I can understand why Aksys went for what they went for. Fandisk to by far the more popular of the two otome games they localized last year. SAO the otome, that should sell alright on premise alone despite the quality supposedly lacking (although I would say that the otome audience in the west seems to be more well-informed and less likely to buy a poorly received game). Angel Beats the otome (that to be fair, looks awesome).
The only one I don't fully understand is Collar x Malice. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks incredible, but it's not even out in Japan yet and doesn't have anything necessarily tying it to be a 'safe bet' in the west (though, props to Aksys for going after it anyway).
Also, how do you guys keep up to date with all the otomate games lol? They release so much, I had to google 'BWS otome' to find what you were talking about with that one. Seems okay. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly on the other hand, oh my god,
sounds incredible. Shame that one didn't get picked up and it's probably a bit late now, because I'd play the hell out of that, sounds awesome.
Code Realize seemed to do well enough that Aksys could continue working on otome into 2017 (I'm unsure if Norn9 did as well enough). Don't see any reason they couldn't keep going beyond that if the next 4 all sell well enough.