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Otome Community Thread: Happiness isn't a limited commodity, my love is boundless!


You guys are my heroes for defending KBO in that other topic, lol. I want 428 too but damn.

Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 6's sequel and Ken ga Kimi's fandisc are coming out on the same day apparently in December @_@ Rip my wallet

@Dunkley- I'm assuming you know a bit of Japanese if you're currently playing through Utapri? I have some suggestions if so!


What bothers me the most that something similar happens whenever an otome game is announced. From 'what is this fanservice/anime crap' to 'but what about us, guys!?? Not another otome game/I want my waifus!"

It's disheartening to see a game getting localized that caters to you and isn't shit and then watch as it gets...well shat on. Especially given how rare otome localizations are when compared to other genres.

Naturally, just because it has romance must mean it's shit. It needs to be all hardcore and serious for it to be a quality game!

Is this the right time to admit that I dislike romance? :p


In spite of recent events, the thread has been updated!

Yay! :D

Speaking of, I wonder when Aksys will properly announce the games. With release dates of course.

And as much as I want the games asap I don't think I'd be able to afford all of them if they release a month apart.

Edit: Do any of you guys remember Taisho Alice? :).


Everyone should read Update 2. They had an empty booth at a convention. How promising!


It's so infuriating having to deal with that type of belittlement that sometimes I don't even what to bother. Not matter what we say, we won't change the opinions of idiots.

Edit: Do any of you guys remember Taisho Alice? :).


Everyone should read Update 2. They had an empty booth at a convention. How promising!

I hope their deal falls through so we can get a competent publisher. I didn't care that much what happened with Beastmaster since it didn't seem like anything special apart from cute, but TA is supposed to be pretty good.


Shitty companies getting their hands on otome games is the worst. They are just killing all the goodwill from the fans with their shady practices.

If Taisho Alice KS does eventually show up it'll just be another mess.

As for the Hakuouki situation - something should come of it. It is a popular franchise after all; whether it's Aksys or IFI or even someone else who brings the game(s) over.


Neo Member
Shiz! So this is where you've been!

And I am so excited about Kenka Bancho Otome. I signed the petition not really thinking anything would come of it, but now SC is actually considering localizing it! It's probably one of my most wanted recent Otome titles. Girls crossdressing as boys at all-boys schools is so very much my thing. And I love the idea of a romance end and a friendship end.


Shiz! So this is where you've been!

And this all goes back to you. You were the one who introduced me to the genre, so it's you who I have to thank for having introduced me to the genre. Thank you very much, Quill!

I hope you enjoy our little otome community here!


Neo Member
And this all goes back to you. You were the one who introduced me to the genre, so it's you who I have to thank for having introduced me to the genre. Thank you very much, Quill!

I hope you enjoy our little otome community here!
Awww, Shiz. You're very welcome. :)

And this seems like a great community! It's always a pleasure to find a new place to talk about otome games.

My Vita was stolen around Christmas, right as I was about to start Fran's route in Code: Realize. Now that I've gotten a new one I'm slowly making my way through it again. Right now I'm just replaying Impey's again (I love him so much). I never expected CR to be this good. It's probably the best Otome game I've played.
Awww, Shiz. You're very welcome. :)

And this seems like a great community! It's always a pleasure to find a new place to talk about otome games.

My Vita was stolen around Christmas, right as I was about to start Fran's route in Code: Realize. Now that I've gotten a new one I'm slowly making my way through it again. Right now I'm just replaying Impey's again (I love him so much). I never expected CR to be this good. It's probably the best Otome game I've played.

Welcome to the thread, Quillbell! Always love to see new faces in here :D Impey's route was really sweet ;3; Him and Fran were my absolute faves... although I did like a particular CG of Van Helsing's 8D

Is this the right time to admit that I dislike romance? :p

EXPLAIN?! Otome + that... does not compute lol


Can't believe I missed this thread until earlier this day considering Otome has been always one of the genres I've been curious about after playing through Hatoful Boyfriend and watching Utapri but never really had much of an idea of what to check out.

