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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Alright, now that I finally got a job, I thought I'd reward myself with a nice new game. As I'm really sick of Battlefront, I need a new go-to game anyway, and I certainly didn't fail to notice the popularity of Overwatch. From what I heard, it should be relatively easy to get into it, right?

Just one question: How fun is it if I intend to primarily play with randoms and/or without a microphone?

it's actually really fun. I played the beta right around the time I played Battleborn's beta/demo and wasn't expecting much, but was BLOWN AWAY. I literally play for a few hours every day, and I completely abandoned Uncharted 4 multiplayer. It's kind of an addiction. >_<

i don't use a mic and I still have fun/get the job done. My thinking is if you are playing with the team and going towards the objective (not trying to solo shit, or going for PoTG glory... -__-) you don't really need a mic. But there are some that feel ranked needs a mic to better communicate & coordinate. Just this past weekend I was soft-booted from a group because I didn't have a mic and the other peeps on the team felt I was a 'risk' but whatever. It's cool.
I'm on Ilios. The entire match, we were getting destroyed by a Genji and a Pharah. We had two Pharahs, a Genji, and a Junkrat. The entire time I was saying "a Winston would do wonders here." Did anyone switch to him? Of course not! Why didn't I switch, you ask? Cause I was Lucio, and I was the only healer on our team, meaning if I switched, our team would die even faster. I really wish people would be willing to switch in this game. The amount of players I've run into who never switch, even if half the enemy team counters them, is staggering. I should mention the other team had a Winston as well to counter those 4 players who wouldn't switch.

im sorry if I'm ranting, it's just really annoying to lose half a rank because of that.


decided to play a comp match for the first time in 3 days and get paired with a team

I went 28-1 and we rolled on offense and annihilated them on defense, I played Zenyatta on Offense and did some damn fine healing
I'm on Ilios. The entire match, we were getting destroyed by a Genji and a Pharah. We had two Pharahs, a Genji, and a Junkrat. The entire time I was saying "a Winston would do wonders here." Did anyone switch to him? Of course not! Why didn't I switch, you ask? Cause I was Lucio, and I was the only healer on our team, meaning if I switched, our team would die even faster. I really wish people would be willing to switch in this game. The amount of players I've run into who never switch, even if half the enemy team counters them, is staggering. I should mention the other team had a Winston as well to counter those 4 players who wouldn't switch.

im sorry if I'm ranting, it's just really annoying to lose half a rank because of that.

Comp or Quickplay?

Quickplay is Quickplay. Yes, winning is fun, but sometimes you go into QP for other reasons.

I've been playing nothing but Roadhog lately because i'm finally trying to learn the character and I want to know his limits inside and out. I've probably cost the game a few times, but it's quickplay and thats what it is for.

If it's comp, then yeah, your team is dumb.
83 eliminations. 69 objective kills. We lost.

But that was my first loss of the day. Started at 54 and went on a great winning streak in solo queue up to 62 (down to 61 after that loss). Good day.


Been trying to learn Genji on PS4. Man he is hard on consoles. You are pretty much required to have a high sensitivity to make the best of his movement but then it's much harder to hit headshots with shurikens.


Been soloing competitive ever since it's introduction and stuck at rank 42. It's not that bad considering that I've been playing as Mercy most of the time when people refused to switch.

Not to brag, but I think I'm a great at playing Mercy and she is not as easy of a hero to play as.

Yeah that sounded like a bit of bragging lol XD


Junior Member
Who does everyone consider the easiest character to be on fire with.

I would have to say Lucio because I'm constantly on fire with him averaging probley 75% of the match like that.

meant to brag ;)

Hardest is mei because I feel like I destiny with her but am never on fire haha
Who does everyone consider the easiest character to be on fire with.

I would have to say Lucio because I'm constantly on fire with him averaging probley 75% of the match like that.

meant to brag ;)

Hardest is mei because I feel like I destiny with her but am never on fire haha

According to the stat tracking sites: Lucio and Zenyatta.

I personally have like 50% of the time on fire as Zenyatta.


Who does everyone consider the easiest character to be on fire with.

I would have to say Lucio because I'm constantly on fire with him averaging probley 75% of the match like that.

meant to brag ;)

Hardest is mei because I feel like I destiny with her but am never on fire haha

Not a brag with lucio. Plenty harder than mei though.


Who does everyone consider the easiest character to be on fire with.

I would have to say Lucio because I'm constantly on fire with him averaging probley 75% of the match like that.

meant to brag ;)

Hardest is mei because I feel like I destiny with her but am never on fire haha

I get 85-90% pretty often with Hanzo. Junkrat is another easy one.

Just checked my stats. My three heroes with the highest average on fire are Lucio, Hanzo and Zen.
Who does everyone consider the easiest character to be on fire with.

I would have to say Lucio because I'm constantly on fire with him averaging probley 75% of the match like that.

meant to brag ;)

Hardest is mei because I feel like I destiny with her but am never on fire haha
i'm lit when the game starts.

because team is getting hit too fast


Here's hoping we get a nice surprise tomorrow, just like when the Comp patch hit PS4 on a Friday.

definitely hoping on tomorrow because i don't feel like playing before the patch hits yet i wish i were playing. I want hero stacking gone...

