basically what it is.

Working during a weekend day will net you $40, while working during a weekday will get you $10. This money can be used to buy gifts to give to the boys, books to raise your stats, or key items to use in certain areas (the most notably being the bikini, which you can use while at the beach). The most important of the things you can buy, imo, are vision enhancement drugs (I forget what they’re called in-game).

Q: Quick question, before you go on. Should I even bother working during the week, when you get so little money?

A: Yes. There will be times when, due to story reasons, the boy is avoiding you and won’t be in the house at all for the entire week. If you’ve already raised your stats to a level you’re happy with, working and getting a little bit of extra cash tends to help in the long run, especially with sticker collecting.

Vision is one other stat you have, but its usefulness is limited, and it’s entirely possible to go through the game without worrying about it once. When you’re out with a boy, you’ll have a chance to look around the area you’re in. You’ll most often see bits of trash, but you can also find gifts to give and stickers. These stickers are shaped like the head of the boy you’re hanging out with, and can be exchanged in the main menu for art (concept and finished) of any boy who’s route you’ve completed (which I believe here means gotten a good end with, though correct me if I’m wrong). You’ll need 30 stickers total for a boy if you wish to unlock this art, and you can only get stickers you’ve collected once per playthrough. After you finish the route, they’ll be collected in the main menu. Anyway, vision enhancement drugs increase the number of objects you’ll see on the screen at once; your low chances of finding a sticker don’t necessarily go up, but more objects = more opportunity for them to spawn, if that makes sense.

Q: Yeah, yeah, I got all that. Now give me some general gameplay tips; I know all that stuff, but I’m still having trouble meeting stat and heart requirements for a boy.

· You can see what each boy requires in terms of stats (as well as check how many of his stickers you have) on your status page on their tab. While the game doesn’t tell you what level you’ll need for a particular stat, it will tell you whether you’ve satisfied whatever level that is.

· Early on, when given a choice to use your accumulated heart gauge to unlock an activity or decrease the effects of stress or pressure, I’d heartily recommend aiming for the latter first. Those can easily overwhelm you in the early game if you’re not careful, and there’s at least one activity for every good stat already unlocked for you to do around the house. Keep raising your stress/pressure management levels until you feel comfortable with where they’re at.

· While, as mentioned before, you can quicksave to try to force the game to let you interact with a boy, this isn’t necessary, imo. Hanging out with them on the weekends when they’re available and trying to get lucky during normal house interactions should be enough, as the game gives you plenty of time to achieve the necessary heart requirements.

· If you hover over a picture of each boy, you’ll see number/number, the left being the affection level you have with them and the right being the current max you can achieve. (I believe the max’s max is 150.) I don’t know off the top of my head if you need to max out a boy’s affection levels to get his good end or simply have it really high, but I’d recommend the former just in case. And once you get into the swing of things, it’s really easy to max it out, anyway.

· Boys like certain presents more than others, which may/may not be obvious depending on the item. I couldn’t give a definitive listing off the top of my head, but the Steam guide probably has something like that.

· Usually I find it best to simply follow the boy around the house, only deviating if I need to lower stress/pressure with an activity I know will decrease them or if I need to raise a stat that’s difficult to raise in the room they’re in. For example, with the spotted rabbit, he hangs out in your room 85% of the time (lol), where it’s really really easy to raise your artistic abilities. You’ll need to unlock activities in there that raise the other two stats, though, so it’ll probably be necessary to go to other rooms as well early on so you don’t fall behind.

I hope this was helpful for anyone trying to get into Dandelion or interested in trying it out. I know it looks like a lot, but it becomes second nature after enough time. Feel free to ask me any questions about specific characters (though at time of writing I haven’t done Jisoo’s/black kitty’s route yet); I didn’t want to go into detail here for fear of making this longer that it already is. -.-;

I'll post a little bit later on my thoughts on Jiwoo's route. Spoiler: my favorite so far! :D


I finished up Jiwoo’s route last night in Dandelion (he’s the spotted rabbit, for those who, like me, have trouble keeping track of who’s who -.-;), and he’s my favorite by far so far. (Note: no real spoilers in this, though I do go into Jiwoo’s character, so if you’d rather discover him by yourself, as it were, skip this post.)

