I love this game, and I KNOW wins don't matter, but there's something simply enraging when you see your team doing dumb shit, like 3 people picking widow when we are escorting. Argh.
I did almost get all the gold medals in a game though. Just didn't get healing. I'm starting to think that 76's ultimate is the best. When used at the right time, there's just nothing ppl can do to stop the killing. Flank then activate, boom, clear objective.
I've gotten a few POTGs with Symmetra where I just run after people with the main beam focused on them and manage to kill 3 of them.
I think most people still underestimate her because of her support title haha.
Had my best games in ages tonight. On a real roll with Tracer. Time to call it a night I think.
Switching to her gun on ocassion can throw some people off even Tracer who most probably think it will be an effortless kill, a lot of people have been conditioned to not view her as a threat. I think one time an Mercy killed me when I was going to high noon their team, granted I was already a bit damaged.
With support, they will most likely run away.
I think most people still underestimate her because of her support title haha.
Well no you just ran at me with 150-200 hp squishies when my beam was charged.
I have a tinfoil hat theory that your unlocked items show up more often than anything new.Yesterday I finally had enough gold to buy a legendary skin. I play a lot of D.Va and it was a hard choice between Scavenger and Junker. Went with Scavenger in the end, and have been rocking it today. I was so happy.
... Until I next levelled up, of course, at which point I received the Scavenger skin.
Seriously, why don't dupe skins give you at least half of what they're worth? 200 for a legendary is so measly.
... It could have been any other skin ._.
This is how it starts. You'll be one of those people who thinks fluoride is government mind control poison before you know it.I have a tinfoil hat theory that your unlocked items show up more often than anything new.
MOLTEN CORE CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMSThis is how it starts. You'll be one of those people who thinks fluoride is government mind control poison before you know it.
So you think it's not a badly designed map as long as you have a team and use teamwork on a team that isn't using teamwork?When playing with groups, Hanamura and Anubis are no longer major issues with Point B if you all immediately rush it together. It totally fucks up the enemy teams if they're not ready.
Agreed.honestly 2 point maps are all garbage
Got 32 elims in a game with her today. A salty guy in the chat said unlimited turrets are unfair and Symmetra should be nerfed - clearly he's never played with her, though I'm flattered that my turret spawns outpaced him.
Say you kill 1 person and don't release left click, will it stay charged or will it dissipate? I don't really understand the mechanics of her beam.
This morning I got 9 votes at the end of the game playing as Lucio, and I only healed about 30% of the damage. Good to see respect for support!
Edit: Of course, I also healed 49% one game and got 0 votes.![]()
I got a few Tracer kills as Mercy where they got a bit overconfident and going in with low health. There's no better feeling.
In fact any elimination with Mercy's pew pew pew gun feels good.
Takes ~2 seconds to ramp up and ~4 seconds to ramp down so you have ~2 seconds to find another target to maintain max energy.Say you kill 1 person and don't release left click, will it stay charged or will it dissipate? I don't really understand the mechanics of her beam.
It's true - there's no better feeling than taking down an overconfident offense hero. I've meleed a few tracers to death.
You can also charge it up on silly things like Mei ice walls.
Takes ~2 seconds to ramp up and ~4 seconds to ramp down so you have ~2 seconds to find another target to maintain max energy.
Once you're past Level 10, you shouldn't hAve to be match made with anyone < 10 again.
Interesting. Does it also work on the ice when she freezes herself?
Good news, we may be able to see who is in a pre-made group or not in the future.
So you think it's not a badly designed map as long as you have a team and use teamwork on a team that isn't using teamwork?
Glad to hear it. I know the reason to hide it is to prevent players from leaving before the match but fucking right I'm leaving if it's a team of randoms vs. 4-6 player premades. I have no problem with a hard fought loss but getting steamrolled is an infuriating waste of time.
Working on getting my roadhog into the top 100 on masteroverwatch. Currently at #174.
I really hope that the ranked mode offers some sort of ranking system based off character. Im obviously going to have to start from scratch again, but I like the idea of mastering a character and working on a separate rank from the overall leaderboard.
