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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


A lot of people talk about hook being able to IK, did we also forget hook is a CC too? It interrupts and displaces. A 6s CC that usually instantly kills you.

I'm just kinda bummed that this is letting rock for so long. I really love this patch, but that kind of tool sticking around is ugh.

I haven't been playing much lately so if the new consensus is nerf Hog then so be it. But I haven't seen anything that would make me feel that way.

He's literally putting up triple and quad kills back to back, and even when he's not doing that hook is controlling almost every single match these days. Some of it is meta being in a spot where he can't be punished as hard, and some of it is just that after ult nerf his abilities stand out as extremely strong.
I can't believe people still sleep on Winston. Previous page people mentioning buffing his shield. Honestly he is borderline broken and his ult is insane.

Sombra is another hero thats too good in the right hands. I really wouldn't buff her tbh.
both of these are wat tier


I mean, B tier. If everyone was B tier the game would be perfect. I just don't get what's so bad about him. He's constantly cucked by Ana, Discord melts him, he's one of the few characters who can deal with Dva. If he's hooking 200hp heroes, that's not a sign of imbalance it's literally what he's built to do.

I haven't been playing much lately so if the new consensus is nerf Hog then so be it. But I haven't seen anything that would make me feel that way.

Roadhog is pure abuse, just watch Harbleu or Hymzi play him. The frustration around hook comes from the lack of counterplay. If you didn't get hooked, its because he missed not because you dodged it.


the holder of the trombone
No, there are counterplays to hook. You need to run a mei or zarya though, who have fallen out of vogue because the default comp is so easy to abuse.


I can't believe people still sleep on Winston. Previous page people mentioning buffing his shield. Honestly he is borderline broken and his ult is insane
People want some kind of shield buff because playing him in solo queue is a nightmare. I never, ever get a zarya shield or an orb when I jump in. I can only play him in QP because it's quick to clean up a 4 dps comp.


No, there are counterplays to hook. You need to run a mei or zarya though, who have fallen out of vogue because the default comp is so easy to abuse.

Zarya bubbles shutdown Hog good. Maybe 8 seconds per hook would be good since I think it counters that pretty hard.

^Suicidal winstons are the best. Always discord monkey first as Zen, he get's his shit pushed in so hard. The problems with Winston players is that they want to jump a Zen who is right next to McCree or something and think they can get away with it.


No, there are counterplays to hook. You need to run a mei or zarya though, who have fallen out of vogue because the default comp is so easy to abuse.

It's because there isn't room for them right now :T

In case we are keeping a timeline of how this came about:

S1 is ending, NiP found 3/3 comp using Zen/Lucio/Ana/RH/Rein/Zarya. People freak out because it looks so strong.

Thanks to buffs to Mei she is explored more. Misfits and Rogue both come up with Beyblade as a response using a 2/2/2 comp with Mei/Reaper/Zarya/Ana keeping things like RH in check. The meta revolves around variations of these 2 teams really.

Blizzard nerfs ults which nerfs the ult centric strats that Reaper/Mei team needed. They also further nerf Mei and Zarya individually. The beyblade component of Ana's ult is nerfed, but not the tank sustaining part. D.Va is reintroduced into meta to further shut down things like Reaper.

Without anything to reliably keep Roadhog/Ana in check and D.Va now taking this strat to a new extreme, we're where we are now. There's a shortlist of viable heroes that push alternative strategies, but the more we explore these new strats the more apparent their failings are when stacked against the Ana + trip tank set up.

I think looking at that point to Ana being a consistent factor that hasn't been answered, and the fact that Roadhog always had something /ridiculously strong/ hanging around to keep him in check. Throw in D.Va being a huge enabler and there you go.
Just lose my two comp matches. We were doing well too but no one get any kills after certain point.

I hate crying nerf but Defense matrix needs to break after taking a certain amount of damage. And soldiers ult is horrifying now. How to deal?
No, absolutely not. The entire reason her shield is even good is because it's time based, not HP based, which gives it a purpose other than "shittier shield than everything else". If you slap both of those on her all you've done is make a shitty Reinhardt with shotguns.