Jiwoo is a rather aristocratic young man who is fond of telling people they’re stupid, proving how much he knows on any given subject, getting angry and shouting at people, watching soap operas, and reading trashy romance novels. Sounds like a winner, I know. But for all his outrage and huffiness, he lacks any real venom in his jibes, to the point where he’s not taken all that seriously by any of the other animals or the heroine.

The heroine, being more of a motivated lead than most otome MCs, takes every opportunity to tease him, annoy him, and listen to him holler. (None of this is done maliciously, no worries.) Once you really get going with him, he’ll have hilarious little asides during outings where he’ll tell you to stop poking him, or to let /him/ instigate the hand-holding because he’s the /man/ in this relationship, dammit! Jiwoo, interestingly, has been the only animal so far to not drive the others out of the house for one reason or another (I could be misremembering on this; it’s been a little while since I went through the other two rabbits), and during his “breakup period”, where he starts to ignore you, the heroine’s the one to bring him back instead of the other way around. Mostly by attacking him with vegetables, but it’s really sweet, despite his confusion and flailing. :D

Jiwoo has also so far really been the only guy to pursue you during his route; the others just kind of let it happen. Granted, his method of pursuit is, uh, kind of roundabout- he is getting all his romance tips from dime store romance novels, after all.

Jiwoo really doesn’t interfere in the other routes I’ve played so far, except for a tiny bit in the white rabbit’s (note: haven’t played the black cat’s route, so he could jump in there), so it’s possible you don’t see any other side of him besides the yelling before starting his route. He’s got some depth in him, though, so I’d definitely recommend going after him.


Oooh, Zen is an albino in MM. I completely didn't even realize until now; I'm too used to animu people with weird hair/eye colors to even notice.

Short update on MM shenanigans: Zen apparently has amazing super healing powers, Jumin continues to try to convince him to star in a commercial with an animal Zen's highly allergic to.
Thanks Eefara for your detailed write-ups, your contributions to this thread are always super substantive :'D. I really might go back now that the rage has faded.. lol. Funny enough Jisoo the black cat was the only route I ever finished, lol. The perverts are usually my faves.

Oh goodness I really hope the IAP just somehow get canceled or they make a version you can flat-out just buy because I really can't stand those :I


Thanks Eefara for your detailed write-ups, your contributions to this thread are always super substantive :'D. I really might go back now that the rage has faded.. lol. Funny enough Jisoo the black cat was the only route I ever finished, lol. The perverts are usually my faves.

Oh goodness I really hope the IAP just somehow get canceled or they make a version you can flat-out just buy because I really can't stand those :I

Thanks! \o/ I don't think general resources for otome games are substantive enough, and I just know how confusing Dandelion can be, so hopefully that modest overview draws some people in. If you continue to have trouble with finishing routes, though, drop a line here; I'd be glad to chip in.

I'll be super jealous if they make the iOS version a straight paid application. I'll keep posting updates here as I see them, too.


Wtf. Just got my first bad end in Dandelion (unintentionally). Jeehae confessed to me, saying he'd be a great provider for me one day when he opens his own chicken restaurant.


Eefara, I suggest not making multiple posts in a row. It's frowned upon by the mods and the community, not to mention it clutters the thread and the discussion. That said, I appreciate your contribution, great to see more opinions on varied otome titles.


Eefara, I suggest not making multiple posts in a row. It's frowned upon by the mods and the community, not to mention it clutters the thread and the discussion. That said, I appreciate your contribution, great to see more opinions on varied otome titles.

Yeah, I know. I'll keep it down.


I was hoping someone else would post before me, so that I could break the ever-present string of double posts. -.-; Someone comment on something, plz. I didn’t want to edit this in to my previous post since it’s a major update and several days have passed, but I’m also trying to not put out so many posts in a row.

