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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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Dude, he can kill people with more than just fth.

I have yet to see a Mccree post patch that posed any threat. Besides why play a hero that struggles for KO when you can just play easy with reaper, pharaoh, Junkrat etc. And work half as you have to with Mccree to get eliminations. As roadhogg Mccree's to me are free elimination. They got nothing going for them against me. I just eat the flash and fan combo and pull them in to send them back to spawn. I find tracer or reaper much harder to fight with due to their escape options being so good. While dishing out as much damage as Mccree faster and quicker.


the holder of the trombone
But why should mccree be able to have the upper hand over roadhog anyway?

Tracers aren't really that hard to deal with as roadhog from my experience. Reaper was meant to delete tanks.


semen stains the mountaintops
McCree is great if you have amazing aim and don't rely on FTH. If you're one of those McCrees that enjoyed just FTHing, like myself, then McCree is pretty shit now.


New McCree is still fine as a left-clicking accuracy hero and also as a slower offense character, but there's almost no reason to ever use Fan the Hammer now.

It also means that despite being the offense character designed to take down offense characters, he now can't deal the damage needed to kill them before they escape. If anything, Blizzard should have repurposed him as the anti-tank offense character and nerfed Flashbang instead.
I respectfully disagree, because flashbang was badly needed for Tracer (and even so, good Tracers can avoid it). And less so for Genji and other offense champs.

On another note, is the Widowmaker "Smooth as Silk" achievement glitched? It involves being airborne as Widowmaker and killing with a headshot. I thought that would be nearly impossible, especially after the charge nerf.

However, I was standing and shot someone on the ground from Reinhardt ult, and apparently I got the achievement. Unless I happened to get bumped at that precise second by some other player, it was odd.
Not saying upperhand but from what I can see aside from king of the hill mode Mccree is useless. There is not point in picking that character when like you said Reaper does the job so much better. Where does Mccree fit in? Hide behind a Reinheart shield and take pot shots? I think a soldier would be a better option there. Long range? lol with what 35 damage? close range with only 200 hp with low damage and no escape option like other dps hero? ok lol. Only reason he still picked is because of high noon. While is not as good as Justice from above or Junkrats tire. It's still one of the better point denier ultimate.
How do I not suck with Zarya?

Don't throw up barriers prematurely. Be cool with that shit and pick your target wisely when you throw up your ally barrier. Abuse corners with the mortar. When you near half health, bail. It's tempting to get too deep, but don't. You're the lowest health tank. Your shields regen quick in cover, your health not so much. Intentionally eat shit like a d.va ult or a junkrat bomb to increase your charge if the pressure isn't too great.

Be good at aiming.

Be really good at aiming.


Only flankers mccree can relatively take down with some guarantee is Tracer due to her 150 life. But aside of them you gotta stand literally and inch away from stunned targets for you to get a one fan KO. or else reaper will just phase away, Mei will freeze you or iceblock. Junk rat will launch and escape, widow will grapple away etc. You cannot guarantee every shot of fan to hit unless you are right next to them. I think they should up the damage on fan by 50 more. Cause right now Aside from high noon Mccree got nothing going for him. Even at long range hanging back his bullets cause 35 damage. At medium range you are not beating a soldier or tracer or pharaoh one on one(a good one). Not even genji. I think even good Mccree will have tough hill to climb against any other dpser unless its close range where he excelled until the patch. He should be move to a support character lol. Cause that's what he is now.

I'm a decent McCree player, on good days I have about 50% accuracy and after the nerf I play him the same, but it takes a bit more effort to get FtH kills, you are better off headshotting with left click twice.

I do feel like I'm more dependent on my team than I was before.

Speaking of which I find myself constantly off sync with my team mates, most of the time I have higher survivability which leads me constantly wondering why I'm the only one left, as an example, I'll come in as Pharah kill multiple people near the payload and will get defeat because I'm too far up and nobody on my team could survive long enough to get on the payload, I'm totally confused because the enemies near the load had done nothing but run from me they werent attacking my allies.

In another instance I come in the last 15 seconds as McCree right as the payload is at the end, get a double kill with highnoon, leave two of my teammates I see on screen right near the payload with a half dead Zarya and maybe a junkrat and they STILL can't lock down the match?

Another instance I wipe defense point B in temple Anubis with Pharahs ult, all of us are there, people should be familiar with where enemies come from, we have most of our group there, I see a Reaper rushing towards us out of spawn, WHY IS MY TEAM NOT BACKING UP? He is clearly attempting to ult.

