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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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Getting 1 competitive point per win is really stingy. I understand they dont want everyone to have a golden gun, but at this rate, only those that play 24/7 will be able to get one. I pretty much go 50/50, win loss win loss win loss. At that rate, ill have to play 600 games before august in order to get enough points. I really hope they dont reset once the season is over... cause if so, then this will be a giant waste of time.

The games are much longer in ranked too, so youre really not progressing as fast as you would in quick play where youre leveling up and getting consecutive match bonuses. It seems like I get less XP playing ranked, which doesnt make sense.

The tacky gold skins are supposed to be a reward for players at the top of the ladder at end of season. I think that grinding out endless matches is supposed to be the alternative way to get them for worthless shitters like me.
What I just realized might screw me for ranked is I'm making picks that help the team, but I might not be the best at using.

Same. Lost track of how many times I've picked Genji due to an enemy Bastion shredding my hapless team, only to remember, "Oh, right! Other than using the reflect to send bullets back at Bastion, I suck at Genji so, so bad."


Getting 1 competitive point per win is really stingy. I understand they dont want everyone to have a golden gun, but at this rate, only those that play 24/7 will be able to get one. I pretty much go 50/50, win loss win loss win loss. At that rate, ill have to play 600 games before august in order to get enough points. I really hope they dont reset once the season is over... cause if so, then this will be a giant waste of time.

The games are much longer in ranked too, so youre really not progressing as fast as you would in quick play where youre leveling up and getting consecutive match bonuses. It seems like I get less XP playing ranked, which doesnt make sense.
I assume they'll award you a bunch of points at the end of the season depending on your rank. Does anyone know if they've said anything about that? I don't want to be bullshitting if there's good info out there.


yeah, I'm not playing rest of my placements before they fix this thing. If I end up below 50, I might as well delete my account and buy the game again, the group I often play with are all 60+. effing sudden death losses, it makes you feel like shit, whoever designed that had no clue whatsoever about fairness.

Eh I wouldn't go so far as to say delete your account. Could always just not play until season 2 which should be around August/Sept.


last ranked game i lost an entire level (which was the first game after placements) and the next game i played as soldier and zarya with gold medals throughout almost all 5 matches in that game and barely get any ranked exp and didn't regain my level back, how does this work? i thought exp was not only based upon whether you won or lost but also your individual contributions in the games.



nvm guess it's the glitch posted below


Kaplan just added this:

"No plans to reset skill rating. Basically, very little skill rating adjustment is happening in either direction. It's a zero-sum bug. The skill rating system is entirely player-relative. This is a bug that affects everyone equally. Your losses on Control maps are also not being adjusted as much as they should... The bottom line is Control maps aren't really adjusting players in either direction as much as they should. On the bright side, wins still yield competitive points...

The fix will be live soon OR we will disable the Control maps."


He's right but he's ignoring winning on KotH then losing on payload puts you at a huge net loss when it should be almost equal. Atleast it looks like they're going to fix this quickly.

edit: Actually this was reported on PTR so you can remove the "quickly" part from that sentence.


Kaplan just added this:

"No plans to reset skill rating. Basically, very little skill rating adjustment is happening in either direction. It's a zero-sum bug. The skill rating system is entirely player-relative. This is a bug that affects everyone equally. Your losses on Control maps are also not being adjusted as much as they should... The bottom line is Control maps aren't really adjusting players in either direction as much as they should. On the bright side, wins still yield competitive points...

The fix will be live soon OR we will disable the Control maps."

This is bullshit in regards to placement matches, which seem to have a relatively high impact on your final rating. Since it's not a large sample size but 10 games only there's a real chance to get fucked by having the majority of your wins on KOTH maps, and those are essentially nullified when you lose more than half of your payload games. What Kaplan is saying only applies to post-placement ranked games.
I'm pretty sure the problem is that it's expensive (man-hours, computation, etc) to attempt to recalculate the skill rating of the entire community, and most players won't see enough of a change to justify that expense.


I'm pretty sure the problem is that it's expensive (man-hours, computation, etc) to attempt to recalculate the skill rating of the entire community, and most players won't see enough of a change to justify that expense.

yeah I never expected them to retroactively fix ratings and stuff but really, this bug should never have got through in the first place since they knew about it on PTR. Oh well, just make Season 2 perfect and it'll be alright.


Has there been any work on fixing Sym's TP? I find them very counterintuitive.

The exit is place in the opposite place it should. It should be placed not in the direction you are aiming, but in your direction. I go to a corner and place the TP and people face the wall when they come out of the TP? I go to a hidden spot, place the TP and people get disoriented because what I should have done is go to the place, turn my back and place the TP.

It makes no sense to me.

I saw an enemy Symmetra place her teleporter on the edge of the map and kill 3 of her teammates.


The tacky gold skins are supposed to be a reward for players at the top of the ladder at end of season. I think that grinding out endless matches is supposed to be the alternative way to get them for worthless shitters like me.

Tacky or not, the rewards should be at least obtainable. I didnt know they were going to award competitive points at the end though, so that would help.

