Yeah, but you can also request it. I think if you're looking at them and request healing (which is X on PC by default) it asks for shields or armor respectively.If you're playing Symmetra and you give someone shields, their character automatically thanks you. Not sure about Torbjorn.
Wow, it probably would for me, too. I mean, it's not as bad as the "you should have died in Orlando" thing (which is disgusting) but really, it seems the Overwatch community is pretty bad.
Kinda glad I don't have to endure a text chat.
If you're playing Symmetra and you give someone shields, their character automatically thanks you. Not sure about Torbjorn.
Never use it while facing them unless you're very confident their health is low (because they're squishy, or hurt, or both). Wait for a teamfight where they're distracted, then do it from behind, or above, or both. You can also coordinate with teammates to get protection while you're drawing. Lucio overheal, shields from tanks, etc.I'm getting worse at this game.
I wish I understood how people actually got kills with McCree's ult, everytime I think I got the drop on them they either just run, shield up, or simply kill me, hah.
I'm getting worse at this game.
I wish I understood how people actually got kills with McCree's ult, everytime I think I got the drop on them they either just run, shield up, or simply kill me, hah.
I'm getting worse at this game.
I wish I understood how people actually got kills with McCree's ult, everytime I think I got the drop on them they either just run, shield up, or simply kill me, hah.
Yeah, but you can also request it. I think if you're looking at them and request healing (which is X on PC by default) it asks for shields or armor respectively.
My experience has always been that random Symmetras either shields everyone at the start of the game or never do, though. But random Symmetras tends to be competent, I've found. Except for the occasional weird attack Symmetra choice.
Had a game where I switched to a desperation Junkrat to stop the enemy team on Dorado after they had steam-rolled the rest of the way. Started getting "junkrat you are cancer" "spam more" etc. messages, but we still lost. Then the random on our team piped up with "our junkrat didn't do shit anyway."
After I defended myself, this escalated to my random teammate telling me I was a fag and he wished I had died in the Pulse nightclub.
Community definitely seems to have taken a turn for the worse.
Wow at the voice over you get when you kill Reaper with Tracer.
Maybe, but in my experience super-competitive players tends to be more confident in their abilities and just get on with things, win or lose. Similarly, super-casual players tend to not care if they win or lose and just have fun.For some reason a lot of people seem to think that it will be some sort of exclusive club, making their Overwatch experience better... but there is no barrier of entry, it will probably be a lot more toxic.
Toxicity seems to occur in that middle zone, where people think of themselves as good and really want to win, but have mixed results.
I'm getting worse at this game.
I wish I understood how people actually got kills with McCree's ult, everytime I think I got the drop on them they either just run, shield up, or simply kill me, hah.
i've never been able to get the "directed" chatwheel to work, like looking at someone and asking for healing or saying hello. no matter how i try to aim at them it always just puts out the general chat.
not a big deal really but i've been experimenting with it over the last few days and have had zero success.
I'm pretty sure I've seen it. Or I need shields. Something like that.
I think it happens if you're looking at Torbjorn/Symmetra.
I think if you're looking at them and request healing (which is X on PC by default) it asks for shields or armor respectively.
nobody seems to talk on PC. at least in my experience so far. all i get is "gg" at the end of a game lol.
a few times now i've seen someone with a mic but i can't hear them when the notification appears to say they are.
Wow my pub matches today were broken. Everyone just left after first push failed in multiple games. The pub community is collapsing I fear. The penalties for leaving do nothing in their current state. They need to start administrating hard timeouts like now.
sometimes when youre in a group and you pray they match you with shittier group so you can win.
Not that I can find. I tried to disable it after I got cussed at told to kill myself for daring to call out my team for having 3 reapers.
nobody seems to talk on PC. at least in my experience so far. all i get is "gg" at the end of a game lol.
a few times now i've seen someone with a mic but i can't hear them when the notification appears to say they are.
I'm getting worse at this game.
I wish I understood how people actually got kills with McCree's ult, everytime I think I got the drop on them they either just run, shield up, or simply kill me, hah.
sometimes when youre in a group and you pray they match you with shittier group so you can win.
Is anyone else starting to question why they play this game? Coming up to 100 hours and I'm getting more and more annoyed by things, especially dying to random bullshit. I dunno, I'm just not enjoying it at all right now.
Win or lose, if people are just joking around and having a good time, it's a blast.
When people start taking it too seriously and start whining then it's detrimental. Not saying it's anyone here. Usually it's just other people I've encountered in party chat when I join in.
I'm keeping some heroes on the side atm.
A bit because they don't speak to me as much but also for when I get the "what am I doing with my Overwatch" life.
I have about zero playtime with Zarya, Mei, Mercy and Winston and I will play them like I'm fresh when I'm a bit fed up with the game.
Don't think that is soon tho. Still enjoying every moment.
I just busted out Winston this weekend. He's one of the most fun heroes I've played.
When in a match press P and click the icon next to match chat, it'll remove all match chat for that session but you'll need to do it everytime you start up the game.
In the last 20 matches I lost about 15 or 16. It's getting impossible, PS4 here. As my level gets higher, people seem to play worse and worse. I mean, fuck objectives, why even bother.
Is anyone else starting to question why they play this game? Coming up to 100 hours and I'm getting more and more annoyed by things, especially dying to random bullshit. I dunno, I'm just not enjoying it at all right now.
I just busted out Winston this weekend. He's one of the most fun heroes I've played. I was like "why haven't I picked this guy sooner?"