Unit Lost says that younger gamers are faster with reflexes but are not always great at strategical awareness, I'm starting to see that even in group play. I had a game where I left an almost dead Bastion for the group to finish, no one bothered and it costsed us the match.


I just enter the a match against 3 fucking Zarya. Looks like everybody is gonna play Zarya due to that Korean girl e-sport incident.

Jebus, just because she is good in Zarya doesn't mean you will have twitch like reaction and become MLG playing Zarya. It would be sooner or later Zarya will get nerf.


We're approaching a month after release and still nothing concrete about any addition.

I'm guessing they count ranked mode as a major addition, but they should really have shown a pic or two of new maps or characters by now.
If you're selling a game with little content and microtransactions, assuring everyone that on the other hand you won't pay for anything else, the least you can do is show this stuff exists and have a timetable for its release.

Splatoon handled it better imo, and without microtransactions


the holder of the trombone
I was playing zarya before it was cool.

Also people will stop playing her once they realised that she actually requires team coordination.


I just enter the a match against 3 fucking Zarya. Looks like everybody is gonna play Zarya due to that Korean girl e-sport incident.

Jebus, just because she is good in Zarya doesn't mean you will have twitch like reaction and become MLG playing Zarya. It would be sooner or later Zarya will get nerf.

Whats that About? :)


We're approaching a month after release and still nothing concrete about any addition.

I'm guessing they count ranked mode as a major addition, but they should really have shown a pic or two of new maps or characters by now.
If you're selling a game with little content and microtransactions, assuring everyone that on the other hand you won't pay for anything else, the least you can do is show this stuff exists and have a timetable for its release.

Splatoon handled it better imo, and without microtransactions

It's not even coming from Blizzard, but here are the golden weapons... I...uh...I expected something like gold rarity with unique skin for each weapons, not this.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Not saying upperhand but from what I can see aside from king of the hill mode Mccree is useless. There is not point in picking that character when like you said Reaper does the job so much better. Where does Mccree fit in? Hide behind a Reinheart shield and take pot shots? I think a soldier would be a better option there. Long range? lol with what 35 damage? close range with only 200 hp with low damage and no escape option like other dps hero? ok lol. Only reason he still picked is because of high noon. While is not as good as Justice from above or Junkrats tire. It's still one of the better point denier ultimate.

McCree was NEVER supposed to be anti-tank, the fact that he was just shows how grossly imbalanced he was since he beat essentially the entire roster 1v1.

I'm still on console where he is still in his grossly idiotic form where he derps and kills everyone who turns a corner, but he was meant to be anti-flank. I can't really say how he is now but he was meant to be the counter to harassers like Tracer/Genji, not be a tank melter like Reaper and Zenyatta.
It's not even coming from Blizzard, but here are the golden weapons... I...uh...I expected something like gold rarity with unique skin for each weapons, not this.

I doubt you're alone, but I suspect you're in the minority. This is exactly what I expected, and they look pretty nice. Too bad I'll never get one, as I suspect that these will be out of reach for a lowly pleb like myself.
McCree was NEVER supposed to be anti-tank, the fact that he was just shows how grossly imbalanced he was since he beat essentially the entire roster 1v1.

I'm still on console where he is still in his grossly idiotic form where he derps and kills everyone who turns a corner, but he was meant to be anti-flank. I can't really say how he is now but he was meant to be the counter to harassers like Tracer/Genji, not be a tank melter like Reaper and Zenyatta.

Tracer and Genji are actually two characters who have a pretty good shot against a McCree now, because they usually come out of his flash stun while he's fanning, then can escape with a rewind or punish with a deflect. Eating your own fan sucks.


Gold Member
i'm having so much fun as Mei. was just playing the hollywood map and i kept putting up the ice walls to force the other team through the small passage area. made them easy picking.

mei, zarya, and d.va are my favourites at the moment. i like widowmaker but need to get better at using sniper rifles. i want to be good at tracer but she's damn fast and i'm having trouble judging how far she travels when using her abilities. will keep practicing.

also, said i'd never buy loot boxes but just bought some...need them skins/sprays/poses etc.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Tracer and Genji are actually two characters who have a pretty good shot against a McCree now, because they usually come out of his flash stun while he's fanning, then can escape with a rewind or punish with a deflect. Eating your own fan sucks.

