First, the confirmation that she's not Ana:
My apologies for any confusion.
Second, the newest teaser, as discovered by Reddit user blinry among others:
This came from an image at the end of the newest developer update.
Popular guesses are that:
1.) Her teasers are on Dorado and her name is Spanish for Shadow, so presumably she'a a new her from Mexico.
2.) There are a bunch of voice lines in the game that suggest a new stealth hero, see here:
3.) Here are the previous media elements associated with her:
4.) There's an open question as to who the person on the right of this image is:
5.) There's been a debate about if the Sombra related voice line ever actually existed, so I didn't include it here.
Game Mode:
My apologies for any confusion.
Kotaku said:Kotaku: OK final question: who is Sombra?
Jeff Kaplan: [laughs] I think people have learned that she’s a fun character for them to search and to learn more about and that, like the X-Files, the truth is out there. We’ll see what players discover over time.
Kotaku: I think people were expecting the big Ana reveal to be Sombra’s. Was that an intentional bait-and-switch?
Jeff Kaplan: Well, we’ve been teasing Sombra for a very long time. The interesting part was we then put a tease in for Ana in Temple of Anubis. Because people were so hot on the Sombra trail, they assumed that that tease for Ana was actually Sombra. That was the fascinating part of watching how that all played out. Sometimes, people’s obsession with being on the trail gives them a little bit of tunnel vision.
Now, I think they’re seeing in hindsight how they got misdirected because I’ve still seen people comment that one of Ana’s skins, the one with the mask on. They’re like, “Why is she wearing Sombra’s mask?” And they’re like, “There’s that thing in Dorado.” Then, somebody will correct them immediately and say, “It wasn’t in Dorado. It was actually in Egypt,” which makes perfect sense for Ana. We were not trying to get people’s wires crossed between the two characters.
I think that’s up to Sombra, to give you a cheeky answer. Sombra will let people know when she wants more to be known about her. She’s very good at that sort of thing.
Second, the newest teaser, as discovered by Reddit user blinry among others:
This came from an image at the end of the newest developer update.
blinry said:blinry Chibi Mei 690 points 1 day ago*
We got it!
It reads: ¿Estuvo eso facilito? Ahora que tengo su atención, déjenme se las pongo más difícil.
Which seems to translate to: Was that easy? Now that I have your attention, let's make things more difficult.
Step 1: Cut out all the vertical barcodes from the frame in question.
Step 2: Run them all through, turns out they are Code 128 encoded (kudos to /u/zachpip/).
At this point, we switched to IRC, you can read the full log here.
Step 3: These are clearly hexadecimal numbers. Convert them to binary and print them so that the numbers of the nth line form in the nth column. My Ruby code:
Code:s = ["FEC-820-BA9-BAD-BAF-824-FEA-5-F28-980-5B0-F59", "4B1-2C7-F83-748-7F4-719-AAA-2C8-1F6-47C-5A8-DBA", "7F-1541-85D-E5D-35D-1C41-157F-500-49D-122-11D8-D9C", "279-919-4AA-800-1E9-308-3F1-EDC-CB3-602-DE9-8", "153-690-BF0-CA1-2B-D03-9C8-866-DF7-EF9-C21-20", "1FD7-1F79-1582-1252-806-1B4B-1FB7-1050-532-9A9-1870-1FEF", "3A0-A43-AFF-793-658-C-FE4-821-BA4-BA8-BAA-82F-FED", "B6A-BD4-496-324-A2F-3C3-78E-723-634-B9-287-EFA-172", "1B5E-17F9-83D-160-1BFE-1D14-956-318-5F1-6D7-1BC-C24-18CF"] lines = [""]*13 nums = s.each do |l| l.split("-").each_with_index do |c,i| lines[i] += c.to_i(16).to_s(2).rjust(13, "0") end end puts lines
Code:011111110110000100101100010000001111111000100111100100001010100111111111010111000111010000001011011010101101101011110 010000010000000010110001111010101000001010010001100100110100100001111101111001010100100001101011110101001011111111001 010111010100101111100000110100001011101001001010101001011111100001010110000010010101111111100100100101100100000111101 010111010110100111010010000111001011101010000000000001100101000011001001010010001111001001100011001001000000101100000 010111010111100111111101000001101011101000011110100100000001010110100000000110001100101100001010001011111101111111110 010000010010000111000110011110001000001000110000100001101000000111101101001011000000000110000011110000111110100010100 011111110101001010101010101010101111111000111111000101001110010001111110110111011111110010000111100011100100101010110 000000000010100010110010000010100000000011101101110001000011001101000001010000010000010000100111001000110001100011000 011110010100000001111101100010010011101011001011001101101111101110010100110010010111010010000110001101000010111110001 010011000000000100011111000000100100010001100000001001110111110010100110101001010111010100000000101110010011011010111 001011011000000101101010001000111011000011011110100101100001000011100001110000010111010101000010100001110000110111100 011110101100101101101110100110110011100000000000100000000001000001111111101111010000010111101110111110100110000100100 011111110110100001011100101100011001111