I’ve finished up Jisoo’s route, and now Dandelion in general, and I’d like to give my thoughts on both. First, Jisoo. I’m surprised you said that you did his route first, SouSouRocket, but had trouble on Jiyeon’s. Jisoo’s probably has the highest overall stat requirements, and the time frame for getting them felt a little shorter. I mentioned before that I got that bizarre chicken restaurant bad end, which was because I grew complacent at making sure my affection level was up enough for him. -.-; This route definitely had me on my toes and more aware of what I needed to do than the others; his comparative glut of story scenes increased the sense of urgency, I felt, as they were much more numerous than in other routes, and I had to keep checking to see if his requirements had increased. In terms of how much I liked his route, I thought it was pretty good. Having more story scenes made it feel like more of a regular VN that Stat Management: The Game, and I didn’t think his personality was too overbearing or anything.

That being said, his bad route is something else. Like whoa. I was thinking the bad routes would be a bit tamer in Dandelion than in Nameless, but Jisoo is making me rethink that.
Fun example: near the end of his bad route, he starts following you around the house and keeps you from doing literally anything. Like, you'll enter a room, and he'll suddenly appear and hijack whatever activity you were about to do. This happens even if he wasn't in the house to start with. Some creepy stuff, let me tell you, especially if you're not expecting it.

After getting a good end in all the animals’ routes in Dandelion, you’ll unlock a bonus scene detailing the backstory for how/why the game the animals were playing got started (as well as a bonus drama CD). This scene could also be considered something of an epilogue, due to events within it. I do have a question, though, after watching it, for those who’ve both completely finished Dandelion and played Nameless (like, serious major spoilers for the end of Dandelion here):
So if the Wizard becomes human at the end of Dandelion, how is he still his usual immortal and wish-giving self in Nameless? I was thinking that Dandelion came before Nameless chronologically, but that doesn’t look to be the case anymore. I’m planning on replaying Nameless, if only to get this question answered, but I thought it’d be possible that someone here might know and could help clear this up.

Oh, and speaking of completely finishing up Dandelion, a fair warning to players: 3 of Dandelion’s CGs are indeed unlocked through bad ends. One through letting Heejung get too stressed while on an animal’s route (note that this isn't really bad ending, but I'll just call it that for now), and two other from Jisoo’s bad end. And note that when I say “Jisoo’s bad end”, I’m not talking about the generic chicken restaurant bad end, but his route-specific one.

My final thoughts on Dandelion: despite my initial impressions of the game when I first bought it (very meh), I’ve grown to truly enjoy the game. Part of my initial so-so-ness about it probably came from doing Jieun’s route first; he’s quiet and seemingly emotionless at times, and the relative lack of story scenes compared to other VNs (especially Nameless, which I finished before starting Dandelion) just seemed to make his route drag like no other. I seem to recall Jihae’s route doing the same, though not quite as bad. So I probably would have had a better impression of the game going in if I had started with the cats or Jiwoo, though they were nice routes to end with, admittedly.

Turns out that you don’t have to have max affection to meet the requirements for a character; you’re in the safe zone if you get within 5-10 points, I believe. Though, as always, try to max it out for safety.

Unfortunately, Dandelion was a little glitchy in my time playing it. This usually applied to voices, where the track would loop 4 or 5 times before straightening out. There were a few times when the game had trouble loading cutscenes, and I had to replay the month of May on Jiyeon’s route because of this once. Dandelion also seemed to have trouble properly closing out after I exited out of the application; Steam would show it as “running” for a while before finally closing out. Sometimes it didn’t close out, and I had to manually shut Steam down.

Other than those bugs, however, Dandelion didn’t give me any trouble. It was another enjoyable game from Cheritz, and while I liked Nameless more, I thought Dandelion was easily good enough to stand on its own. The writing was decent and never failed to amuse when Cheritz was going for humor, and even if the translation was rough in places (mostly typos), it didn’t detract from my experience. Playing this and Nameless makes me wish I could speak Korean, to see what the game is like in the original language and how close the translation is.

I noticed that Dandelion only has one or two entries in HLTB. This isn't unusual for VNs in general, I know, but it's still kind of depressing.

