I think you might have a brain worm.
uh, just because your brain is having a hard time figuring out that this alludes to an industry wide issue overall. Doesn't mean someone has brain worms, all you did was simplify what I'm saying down to your remedial level of understanding of why this is bad. So I guess I have to go out of my way to explain some thing you should already accept. here we go.
Yes we all know OW2 is basically an oxymoron from the moment it was announced and details started to spill that made it clear it was just a glorified patch.
However your obsession with visuals and it "running a certain way" make absolutely no sense. The game still looks great and holds up just as well. Yes they can make it look "like Pixar" (whatever the fuck that means) but that would come at a cost of both (unnecessary) development resources and players' ability to actually run the game at an acceptable framerate.
well with your logic no game should ever improve in that department if the visuals "look fine enough".
I literally pointed to past industry trends where games would improve technologically
and from an in-game standpoint in the same time period. funny enough, back then "development resources" wasn't an issue. Why is it now? we even have a new console generation, thus new hardware, so being able to run minor improvements shouldn't be an issue either. Have you forgotten that tech improved previously with each gen?
Some of the most celebrated multiplayer games these days are the ones which don't go for the bleeding edge and instead opt for stylized visuals or otherwise a more simpler presentation which comes with the benefit of performance and visibility.
oh, like fortnite? let me tell you something,
those "successful" multiplayer games of
today are
part of the problem, and the reason why online games feel no need to improve; and why OW2 has the model it has. You speak on it as if it's not an issue, or hasn't stagnated the industry.
your line of thinking here is so...simplistic, that you are operating within the mindset of the logic the corporation adheres to. Of course they want to do as little work, and have as much profit as possible . They want to make a game, not change it much or put much resources into it, and have it last long as possible as a cash cow.
whereas I made the point, that if they had released in classic sequel form, where not only gameplay systems AND visuals are upgraded, it would have much better communicated that it was an overall upgrade. you know...how games used to be? Don't bring up what they are doing today, what they are doing today is what I, and many others are complaining about.
monetization and profit over innovation. because innovation "costs too much". You speak as if you are accepting this, hence being played.
Again we all know OW2 is shitty but its visuals are the least of its problems. If it came out looking like 'the best thing ever' it still would've suffered from many underlying issues. Us realising that has nothing to do with "us being played" lol.
Your 'arguments' are so poorly thoughtout, I don't know why I even bother.
I said numerous times that visuals for sequels are typically improved
along with gameplay once the previous title is over 4 years old. that used to be common place. I said that like 3 times, that both should be expected...why are you acting like that wasn't said lol
so I don't know where you got the idea that by merely mentioning the lack of improvement in that area within reason, means I excluded other aspects of the game that would be important to improve. I said
both numerous times.
visuals weren't considered to be a problem for counterstrike 1.6 when valve released source, yet they still improved it. with your logic they didn't need to use the resources?
so yes, I think you are letting the business model of these devs influence your expectations. this is representative of an industry wide issue, and of course they are following modern practices...that's the
problem. the fact that I had to explain that is ridiculous .
unless you disagree with the many gamers who say that monetization and profit is staggering progression in the industry. like...I can't believe you used modern online games success as a metric for why they should be doing what they are doing.
it's like I have to explain the modern model is an issue...