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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

Solo healing as Zen .. I feel you. It's not easy to win games with a zen solo healer no matter how well you do. His healing output just isn't enough

I'm Silver/Gold, so it's workable. I can honestly state I win about 80%+ of my games with Zen when paired with a Lucio or Ana (which is rarely, but still), but I'm still 50%ish when solo healing with him. And it's fun and hectic and rewarding to boot (pun intended).


Neither Sony nor Microsoft would ever do such a thing when they're winning the generation console war handily, as one of them has each generation for the last 20 years. Best hope is that Sony gets cocky (likely) and Microsoft wins the next generation, and we get crossplay for all. In about 5 years.

This is the first generation to allow cross-play between actual consoles though (Xbox/Switch), I think if pressured enough Sony might change their stance. But yeah, it would be a miracle for both those to happen soon, I'm just trying to find a way to play with PC players without having to build a PC because I got college debt :D
This is the first generation to allow cross-play between actual consoles though (Xbox/Switch), I think if pressured enough Sony might change their stance. But yeah, it would be a miracle for both those to happen soon, I'm just trying to find a way to play with PC players without having to build a PC because I got college debt :D

Yeah, you're right. I didn't mean this specifically, I meant the leading console company doing anything that would benefit ALL gamers, rather than their bottom line.

The good news is that, if you're on Xbox, Phil Spencer has been out there saying he wants cross-play with all Xbox and PC games. If you're PS4, like me, you're shit out of luck until Sony gets desperate again.
Lijiang tower, no healers on my team, 1 tank, we hold the other team at their spawn for two whole rounds lmao

It was a close game in the end (we won 3-2), but I don't understand how this can happen at all.

The other team had 2 healers (lucio and mercy) that were going in front of the team when they had 2 tanks.

This is hilarious.


Lijiang tower, no healers on my team, 1 tank, we hold the other team at their spawn for two whole rounds lmao

It was a close game in the end (we won 3-2), but I don't understand how this can happen at all.

The other team had 2 healers (lucio and mercy) that were going in front of the team when they had 2 tanks.

This is hilarious.

Maybe Orisa should have been designed as a hero to project a barrier that sticks to someone because it is the only way to get some of these knuckleheads to utilize them.

I don't play Rein much these days but there was no shortage of Mccrees and Soldiers that would run in front of the barrier and die instantly.


I've been thinking about your earlier post all day, since I often have very good/ great Zen games where we lose, and it's tough figuring out what I could have done better.

So, I've been paying attention tonight: I just got out of a game with 5 medals as Zen- 3 Golds and 2 Silvers. I was solo-healing and was on my game. We lost in 5 on Oasis in Overtime. What I noticed, throughout the game, was that- even though I was kicking ass with Healing and DPS- I was a second late on about 5 or 6 Healing Orbs, and those guys died. We probably would have won if I had been that much quicker, no matter how awesome I was otherwise.

So that's my advice, find where you can improve, even if it's by the smallest amounts. Stay alive better, even if it's .1 deaths per game better. Keep your view open, don't tunnel, and get that Orb on your guys and their guys as soon as possible. Also- peak/ alt-fire when you're not in the middle of the shit.

I've watched the vids you've posted, and you are correct in that you are better than where OW keeps you, but you also throw your hands up too easily. Don't tilt, even in micro amounts, and just improve as much as you can each game. You can and will climb.

Good luck, I'm rooting for you.

Thanks for the advice - I'll bear that in mind. I do definitely need to learn more about the best way to use Zen's alt-fire.

The Ummah

Goshdarnit, comp gets ridiculous solo in the 2400s. No mics, a bunch of Hanzos on defense...just horrible. Not even going to do it to myself anymore.
Thanks for the advice - I'll bear that in mind. I do definitely need to learn more about the best way to use Zen's alt-fire.

Alt-fire is all about game sense and using down time. When you have even a second's pause, start charging, and aim it where enemies might be coming. You can always cancel it with a kick if a more obvious opportunity presents itself.

