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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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If you're not having fun, def take a break. I don't usually mind losin if it was a close game. But getting steamrolled is when I need to just close the game and walk away.
I'm kind of glad I play on the PS4. All these stories of assholes in chat on PC make me happy that I'm rarely paired with anyone random who talks shit.

That's disappointing...matches are so short! Why not stick with it? I've seen some pretty amazing and unexpected comebacks.

Yeah, the game can really turn on a dime if you push correctly or time your ults properly. Just had a match last night where the enemy team had us dead to rights on Hanamura point B and literally a last second push in overtime got us the victory because we managed to get a team kill at the very end.
Is anyone else starting to question why they play this game? Coming up to 100 hours and I'm getting more and more annoyed by things, especially dying to random bullshit. I dunno, I'm just not enjoying it at all right now.
Nope. hit level 102 last night and I'm loving it as much as ever. Looking forward to competitive mode and the injection of other new content, of course.

I did go through a rough losing streak for a few days that made me question some things, but matchmaking has been pretty kind to me ever since. Like LiK said, I don't mind losing game after game if they're close defeats and I felt I played well. It's when my whole team gets crushed in two minutes that I find myself wanting to quit.


In my 50 hours with the game I have never encountered anything even near as vile as the things people are telling here about. The very worst thing I've seen is something like "NOOB". Didn't know the community is that toxic in some places.
Been seriously picking up zen recently and I've so far managed to raise my W/L with him from 5% to 44%.

He is seriously a ton of fun.

Also transcendence is a great fuck you to gravity well combos.

I also like slamming transcendence on when a Genji prepares to try and dragon blade through the team and he just can't quite deal the damage but boy does he try.
But yes popping it in a gravity well is always a treat.


Wow my pub matches today were broken. Everyone just left after first push failed in multiple games. The pub community is collapsing I fear. The penalties for leaving do nothing in their current state. They need to start administrating hard timeouts like now.

I'm starting to have less fun unless I go Tracer my favorite character, most people will refuse to switch out for Bastion, its not fun ALWAYS being Pharah when I want to try some others and not get steamrolled. Either we have a Pharah and they suck so I have to go Pharah, I go Pharah and teams can't take advantage of my plays so I have to go Winston to go apeshit and bide time. Its getting on my damn nerves. I need to put my name on the GAF PC list, I cant take this anymore.


I'm glad they give you the 30 secs preparation time to quit without getting a loss, because as soon as I see my team pick Genji, Hanzo and Tracer for Dorado attack you know I'm out of there. It can work in group play, but with randoms? I know it's just going to be people too afraid to actually attack.
In my 50 hours with the game I have never encountered anything even near as vile as the things people are telling here about. The very worst thing I've seen is something like "NOOB". Didn't know the community is that toxic in some places.

Guess I've gotten lucky too. On PC I've seen a few people arguing amongst themselves over who fucked up where, but never any nasty abuse directed at me or anyone else. Saw some racist comments in the general chat once but just blocked the guy and haven't seen any other ones since.

I'm starting to have less fun unless I go Tracer my favorite character, most people will refuse to switch out for Bastion, its not fun ALWAYS being Pharah when I want to try some others and not get steamrolled. Either we have a Pharah and they suck so I have to go Pharah, I go Pharah and teams can't take advantage of my plays so I have to go Winston to go apeshit and bide time. Its getting on my damn nerves. I need to put my name on the GAF PC list, I cant take this anymore.

It's funny: as someone who "mains" Pharah but plays other characters a lot too, I tend to always gravitate to the team's Pharah when I play Mercy, boosting her damage and using her to keep me in the air. And sometimes it takes all my resolve not to say, "No! What are you doing? You're playing Pharah all wrong! Don't take the enemy on from the front; sneak around to the side and... no, don't use your ult now! They've got a Bastion and... welp, you're dead." One of these days I'll get a killer Pharmercy pairing going, but it hasn't happened yet.


the holder of the trombone
I also like slamming transcendence on when a Genji prepares to try and dragon blade through the team and he just can't quite deal the damage but boy does he try.
But yes popping it in a gravity well is always a treat.

Oh yeah, definitely love denying genji's cute little dragon sword.

Still struggle with trying to predict too much though. Saw a reaper teleport nearby, pop a transcendence for death blossom, he just waits it out and then death blossoms everyone.



Win or lose, if people are just joking around and having a good time, it's a blast.

When people start taking it too seriously and start whining then it's detrimental. Not saying it's anyone here. Usually it's just other people I've encountered in party chat when I join in.