Step 4: Do some manual reformatting, right-justify the last line, then cut into three columns, put them below one another. Then color the 1s black and the 0s white. Result is the QR code from above:
Thanks to each and everyone who joined the #sombra channel on freenode, especially to /u/zapu/, who had the idea of looking for patterns in the binary, and to Six, who spotted the QR code markers. I was merely the lucky guy who could control my text editor the fastest in the end![]()
Popular guesses are that:
1.) Her teasers are on Dorado and her name is Spanish for Shadow, so presumably she'a a new her from Mexico.
2.) There are a bunch of voice lines in the game that suggest a new stealth hero, see here:
3.) Here are the previous media elements associated with her:
4.) There's an open question as to who the person on the right of this image is:
5.) There's been a debate about if the Sombra related voice line ever actually existed, so I didn't include it here.
Game Mode:
Kotaku: How about new modes? Are we gonna be seeing anything on that front in the near future?
Jeff Kaplan: They’ve always been a priority. We have those in the pipe. We have a really great tool set so we’re able to prototype new game modes not super easily, but fairly quickly.
The tricky part for us is we’ve always talked about the ultimate priority in Overwatch is the heroes. The game is about the heroes, and we never want a game mode to overshadow the heroes. As soon as somebody starts pitching a game mode where Tracer can’t blink anymore or she’s not allowed to use her recall, that’s where we step away from it and we’re like, “You know, we need the game mode that makes Tracer want to blink and use recall and that everybody thinks that’s cool and not a balance problem and broken.”
The other thing that we like because we’re a 6v6 game, is we like game modes where it focuses the team to work together. We don’t like game modes that come up where it suddenly becomes a lone wolf game and you’re off running by yourself and you don’t really care what you’re team is doing.
We have a lot of ideas. I think we have some absolutely crazy stuff that’s going to blow people’s minds coming out sooner than people realize. That’s, I think, going to catch people totally out of left field like, “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that from Overwatch.”
I think that will just be fun. That’s just for pure fun sake with a wink and a smile. It’s not, “Hey, this is the new direction of the game.” It’s more of like, “Look, we can have fun with this game in new and different ways,” so that’s my teaser.
In terms of content updates, my ideal—and this is not like some promise to the players because there’s going to be times when this doesn’t happen—but the dream to me would be that we would have some sort of awesome content or feature coming out each month. That could be a map or a hero or something like Competitive Play, or just like, “Here’s a bunch of new skins,” or, “Here’s some unexpected thing that we came up.”
I’m saying that with a wink towards next month. My dream is that we could do something cool each month that felt not just like a balance patch, but actually felt like a meaningful content or feature delivery each month and somehow the heroes and the maps are kind of cycling as parts of those things in addition to other stuff.
Someone on r/overwatch extracted a bunch of audio files from the PTR and it gave some hints to the new maps and game modes :
tl;dr new maps:
A castle in Germany
Korean Map
Underwater Map
Moon Map
Ordenance Bay (same as underwater map?)
New game mode:
I've heard almost every character say I'm on defense or offense. I think a new gamemode is going to exist in which two teams fight vs AI or something and one team has to defend and the other attack.Winston - "I've leveled up. Time to assign those skill points."
Oh so this is what the announcer was talking about new champion level. This is possibly part of the new game mode.There is also a lot of voice files of all the characters saying something like "One more win and we are back in this" "We have to just win one more time" Now I am not sure if this is in game but this is possibly for ranked rounds.The announcer has a few quotes calling rounds above 5.