Good luck! Zen is life. And fuck Tracer.


Unconfirmed Member
Solo healed Zen 5 games in a row. 3-2. I'll take it. Although I had a 1/12 k/d game. Fucking Tracers and Sombras were all over my ass all game. My teammates were... elsewhere.

Brand new information, I know.

Damn. I know it can be hard to get a decent k/d ratio as Zen if the team is bad, but 1/12 seems way too much, no matter how much harassment, at least from my Gold level experience as Zen.
Damn. I know it can be hard to get a decent k/d ratio as Zen if the team is bad, but 1/12 seems way too much, no matter how much harassment, at least from my Gold level experience as Zen.

Naw, that was an outlier (I'm a 2.5/1 K/D Zen usually), but it illustrates what can happen when you have two flankers on your solo healer and no one gives a shit.
Back to diamond on my alt, even though I'm at 23-25 I gained around 200sr compared to where I placed, the initial bonus is real, I was barely losing anything in the first games when I had loss after loss.

Now to wait for the gaf group to start playing again.
I've given up on competitive for now. I haven't played it since my S4 placements (got 1950ish). I actually got in with a great group to do my placements and we all added each other to our friends lists but that was about the time Breath of the Wild released so I wasn't on much and neither were any of them. I didn't play OW for a while and when I got back I realized that I didn't miss competitive that much. I haven't even done placements for this season, and from what I've read here and elsewhere, I'm not missing anything. It sounds like its toxic as ever with too many people leaving/throwing. Blizzard needs to sort this out.


I imagine we'd be seeing an NZ hero if we get that map. Honestly thought they'd give us an Australia map and forget about the rest of the part of that world but I'm pleasantly surprised if that is indeed a real thing.

Also, my exams finish on Friday so I'll be playing regularly for about a month before the next semester starts again :p

Aren't you master race now?

I know that you don't really like full stacks, but in my case I usually avoid 2-3 stacks. It's either 5-6 stack or solo.

Playing with shitty randoms in a small group tilts me, and since I'm in a group I tend to actually try and get frustrated. If I'm solo I can do whatever I feel like to, if someone is throwing I can either play normally or throw too depending on my mood. The sooner some games end the better.


Lolwut. Something changed in the ranking systems?

Was max 2960 last season and ended up in 2700. I finally finished placements and Im 2280 after 8-2 placement. Seems a bit low.


Aren't you master race now?

I know that you don't really like full stacks, but in my case I usually avoid 2-3 stacks. It's either 5-6 stack or solo.

Playing with shitty randoms in a small group tilts me, and since I'm in a group I tend to actually try and get frustrated. If I'm solo I can do whatever I feel like to, if someone is throwing I can either play normally or throw too depending on my mood. The sooner some games end the better.

I had a good time in a duo queue last night. Mainly cuz I stuck in group chat and it made me play better like I did in S1 and S2. Went 3-0 in some close games. I think playing in team chat has been a burden whenever I played in a small group last season. Gonna probably just do this for this season. I dunno, games felt more fair in a smaller stack as well.

Lolwut. Something changed in the ranking systems?

Was max 2960 last season and ended up in 2700. I finally finished placements and Im 2280 after 8-2 placement. Seems a bit low.

Placements have been fucked this season. Looks like you're one of the few who got the dreaded 500 SR drop.


solo q is a game of chance. i need to join a group and garner some consistency to my sr rank. i definitely pull my weight in solo q, carrying a lot and generally very adaptable to the enemy comp.


Another season, another Diamond. Also finally got my 2nd star.

I had a good time in a duo queue last night. Mainly cuz I stuck in group chat and it made me play better like I did in S1 and S2. Went 3-0 in some close games. I think playing in team chat has been a burden whenever I played in a small group last season. Gonna probably just do this for this season. I dunno, games felt more fair in a smaller stack as well.

Yeah I feel like I play better when I don't talk/listen (had team-chat off playing soloq), though that doesn't really work in a big stack since the opposite teams are better coordinated than the usual randoms we face while soloq/small stack.