My friends are like this. I was in a party of 6, and one person in there is generally an asshole every time you play with him. He's the kind of person who tells the party leader over the mic to remove someone if he thinks they 'suck' (he's a Hanzo main btw). His brother usually listens to him so we have a split team.

Because the team is split, I leave and play with two other guys I know. Then they quit the game altogether because Bastion kept killing them and he's "OP." He was set up in a tricky spot on Gibraltar, Mercy was healing/buffing him, a Widow was watching him, they just had a real good team going, but they seem to forget that we floored them just as bad when we were on defense too.

And now certain people aren't speaking to each other, and it's just so stupid. Don't be like these people.


Some of the moba community which is pretty much the most toxic bunch of people out there will be playing this game, explains some of the shit in chat i've seen anyway.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Overwatch golden weapons (Competitive Mode exclusive rewards)




more here: http://lll.net/album/gNLH


I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Also, I have found her to be surprisingly good on the attack maps that are best 2 out of 3--especially if you have a lucio that can speed boost you to the objective to set up turrets.
In my 50 hours with the game I have never encountered anything even near as vile as the things people are telling here about. The very worst thing I've seen is something like "NOOB". Didn't know the community is that toxic in some places.
I mean, the Orlando stuff yesterday was by far the worst interaction I've had, and most are positive. I more often see people complimenting the other team after defeats, self-deprecation about an underwhelming PotG, general good vibes. The few toxic jerks I've endured are far outnumbered by the folks calling for spontaneous 6v6 Reinhardt or roleplaying Genji in chat for the entire game.

People usually just type "gg" when they lose and move on. The other stuff is a rarity, at least in matches with full groups, which is what I mostly play.


the holder of the trombone
I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Also, I have found her to be surprisingly good on the attack maps that are best 2 out of 3--especially if you have a lucio that can speed boost you to the objective to set up turrets.

You don't get the 25 score for adding shields that will build up your ult I think, but I do it anyway because asking pubs not to scatter around after spawn is impossible.
I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.
No, this is good. It's something some random Symmetra don't do, and they should (just like some Torbjorns never throw down armor). Also shielding people again when they respawn.


Yesterday I was solo queuing into a Route 66 match with me being what I presume the 6th to a group of five.
I picked Zenyatta from the start and one of them asked me to go Zarya so I said "sure" and changed. The guy immediately said "OMG, you're so cool."
That was kinda neat.
I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Same, not sure why it would be a problem unless somebody switches characters before leaving the room and loses the shield. The only thing I can think, and a bad habit I've managed to work my way out of, is shielding right at the start of the match and forgetting to keep spamming shields onto your team as they die and come back.

My last few Symmetra matches have been great, because I think even random teams are realizing that just because the "No Support" is gone when I pick her, it doesn't mean that somebody doesn't still need to pick a healer. Last few times I even got a Lucio and make sure to use the "Thanks" on them for boosting me up and giving me more precious seconds to get my defenses up. Almost makes up for the Meis who think it's funny to spam their ice walls in front of our team as we run to the front lines, while I'm staring at the timer and cursing their ancestors.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Also, I have found her to be surprisingly good on the attack maps that are best 2 out of 3--especially if you have a lucio that can speed boost you to the objective to set up turrets.

Why would that be random? When else would you do it? Those people are the real scrubs.


I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Also, I have found her to be surprisingly good on the attack maps that are best 2 out of 3--especially if you have a lucio that can speed boost you to the objective to set up turrets.

Shielding up at start is just competent play. Can't see why anyone would argue about that.

Sym on attack is a bit more questionable since the value of the teleport isn't quite as high and she's never going to do as much pure damage as pure attack heroes.
I want different gun models

Doesn't matter tho I'm never gonna get high enough to get one lmao
From the sounds of it, you don't have to get "high enough." They all cost 300 of the new competitive currency, and I think you can grind that currency to a degree, even if you're not good.

Shielding up at start is just competent play. Can't see why anyone would argue about that.

Sym on attack is a bit more questionable since the value of the teleport isn't quite as high and she's never going to do as much pure damage as pure attack heroes.
She's good on capture maps where the time from spawn to point is long, but yeah, I feel like you're foregoing a lot of damage for the sake of a teleporter.

And Sym on KotH is either superb (if you can get a good setup after a team kill) or a disaster (the rest of the time).
That's exactly what I want when I'm feeling down on Overwatch. Just a fresh and fun way to play.

