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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Is that zen thing real. I'll try it

At least last summer when I was playing both games at the same time, I noticed my aim worsened in both games because of playing them at the same time. The aiming in Overwatch at least has improved on console since then, but I just remember having trouble when I swapped back and forth.
I feel like it helped me use snipers tbh. i noticed improvement when I went back to OW


Unconfirmed Member
Is there genuinely no proper matchmaking in quick play? So many matches are completely one sided. I just had a game where we had 3 players under level 30 and the lowest enemy was 204 I think. Needless to say we got steamrolled.

There's MMR matchmaking in quick play, and account levels don't really matter. It's still pretty bad because groups and people not playing their best screws the matchmaking up.


any thoughts on mccree's FtH? I rarely use it, if ever. only in emergencies if my flash is cooling down and there is an ult'ing hero in front of me.

i find it easier to flash, line up the head shot, then a body shot if necessary. i find it weird when other people playing as mccree getting mad when they're killed by FtH. they usually call out the person who used it as a "noob," but it is a perfectly legitimate tactic.


Unconfirmed Member
any thoughts on mccree's FtH? I rarely use it, if ever. only in emergencies if my flash is cooling down and there is an ult'ing hero in front of me.

i find it easier to flash, line up the head shot, then a body shot if necessary. i find it weird when other people playing as mccree getting mad when they're killed by FtH. they usually call out the person who used it as a "noob," but it is a perfectly legitimate tactic.
Just show anyone this clip if they claim only noobs use fan the hammer.

I miss being able to play Zen on a regular basis, ah I remember the days a year ago when bringing Zenny Boy in as a sole healer when everyone was still figuring stuff out was viable.


Met a dude with 82 percent wr on Reaper. Him and Junk are an issue in lower ranks. They just walk all over teams if not dealt with
I've greatly improved this last weak, you will regret this comment.


So I haven't been missing much?

Not as much as Owzers when he charges.

When are you going back to comp? Next tuesday?

Not as much as Owzers when he charges.

When are you going back to comp? Next tuesday?
Im sure the new map will call me back a bit. But I haven't had the urge lately, which has been nice. Just beat my last divine beast. Almost done with a dungeon in Persona, kind of started a new TV show. I don't mind playing Overwatch sparingly, but I'm hoping to avoid full binge mode for a bit.
EASY. defend numbani. no one on our team died lol. idk that was possible. even when genji ulted i grav him and the rest of the team and he didn't go anywhere Lul.

and it was our turn to attack. we just went high ground and the one kill they manage was rein charged me to the bus but they C9 and never got on point lol.
but feelsbadman, only got 17 points because i picked zarya. probably would have gotten more if i played zen or something.


Just play what you want to. Don't let others bully you into playing something you don't want to. If you're not having fun playing the game, in my experience, you're most likely not going to win. I've been a tank/Ana player since season two and to me it's just not fun playing those same characters for over a year. So I've been playing Sombra. Four hours played with a 60% wintrate and it's some of the most fun I've had in this game.

On a more personal note, I played with a Mercy only player last night in a 4200 game that was BRONZE in season 3... FUCKING BRONZE

I get that, & ideally, you can observe the intricacies of your team and still choose something that will benefit from it. But that's not always clear, and it's an exercise in frustration when you have to be with a team that doesn't care for objectives or working together, and will instead will be running off in all directions or throwing the match. It's even more so (pre-Dive Comp) that people will bitch at me for switching to Zarya or D.Va from Reinhardt, despite none of them knowing why Reinhardt is a good tank and are asking for one "because the pro's use him".

The fact that this is even an issue is rather frustrating. Overwatch provides a wide variety of heroes with all sorts of abilities to contribute to the team's goal of winning the match, and yet the majority of players still rush to pick DPS/Flankers in their endless quest to get Play of the Game.

And DPS/Flankers without awareness are never fun to tank/support.
I get that, & ideally, you can observe the intricacies of your team and still choose something that will benefit from it. But that's not always clear, and it's an exercise in frustration when you have to be with a team that doesn't care for objectives or working together, and will instead will be running off in all directions or throwing the match. It's even more so (pre-Dive Comp) that people will bitch at me for switching to Zarya or D.Va from Reinhardt, despite none of them knowing why Reinhardt is a good tank and are asking for one "because the pro's use him".