A quick update on MM: I&#8217;m on day 10 of Zen&#8217;s route, all&#8217;s going well and ramping up the stakes steadily. Though my choices for answering questions have been bizarrely bipolar for the past few days: they&#8217;re either &#8220;I support you Zen and will do what I can to help you achieve your dreams&#8221; or &#8220;God Zen stop being an actor and looking at other girls and run away with me plus I hate Jaehee she needs to leave and never come back <3 <3 <3&#8221;. Some of the e-mail chains are killing me, too. The answers you can give to potential guests can be really vague, and the MC seems to like taking measures into her own hands. Made-up example:

Rep from a club for smart young college students: So do you think I&#8217;ll meet anyone nice at the party?

> There&#8217;ll be lots of adults
> I don&#8217;t know

I&#8217;ll look at that and go, &#8220;Hmmm. Seems risky to just say &#8216;I don&#8217;t know&#8217;. I&#8217;ll go with the first response&#8230;&#8221;

MC&#8217;s reply: Probably not, we&#8217;re only really inviting the cream of the crop from the adult world and I doubt they&#8217;ll have time to entertain you.

Me: (&#9583;°&#9633;°&#65289;&#9583;&#65077; &#9531;&#9473;&#9531;

I guess it&#8217;s kind of justified in that, like the player, the MC&#8217;s just kind of making it up as she goes along, but does she really think that that&#8217;s going to make someone want to attend? ;_; It&#8217;s far easier to answer if the e-mail asks me a factual question. Then, even if I don&#8217;t know, I can look up the two options online and see which would be more appropriate. :X (I.e. &#8220;Which camera would be most appropriate to bring to the party?&#8221;)

Interestingly, there appears to be different levels of &#8220;completed&#8221; in an e-mail chain. If you got to the second e-mail but chose the wrong but but the person&#8217;s still considering going, the chain will end and be stamped with &#8220;Completed&#8221; in red. If you get to the third and final e-mail and manage to cheese them off, but they&#8217;re still considering, you&#8217;ll get &#8220;Completed&#8221; in green. And if you get to that final e-mail and retain good relations, &#8220;Completed&#8221; will be in bright blue with little stars around it. Time will tell on which of those completes will show up, specifically the first two categories. I wonder what happens if no one shows up to your party. >.>

I&#8217;m also a little concerned about the timeline of me playing/finished MM. Each route is 11 real-time days if you choose not to speed things up, so that&#8217;s 55 days right there, assuming you buy hourglasses/don&#8217;t farm them to unlock two routes. And that&#8217;s not even considering that I don&#8217;t know if the secret endings/after routes take entire days to complete. I guess I&#8217;ll need to go back to how many hourglasses Kirie said would be needed to unlock those routes and work it out from there. I&#8217;d like to finish the game sooner rather than later, but we&#8217;ll see. I might also try simply playing multiple routes at the same time, since you should be able to jump from conversation to conversation pretty easily.

I&#8217;m also quite curious to find out what&#8217;s going on behind the scenes here, and (no real spoilers, except for something that seems to be minor from Zen&#8217;s route, mostly just speculation on my part)
whether the Wizard is involved or not. It&#8217;s not usually his style to directly interfere more than the absolute minimum, but I&#8217;m not sure if the things I&#8217;m seeing are mundane or not. For example: the whole Unknown thing at the beginning, or Zen&#8217;s crazy healing abilities. Seriously, he healed completely from a broken ankle in two days, and is known to have done the same with other broken limbs before. Plus this whole thing with V and Rika. Could be an innocent love story, but I have my doubts.

And if the Wizard is involved, where does this game come into the timeline with Dandelion and Nameless? It&#8217;s interesting that the MC seems to have the ability to manipulate time on her own, albeit in a limited fashion (with hourglasses), but I&#8217;m not sure yet whether that should just be considered a game mechanic or something more.

One last thing with MM, directed specifically at Kirie: every once in a while I&#8217;ll see a little &#8220;Caution!&#8221; sign on my chatroom list. When I click on it it says that I&#8217;ve come to a branching point. What&#8217;s the deal with this? Is this where you would potentially get a bad end? I got such a sign on day 5 or 6 (can&#8217;t remember which) and day 9.