There should be more ways to reward those that play ranked. More xp, consecutive match bonus (if you consistently play ranked over and over), etc. If ranked is only rewarding those in the top 1%, it really makes it pointless for people to make the full time switch to ranked.


Wish I knew bout the bug before. Most of my wins during my placement matches were KotH, so I feel a bit cheated about something that's supposed to be taken more seriously :T
Had a comp match where my team had 2 widowmakers who refused to change. Frustrating to deal with that situation

"We need a healer, someone change."

As if I'd event WANT to heal you ingrates.

Anyways, only had time to finish my placement matches last night.

But, looking at Overbuff my mains (Lucio, Zarya, Junkrat) are pretty solid :D


Hoping to see if I can get some more MMR tonight. I know the pros are already up in the 70s...
I saw an enemy Symmetra place her teleporter on the edge of the map and kill 3 of her teammates.

This is 100% on purpose.

Honestly, they should put a check in the game that automatically swaps teleporter direction if it's pointing off the edge. Or check for players dying to the environment at 100% health after stepping through teleporters, and kicking the Symmetras who place them.
I saw an enemy Symmetra place her teleporter on the edge of the map and kill 3 of her teammates.

That's why I always pause after running through the teleporter, just to be sure one of my random teammates didn't decide to be "funny." And why I don't mind that the direction of exit faces Symmetra: it means they either have to leave a few steps before the edge of the cliff in order to place it, or kill themselves jumping out into space to put it into position. Like I said: make them work for their shitty joke.


Kaplan just added this:

"No plans to reset skill rating. Basically, very little skill rating adjustment is happening in either direction. It's a zero-sum bug. The skill rating system is entirely player-relative. This is a bug that affects everyone equally. Your losses on Control maps are also not being adjusted as much as they should... The bottom line is Control maps aren't really adjusting players in either direction as much as they should. On the bright side, wins still yield competitive points...

The fix will be live soon OR we will disable the Control maps."


Removing control maps would be terrible. Those are the most fun by far =(

He's right but he's ignoring winning on KotH then losing on payload puts you at a huge net loss when it should be almost equal. Atleast it looks like they're going to fix this quickly.

edit: Actually this was reported on PTR so you can remove the "quickly" part from that sentence.

Yeah his statement makes the assumption that everyone is equally skilled at all game types which isn't true. If you excel at KOTH but are not as good as the other modes you'll be ranked lower than your actual skill indicates.

I went 8-5 last night and actually dropped rank. 1 win had people who left and 6 of the other wins were KOTH maps. Feels bad


Still you get people who force their shitty hanzo in every map even in competitive. This game needs some fuckin proper report and ban systems.


the holder of the trombone
Man, i think I've yet to meet a trolling sym.

Also been playing more widow, and i can further confirm that I'm a terrible sniper. Thank God quick play feels more... casual now so i can practice in it.

Edit: they're not going to ban people for using a hero they like.


I'm not interested in golden guns at all, I'm simply excited for PS4 Ranked for the competitive aspect and finally seeing some sort of skill indication for myself and relative to my team and enemies.

It is what I wish Destiny has had forever as progressing in Destiny means absolutely nothing except harder matches.
Finally finished my placement and got rank 53. IIRC I gotten 6 loses and 4 wins, so it's nice to see ranking is not based on win loss.

On the other hand, losing two matches to people leaving was not fun at all. All part of the game I suppose.


Kind of terribly demoralizing to finish and get a skill rating of 34 when almost every single team I played with couldn't tell their asses from their face, ran stupid comps even though I would politely ask people to change while running tank or healer myself, and our opposing teams were running meta comps therefore steamrolling us.

I mean, how much can you do when your team refuses to play the game competitively? Why does the outcome of the match rather than your individual contribution matter more to your individual skill rating when you have no control over what your teammates do?

Really frustrating and makes it feel like competitive mode just isn't worth playing unless you have a coordinated, regular group.


Neo Member
Still you get people who force their shitty hanzo in every map even in competitive. This game needs some fuckin proper report and ban systems.

Yeah but, placement matches are just going to be like that. If you get your ranking and it's really high, the Hanzo players you get will be actually useful.

This is coming from someone who got shrekt by a really good Hanzo and a really good Widow yesterday in two separate placement matches. Completely shut us down.


Still you get people who force their shitty hanzo in every map even in competitive. This game needs some fuckin proper report and ban systems.

Lirik was playing competitive last night on stream. Some kid picked Hanzo, to which he responded:

"Hey Evan I heard you're the world's best Hanzo player...just kidding get the fuck off Hanzo."

About sums up my feelings anytime someone picks Hanzo in competitive.
This is bullshit in regards to placement matches, which seem to have a relatively high impact on your final rating. Since it's not a large sample size but 10 games only there's a real chance to get fucked by having the majority of your wins on KOTH maps, and those are essentially nullified when you lose more than half of your payload games. What Kaplan is saying only applies to post-placement ranked games.
Yeah, I played five of my placement games on KotH maps. If the bug is what people suspect (that it's only looking at your performance in Round 1, but comparing it to its expectations for three or more rounds...), that's kinda rough for me.

Well, guess I'm going to grind solo queue for a few dozen games...