With Tracer can't you just line up a single headshot for the kill?

Not surprised with Genji though, even now he does weird stuff since he's always jumping and kinda moves while stunned a lot. Same thing when I hook him as Roadhog and he somehow goes behind me.
With Tracer can't you just line up a single headshot for the kill?

Not surprised with Genji though, even now he does weird stuff since he's always jumping and kinda moves while stunned a lot. Same thing when I hook him as Roadhog and he somehow goes behind me.

Oh, could be. Sorry, I haven't been playing enough of either since the patch. I really shouldn't be weighing in on this sort of thing. Suffice it to say though, flash->fan can cause problems against those two.
The problem with McCree now is that he doesn't do enough damage with the fan during the stun duration to kill Reaper/Mei and if he misses a bullet the 200 HP heroes will live through it too. He should be able to handle Reaper with the amount of havoc he can cause unchecked.


Neo Member
I'm a decent McCree player, on good days I have about 50% accuracy and after the nerf I play him the same, but it takes a bit more effort to get FtH kills, you are better off headshotting with left click twice.

I do feel like I'm more dependent on my team than I was before.

Speaking of which I find myself constantly off sync with my team mates, most of the time I have higher survivability which leads me constantly wondering why I'm the only one left, as an example, I'll come in as Pharah kill multiple people near the payload and will get defeat because I'm too far up and nobody on my team could survive long enough to get on the payload, I'm totally confused because the enemies near the load had done nothing but run from me they werent attacking my allies.

In another instance I come in the last 15 seconds as McCree right as the payload is at the end, get a double kill with highnoon, leave two of my teammates I see on screen right near the payload with a half dead Zarya and maybe a junkrat and they STILL can't lock down the match?

Another instance I wipe defense point B in temple Anubis with Pharahs ult, all of us are there, people should be familiar with where enemies come from, we have most of our group there, I see a Reaper rushing towards us out of spawn, WHY IS MY TEAM NOT BACKING UP? He is clearly attempting to ult.

Unit Lost says that younger gamers are faster with reflexes but are not always great at strategical awareness, I'm starting to see that even in group play. I had a game where I left an almost dead Bastion for the group to finish, no one bothered and it costsed us the match.

This happens alot for me in PuG plays. Problem is that people just rush ahead and don't communicate. Even the simple command wheel is quite effective, especially for coordinating ults.
I play Mei alot and find that when I freeze the enemy tank, my team just ignores it targets the squishier enemies...


Really Really Exciting Member!
We're approaching a month after release and still nothing concrete about any addition.

I'm guessing they count ranked mode as a major addition, but they should really have shown a pic or two of new maps or characters by now.
If you're selling a game with little content and microtransactions, assuring everyone that on the other hand you won't pay for anything else, the least you can do is show this stuff exists and have a timetable for its release.

Splatoon handled it better imo, and without microtransactions

It only been a month, have a little patience? We know it's coming, so no need to stress. They're probably waiting for Competitive mode to release before talking about anything else.


The problem with McCree now is that he doesn't do enough damage with the fan during the stun duration to kill Reaper/Mei and if he misses a bullet the 200 HP heroes will live through it too. He should be able to handle Reaper with the amount of havoc he can cause unchecked.

I think the new thing might be normal headshot -> fan with remaining bullets, but I haven't played enough McCree since the patch to get the hang of him.

Hyun Sai

Oh, could be. Sorry, I haven't been playing enough of either since the patch. I really shouldn't be weighing in on this sort of thing. Suffice it to say though, flash->fan can cause problems against those two.

There was a video demonstrating that you can still kill Tracer with Flashbang + headshot, and kill Genji with Flashbang with Fan the Hammer.


The one flanker he cannot kill with the combo is Reaper. He is still pretty much at the verge of death though.

So yes, McCree is still a counter to flankers, you just have to be more precise with him. He can still roll anyway for more damage.


McCree was NEVER supposed to be anti-tank, the fact that he was just shows how grossly imbalanced he was since he beat essentially the entire roster 1v1.

I'm still on console where he is still in his grossly idiotic form where he derps and kills everyone who turns a corner, but he was meant to be anti-flank. I can't really say how he is now but he was meant to be the counter to harassers like Tracer/Genji, not be a tank melter like Reaper and Zenyatta.