Right now I am playing Mystic Messenger and so far I like it! Thanks for the great OP and thanks for the community in here, especially the posts about MM, this is definitely a genre I want to check out more but haven't been able to due to time constraints.

Oh I missed this post too, welcome! :'D Waiting to play MM myself... I hope you'll check out Haouki! It's my #2 otome of all time and has my #1 romantic moment T3T <3 Haradaaaa


Welcome to the thread, Quillbell! Always love to see new faces in here :D Impey's route was really sweet ;3; Him and Fran were my absolute faves... although I did like a particular CG of Van Helsing's 8D

EXPLAIN?! Otome + that... does not compute lol


Oh I missed this post too, welcome! :'D Waiting to play MM myself... I hope you'll check out Haouki! It's my #2 otome of all time and has my #1 romantic moment T3T <3 Haradaaaa

I think the format helps when it comes to otome games; multiple routes, the art and a preference for games that focus less on romance. Otherwise I tend to avoid romance - most of the time it's done poorly. You either have media that completely focuses on it (romance novels, movies etc) which definitely isn't my thing or a romance subplot is just a part of it. Said subplot ends up being awkward and underdeveloped. Made even worse if the characters aren't written well.

Otome games tend to strike the perfect balance for me.
The ones that aren't crap at least.
I can enjoy the plot, the art and the characters and their various relationships before their routes even begin. Like in C:R and Hakuouki. The settings also help a lot. Not a big fan of slice of life :p.


Neo Member
Welcome to the thread, Quillbell! Always love to see new faces in here :D Impey's route was really sweet ;3; Him and Fran were my absolute faves... although I did like a particular CG of Van Helsing's 8D
Hah, I suspect I know which one you're talking about.

When I first got the game I finished Impey's, San's, and Van's routes (in that order). Fran looks like a sweetheart but I want to get to Lupin already dammit. I've had the hugest crush on him ever since that opening sequence. After I finish Impey again I'll be back to where I left off (just Fran and Lupin to do).

And man, I want to try Mystic Messenger but it's not out on iOS yet! Does anyone know what's going on with that?

Otome games tend to strike the perfect balance for me.
The ones that aren't crap at least.
I can enjoy the plot, the art and the characters and their various relationships before their routes even begin. Like in C:R and Hakuouki. The settings also help a lot. Not a big fan of slice of life :p.
Yeah, I get what you're saying.

I like the romance too, but my favourite thing about Otome games is that they all have a female protagonist who is the star of her own story. You seldom ever get that in video games. I like how Aksys seems to be choosing games with more active heroines too. My favourite parts of Code Realize are the parts where the whole group comes together to pull off some hijinks (chapter 7!), because the chemistry between the cast is so strong. Gives me high hopes for the anime adaptation.

Oh hey Quillbell, small world :D Haven't seen you in awhile! Welcome!
KIRIE! Hi! It's great to see you again! :)


Hah, I suspect I know which one you're talking about.

When I first got the game I finished Impey's, San's, and Van's routes (in that order). Fran looks like a sweetheart but I want to get to Lupin already dammit. I've had the hugest crush on him ever since that opening sequence. After I finish Impey again I'll be back to where I left off (just Fran and Lupin to do).

And man, I want to try Mystic Messenger but it's not out on iOS yet! Does anyone know what's going on with that?

Yeah, I get what you're saying.

I like the romance too, but my favourite thing about Otome games is that they all have a female protagonist who is the star of her own story. You seldom ever get that in video games. I like how Aksys seems to be choosing games with more active heroines too. My favourite parts of Code Realize are the parts where the whole group comes together to pull off some hijinks (chapter 7!), because the chemistry between the cast is so strong. Gives me high hopes for the anime adaptation.

KIRIE! Hi! It's great to see you again! :)

Cardia is one of my favourite heroines ever. Not a fan of dumbing down female characters in order to make male characters look better.

And oh God, I completely forgot it's going to get adapted into anime. Not sure if I should be excited...usually otome adaptations aren't that good.


