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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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30 eliminations, 20 objective kills, 4 gold stars including one for healing and 1 silver...gets one vote lmao these fking guys I tell ya


Zarya is fun. Took a bit to click (and hey, I finally noticed the energy counter under the crosshairs), but she can wreck.
Spontaneous collaborative art is my favorite feature of Overwatch
It's a fun meta game.
I'm starting to get hang of Tracer. As long as keep annoying my opponents team from taking the objective, I'm good.
Got to be an annoying wasp. The amount of people that get pissed and will follow you leaving the objective or payload unguarded is great.

My dumb teams not helping with my freaking Ult would be number 1. :p

My fault though. I need to fix my mic so I can warn them.

Yea I play on PS4 and all I do is press the Ult charge announcement and hope that another teammate does the same. Did that with a junkrat earlier today and it was glorious.


Is Malarkey from GAF? Never seen someone rage because a teammate picked Mei on offense, holy shit. Grow up.

I actually like Mei on payload offense more than most defensive maps. Throw up a wall and enjoy pushing the objective hassle-free for a bit
That feel when you thought the whole team was there and you rush the point only to die alone. Cue to spectating Widowmaker hiding in a corner, mcCree trying to pick off stragglers, and some random dude AFK at spawn. (true story)

It's sad, but this is the reason why I have a hard time wanting to return to this game.

I'll be cheery no matter what for about 3 matches and then suddenly a wave of laser focused awareness and rationality comes rushing through my mind and I notice every stupid thing my team is doing and I just can't take it and have to stop playing.

I had to stop playing last night when I had almost 30 kills with Mei after joining MID MATCH and I typed at my team, "Let's get on the objective everyone lol." A level 40 something responded, "Wait, we have a Mei on our team? Sorry didn't notice you were even here."


Like I said earlier, 9/10 randoms are fucking stupid. There is no way to sugar coat it.


Why does Zarya's shield thing last for like one second? Am I using this shit wrong?

I see people wreck with her, but I am complete shit.

I'm pretty sure she does more damage when enemies attack her shields, so she's more designed around timing them right and flipping the tables. She's a bit squishier and more offensively focused than traditional tanks


Why does Zarya's shield thing last for like one second? Am I using this shit wrong?

I see people wreck with her, but I am complete shit.

It only has 200 points of damage absorption and a two second limit regardless. Despite being in the tank group, she's not really for tanking damage. Defense-wise, the barriers are more useful to initiating fights, a quick shield to get out, and most importantly, negating all crowd control effects.


Lootbox RNG has fucked me pretty badly. Level 24 and just got my first purple, the highest caliber I've gotten of anything... and it's a highlight intro of a character I'm terrible at. XD


its super obvious even without chat when the randoms you are grouped with actually know how to play the game and/or are cognizant of team synergy

solo-ing actually hasnt been too bad most of the time. especially since everything is objective based so people aren't solely concerned about getting the most eliminations. also helps that stats aren't front and center and the game only highlights those that contributed the most in various aspects. surprisingly good experience so far...which is not often the case for me with online shooters. i could just be getting lucky though and getting matched with decent players.
It blocks all damage within those seconds, even ults. If you get hit with anything while it's up on you or your teammate your weapon powers up.

But I believe the shield still has a damage limit so if you take too much damage at once, the shield can still dissipate?


But I believe the shield still has a damage limit so if you take too much damage at once, the shield can still dissipate?

If there is even a point of damage absorption left, it will absorb all damage from a single attack. In terms of boosting damage, the excess damage wont give you more charge though. Each shield is capped at 50% charge.
My favorite part of the sprays in Overwatch is that they actually look like they're supposed to be there. TF2, silly nonsense aside, almost always looks like it's out of place.


Just won a game where there were four Roadhogs against on defense, Jesus. What a shitshow.
I had a game against 5 Tracers and 1 Hanzo earlier, I couldn't help but feel like 1 person didn't get the memo. Also the Tracers kept killing themselves...idk how though. Maybe teleporting off the map by accident?
Think of her shield as a parry.

I'm pretty sure she does more damage when enemies attack her shields, so she's more designed around timing them right and flipping the tables. She's a bit squishier and more offensively focused than traditional tanks

It only has 200 points of damage absorption and a two second limit regardless. Despite being in the tank group, she's not really for tanking damage. Defense-wise, the barriers are more useful to initiating fights, a quick shield to get out, and most importantly, negating all crowd control effects.

It blocks all damage within those seconds, even ults. If you get hit with anything while it's up on you or your teammate your weapon powers up.
Ahh alright. Thanks guys. That should help.


Rolling Girl
Had a great match against a team that went all Toblerone for defense and all Bastion for attack and we completely blew out the matches. Great teamwork helps a lot. :)
We also beat a different group that went all roadhog on objective capture one.
Nice to see troll groups get beaten. lol


At least they're worth laughs!

I watched this guy repeatedly trying to climb a building and shoot yesterday and I almost died (in the game!) laughing because of how ridiculous his spin shots were.

He was extensively streaming as Hanzo during the beta if I remember correctly. There were dozens of copycats running around.

I understand where you're coming with this, but at the same time I don't understand why you'd ridicule them for this. I mean, they are actively trying to "git gud" at a character. They saw him playing a character that they want to learn to be better at playing and decided to try and learn how to do that crazy stuff themselves. They might be fanboys and hell, they might even be useless some of the time, but how exactly are you supposed to learn new mechanics if you're not allowed to try?