Chat is also cool because you can give Owzers shit when he dies with rez or miss charges.

Totally worth it.


Yeah I feel like I play better when I don't talk/listen (had team-chat off playing soloq), though that doesn't really work in a big stack since the opposite teams are better coordinated than the usual randoms we face while soloq/small stack.

Chat is also cool because you can give Owzers shit when he dies with rez or miss charges.

Totally worth it.

I've greatly improved this last weak, you will regret this comment.


Aren't you master race now?

I know that you don't really like full stacks, but in my case I usually avoid 2-3 stacks. It's either 5-6 stack or solo.

Playing with shitty randoms in a small group tilts me, and since I'm in a group I tend to actually try and get frustrated. If I'm solo I can do whatever I feel like to, if someone is throwing I can either play normally or throw too depending on my mood. The sooner some games end the better.

I play both equally, if not more on PS4.
I'm down for a 4 stack.
feelsgood when you have your self destruct and you sit there shooting away at rein shield until it breaks and right as it does you launch your ult and get a quad kill. a game where i can tank and get heals. they barely made it to the second corner on route 66. idk what happened to them when they got on defense because no one was around lol



I've just reached 100 loot boxes, never opened a single one. I began hoarding them because I don't care about their content, but right now I have to add the laziness of opening that number of boxes.

The funniest part would be opening them and not getting any Mercy item, which is the character I use 99% of the time. Guess I'l never know.


While I’m glad Blizzard has taken so many steps to make playing as a support character more appealing, in my experience, Overwatch still isn’t in an ideal place with the category.

Even in Competitive, I often find that players will reach the end of the pre-game character selection process, only to find that we have a big support-shaped hole in the team’s heart. When I decide to bite the bullet (or when the team looks at my profile & threatens me to switch to Ana or Lucio for solo healing or they'll throw, etc.), it’s hard not to feel locked into the role for the rest of the game. Nevermind the majority of the matches that I play.


While I’m glad Blizzard has taken so many steps to make playing as a support character more appealing, in my experience, Overwatch still isn’t in an ideal place with the category.

Even in Competitive, I often find that players will reach the end of the pre-game character selection process, only to find that we have a big support-shaped hole in the team’s heart. When I decide to bite the bullet (or when the team looks at my profile & threatens me to switch to Ana or Lucio for solo healing or they'll throw, etc.), it’s hard not to feel locked into the role for the rest of the game. Nevermind the majority of the matches that I play.

Just play what you want to. Don't let others bully you into playing something you don't want to. If you're not having fun playing the game, in my experience, you're most likely not going to win. I've been a tank/Ana player since season two and to me it's just not fun playing those same characters for over a year. So I've been playing Sombra. Four hours played with a 60% wintrate and it's some of the most fun I've had in this game.

On a more personal note, I played with a Mercy only player last night in a 4200 game that was BRONZE in season 3... FUCKING BRONZE
played sombra just for the clutch defense on volskaya point B. i'm glad team didn't say anything because i don't play her lul

needed her to hack dva mostly.



It was funny to overhear the rest of the team debating my Sombra pick in Gold/Plat pre-match, as they weren't sure whether I was a smurf that was about to carry them or a brand new player that had no idea what she was supposed to do.

I've been doing well with her.


Going Gold to Diamond was easy, getting to Master will be rougher. Diamond is the worst rank to play at, the quality of games there are so much worse than any other rank I've been at (Gold through GM).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I feel like the drawn out staggered overtimes were fun the month of release and are now one of the biggest reasons I dont play anymore

I dont get a rush from it or anything, it just feels cheap and annoying. I'm not just talking about 2 CP either. Oh there's DVA flying up into the air again and going out of mech to drag out overtime, oh here's Winston coming in with the ult he's dead, oh here's mei coming in with the ice block, oh here's tracer coming in to stall

On the defending or attacking side, I just hate that shit now. It's way too generous still even with the '''nerf''' and even watching streamers deal with it just isnt fun., It's why I wish Torbjorn was more mobile just to fuck single stagger overtime like that


Neo Member
Is anyone else experiencing the LC-202 error? This past weekend I've been disconnected numerous times due to this error. Now I've been panliazed for 12 matches. Not cool!