Wasn't Hakuoki decent? I had a friend who liked it, and he wasn't even in the targeted demographic. CR shouldn't be too big of a mess if they stick to mostly one route.


Wasn't Hakuoki decent? I had a friend who liked it, and he wasn't even in the targeted demographic. CR shouldn't be too big of a mess if they stick to mostly one route.

It's a shame since it'll most likely follow Lupin's route. Best husbando's route will remain unadapted.


Wasn't Hakuoki decent? I had a friend who liked it, and he wasn't even in the targeted demographic. CR shouldn't be too big of a mess if they stick to mostly one route.

B-but Van Helsing... :,(.

But yeah, it's probably going to be Lupin only.


I haven't been to the thread for a bit (shame on me) so I checked the OP and saw that OMFG CODE REALIZE FAN DISC IS GETTING LOCALIZED YESSSSSS

(between missing this and Steins;Gate 0 localization announcement I feel like I've been living on under a rock)

So yeah had to fangasm over that real quick
You know, Lupin was my most anticipated after all those routes, but honestly I didn't feel like he lived up to the hype. Maybe not quite enough romance and tenderness for me, lol.

How do fandiscs that add new paths work exactly? Since it's its own standalone thing... are you really going through the game all over again but with those paths only? :eek:

I didn't think I was that hyped for the fandisc but seeing that CG of Impey in the OP made me miss the CR boys ;3;. CR is also the last otome I actually enjoyed enough to finish every path.. Norn9 and OzMafia have been fairly disappointing for me. I keep saying I'll finish Norn9 but I just don't think so at this point.


You know, Lupin was my most anticipated after all those routes, but honestly I didn't feel like he lived up to the hype. Maybe not quite enough romance and tenderness for me, lol.

How do fandiscs that add new paths work exactly? Since it's its own standalone thing... are you really going through the game all over again but with those paths only? :eek:

I didn't think I was that hyped for the fandisc but seeing that CG of Impey in the OP made me miss the CR boys ;3;. CR is also the last otome I actually enjoyed enough to finish every path.. Norn9 and OzMafia have been fairly disappointing for me. I keep saying I'll finish Norn9 but I just don't think so at this point.

Don't think we'll be playing through the game again. All other routes in the fandisc would be continuations from the same routes in the original game. Since Sherlock didn't have a route, the fandisc would probably treat it as Cardia not ending up with anyone in the original. Maybe following Lupin's route just without the romance.
Don't think we'll be playing through the game again. All other routes in the fandisc would be continuations from the same routes in the original game. Since Sherlock didn't have a route, the fandisc would probably treat it as Cardia not ending up with anyone in the original. Maybe following Lupin's route just without the romance.

What I mean to say is technically how does it work? If you're playing a standalone disc with new content on it (that includes new routes instead of just bonus stories/content) is it like playing through the game with only one choice available? Or will you just get like a "previously on CR" to remind you of what happened and then it starts you off with where you'd be on, say, Sholmes' path?

(Also why the fuck did they have to change his name? Isn't Sherlock Holmes public domain? His name still makes me angry &#128518;)

EDIT: question that occurred to me--

How do you y'all feel about affection meters and affection up animations that let you know that was the "right" answer? Are they helpful? Distracting and too game-y? Depends on the game?

Also do you prefer a choice to be fairly clearly pointing towards a boy (ex: spend time with Harada) or sort of vague and you have to just see what it does (ex: walk down the hallway, where you will encounter Harada)


What I mean to say is technically how does it work? If you're playing a standalone disc with new content on it (that includes new routes instead of just bonus stories/content) is it like playing through the game with only one choice available? Or will you just get like a "previously on CR" to remind you of what happened and then it starts you off with where you'd be on, say, Sholmes' path?

(Also why the fuck did they have to change his name? Isn't Sherlock Holmes public domain? His name still makes me angry &#128518;)

EDIT: question that occurred to me--

How do you y'all feel about affection meters and affection up animations that let you know that was the "right" answer? Are they helpful? Distracting and too game-y? Depends on the game?