Neo Member
Kind of terribly demoralizing to finish and get a skill rating of 34 when almost every single team I played with couldn't tell their asses from their face, ran stupid comps even though I would politely ask people to change while running tank or healer myself, and our opposing teams were running meta comps therefore steamrolling us.

I can't really respond to your comment but I want to say thanks for being the first person I've seen on the forums say they got a ranking lower than 40. I have a feeling people below 50 are a silent majority.


Leavers in 2 matches in a row. So when a player leaves, you autolose (no reconnect) and you either spend the next 15 minutes wasting time or leave yourself and get a loss.

Nice mode blizzard.
last ranked game i lost an entire level (which was the first game after placements) and the next game i played as soldier and zarya with gold medals throughout almost all 5 matches in that game and barely get any ranked exp and didn't regain my level back, how does this work? i thought exp was not only based upon whether you won or lost but also your individual contributions in the games.

nvm guess it's the glitch posted below

See above. You're probably a victim of CP maps not properly adjusting your skill rating. Fix on the way.


Leavers in 2 matches in a row. So when a player leaves, you autolose (no reconnect) and you either spend the next 15 minutes wasting time or leave yourself and get a loss.

Nice mode blizzard.

So what is everyone here doing in these situations? Are you leaving immediately to find a new match? What is the point of finishing if you'll lose anyway?


I can't really respond to your comment but I want to say thanks for being the first person I've seen on the forums say they got a ranking lower than 40. I have a feeling people below 50 are a silent majority.

Yah, it feels 'shameful' but really it just means that, if you're actually skilled, and can find a team of people who actually understand/are willing to learn the game to play together with, you'll rise quickly. I went from 34 to 37 last night after work just playing with coworkers and communicating over Discord.


Junior Member
So I went 7-3 in Placement ended up at 51.. Then went 3-0 and got up to 52.. Then got slaughtered 3 straight games back down to 50.9. Now Ive slaughtered back to 52.

Seems like right now the evenness of teams is still pretty much in flux around the 48-54 range.

Out of the 10 or so competitive matches ive had after placement I would say 5 have been actually competitive and 5 have been Steamrolls from either 1 side or the other. In all of the steamrolls it has been the case of either 1 team having a premade group and the other not, or 1 team having a few idiots that don't switch heroes to fix the balance in the current match.

Side note, Quitting penalty needs to get worse.. Tired of killing it on round 1 then half the other team quits out like a bunch of wusses.


Leavers in 2 matches in a row. So when a player leaves, you autolose (no reconnect) and you either spend the next 15 minutes wasting time or leave yourself and get a loss.

Nice mode blizzard.
I don't care too much about getting a loss but it sucks for the winning team who I believe don't get that. They really should if the other team disconnects.


I don't even need to play competitve match to know whether I'm gonna win or lose in it. I just need to know which side has a hanzo player.


So what is everyone here doing in these situations? Are you leaving immediately to find a new match? What is the point of finishing if you'll lose anyway?

There is no point in staying. So one disconnect/rage quit instantly loses you the game. Great huh.
Man, i think I've yet to meet a trolling sym.

I encountered my first yesterday yet seeing that the teleporter was placed in an otherwise very suitable position just at an odd angle there's the slim chance they just royally buggered up dropping the thing down facing the right direction.
That and it took them an age to obtain.


if you disconnect from a competitive match, reconnect within the grace period, and then your team wins, do you still get a loss?


I don't think ranked should allow full 6 man groups. I'm watching Seagull's stream and I just feel sorry for the other team. Maybe like, 4 man at the most but no more.


I don't think ranked should allow full 6 man groups. I'm watching Seagull's stream and I just feel sorry for the other team. Maybe like, 4 man at the most but no more.

They get matched against other 6-man groups, as I understand it. This is the entire point of competitive, Seagull and his team are just .. good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't think ranked should allow full 6 man groups. I'm watching Seagull's stream and I just feel sorry for the other team. Maybe like, 4 man at the most but no more.

Alternatively, I think it's a bit silly that they allow solo queue for ranked play.

Which is probably why you're basically fucked if someone quits. Because they expect you to play it with a proper team but had to make concessions.
Honestly I thought that ranked queue timers would be really long some of the time but there doesn't seem to be a big difference to quick queue when it comes to finding actual good games.


They get matched against other 6-man groups, as I understand it. This is the entire point of competitive, Seagull and his team are just .. good.

No but it it opens up to opponents that aren't grouped after a certain amount of time, I just don't think it's fair at all. The match they just played they went up against people that weren't even grouped and it ended up in a stomp.


Alternatively, I think it's a bit silly that they allow solo queue for ranked play.

Which is probably why you're basically fucked if someone quits. Because they expect you to play it with a proper team but had to make concessions.

There's million of people who rather solo play due to various factors and Blizzard is not gonna cut out that chunk just for the sake of proper team. This is a problem that plague in every multiplayer team games. Destiny, CoD, LoL,Dota and even Overwatch to name a few example.

But the damn problem is every single developer always pit soloque against premade teams. With that kind pub stomping of course people will quit due to frustration.
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