Level 80-something. I've been enjoying this game a lot. There are a few things that really started to piss me off last night.
I'm a bit of an older gamer. Approaching 40. The days of hyper-reflexes are over. The best I can do is aim center-mass and hope for the best, as well as utilize general gaming experience and strategy to out-think opponents.
The cool thing about this game, is it has lots of character options I can play. Torbjorn, the healers, Reinhart, the support classes all can be played well without having to have the reflexes of a 18 year old CoD player anymore.
The bad thing, is those classes that play to that crowd are really fucking pissing me off.
Playing as Mercy last night, which I seem to be pretty good at according to my buddies. But we got matched up against the same team of really good players like 4 matches in a row. We lost 3/4. I really felt like I wasn't able to pull my weight because they had a fucking good Tracer that would zip in, kill me, then zip out before anyone knew what was going on. My average healing is something around 6k I believe, but I was getting 1500-2000 because of this shit. I switched to Lucio and did better, but then the tracer switched to widowmaker and spent the whole match headshotting me.
If there are 3 things currently that ruin this game for me its;
1. Widowmaker - should only be able to 1-shot people with headshots that are fully charged and the charge time needs to be almost double what it is now, IMO. Reason being; when there is a really fucking good widowmaker on the enemy team and you are a old man like me you may as well leave the match. Also, those squirrels need to get of my lawn.
2. Mei's Ult is fucking BS. Mainly the area of effect seems too large. It fills most of the cap circles and there is very little time to react to it, assuming you can even see where its landing. Once again this could just be "old man ranting git gud m8". It's been less annoying since I started playing Mercy heavily, since sometimes I can manage to target an ally and fly out of the doom circle.
3. Final cap defense on some of the maps feels like the defending team has too much of an advantage. Maybe increase the spawn timers by 3-4 seconds would help alleviate this. However, knowing Blizzard and the way they did battlegrounds in WoW, they will probably never fix any of the existing maps, but instead leave them in the map pool to continue to piss us off for years to come.
4. The matchmaker needs work. Last night we lost 10 games in a row and it kept putting us up against people that were clearly not in the same league as us. 4 of those matches were against the SAME TEAM, we lost 3 out of 4 against them, and that was after the first game when it kicked us out for "re-balancing" twice and gave us the same team each time. Maybe we were the only two teams of 6 available but it seems unlikely. After the fourth match it gave us a super awful team we rolled over in record time. Maybe it was just random luck, as its the first time the MM has been that bad in consecutive matches.
Some of this is probably because I am currently unemployed and spend about 50% of my playtime with @#$@#$ randoms waiting for my buddies to get online. Some of it will probably be dealt with over time as my team gets better and develops team strats to deal with some of the BS defense maps.
*edit* one last thing I noticed, sometimes sounds aren't getting played, like peoples ultimates. Anyone else noticed this or is it just me?