And i will be a pro ps4 ana player who can't aim.


Neo Member
Going to be on for the next hour or so if anyone wants to join up for some comp games on PS4. I will create an open party for anyone on the Overwatch GAF Squad to join. Or add me, Bordman, if you choose.

Ranked 45, mostly play as Mercy. Have a mic that I will use if anyone joins up. I will check back in here between matches and rounds. I care zero about how good you are as long as you're not a jerk.

EDIT: No community group. "Network connection has been lost." Despite my connection being fine. I will join if someone else is able to get it working. Over wise, feel free to send an invite.
As someone who is on the low-skill side of things in terms of aiming, it is kind of interesting seeing how certain characters are better or worse in those skill brackets largely based on player accuracy. I was trying out Mcree post-patch and had a game where I was playing abnormally well and just dominating the match (a normal player's average game basically); "I've got you in my..." boom headshot, "Justice reigns..." boom headshot. It made me realize how different the game must play at higher levels where that level of accuracy is just the default quality of play and how different the metagame must be.

Also, maybe it's just because I haven't played for a while, but I've noticed more overtime setups where it feels like there was no way to win; I was in a game where 2 D.Vas stacked their ultimates in such a way that there was no way to contest the point for example. Then on defense in Gibraltar during the final leg, I just hid behind a corner near the upper walkway on the opposite side until it hit overtime and they had to push the cart, stepped out and High Noon'ed. There was basically nothing they could do.


When the enemy Mercy revives everyone and you immediately graviton surge.. so good.

I saw a game where a Bastion mowed everyone down and Mercy revived everyone, only for the Bastion to go into tank form and kill everyone again. Was great to watch from afar and was great to watch as play of the game later when the match ended.


Holy shit, playing against a Reinhardt who is being speedboosted by Lucio and swinging like a madman is terrible. Can't get away from him and he mows everyone down
Silly thing to note, but if you ever hear a very predictable super coming towards you, and your friendly Zarya just threw a Bubble on you. Try to actually "eat" the ult.

Like, as a Zarya, I love enemy Hanzo supers because it's 50 free energy by just flirting with the edge of the dragons. I'd love it if the teammate I threw my bubble on utilized it somewhat similarly. I get the impulse to run and hide, so I'm asking everyone to rethink a few of those ult scenarios.


Still without luck
I'm glad I get so many potg's as Junkrat because he never gets ANY love when it comes to voting. Just went 24-4 with 70% of the kills.

...and then I get zero votes, lol. I actually don't think I've ever gotten an Epic as Junkrat in the main game, just in the beta.
I'm glad I get so many potg's as Junkrat because he never gets ANY love when it comes to voting. Just went 24-4 with 70% of the kills.

...and then I get zero votes, lol. I actually don't think I've ever gotten an Epic as Junkrat in the main game, just in the beta.

People hate junkrat and place him a tier or two above mei in terms of being obnoxious and annoying.

The day Mei gets a legendary is the day the universe implodes.


Need group badly for comp on XB1. I don't play often enough as it is, but nights like last night make it worse.

We stonewalled a group on Dorado, they didn't even make it to the first checkpoint. We're up on offense. They run out with 6 Torb+torret! assorted madness. Initially it appeared to be one sentry. I counter with Pharah. Then I see it's actually 6 Torb, and ask people to switch to classes better suited...nope. No healer. No tank. 2 Genji. 1 Hanzo. Me. 1 Reaper. 1 Junkrat.



the holder of the trombone
Well you would have received more but you blocked me so quickly.

Look man, that ice wall has to be good for something! :p

Gosugamers brings up an interesting point though about mei. There's like an insane speed and damage creep in overwatch now which is already all about speed and damage, which is illustrated by the further falling off irrelevance for all the defense classes. Mei's kit is specifically designed to counter that, but she still does too little damage and is still too specialised to be used in the pro scene.

I already see dva's dm buff as a response to the power swings from ults and provide a way to counter it.


Ugh these past 2 days have been terrible for me, just a handfull of good games and the rest I all lost. Now I'm not the best overwatch player, matter of fact I've only been playing for 5 days, but for the love of god alteast try to play like a damn team. Last game on Hanamura we did well attacking the first point: Reinhardt pushes, Roadhog follows and me as Mercy heals, then we also had 2 soldiers following us. Queue the next capture point and the soldiers just stand in the entrence shooting, not advancing just shooting. Thrice our little group of Roadhog, Reinhardt and me got on the point but without propper support we got repulsed. Just a bit dishearting, I hope it is just a sign of being in new player territory and hope once I level up some more I get some better team mates/games.

Otherwise does anybody have any good heroes guides? More specifically I never know how to handle tank-characters or good dug in bastion/tornbjorn defence. My only responce so far is going Junkrat and spamming explosives and tacticall usage of traps.
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