Also do you prefer a choice to be fairly clearly pointing towards a boy (ex: spend time with Harada) or sort of vague and you have to just see what it does (ex: walk down the hallway, where you will encounter Harada)

Not sure how the fandisc is going to do it. Could be just us choosing a route immediately just like in Amnesia. So in that sense it'd be one choice.

He's called Sholmes because of the Lupin novels. The author had Sherlock appear as Lupin's rival but he couldn't use his name so he changed it to Sholmes.

As for your question - neither :p. I play with a guide to avoid such hassles!
Not sure how the fandisc is going to do it. Could be just us choosing a route immediately just like in Amnesia. So in that sense it'd be one choice.

He's called Sholmes because of the Lupin novels. The author had Sherlock appear as Lupin's rival but he couldn't use his name so he changed it to Sholmes.

As for your question - neither :p. I play with a guide to avoid such hassles!

Well I feel dumb now, lol. Thanks 8D


EDIT: question that occurred to me--

How do you y'all feel about affection meters and affection up animations that let you know that was the "right" answer? Are they helpful? Distracting and too game-y? Depends on the game?

Also do you prefer a choice to be fairly clearly pointing towards a boy (ex: spend time with Harada) or sort of vague and you have to just see what it does (ex: walk down the hallway, where you will encounter Harada)

I like affection meters and animations,, as long as they make sense. I was never able to figure out how Amnesias bars work, for example. Norn9 was easy except Ron's route with the secondary affection but it was easy to figure that out too after a little bit.

For the most part I prefer answers that aren't as blunt as "hang out with x", but answers that require knowledge of the character to choose correctly. X likes music, so if you want to hang out with him, the game might say "where do you want to go today?" with "Record Store" as an option. It's still fairly obvious, but not as much.

I hate choices that are basically random chance if I got the right or wrong thing. I understand it's needed sometimes but not all the time.


Do you guys think we'll ever get Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly? The game's right up Aksys' alley.
Should've gotten that one instead of Period Cube.

Or will I forever be stuck sighing wistfully while looking at the game's pictures?


Do you guys think we'll ever get Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly? The game's right up Aksys' alley.
Should've gotten that one instead of Period Cube.

Or will I forever be stuck sighing wistfully while looking at the game's pictures?

I'm pretty surprised as well that we haven't gotten it. I have the game, but my Japanese is really not good enough for it. I'm also surprised that we haven't gotten Clock Zero or BWS since there was a thread dedicated to the former in the old Aksys forum, and Aksys admitted once how they looked at the psp BWS for localization.


I'm pretty surprised as well that we haven't gotten it. I have the game, but my Japanese is really not good enough for it. I'm also surprised that we haven't gotten Clock Zero or BWS since there was a thread dedicated to the former in the old Aksys forum, and Aksys admitted once how they looked at the psp BWS for localization.

I thought BWS for Vita wasn't out yet?


I thought BWS for Vita wasn't out yet?

Neither are CxM or the CR fandisc and those got licensed. Although, BWS comes out in January so maybe that's too far out.

I worry that that we won't get any more games for Vita apart from maybe SSL, but I don't want Aksys to take too many otome games at once. I really wish the other Vita publishers would get interested in otome games as well.
I can understand why Aksys went for what they went for. Fandisk to by far the more popular of the two otome games they localized last year. SAO the otome, that should sell alright on premise alone despite the quality supposedly lacking (although I would say that the otome audience in the west seems to be more well-informed and less likely to buy a poorly received game). Angel Beats the otome (that to be fair, looks awesome).

The only one I don't fully understand is Collar x Malice. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks incredible, but it's not even out in Japan yet and doesn't have anything necessarily tying it to be a 'safe bet' in the west (though, props to Aksys for going after it anyway).