He actually was supposed to be anti-tank as well, game gives you tips to use him on tanks and there was some character card they had that said he is good agaisnt Reinhardt and Tracer.

The issue is not McCree but people don't like being killed with no counter play or "chance" to escape. Look at Destiny and the people who had issues with shotguns and the last word. There was no counter play except to not get close.

The problem with McCree is that he absolutely has no decent escape options, while almost every other character in the game that relies on direct confrontation has one save Roadhog who has self healing.

He now relies heavily on a good Rein, a good healer and the player being good at aiming. I find him enjoyable but a novelty now.


It only been a month, have a little patience? We know it's coming, so no need to stress. They're probably waiting for Competitive mode to release before talking about anything else.

Patience is not the point, they chose a business model and should play by its rules and how it's done elsewhere.
Seems to me they're handling it like WoW, they stay evasive, say it's coming soon, and suddenly it's two months later because they don't need to communicate properly since they're swimming in money.
He actually was supposed to be anti-tank as well, game gives you tips to use him on tanks and there was some character card they had that said he is good agaisnt Reinhardt and Tracer.

The issue is not McCree but people don't like being killed with no counter play or "chance" to escape. Look at Destiny and the people who had issues with shotguns and the last word. There was no counter play except to not get close.

The problem with McCree is that he absolutely has no decent escape options, while almost every other character in the game that relies on direct confrontation has one save Roadhog who has self healing.

He now relies heavily on a good Rein, a good healer and the player being good at aiming. I find him enjoyable but a novelty now.
I agree with everything you said. A Mccree close range will lose 90% of the time now. Why? His fan doesn't guarantee that all his shots will land which it doesn't 90% of the time. Anyone play Mccree for 2 matches will tell you that. He got not escape options, slow as heck. When you are getting pressured by reaper close range all you got is aim for headshots. Which is difficult when the reaper is melting you. Flash and fan wont kill him unless you get those miracle all six shots landing. He will just phase out and heal up. He cant out do solider 76 and medium range, can't hang with reaper at close range, his damage is lol mode at long distance. Only thing good for him is high noon. Anything he does other characters do better. He is useless imo and picking him is a waste of slot. Like you said hes a novelty. Picking him is kind of holding your team back in dps imo.


So what is this about




GOD! When does the endless stream of low level Hanzos on Xbox end? PLS! End this! I cant bear this burden anymore! Is this a test? Why are you testing me?


I agree with everything you said. A Mccree close range will lose 90% of the time now. Why? His fan doesn't guarantee that all his shots will land which it doesn't 90% of the time. Anyone play Mccree for 2 matches will tell you that. He got not escape options, slow as heck. When you are getting pressured by reaper close range all you got is aim for headshots. Which is difficult when the reaper is melting you. Flash and fan wont kill him unless you get those miracle all six shots landing. He will just phase out and heal up. He cant out do solider 76 and medium range, can't hang with reaper at close range, his damage is lol mode at long distance. Only thing good for him is high noon. Anything he does other characters do better. He is useless imo and picking him is a waste of slot. Like you said hes a novelty. Picking him is kind of holding your team back in dps imo.

In other words, he has to work for his kills now, like everyone else.
In other words, he has to work for his kills now, like everyone else.

Yep but the work he has to do well others can do it much easier and efficiently. That's the problem. That character is useless aside from highnoon and holds the teams dps back. Why would anyone pick that character when all the other dpser does his job much easier and better. And lol if you say that roadhog, or reaper has to work to do well. been maining roadhog since the patch and hes sooo easy to play its crazy. I am like on fire 50% of the game. 600 life, 300 heals and 1 hits almost all non tank heroes...


Yep but the work he has to do well others can do it much easier and efficiently. That's the problem. That character is useless aside from highnoon and holds the teams dps back. Why would anyone pick that character when all the other dpser does his job much easier and better. And lol if you say that roadhog, or reaper has to work to do well. been maining roadhog since the patch and hes sooo easy to play its crazy. I am like on fire 50% of the game. 600 life, 300 heals and 1 hits almost all non tank heroes...

But roadhog cant combokill EVERY hero, has huge hitbox, can be heard through 12 walls and cant teamwipe with a buttonpress.


kinda eating crow about lucio. he's basically a hero that can help out by doing minimal work. I haven't read any guides about him but I'm usually dancing on around the map and amping my healing sound for critical hp team mates, and using right click to situationally knock zarya's off ledges. feels good man

how else do people play lucio?
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