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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Xaero Gravity

Why are people so afraid of being agressive on capture points? I play Wiston, despite not wanting to, I jump in, destroy turrets over and over yet the team doesn't push, even when I combo into an ult, they decide to rush in only after the people I've killed have come back.

Is it fear or lack of overall awareness of the things going on in the battle?
I noticed that a lot today. The fact that nobody on PS4 seems to be using a mic just makes it even more frustrating.


I refuse to play Zarya just because of her design visually. I despise the tattoo, I despise the pink hair, it just completely turned me off of playing her. I have nothing against the female bodybuilder design but I don't think the stuff I mentioned goes well with it at all.

I didn't want to try zarya because of her trash design too.

Then I tried her and man, she is soooo good.

So I brought 24 loot boxes through the overwatch store

and they haven't shown up

Uhm. Last time I brought the 24 boxes they showed up almost immediately. Should I email Sony? Fucks sake..

Edit-Had to restart my console. HEED MYW ARNING


Why are people so afraid of being agressive on capture points? I play Wiston, despite not wanting to, I jump in, destroy turrets over and over yet the team doesn't push, even when I combo into an ult, they decide to rush in only after the people I've killed have come back.

Is it fear or lack of overall awareness of the things going on in the battle?
No idea. I hate playing Winston and no one uses the shield I put down to advance. Yet, in the last couple of seconds the team will sudden get their shit together but it's too late. Where was that aggressive spirit the rest of the match?

Whoa, I like.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay this game is pretty good

I like how it plays a lot

Still feel like the character designs aren't really up my alley though. As a design philosophy they seem a bit overdone

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Zarya is my current go to tank, I like tossing shields around quite a bit. I've had the most trouble so far getting into...uhm, hook dude and robot ninja


I need to know what Blizzard actually thought when they did play of the game and what it's suppose to mean

Literally stopped the payload from crossing the finish line with Mei's ult and got a triple from that shit but the play of the game was a bastion getting a double in the opening of the game.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

So I brought 24 loot boxes through the overwatch store

and they haven't shown up

Uhm. Last time I brought the 24 boxes they showed up almost immediately. Should I email Sony? Fucks sake..

Edit-Had to restart my console. HEED MYW ARNING

Why are people so afraid of being agressive on capture points? I play Wiston, despite not wanting to, I jump in, destroy turrets over and over yet the team doesn't push, even when I combo into an ult, they decide to rush in only after the people I've killed have come back.

Is it fear or lack of overall awareness of the things going on in the battle?

Here's a secret nugget of wisdom I have acquired through years of online gaming:

9/10 randoms are fucking stupid.


Junior Member
Me two days ago befor getting the game:

"Who the hell is going to buy loot boxes when you can just earn them for free"

Me today:

"Man can I just budge five more dollars for boxes"

ya got me blizzard ya fucking got me


Why are people so afraid of being agressive on capture points? I play Wiston, despite not wanting to, I jump in, destroy turrets over and over yet the team doesn't push, even when I combo into an ult, they decide to rush in only after the people I've killed have come back.

Is it fear or lack of overall awareness of the things going on in the battle?

why would i play the objective when i can shoot guys instead


I noticed that a lot today. The fact that nobody on PS4 seems to be using a mic just makes it even more frustrating.

It's like they think the point is to sit at each point for 3 minutes creating some epic battle, try and do a team kill, THEN take the point, not just coming up with a strat to simply end the contest of the point and capture it.
This game is funny. I'll play for an hour and get really annoyed, quit, then an hour or so later I get the urge to play again. Repeat this for the rest of the day haha


other team was destroying us with 2 roadhogs, 2 lucios and 2 pharahs

decided to switch to zenyatta and suddenly with the orbs of discord their roadhogs were melting down in under a sec

I love zenyatta. hes so good. Gonna buy his ifrit skin once I got enough coins


I refuse to play Zarya just because of her design visually. I despise the tattoo, I despise the pink hair, it just completely turned me off of playing her. I have nothing against the female bodybuilder design but I don't think the stuff I mentioned goes well with it at all.