Also, how do you guys keep up to date with all the otomate games lol? They release so much, I had to google 'BWS otome' to find what you were talking about with that one. Seems okay. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly on the other hand, oh my god, sounds incredible. Shame that one didn't get picked up and it's probably a bit late now, because I'd play the hell out of that, sounds awesome.

I worry that that we won't get any more games for Vita apart from maybe SSL, but I don't want Aksys to take too many otome games at once. I really wish the other Vita publishers would get interested in otome games as well.

Code Realize seemed to do well enough that Aksys could continue working on otome into 2017 (I'm unsure if Norn9 did as well enough). Don't see any reason they couldn't keep going beyond that if the next 4 all sell well enough.


Neither are CxM or the CR fandisc and those got licensed. Although, BWS comes out in January so maybe that's too far out.

I worry that that we won't get any more games for Vita apart from maybe SSL, but I don't want Aksys to take too many otome games at once. I really wish the other Vita publishers would get interested in otome games as well.

The 4 that Aksys announced could be the last seeing how I don't think we'll get any this year. By the time all 4 come out we'd be way into 2017. Hopefully I'm wrong and maybe Aksys/IFI/NISA will surprise us.

I can understand why Aksys went for what they went for. Fandisk to by far the more popular of the two otome games they localized last year. SAO the otome, that should sell alright on premise alone despite the quality supposedly lacking (although I would say that the otome audience in the west seems to be more well-informed and less likely to buy a poorly received game). Angel Beats the otome (that to be fair, looks awesome).

The only one I don't fully understand is Collar x Malice. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks incredible, but it's not even out in Japan yet and doesn't have anything necessarily tying it to be a 'safe bet' in the west (though, props to Aksys for going after it anyway).

Also, how do you guys keep up to date with all the otomate games lol? They release so much, I had to google 'BWS otome' to find what you were talking about with that one. Seems okay. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly on the other hand, oh my god, sounds incredible. Shame that one didn't get picked up and it's probably a bit late now, because I'd play the hell out of that, sounds awesome.

Code Realize seemed to do well enough that Aksys could continue working on otome into 2017 (I'm unsure if Norn9 did as well enough). Don't see any reason they couldn't keep going beyond that if the next 4 all sell well enough.

CxM was also requested a lot. So that could be why. PC is the odd one out because it doesn't really fit with the otome that Aksys wants to localize. Psychedelica on the other hand does. And to make matters worse it's getting a sequel :(.


Why did y'all have to post about Psychedelica? Because that seems awesome and now I'm also disappointed that we probably won't get it.

As for playing games for romance or not- it's not like I've played many otoge so far (I'm still slowly, slowly chipping away at Amnesia every few weeks or so, if that...) but romance is definitely part of the appeal. But as someone who's not into guys (though of course there are character types I enjoy more than others), it's pretty important that the pairing with the main character be appealing/endearing rather than have her be a blank slate all of the time. That means I'm definitely willing to give up a romantic focus if it means a stronger lead, since I'd much rather have a good lead to begin with anyway. And I really love a good mystery, so that being a big component in a game is a plus too.

Which I guess really boils down to "I want it to be decently written without any scummy boys", but...
CxM was also requested a lot. So that could be why. PC is the odd one out because it doesn't really fit with the otome that Aksys wants to localize. Psychedelica on the other hand does. And to make matters worse it's getting a sequel :(.

Have Aksys gotten rid of their forums? I can't find them anywhere lol. I'm guessing that's where it was being requested?

But can you elaborate on the "doesn't really fit with the otome that Aksys wants to localize" part. How do we know what kind of otome they want to localize?

The 4 that Aksys announced could be the last seeing how I don't think we'll get any this year. By the time all 4 come out we'd be way into 2017. Hopefully I'm wrong and maybe Aksys/IFI/NISA will surprise us.

I'm surprised they have nothing for this year. It's weird that they got the wheels of otome localizations rolling in 2015 only to skip a year completely then carry on like nothing happened. It's not like there's not plenty they could've picked up for this year :p

I do get the feeling all the otome stuff is a passion project from a small number of people in the company rather than anything else, though.