Anyhow, I now seem to have finished almost all the otome titles in my possession except for MM and Yo-jin-bo. I still want to play Code: Realize, but I might not buy it for a while; I&#8217;m trying to clear out my backlog, and adding to it doesn&#8217;t help. But I have been putting it off for a while, and the fandisc is coming out&#8230; I&#8217;m not sure yet what I&#8217;ll do. I&#8217;ve got a couple of free Steam VNs in my library I haven&#8217;t started yet, but they aren&#8217;t otoge, so I won&#8217;t be talking about them here. I&#8217;ve also got a couple of otome titles in my Steam wishlist I haven&#8217;t purchased yet, but again the backlog thing. Does anyone know if Yo-Jin-Bo is worth playing? Or Area-X or X-note on Steam?


Thanks! Sounds like a nice, meaty otome.

I've finished my first route in Mystic Messenger! I ended up having 16 guests come to the party, and got a grade of A.

After you beat a route, the after story segment for that character is immediately available for purchase for 20 hourglasses. You also unlock an album mode that lets you view your unlocked CGs thus far, a Phone History option to relisten to phone calls from finished routes, a guest list, where, if you successfully invited the guest, it will show a short bio about them, and a Chat History option, which allows you to re-read all chat conversations.

Note that for the latter, you can only view the chat how you viewed it in your file. So if you missed a conversation, you can't participate, but if you were there, you'll be able to select whatever responses you want. You can go back to your original file, find any chats you missed, unlock them via hourglasses, and then replay them. Once you save, you can go back to the main menu and see the newly-unlocked participatory chat in Chat History! The two types of chat participation are considered separate, by the way, so it's possible to have the option to view a chat either way, as long as both are unlocked.

So, I guess, if you really really wanted every version of every chat available for your viewing pleasure at any time, I'd just keep track of which chat you (don't) need to participate in for the common route (days 2-4) and save your hourglasses for the character routes (days 5-11). Then, on days 5-11, don't directly participate in any of the chat conversations. Only unlock the conversation after you've viewed it once, and that should theoretically allow you to unlock both versions of the chat while still allowing you to continue through the route without meeting a bad end.

After finishing one route, you can also immediately unlock Deep Story Mode (707 and Jumin's routes) for 80 hourglasses. I'll probably hold on off on these, based off of Kirie's advice, and go after either Yoosung or Jaehee next.

I wish I could keep track of how much time I'm spending playing this game. Play sessions are generally broken up into smaller, bite-sized chunks of time (however long it took me to read through a chat or two, basically), so it's much more difficult to keep track. :\
Wow, an Alice inspired otome game. How inspired! /s

The art looks nice though. I'm a sucker for flowery shojou styles.

Lol no kidding. I'd play it though, if my Japanese was up to scratch ;3; I say it all the time but I really need to get back to work on my studying. I wouldn't have to care about what's getting brought over


Seeing a lot of new characters introduced for the C;R fandisc gives me hope that it won't just be a short cash in filled with fanservice.


Oddly, it's the otome game I'm most interested in. I'm really drawn in by the premise.

Same! The art is gorgeous as well.

I misinterpreted that as 2-3 weeks til release T3T wahhh

Well it does release on the 18th...in Japan :p.

Good to know. Glad I bought the LE edition. Hanamura's art is amazing. Can't wait to get my hands on this. I'll be sure to write up a review.

Ooh, nice! Looking forward to reading it.


Spike Chunsoft is doing a poll about which games people would like on Steam. Surprisingly enough one of them is Kenka Bancho Otome:


I'll keep my hopes up for a Vita version, but I still voted.

Aren't they only self publishing Steam versions of their games? I think that they still depend on other publishers for other platforms. Considering that no other publisher, other than Aksys, has shown real interest in otome games, a steam version only is more likely. Unfortunately. But still! This poll is good news and I'm crossing my fingers.


Aren't they only self publishing Steam versions of their games? I think that they still depend on other publishers for other platforms. Considering that no other publisher, other than Aksys, has shown real interest in otome games, a steam version only is more likely. Unfortunately. But still! This poll is good news and I'm crossing my fingers.

They're releasing One Way Heroics on psn. Not giving us the vita version would be stupid seeing how they're willing to port the game to Steam already.


Very pleasantly surprised at how KB is fairing in the poll! Voted for it but still would like 428 over here as well.


Can't believe I missed this thread until earlier this day considering Otome has been always one of the genres I've been curious about after playing through Hatoful Boyfriend and watching Utapri but never really had much of an idea of what to check out.