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem. If it's a server issue or if I should look into contacting my service provider.

I've gone into the PS4 settings. Everything seems to connect fine. I haven't experienced disconnecting problems with any other game.

Sorry if this isn't the place to ask this question! Just looking for some guidance. Thank you.


Unconfirmed Member
I still have a lot of work to do on improving my Sombra play, particularly in lessening my deaths, but even with some pretty poor play, she seems to win surprisingly often, thanks to how how impactful she can be between deleting shields, mobility, and ultiments, drawing people out of position, and stalling like crazy.

I can't wait for the Roadhog nerf. That will make playing Sombra so much easier. Until then, I really need to remember to respect the area around roadhog.

My understanding is that a good Roadhog can still reliably do 200 damage on the PTR with a melee combo and good aim, but Genji deflect or Sombra with a teleport ready can disrupt that combo.


I've just picked this up off a friend and honestly find the whole game pretty daunting...any tips on a decent starter hero and how not to suck? I've been enjoying McCree so far.


I've just picked this up off a friend and honestly find the whole game pretty daunting...any tips on a decent starter hero and how not to suck? I've been enjoying McCree so far.

Starter DPS: Soldier and McCree. Extremely straight-forward heroes, Soldier is Calladooty and McCree is Counter-Strike Deagle. Shoot things until they die.

Starter Tanks: Roadhog and D.Va. Roadhog is really just a DPS with a shitload of health, Hook is an invaluable tool for opening up team engagements. D.Va's main role is to use her Defense Matrix to protect her teammates from as much as she can, dealing damage with her is a secondary concern.

Starter Defense: Defense heroes are some of the hardest to master and some of the least viable. Usually best to save learning these heroes for last. Or be like everyone else and just jump straight to Hanzo.

Starter Support: Mercy and Lucio. Mercy is extremely straight-forward: Fly to your teammates, heal them, damage boost the DPS when nobody needs healing, Rez team when they die. Lucio is used to speed boost his teammates into better positions more quickly, his healing is a secondary responsibility.


Starter DPS: Soldier and McCree. Extremely straight-forward heroes, Soldier is Calladooty and McCree is Counter-Strike Deagle. Shoot things until they die.

Starter Tanks: Roadhog and D.Va. Roadhog is really just a DPS with a shitload of health, Hook is an invaluable tool for opening up team engagements. D.Va's main role is to use her Defense Matrix to protect her teammates from as much as she can, dealing damage with her is a secondary concern.

Starter Defense: Defense heroes are some of the hardest to master and some of the least viable. Usually best to save learning these heroes for last. Or be like everyone else and just jump straight to Hanzo.

Starter Support: Mercy and Lucio. Mercy is extremely straight-forward: Fly to your teammates, heal them, damage boost the DPS when nobody needs healing, Rez team when they die. Lucio is used to speed boost his teammates into better positions more quickly, his healing is a secondary responsibility.

Thanks for the help mate, will give these all a go and see how I get on!


My aim has gotten so bad since I stopped playing Destiny. How do I improve :(?Don't say play Destiny because I have no room until I get a pro :(


My aim has gotten so bad since I stopped playing Destiny. How do I improve :(?Don't say play Destiny because I have no room until I get a pro :(

At least last summer when I was playing both games at the same time, I noticed my aim worsened in both games because of playing them at the same time. The aiming in Overwatch at least has improved on console since then, but I just remember having trouble when I swapped back and forth.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
So guys...I haven't played since November after Sombra was released...and was wondering what have the changes have been?


Is there genuinely no proper matchmaking in quick play? So many matches are completely one sided. I just had a game where we had 3 players under level 30 and the lowest enemy was 204 I think. Needless to say we got steamrolled.
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