So I was playing payload attack on Gibraltar and the enemy team had a widow blocking our oath so I switched to Winston to take her out a couple of times, one of the times I basically killed her and then got killed by her teammates. The played got annoyed and said that I am only achieving one kill and then die eventhough it happened only one time.
I just said I'll keep doing it as long as you play widow, no shame. Then I sent on a 11 kill streak taking her out twice. We won the match eventually...felt good.
There was another match where we were attacking in Hanamura and the enemy team was running 5 Symmetra and 1 Hanzo, turret galore ! So I switched to Winston since it's so easy to take out tmsymmetra turrets as him, then for final point I just pushed then back into their spawn room using my ult, one guy got annoyed and told asked me if I even know what I am doing or am I just holding the left click. Hah