Right now I am playing Mystic Messenger and so far I like it! Thanks for the great OP and thanks for the community in here, especially the posts about MM, this is definitely a genre I want to check out more but haven't been able to due to time constraints.


Can't believe I missed this thread until earlier this day considering Otome has been always one of the genres I've been curious about after playing through Hatoful Boyfriend and watching Utapri but never really had much of an idea of what to check out.

Right now I am playing Mystic Messenger and so far I like it! Thanks for the great OP and thanks for the community in here, especially the posts about MM, this is definitely a genre I want to check out more but haven't been able to due to time constraints.

Yay! We got another one.



If you have a Vita there's quite a few otome games you can play.
So, I'm on the verge of going full steam ahead with trying this genre. Was about to order Code;Realize, but I have a question - does 'Future Blessings' contain all the content from 'Guardians of Rebirth' or is it more of an alternative-route kind of thing?

Also, what's the general consensus on Bad Apple Wars & Period Cube so far? I was reading this review of BAW which made it seem really good. I was surprised, because I thought the premise was just sort of delinquent otome, but it seems a lot more than that. I tried to find some reviews of Period Cube but they all seemed pretty spoilerish so ended up quitting out of them. Any opinions?

Collar x Malice is the one I'm looking forward to the most though. Premise is really intriguing and the art looks great.


So, I'm on the verge of going full steam ahead with trying this genre. Was about to order Code;Realize, but I have a question - does 'Future Blessings' contain all the content from 'Guardians of Rebirth' or is it more of an alternative-route kind of thing?

Also, what's the general consensus on Bad Apple Wars & Period Cube so far? I was reading this review of BAW which made it seem really good. I was surprised, because I thought the premise was just sort of delinquent otome, but it seems a lot more than that. I tried to find some reviews of Period Cube but they all seemed pretty spoilerish so ended up quitting out of them. Any opinions?

Collar x Malice is the one I'm looking forward to the most though. Premise is really intriguing and the art looks great.

Neither, it's a fandisc. Fandiscs are made for fans who enjoyed the game to expand/add on certain routes. They're usually on the short side, but C:R is shaping up to be on the longer side. They've added quite a few new characters.

From what I read most people seemed to like BAW, although it's lighter on the romance side? PC is...kinda like SAO and people say it's generic, and the heroine isn't really that good either.
Neither, it's a fandisc. Fandiscs are made for fans who enjoyed the game to expand/add on certain routes. They're usually on the short side, but C:R is shaping up to be on the longer side. They've added quite a few new characters.

From what I read most people seemed to like BAW, although it's lighter on the romance side? PC is...kinda like SAO and people say it's generic, and the heroine isn't really that good either.

So just to be clear since your C:R answer confused me a bit... it doesn't include the content from Guardians of Rebirth right?

And thanks for the response on the other two. BAW is sounding ace if that's the case. I like SAO quite a lot, but not sure I have any interest in PC.


So just to be clear since your C:R answer confused me a bit... it doesn't include the content from Guardians of Rebirth right?

And thanks for the response on the other two. BAW is sounding ace if that's the case. I like SAO quite a lot, but not sure I have any interest in PC.

GoR is the main C:R game and the only one out right now. Future Blessings is the fandisc, which isn't even out in Japan.


So just to be clear since your C:R answer confused me a bit... it doesn't include the content from Guardians of Rebirth right?

And thanks for the response on the other two. BAW is sounding ace if that's the case. I like SAO quite a lot, but not sure I have any interest in PC.

It doesn't. The fandisc should only be played after you've finished C:R.

I'm not particularly fond of PC, but I'll still probably buy it to support more otome coming over.
Don't forget to post your impressions here. Even without the otome aspect, it's an interesting VN.

It'll be a while until I post impressions, since I'm ordering the physical version and will have to wait for it to arrive from NA :p

But yep, once I get it I'll post my thoughts here!


I’ve finished up Yoosung’s route in Mystic Messenger; just Jaehee is left in the “casual” routes.