The fact that this is even an issue is rather frustrating. Overwatch provides a wide variety of heroes with all sorts of abilities to contribute to the team's goal of winning the match, and yet the majority of players still rush to pick DPS/Flankers in their endless quest to get Play of the Game.

And DPS/Flankers without awareness are never fun to tank/support.

I wish potg would go away and we got a highlight of the wining team or something. It's so stupid to see junkrats and dvA potg over and over.
I get that, & ideally, you can observe the intricacies of your team and still choose something that will benefit from it. But that's not always clear, and it's an exercise in frustration when you have to be with a team that doesn't care for objectives or working together, and will instead will be running off in all directions or throwing the match. It's even more so (pre-Dive Comp) that people will bitch at me for switching to Zarya or D.Va from Reinhardt, despite none of them knowing why Reinhardt is a good tank and are asking for one "because the pro's use him".

The fact that this is even an issue is rather frustrating. Overwatch provides a wide variety of heroes with all sorts of abilities to contribute to the team's goal of winning the match, and yet the majority of players still rush to pick DPS/Flankers in their endless quest to get Play of the Game.

And DPS/Flankers without awareness are never fun to tank/support.

Very well said.


I wish potg would go away and we got a highlight of the wining team or something. It's so stupid to see junkrats and dvA potg over and over.

You know, I'm down for this. A highlight reel of yourself and your teammates contributing to the game would be a better solution. Hell, I had a Pharah player brag with how she creamed the opposing team and got POTG for it....Despite that the Zarya and Mei (me) on our team clumped them together at the well on Ilios and set it up for that player.

Then again, we will run into the issue of players on the team bragging that they contributed more or something of the like.

Very well said.

Thank you. It's part of the reason why I wish we had a hard reset for the MMR rating, as I don't want to deal with those players anymore. Or, at the very least, not deal with them as frequently as I have this season.
Had my best 6v6 Elimination moment earlier when I was Ana and had to 1v1 a D.Va at the very end and I kited the D.Va around a pillar and slept her off the point so I got the capture and won the round. I even got a BM "hello" as I got the capture lol.
Sinatraa is really good.

Im sure the new map will call me back a bit. But I haven't had the urge lately, which has been nice. Just beat my last divine beast. Almost done with a dungeon in Persona, kind of started a new TV show. I don't mind playing Overwatch sparingly, but I'm hoping to avoid full binge mode for a bit.

A break is always good, especially if you have games like botw and p5 to keep you entertained :)


Sinatraa is really good.

A break is always good, especially if you have games like botw and p5 to keep you entertained :)

I'm currently playing Shadows of Valentia for the 3DS, and it's everything that I wanted FE: Fates to be.

Seriously, those games were pure shit, and it would've put be off the series entirely if it weren't for me giving Echoes a fair shot. I have Splatoon 2 pre-ordered, as well, and I was going to play ARMS, if it weren't for the fact that my cartridge is corrupted and I can't find a replacement.


Gotta love those games where someone on the enemy team throws and then your teammates start to throw the next round in response and we lose.


If only he wasn't a twat

Used to work with someone who'd taken pleasure with talking behind peoples backs and spreading rumours. Hell of an artist, but is basically the equivalent to human cow dung.

You can meet people who excel with something, and then you discover that they are "lovely" human beings.
I'm currently playing Shadows of Valentia for the 3DS, and it's everything that I wanted FE: Fates to be.

Seriously, those games were pure shit, and it would've put be off the series entirely if it weren't for me giving Echoes a fair shot. I have Splatoon 2 pre-ordered, as well, and I was going to play ARMS, if it weren't for the fact that my cartridge is corrupted and I can't find a replacement.

Yeah I wish I had something that really grabbed me right now. When I decide to play something it usually ends up being OW even when I'm not exactly in the mood. Hopefully Nier will have a good sale in this summer.

Gotta love those games where someone on the enemy team throws and then your teammates start to throw the next round in response and we lose.

Gotta keep the balance.