In any event, Vita has continued to surprise me with its resilience so I'm hopefully it's got at least another year or two left in it for more games to come across. Plus, BAW/Period Cube should be early next year at least, so maybe they could slot some more stuff in to the latter half of the year.


Have Aksys gotten rid of their forums? I can't find them anywhere lol. I'm guessing that's where it was being requested?

But can you elaborate on the "doesn't really fit with the otome that Aksys wants to localize" part. How do we know what kind of otome they want to localize?

I'm surprised they have nothing for this year. It's weird that they got the wheels of otome localizations rolling in 2015 only to skip a year completely then carry on like nothing happened. It's not like there's not plenty they could've picked up for this year :p

I do get the feeling all the otome stuff is a passion project from a small number of people in the company rather than anything else, though.

In any event, Vita has continued to surprise me with its resilience so I'm hopefully it's got at least another year or two left in it for more games to come across. Plus, BAW/Period Cube should be early next year at least, so maybe they could slot some more stuff in to the latter half of the year.

Their forums have been MIA for ages. CxM was requested all over social media. Or at least that's how it seemed to me.

PC kinda falls into 'passive, dumb heroine that constantly needs to be rescued + instant romance'. While similar elements are present in other otome they brought/are bringing it was never to such a degree. They also don't localize any that romanticize abuse. This goes all the way to Hakuouki where they had changed Chizuru slightly during localization because she was so passive.

I'd be really interested to know why they went with PC. Like you said - it's not like they're lacking in options.


CxM also has the same artist as Amnesia, and otome fans are attracted to pretty art. Which is why people are still requesting Reines des Fleurs even though it has tons of negative impressions from importers. Art is also one of the reasons why I think PC was chosen.
Yeah, I'm really not interested in Reines Des Fleurs. Aside from the fact that I'm not fussed about the setting, the impressions I've read make it seem pretty abysmal.

Their forums have been MIA for ages. CxM was requested all over social media. Or at least that's how it seemed to me.

Well you know what we need to do then - get something moving on Psychedelica! :p
I worry that that we won't get any more games for Vita apart from maybe SSL, but I don't want Aksys to take too many otome games at once. I really wish the other Vita publishers would get interested in otome games as well.

The 4 that Aksys announced could be the last seeing how I don't think we'll get any this year. By the time all 4 come out we'd be way into 2017. Hopefully I'm wrong and maybe Aksys/IFI/NISA will surprise us.

I wonder. I can't see anyone outside of Aksys doing it (shame NISA don't seem at all interested in UtaPri), but 2017 should be filled with VN's thanks to Sekai Project finally committing, plus all of Aksys' already announced stuff and a few obvious choices like DanganRonpa 3 (I'm hopeful all the hints about Chaos;Head/Child turn out to be true too).

So I can see there being a market for VN's on Vita in 2017, certainly enough to sustain some dedicated otome fans. I'm hopeful.


KBO was developed by Red Entertainment Corporation. They're also the ones who made Juuzaengi and Hyakka Hyakurou. The only otome game SC published was KBO though.

Maybe Spike Chunsoft could branch out and start licensing titles from other developers, that'd be great for otome fans.


Maybe Spike Chunsoft could branch out and start licensing titles from other developers, that'd be great for otome fans.

I wonder. I can't see anyone outside of Aksys doing it (shame NISA don't seem at all interested in UtaPri), but 2017 should be filled with VN's thanks to Sekai Project finally committing, plus all of Aksys' already announced stuff and a few obvious choices like DanganRonpa 3 (I'm hopeful all the hints about Chaos;Head/Child turn out to be true too).

So I can see there being a market for VN's on Vita in 2017, certainly enough to sustain some dedicated otome fans. I'm hopeful.

has NISA outright said they didn't care to localize UtaPri if given the chance?

I imagine the main problem is that so far the only UtaPri game out on the Vita is the (third) rhythm game and the port of the first game is only going to come out in Japan in Jan 2017

maybe getting closer to release or after it's been out in Japan?
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