Sometimes gorilla warfare is the best way to play.

Gibraltar as Zarya is still my favorite map though. It's narrow enough that I get tons of charge built up and then we just walk the payload down.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Also, I have found her to be surprisingly good on the attack maps that are best 2 out of 3--especially if you have a lucio that can speed boost you to the objective to set up turrets.

Why would it be bad to give everybody shield? lol


You don't get the 25 score for adding shields that will build up your ult I think, but I do it anyway because asking pubs not to scatter around after spawn is impossible.

That's great to know! Lol I have lost so much scoring points in that case. What you said is exactly why I do it though--the team typically scatters immediately and I can't account for all of them.

I make it a point to always ensure my teammates are shielded, so I'm always keeping an eye on people coming back into the fray from my teleporter or the home base/spawn point.
Met the legendary 2 widow on attack phenomenon today, thankfully it was on the opposing team trying to attack volskaya. They came surprisingly close actually. They had an attack torb too just to sweeten the deal.

Also I think people are cottoning to the fact that you just fucking rush to point B when you know point A will be captured, and then more often than not you'll just take them in a quick stomp. Pubs just can't adjust fast enough.

I'm coming around to the Assault Torb idea. You need to be conservative on your turret placement at first, but once you get a push starting, you can drop one and start shooting away. Don't worry about getting it to Level 2 just yet. Put it down for added DPS and a bullet sponge, then let your insanely strong gun go crazy.

It works really well on KOTH maps like Nepal, where you can prop up a turret that overlooks the point and then arc into it, diving into the point for alt-fire shots and captures.

EDIT: I also got a random pull for the Chopper skin, so I've been finding reasons to play him anyway. I can't stand Torbs that just babysit their turrets, so I'm trying to be inventive.


I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Also, I have found her to be surprisingly good on the attack maps that are best 2 out of 3--especially if you have a lucio that can speed boost you to the objective to set up turrets.

You were playing with dumbasses. Shielding up your teammates is what you're supposed to do at the start and during the match to help them out.


the holder of the trombone
It's kinda bullshit that they don't add the score during that phase. Though i guess people can abuse switching characters in order to build that ult up.
Yeah, usually I default to D.Va when I'm playing the tank role, but a few matches back on a KOTH she just wasn't working, and I thought, "Hey, why not Winston?" Ended coming up from a loss in the first round to pull it off, with a few good uses of Winston's alt keeping the enemy off the point and just barely getting the win. Definitely pulling Winston out more often.

Not sure why but I find tank is the most reliably interesting category of character to play. I rarely if ever play Zenyatta on support, Pharah dominates my offense playtime to an absurd degree, and Junkrat does the same for defense, but for tanks my playtime is split fairly evenly across all five. I think Roadhog and D.va see less use for me only because I don't seem to be as useful with them (at least with Reinhardt I can shield the team, even if I'm not good at being aggressive). But everyone's pretty fun to play.


Man I seriously get nervous when playing as Widowmaker.

Probably cause I'm a bad aim and only have one or two shots before the enemy's gone.
Is there a way to pull up some stats on how often you've played certain levels. I feel like I'm defending on Numbani significantly more than doing other stages, though that could simply be a mental thing.

I play symmetra more than any other character and always shield up the team during the initial spawn. Is this bad or something? I saw someone say it's something that random symmetras do.

Also, I have found her to be surprisingly good on the attack maps that are best 2 out of 3--especially if you have a lucio that can speed boost you to the objective to set up turrets.
I don't know what his or her deal is, because that's exactly what you're supposed to do. Maybe the shield expires if someone still swaps characters at the last second, but that's hardly a reason to not do it. There's like no cool-down for it, and the shields don't expire, so there's no reason you shouldn't do it. For the most of the walk in the prep phase, I'm walking backwards, so I can make sure I tag everyone with my shield.


Guess I've gotten lucky too. On PC I've seen a few people arguing amongst themselves over who fucked up where, but never any nasty abuse directed at me or anyone else. Saw some racist comments in the general chat once but just blocked the guy and haven't seen any other ones since.

It's funny: as someone who "mains" Pharah but plays other characters a lot too, I tend to always gravitate to the team's Pharah when I play Mercy, boosting her damage and using her to keep me in the air. And sometimes it takes all my resolve not to say, "No! What are you doing? You're playing Pharah all wrong! Don't take the enemy on from the front; sneak around to the side and... no, don't use your ult now! They've got a Bastion and... welp, you're dead." One of these days I'll get a killer Pharmercy pairing going, but it hasn't happened yet.