Got my third legendary at level 46 and it was another Bastion skin.![]()
I'm sure this is an idiotic question, but what does it mean when your portrait is on fire? Also, are the medals awarded compared to other players?
I'm sure this is an idiotic question, but what does it mean when your portrait is on fire? Also, are the medals awarded compared to other players?
On fire means you're doing good I think. Lots of eliminations, low deaths.
There's a meter below your health that shows your fire level. You get fire for kills, playing the objective, healing, giving armour, etc. If you're "on fire" it basically just means that your average score over the past minute or so is high. It means you're actively contributing and highlights who on your team is currently putting in work.
The medals are given out for standings on your team. So if you get the most kills on your team, you get the gold medal for kills. Same for silver and bronze.
I'm sure this is an idiotic question, but what does it mean when your portrait is on fire? Also, are the medals awarded compared to other players?
Ok so the fire bar can hold infinite fire but only displays a max of 350 fire. You need 250 fire to become on fire. Fire will degrade at 5 fire per second
Here are the rates:
- Payload escort = 5 fire per second
- Payload checkpoint = 55 fire
- Capture point capturing = 180 fire in total
- Capture point checkpoint = 55
- Control point capturing = 100 total
- Control point checkpoint = 10
- All hereos gain fire based on % damage done for an elimination (50% dealt = 50 fire)
- Bastion healing = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- D. Va using defense matrix = 1 fire per 25 damage blocked
- Hanzo recon assist = 40 fire per assisit
- Lucio healing = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- Mei blocking with wall = 1 fire per 25 damage blocked
- Mei healing in ice block = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- Mercy healing = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- Mercy resurrecting = 50 fire per resurrect
- Mercy damage boost = 1 fire per assist (but if she damages for 99% then gets the final 1% killing blow she will gain 100 fire)
- Reaper healing = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- Reinhardt blocking with shield = 1 fire per 25 damage blocked
- Roadhog healing = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- Soldier: 76 healing = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- Symmetra shields = 25 fire per shield
- Symmetra teleporter = 25 fire per teleport
- Torbjorn using armor pack = 25 fire per armor pack picked up by allies
- Torbjorn healing turret = 1 fire per 5 turret hp healed
- Widowmaker recon assist = 40 fire per assist
- Winston blcoking with shield = 1 fire per 25 damage blocked
- Zarya blocking with shield = 1 fire per 25 damage blocked
- Zenyatta healing = 1 fire per 5 hp healed
- Zenyatta discord orb = 1 fire per assist
- Destorying D. Va's mech = 100 fire
- Destroying Junkrat's concussion mine = 1 fire
- Destroying Junkrat's steel trap = 1 fire
- Destroying Junkrat's RIP-tire = 50 fire
- Destroying Symmetra's sentry turret = 25 fire
- Destroying Symmetra's teleporter = 100 fire
- Destroying Torbjorn's turret = Lvl 1 is 50 fire / Lvl 2 is 75 fire / Lvl 3 (Ult) is 100 fire
- Destroying Widowmaker's venom mine = 25 fire
alright we dont have a support and we havent had one this entire game
oh you're switching characters?
oh you went form reaper to 76. ok.jpg
alright we dont have a support and we havent had one this entire game
oh you're switching characters?
oh you went form reaper to 76. ok.jpg
I just started messing around with roadhog last night due to mccree nerfs and trying to venture away from my support play. Any tips you'd recommend for me picking him up? I really enjoy his kit in randoms as I can be self sustaining if need be.
Glad to hear it. I know the reason to hide it is to prevent players from leaving before the match but fucking right I'm leaving if it's a team of randoms vs. 4-6 player premades. I have no problem with a hard fought loss but getting steamrolled is an infuriating waste of time.
Nobody wants to be a good hand in this business, Data. It's a damn shame.
Hooking someone off the map needs to result as a kill for roadhog. As of now I think it only counts as a death towards that player (a suicide) according to the kill display.