If only he wasn't a twat

That sucks :\
Some players who are very inconsiderate when it comes to team comps. It is worse in competitive mode where some people just fill in and try to force sub-optimal comps or things that simply don't work together. It is COMPETITIVE/serious whatever. If you are going to pick something that is obviously going to put your team at a systematic disadvantage, you should better be prepared to compensate with skill and switch if it doesn't work. I mean, I don't get the point of sticking with heroes that obviously won't work just because you freaking want to have fun at the expense of others; why don't you do that in quick play?

I am personally methodical; I don't like stupid unorthodox comps and picks. Yeah you want to use this off-meta hero to have fun, but do you think it is REMOTELY fun to play around your pick? Anyways, I learned that some players who have limited hero pools should be left with their main heroes instead of filling for proper comps; it works sometimes in the ladder games and is usually the safest bet. You are screwed above diamond if the other team runs a meta comp and executes it well (assuming all are at the same skill level/no insane DPS carries or smurfs).

I honestly don't know why do some people want to shoehorn weird picks/bad synergy comps in competitive mode. Just WHY? Of course people will ask for proper meta picks in competitive and make suggestions (often getting defensive replies); do whatever in quick play. The excuse is that quick play is a shitshow where people don't play properly e.g no healers/no tanks, but aren't you doing the same thing by picking something stupid in comp?.

As if One trick ponies who abuse the SR gain system aren't enough. Then you have low elo people who throw when there is a Genji/Tracer/Ana around because they are high skill heroes LOL. I've heard of the horror stories.

Used to work with someone who'd taken pleasure with talking behind peoples backs and spreading rumours. Hell of an artist, but is basically the equivalent to human cow dung.

You can meet people who excel with something, and then you discover that they are "lovely" human beings.

Some of the OW pros are toxic and have egos/bad personalities; it is actually common in competitive environment. At least they are good at the game; there are Overwatch players who suck at the game, and they happen to be bad human beings (mainly impatient tilt lords).....

It was really funny that he and Dafran ended up on the same pro OW team, cause those two were both horrific people. But Dafran got banned and booted from the team, so it's just Sinatraa now. At least, I think

Yeah Sinatraa is very toxic, but he is young. Dafran simply crossed the line. He already got caught trolling when he was hosted after APEX; he had a smurf account and trolled lower elo people by spawn camping them with Mei. It was funny but really bad; imagine yourself trying to climb and running into him on either team. The throw four Dafran thing was seriously a horrible move; he might have done it on purpose to get suspended and avoid OW. I recall people saying he had mental issues from being burned out from playing OW. Taimou is really close to breaking from his 7 month stay in Korea just playing OW in a meta he hates (Winston D.Va pissing on his DPS picks).
Oasis competitive game. I choose Lucio from the start, rest of team chooses their characters, no other support. Hmm, I'll stick with Lucio for now but if things go awry I'll change to Mercy I think to myself.

"You have received a message from so and so" pops up. "SWTCH 2 MERCY LUCIO CRAP"

Round 1 begins. We win 100%-0%. Another message from same guy. "PLS SWAP W MERCY"

Round 2 begins. We win. 100%-0%. ANOTHER message. "DUDE PLS SWAP. LUCIO IS A CRAP SOLO HEAL"

For fuck's sake, we're 2-0 up and I've died a maximum of 3 times, but whatever, the other team is pretty shit so I'll fucking well swap just to shut this irritating prick up.

I got no cover whatsoever as Mercy, no protection no nothing. We lose round 3 and round 4. Fuck this, I'm going back to Lucio. We just about scrape a victory.

Another message. "You nearly cost us with Lucio"


Some people.


I didn't play QP for months and I decided to play it a little just to relax before going to work and wtf, it's so bad and so toxic that comp looks like a paradise in comparaison... like wtf.

I don't get it, it's not about trying hard or else but just playing the game decently, there is no point making terrible comp that gets destroyed in 3 minutes top chrono, people prefer to leave the game then switching for something decent, that's terrible, if casual people just get the game and launch it for the first time, they'll be disgust for the game in no time... I know we can't fix this but that's why Overwatch popularity is decreasing massively, the community is really bad.
Forgot and had my decay kick in, lost like 15 SR, then got on a randomly stupid good win streak and gained like 100 and called it. Slowly inching my way towards that top 500, in the low 3800s now.


Finally got my first win in placement in the 3rd match. Seriously fuck throwers. Got teamed up with gold players in the last 2 match, and they both for some reason keep throwing.
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