People want some kind of shield buff because playing him in solo queue is a nightmare. I never, ever get a zarya shield or an orb when I jump in. I can only play him in QP because it's quick to clean up a 4 dps comp.

You don't always have to kill 2 supports though. People have this misconception about him that hes weak because he dies first, but you just created tons of space for your team, split their team in half and possibly got a kill. You won the fight.
At what point do you actually see a lot of triple tank in Comp? In gold league it's pretty much always 2-2-2 (and always some boneheaded DPS pick that sink the comp, but that's neither here nor there). It must be tough to balance for the top-tier and the average comp setups (you can't balance for QP tier people obviously because anything goes)


At what point do you actually see a lot of triple tank in Comp? In gold league it's pretty much always 2-2-2 (and always some boneheaded DPS pick that sink the comp, but that's neither here nor there). It must be tough to balance for the top-tier and the average comp setups (you can't balance for QP tier people obviously because anything goes)

On PC Diamond was pretty overrun by it, at Masters it is literally in almost every single game I'm in. I've had people get at me when I pick a second DPS instead of a third tank.


Yeah, I really disagree that D.Va is a huge problem. Sure, you can argue there is a slight imbalance to her, but saying she's imbalanced while soldier is in nearly a good spot is fucking ludicrous. He melts enemies like a blowtorch melts butter. Yeah, there are ways to outplay him, but there are way more ways to outplay D.Va, least of all because her meka is huge as fuck and anyone can shoot it from a mile away. If the only reason for Soldier's buff is because he wasn't picked as much as McCree (which, btw, didn't mean he wasn't picked, it just meant that if you were good at aiming, McCree was a better bet, which in the Pro meta is always going to be a factor. But that's something I have no problem with. Why shouldn't the character that can get more consistent shots get lower damage than the one who requires more precision? I always said I felt Soldier is supposed to be like bastion, a character who can be good in certain situations, but has more weaknesses than strengths is mostly there to be a crutch for new players to learn the game), then there are characters who need a buff WAY more than Soldier did.
I don't at all understand that people are mad that D.Va is now good when Reinhardt has, since day one of the game, been pretty much a required pick to win. Like, if your last person on the team is picking and you have a tank already, and their choice is between Rein and D.Va how may situations are there where you prefer the D.Va pick? And doesn't that tell you that maybe she isn't a problem?


Reinhardt isn't turning off his brain and overextending into the enemy team without being punished. He's just always there lol
I think Overwatch should become a 12v12 game. Boom, more diverse meta!

e: as someone said earlier, Rein isn't OP, he's just the only one who can do what he does. That's why he's so essential.


the holder of the trombone
Reinhardt is an interesting case. I don't think it's a case of him being overpowered as much as he's there to stop all the overpowered shit from killing you.

I think there are plenty of ways to balance rein without doing too much to him. Like, just make more diverse comps possible. If you're running a dive comp you don't need rein. KotH used to be a reinless thing. Current meta is too abusable though that not running rein is tantamount to suicide. Even though his shields dies in 2 secs now those 2 secs are more valuable than getting hooked in immediately.


There's nothing wrong with Rein. He's the only thing stopping Dva, Roadhog and Soldier from absolutely pumping your team.

My nerfs are:

Ana grenade

Soldier down to 18/19 damage.

Dva is to reduce HP back to 100.

Roadhog is to increase hook CD to 10 seconds.

That should "fix" the meta


the holder of the trombone
Thing people gotta remember is that when one thing falls, another thing rises.

What matters more to me is making the meta fun more than incredibly balanced because that's a pipe dream atm, especially with new characters on the horizon. And the current meta is not that fun.
I think Roadhog's newfound strength is more of a result of the strength of Soldier than the Hog himself. Soldier knocks out many of the Hog's natural predators, enabling him to establish a dominant role in the Overwatch ecosystem.


i wish this base would quit griping about how characters are OP and figure out ways to deal with/around them.

i played D.Va before her current 'OP' state, pre-OG buff and also when Zarya was running the table in S2. I figured out ways to deal.

you can too!