I didn't want to try zarya because of her trash design too.

Then I tried her and man, she is soooo good.

I used to think the same! But then I started playing her more and the design has really grown on me.


the holder of the trombone
She is. Landing that main fire is surprisingly tricky (doesn't help that it hits to the right at close ranges...) and learning how to use her shields is difficult. But once you get a good rhythm going, lawd. Making the enemy team afraid to shoot at you is such a gift.

What is the rhythm for you? Trying to learn her because I somehow seem to be trying to learn all the tanks. :p
So when do you think we will hear rumblings of new characters or maps guys? No doubt blizzard made bank eith this gem.

I'm sure they already have extensive plans laid out, but I would expect late June/Early July for some kind of update. Monthly would be nice like SF V but I doubt it.
What is the rhythm for you? Trying to learn her because I somehow seem to be trying to learn all the tanks. :p

Honestly, it's something you've got to feel out. I'm still working on it myself :p

You want to be popping it just before you pop into view, or when you know an attack is coming; nobody's going to shoot at you when you've got it up (not after they get a taste of what happens next), but that moment of "movement, fire" can give you some sweet charge. As for the second, it's about knowing the enemy team comp, seeing what they're doing. You see a reaper try and sneak into the middle of your team, wait 'til you hear the first "die" and turn it on. Dive into Hanzo's dragon and pop it. Stuff like that. There seems to be a per-use cap of 50% charge, since that's where it seems to top off a lot for me, but I think I've gone higher than that before, so it might be source dependent? Either way, once you hit 50%, it's not the worst idea to start thinking about safe place to run to when it drops, since that's one of the few times the enemy team is gonna lay into you with no reservations, and you're a little squishy for a tank.

The teammate shield is harder. Throwing it on your support is never really a bad play, since they're always going to be a priority target. It builds charge through Reinhardt's barrier, so shielding him up is a good idea too. Having teammates who communicate and know to push when they've got it is helpful too, but not really an option during pub games.


Zarya is probably the most visually uninteresting character to me, but I haven't played her yet.

I got a legendary arctic skin for her and just with that I like the character a lot more. Not sure what it is exactly, but the russian accent combined with that seems like the more proper form of that character to me


Level 21, still no orange drops. Not only that, but no skin drops over the cheapest tier.

NOT ONLY THAT, but I've gotten a duplicate green Pharah skin already. Of all the skins in the game, a duplicate of that.

*edit* And I think I've never played Pharah?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Trying to imagine this game being played with a controller and it just ain't right. How is it going console dudes?
I'm starting to get hang of Tracer. As long as keep annoying my opponents team from taking the objective, I'm good.

The best Tracers are in harassment mode 100% of the time. They get under your skin and bait you into running from the objective.

I haven't got the hang of it yet, but I've played against many who have and fallen for it more than I care to admit...


i thought soldier 76 sucked at first until i realized that his healing ability actually healed teammates lol.

might be boring to some but pretty easy to use character who can get back to objectives quickly and do decent damage to the unshielded characters, while also being kind of a hybrid support/healing character.


Im level 40 and have gotten

3 orange skins (got 2 in one box when I was level 3 lol)

965 Blizzard Funny Money

That Evel Knievel skin shall be mine soon
Muhaha! I do have that one. Only cool skin I got tho. :(

i thought soldier 76 sucked at first until i realized that his healing ability actually healed teammates lol.

might be boring to some but pretty easy to use character who can get back to objectives quickly and do decent damage to the unshielded characters, while also being kind of a hybrid support/healing character.
Yeah he feels very basic, but I always feel like I'm contributing when playing him.

why would i play the objective when i can shoot guys instead
That feel when you thought the whole team was there and you rush the point only to die alone. Cue to spectating Widowmaker hiding in a corner, mcCree trying to pick off stragglers, and some random dude AFK at spawn. (true story)


1 Widow 2 Hanzo's on attack>after 4 minutes of getting no where they all decide to switch to someone else with 40 seconds left.
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