Sure it might be gimmicky, but do you think Seagull just woke one day and was pulling off those moves out of the blue? I've turned on to his stream a couple of times and he repeatedly emphasizes that he played loads of Genji before he stopped sucking at it because the character has a steep learning curve. Hanzo is no different, although you're not completely useless when you start if you just push with the team.

I mean I'm pretty bad with all heroes not named Pharah or Zenyatta, but that doesn't stop me from trying to learn them. Sorry if this came off feeling like it's personal, I'm just really bothered by people ridiculing others for trying to learn new mechanics. I'll take a trickshotting Hanzo next to the objective any day over a Widowmaker sucking her thumb in spawn while the rest of the team pushes the payload around the corner.


Been maining Junkrat the past 2 days and I'm loving him! His mobility options seem really underrated as I love using the concussion mines to jump over walls and get to high vantage points. Traps make a good counter to quick enemies like Tracer and Genji and slow enemies mean instakill. Plus the tire bomb can be one the best group controlling ults in the game. Just need me that Scarecrow skin 😢


its super obvious even without chat when the randoms you are grouped with actually know how to play the game and/or are cognizant of team synergy

solo-ing actually hasnt been too bad most of the time. especially since everything is objective based so people aren't solely concerned about getting the most eliminations. also helps that stats aren't front and center and the game only highlights those that contributed the most in various aspects. surprisingly good experience so far...which is not often the case for me with online shooters. i could just be getting lucky though and getting matched with decent players.

You're getting lucky. My decent teams don't last too long before splitting up.


Gonna try to get good as Mei. She's a weird characaer to use
One thing that isn't super obvious is that you can prematurely get rid of your walls by using the ability again. Don't be the dork that accidentally blocks a teammate's ult and just leaves the wall up


I had a game against 5 Tracers and 1 Hanzo earlier, I couldn't help but feel like 1 person didn't get the memo. Also the Tracers kept killing themselves...idk how though. Maybe teleporting off the map by accident?

Lucky. My premade group of six were getting shredded by a team of two Tracers and two Winstons
They're all under control options. The special options are down the page a bit. I believe right above where you can remap the buttons. Not every character has them though.
Perfect, thanks.
I understand where you're coming with this, but at the same time I don't understand why you'd ridicule them for this. I mean, they are actively trying to "git gud" at a character. They saw him playing a character that they want to learn to be better at playing and decided to try and learn how to do that crazy stuff themselves. They might be fanboys and hell, they might even be useless some of the time, but how exactly are you supposed to learn new mechanics if you're not allowed to try?

Sure it might be gimmicky, but do you think Seagull just woke one day and was pulling off those moves out of the blue? I've turned on to his stream a couple of times and he repeatedly emphasizes that he played loads of Genji before he stopped sucking at it because the character has a steep learning curve. Hanzo is no different, although you're not completely useless when you start if you just push with the team.

I mean I'm pretty bad with all heroes not named Pharah or Zenyatta, but that doesn't stop me from trying to learn them. Sorry if this came off feeling like it's personal, I'm just really bothered by people ridiculing others for trying to learn new mechanics. I'll take a trickshotting Hanzo next to the objective any day over a Widowmaker sucking her thumb in spawn while the rest of the team pushes the payload around the corner.
Useless "some of the time"? Try almost the entire match. A Hanzo trying trickshots when they can't hit the broadside of a barn while standing still isn't much better than a Widow sitting a mile away from the objective.

If you were trying to actually learn those characters, you probably wouldn't jump right into doing whatever you see Seagull doing. He's a dude with a foundation that he's built on over time. So yeah, I'm going to ridicule people for refusing to focus on the fundamentals of characters over trying flashy shit that accomplishes nothing.


I understand where you're coming with this, but at the same time I don't understand why you'd ridicule them for this. I mean, they are actively trying to "git gud" at a character. They saw him playing a character that they want to learn to be better at playing and decided to try and learn how to do that crazy stuff themselves. They might be fanboys and hell, they might even be useless some of the time, but how exactly are you supposed to learn new mechanics if you're not allowed to try?

Sure it might be gimmicky, but do you think Seagull just woke one day and was pulling off those moves out of the blue? I've turned on to his stream a couple of times and he repeatedly emphasizes that he played loads of Genji before he stopped sucking at it because the character has a steep learning curve. Hanzo is a no different, although you're not completely useless when you start if you just push with the team.

I mean I'm pretty bad with all heroes not named Pharah or Zenyatta, but that doesn't stop me from trying to learn them. Sorry if this came off feeling like it's personal, I'm just really bothered by people ridiculing others for trying to learn new mechanics. I'll take a trickshotting Hanzo next to the objective any day over a Widowmaker sucking her thumb in spawn while the rest of the team pushes the payload around the corner.
I'm pretty sure this is where most of the annoyance comes from. Most Hanzo's and Widow's I run into don't do this, at all. Whenever we desperately need to push the payload, there's always those 1 or 2 people sitting all the way in the back contributing little to nothing. I play hero's I'm not good at too, but I try to push the objective as much as possible. Especially when it's in overtime, as the Hanzo's/Widows desperately try to snipe the whole team to death instead of getting near the payload.
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