Yoosung reminded me quite a bit of
from Nameless. Like Zen, the “bad” conversation options for Yoosung were pretty extreme, though in Yoosung’s case they tend more towards
having Yoosung focus on his obsession of Rika more and the like
. To be honest, his whole
replacing Rika with the MC as the main focus of his life, and being unable to separate them or understand why it’s bad for the majority of the game
didn’t really endear me to him, and even by the end I was kinda :/ towards his route. But this is all personal preference, imo; nothing actually squicky happens. (Perhaps if you go down his bad end; I’m kind of morbidly curious to see what happens.)

I still like Zen more. So much so, in fact, that I had to restrain myself from ditching Yoosung and taking Zen’s side on several issues. :p I’m quite curious as to how Jaehee’s route will turn out; I’ve liked what I’ve seen of her so far, so it shouldn’t be difficult making any “right” choices for her path.

Ah, and Yoosung’s route was a little bit more story-heavy than Zen’s. Lots more questions are brought up, and little bits of juicy info are thrown your way. Nothing is actually answered, of course, but it’s getting me excited for the deep routes!

Honorable mention for my weirdest party guest this time around: the longest cat in the world. Our e-mail communications consisted entirely of meowing.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but you can get a gallery image and an early bad end during the prologue (when you’re conversing with Unknown): (spoilered just in case)

Gallery image:
The gallery image can be had by refusing to trust Unknown at first, saying he sounds like a creepy person, etc. He’ll eventually send you a photo. This all takes place before you go to Rika’s apartment.

Bad end:
When you reach the apartment, and Unknown asks if you can see a keypad, continually say no.

Note that the bad end will show you
what Unknown looks like
; if you want to wait until this happens naturally in the story, just skip the bad end.

I’ve also been compiling my own little database of chat conversations: at what time during the day they occur, who participates, what photos you can unlock, which party guests are mentioned/can be invited, and whether or not you’ve participated in the chat or not.

Can't believe I missed this thread until earlier this day considering Otome has been always one of the genres I've been curious about after playing through Hatoful Boyfriend and watching Utapri but never really had much of an idea of what to check out.

Right now I am playing Mystic Messenger and so far I like it! Thanks for the great OP and thanks for the community in here, especially the posts about MM, this is definitely a genre I want to check out more but haven't been able to due to time constraints.

I hope my posts have been entertaining, if not helpful or interesting. :D


Yay! We got another one.



If you have a Vita there's quite a few otome games you can play.

I definitely do, bought it for Danganronpa and Persona and would be definitely curious to see what's out there on the Vita.

What would you recommend me? As said I'm relatively new to the genre and thus can only say that I beat the Hatoful Boyfriend games, am playing Mystic Messenger while slowly making my way through UtaPri -Repeat- on PSP (which nicely was borrowed to me by a friend after I told him I want to check out the genre, and has been a blast so far), so it feels like there's definitely a lot for me to see out there and any suggestions would be appreciated! :)

I hope my posts have been entertaining, if not helpful or interesting. :D

Oh, they've been all three and I definitely thank you for that since it made me start playing it. I just admit I stopped reading the spoiler tags after I started playing just so I can experience the story unfold myself!


I definitely do, bought it for Danganronpa and Persona and would be definitely curious to see what's out there on the Vita.

What would you recommend me? As said I'm relatively new to the genre and thus can only say that I beat the Hatoful Boyfriend games, am playing Mystic Messenger while slowly making my way through UtaPri -Repeat- on PSP (which nicely was borrowed to me by a friend after I told him I want to check out the genre, and has been a blast so far), so it feels like there's definitely a lot for me to see out there and any suggestions would be appreciated! :)

Oh, they've been all three and I definitely thank you for that since it made me start playing it. I just admit I stopped reading the spoiler tags after I started playing just so I can experience the story unfold myself!

Code:Realize - intriguing story, amazing characters and a kickass heroine. It also takes a while for the romance to get going. It's the best Vita otome by far.

Sweet Fuse (psp) is also good and it'll remind you of Danganronpa. On the shorter side with another kickass heroine.

Hakuouki (psp/ps3) - if you like historical settings. It's a long VN set in feudal Japan and doesn't focus so much on the romance until the very end. I personally love the game, but some people find it boring.
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