Do you have any frustration doing Pharah plays that your team doesnt take advantage of?

I think I mentioned both earlier but the most recent two were an assault on defense B of temple of anubis, had to go Pharah and clear both points for my team, the second one my team kept group wiping, down to the last 30 secs I go in and ult and clean up WITH some team members there. "We got this, I thought" now to prevent the team from rushing back, I use mu concussive blast to knock them away, a Reaper wraiths through and towards us, "I think oh he's going to ult, idiot, you're right in front of us" As I back up and wait for my cool down on rocket jump I watch in horror as my group does not back up with me, "DIE, DIE, DIE" my friends melt, I get rid of the Reaper and boost up but can't deal with the wave of enemies rushing the point (gotta keep that overtime going). We lose, my friend on my mic screams in frustration not able to figure out what happened, I shake my head knowing he was in the telegraphed Reaper ult.

Escort Payload mission, had to switch to her again, 10 seconds, ult the people on the payload defending it. Came back from a death with people behind me so I assumed people were climbing on the payload as I was cleaning up the mess. As I hover slowly down with a smile of relief, it quickly turns to a face of bewilderment as the defeat screen pops up. No one was on the payload and I while I was decending I was too high up for it to count for overtime, we were right at the final gate on Route 66.

Maybe I should take a break until new content hits.
I wish Mercy players would use their resurrection better. Saving it for a 3 man res is not very useful, considering how quickly it charges. Using it on even one person can be super useful and then in no time at all it'll be charged back up. I just had a game where our Mercy never revived once, even though there were ample opportunities to res one of us on the objective.


Like I said in the other thread, I can't see any of the gold weapons doing anything other than clashing with the skins I already have and use, plus I prefer some of the weapons that some of the legendary skins come with.

The only costumes I can see gold guns looking good with are gold and black/white ones, like the ones Solider 76, Tracer, and Reinhardt have. But I never play Solider 76 and I've got better costumes for Tracer and Reinhardt so eh.


I wish Mercy players would use their resurrection better. Saving it for a 3 man res is not very useful, considering how quickly it charges. Using it on even one person can be super useful and then in no time at all it'll be charged back up. I just had a game where our Mercy never revived once, even though there were ample opportunities to res one of us on the objective.

Yea, that's a bad Mercy. Revive when it's worth doing especially in Payload maps where the runbacks take longer. Also always try to revive tanks.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I wish Mercy players would use their resurrection better. Saving it for a 3 man res is not very useful, considering how quickly it charges. Using it on even one person can be super useful and then in no time at all it'll be charged back up. I just had a game where our Mercy never revived once, even though there were ample opportunities to res one of us on the objective.

Agreed. It should be used more often. It's rare to get that awesome 5 man rez.

Random complaint: It's annoying that, at the end of games, Pharah's MVP thing seemingly always has number of direct rocket hits and the percentage of rockets fired. I get no votes for that. But in reality, I had 4 gold medals and 25,000 damage. Why don't you say that, game?!


Neo Member
I wish Mercy players would use their resurrection better. Saving it for a 3 man res is not very useful, considering how quickly it charges. Using it on even one person can be super useful and then in no time at all it'll be charged back up. I just had a game where our Mercy never revived once, even though there were ample opportunities to res one of us on the objective.

It's usually a tough call, personally I spam it a lot, but I'm also considering things like how far from respawn, and is rezzing this tracer really gonna help :)

It's also sad when you rez one guy and then 3 ppl drop to an ult or something.
I'm kind of glad I play on the PS4. All these stories of assholes in chat on PC make me happy that I'm rarely paired with anyone random who talks shit.

Yeah, the game can really turn on a dime if you push correctly or time your ults properly. Just had a match last night where the enemy team had us dead to rights on Hanamura point B and literally a last second push in overtime got us the victory because we managed to get a team kill at the very end.

I play on PC and have had maybe 2 or 3 people in chat acting like idiots since release. It's not anywhere near toxic levels.


I wish Mercy players would use their resurrection better. Saving it for a 3 man res is not very useful, considering how quickly it charges. Using it on even one person can be super useful and then in no time at all it'll be charged back up. I just had a game where our Mercy never revived once, even though there were ample opportunities to res one of us on the objective.

Mercy should be aware when the enemy has their aoe killer ults up. If she knows they aren't up, just use it asap. If they might be up, save it. If she knows for certain they are up, save it and start hiding more.
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