More Fun To Compute
Getting 1 competitive point per win is really stingy. I understand they dont want everyone to have a golden gun, but at this rate, only those that play 24/7 will be able to get one. I pretty much go 50/50, win loss win loss win loss. At that rate, ill have to play 600 games before august in order to get enough points. I really hope they dont reset once the season is over... cause if so, then this will be a giant waste of time.
The games are much longer in ranked too, so youre really not progressing as fast as you would in quick play where youre leveling up and getting consecutive match bonuses. It seems like I get less XP playing ranked, which doesnt make sense.
The tacky gold skins are supposed to be a reward for players at the top of the ladder at end of season. I think that grinding out endless matches is supposed to be the alternative way to get them for worthless shitters like me.