Is this confirmed? what a bummerOn a related note, don't save your crates for new content. The contents are determined when it drops so hoarding them in the hopes of getting new stuff won't work.
Is this confirmed? what a bummerOn a related note, don't save your crates for new content. The contents are determined when it drops so hoarding them in the hopes of getting new stuff won't work.
It's amazing to me so many people don't get this. I've been playing Mercy a lot more the last couple days and I'll have matches where I won't die or die just once the entire game. I can't believe it. It's like I'm invisible sometimes to the other team.
On a related note, don't save your crates for new content. The contents are determined when it drops so hoarding them in the hopes of getting new stuff won't work.
There is a direct correlation between teams that instantly all lock in offense characters and players who are complete trash. This is probably also why my Symmetra winrate is so good - I only pick her when I'm already on a team that made smart character choices.
deffinately saving my gold I guess
have 4k in gold, I am ready.
Everyone I've played with has been fairly chill, and tolerant of new players. The only thing to bear in mind is that GAF loves to win every single game in a stack. As long as you're responsive to feedback and willing to change hero at decisive moments then you should be is the gaf community pretty open to new players here (pc)? i wanna get this but it seems VERY team/objective based so i dont wanna go in alone most of the time.
Is this confirmed? what a bummer
It's amazing to me so many people don't get this. I've been playing Mercy a lot more the last couple days and I'll have matches where I won't die or die just once the entire game. I can't believe it. It's like I'm invisible sometimes to the other team.
If you want something done right, do it yourself. I literally drove the payload to its destination.
Well, going back in time has its issues... I panicked a bit, ahah.
It's amazing to me so many people don't get this. I've been playing Mercy a lot more the last couple days and I'll have matches where I won't die or die just once the entire game. I can't believe it. It's like I'm invisible sometimes to the other team.
Everyone I've played with has been fairly chill, and tolerant of new players. The only thing to bear in mind is that GAF loves to win every single game in a stack. As long as you're responsive to feedback and willing to change hero at decisive moments then you should be fine.
Blows my mind when I'm being shot down by a reaper and my team mate doesn't even look around to help me. My health gauge is right on your screen jerk.Conversely, it sucks when you play a team that knows what they are doing and has a Reaper or Tracer hunting you down for the entire match.
Usually in game chat, occasionally discord with the people I play with. No requirement for mic but useful to be in discord to hear calls.alright, thanks. is everybody using a mic or is text chat fine too?
It sucks to be constantly killed by one player who seems to ignore everyone else to come after you. When I was doing well as Zarya, this dipshit Junkrat player kept hunting me down with Rip-Tire. All my deaths from that game was just his Rip-Tire. Guess he got sick of me killing his team lol
It sucks to be constantly killed by one player who seems to ignore everyone else to come after you.
Yeah, just checked,it seems there is many videos about it already. ^^'It's actually a trick that only a few know of ever since that myths video.
Save your barrier.![]()
It's actually a trick that only a few know of ever since that myths video.
annoyed about fps issues since the latest patch -> even though they have plenty of dxdiags from people, can't figure it out
I'm kind of surprised Blizzard didn't fix this exploit already with the latest patch. Now that the Reaper KOTH and Symmetra Dorado exploits are fixed, this seems to be the only big one left (for now).
We very badly want to give players replay functionality. Our engine is built so that it works. It actually works internally, which sort of pains us because we know how badly players want the feature. Right now, even though the game was architected with replays in mind, it's a non-trivial amount of work to make it a player-facing feature. What we have internally is not scalable to 10 million+ people.
We do have a lot of knowledge around the studio from our other games in regards to getting this functionality into your hands someday. Right now, our roadmap has us working on Highlights improvements first before attempting to tackle replays (same people work on those features).
tl;dr: It's a big goal for us but a tremendous amount of work so not on the immediate horizon
I was honestly kind of hoping for new skins this month, but it sounds like we've got a bit of a wait still.
There is a direct correlation between teams that instantly all lock in offense characters and players who are complete trash. This is probably also why my Symmetra winrate is so good - I only pick her when I'm already on a team that made smart character choices.
That's the problem. I used it and he waits for it to go away or when I'm fighting his buddies to kill me. Dude was relentless lol
annoyed about fps issues since the latest patch -> even though they have plenty of dxdiags from people, can't figure it out
I had fps issues at first after the patch but I swapped from Fullscreen to Borderless Windowed at it runs the same as it did pre-patch now... Definitely weird though.
One time a Roadhog hooked me as a D.Va when I had my ult ready. And he was standing right next to two of his other teammates. It was fun to watch them from from "Ha ha!" To "Oh shit!"
People should always have Borderless Windowed Enabled.
Just keep practicing landing your hooks. Eventually youll figure out "the trick" to it, and start landing them more efficiently. There a little anticipation on it. Try and predict where the opponent will be when you throw the hook. If youve ever thrown a football before, i compare it to that. You dont want to throw it directly to the reciever, you want to throw it to where they will be when the ball gets there. Same with the hook. If youre super close to the enemy though, you can usually just aim and hit shift and get them reliably.
My one big tip is that when you do hook someone, try and take a step forward before blasting them. Make sure your reticle is covering their body/head. By taking that one step forward before immediately shooting them, you can usually one shot almost anyone in the game. By getting closer, you increase your damage (obviously). However, some characters you want to blast immidietely (reapers, tracers, meis) because they can counter your hook by phasing out. So in those cases, the quicker the better.
The most important thing, constantly spam your heal. Its become second nature to me at this point. But ALWAYS use your E. Always.
Another HUGE tip. You can counter almost any ultimate. Reaper's Die Die Die, hook them out of it as soon as you see him. You can save so many people by doing this. Same with Pharra, get your sky hooks ready and pull her before she can rain justice from above. This goes for alot of characters, but the hook can be the ultimate counter to some of the best ultimates in the game. Make it your duty to counter those characters.
People should always have Borderless Windowed Enabled.
It's amazing to me so many people don't get this. I've been playing Mercy a lot more the last couple days and I'll have matches where I won't die or die just once the entire game. I can't believe it. It's like I'm invisible sometimes to the other team.'s mech exploding and it killing me WAY above it as Pharah is the first time I uttered "bullshit" in this game.
You had to of had low health already. I've been airborne from her mech explosion tons of times and usually I just get some crazy knockback effect.
Does it even do damage? I've only seen it kill in one hit.
Reinhardt's shield will take a bunch of damage from it. It just doesn't have damage falloff. If you're within X distance, you're going to take 1k damage(or whatever it is).
deffinately saving my gold I guess
Huntsman in TF2 was pretty difficult to play so I'm guessing the latter.Can't tell if hanzo players are good or just taking advantage of the hero's hitboxes.