"Adversity is an opportunity for change."


To those who solo queue a whole lot, what character have you found to be the most successful in climbing up? I placed around 1600 and I've beaten my previous career high of 2150 with 2170 playing Ana recently. I rather practice Lucio in all honesty because I don't have the level of consistency I would want hitting DPS (and it's why I don't play DPS), but I feel if I pick either him or Mercy, I'll usually get relegated to solo heal duties. I've found some success finding second healers more willingly when I play Ana even if subpar. How's your success look like?
I agree that Roadhog's hook needs a nerf. It's range is too long, and its cooldown is too short.

The hitbox for it is also pretty forgiving, earlier today a Roadhog literally hooked me through a wall because my head was poking out of it. That may be a latency issue I'm not sure, but something needs to be done about it.


I mean, I feel the need to point out when people here use OP, it's only in a relative sense. We're not talking Halo 1 pistol levels of OP here. Soldier 76 being like he is doesn't literally break the game.

But I don't like him. In fairness, I didn't like him before his buff. Or ever. He's Mr. Ordinary in a game full of characters with fantastical abilities and I never felt good about dying to him because most people that use him just generally just spray in my general direction. I think everything about him is boring and uninteresting except for the Dad meme, which is something the fandom made up. You could call me biased in the sense that I'd prefer for him to be relatively underpowered in comparison to McCree. I'm a-okay with him playing second fiddle as the spray and pray DPS for people who can't precision aim. But it's not like he was using a water gun here. He was still putting out damage and a good player could get kills, he just had to sustain accurate fire to do so, which was a good character for new players to work off.

Idk, maybe I'm crazy, but that sounds perfectly good place for him to me. Now, it's just way too easy. And if he didn't feel satisfying to die to before, he sure as fuck doesn't feel it now when the enemy player just needs to stare in your general direction you for half a second to kill you.


To those who solo queue a whole lot, what character have you found to be the most successful in climbing up? I placed around 1600 and I've beaten my previous career high of 2150 with 2170 playing Ana recently. I rather practice Lucio in all honesty because I don't have the level of consistency I would want hitting DPS (and it's why I don't play DPS), but I feel if I pick either him or Mercy, I'll usually get relegated to solo heal duties. I've found some success finding second healers more willingly when I play Ana even if subpar. How's your success look like?

The most success I've had in ranking up has been D.Va, Zarya, Zen, Soldier 76. But I would also add Tracer, Genji and Roadhog to that list even though I'm not as good with those heroes as I want to be. All of them are pretty much capable of carrying teams either through pure DPS or for Zen as a combo of DPS/healer so you can kind of carry with Zen if one of your DPS isn't good(which is likely at your rank).
To those who solo queue a whole lot, what character have you found to be the most successful in climbing up? I placed around 1600 and I've beaten my previous career high of 2150 with 2170 playing Ana recently. I rather practice Lucio in all honesty because I don't have the level of consistency I would want hitting DPS (and it's why I don't play DPS), but I feel if I pick either him or Mercy, I'll usually get relegated to solo heal duties. I've found some success finding second healers more willingly when I play Ana even if subpar. How's your success look like?

I played a ton of Zenyatta and Mercy to climb out of gold.


the holder of the trombone
i wish this base would quit griping about how characters are OP and figure out ways to deal with/around them.

i played D.Va before her current 'OP' state, pre-OG buff and also when Zarya was running the table in S2. I figured out ways to deal.

you can too!

"Adversity is an opportunity for change."

I mean tbf quite a bit of it doesn't matter at lower levels, and most of it is probably irrelevant to consoles because ana isn't a thing. When we talk about balance it's mostly about high level pc play. Blizzard kinda leaves console balancing to the sidelines anyway, they don't seem to care about it.


I agree but I'd put Roadhog right after D.Va. That character is all sorts of levels of not okay :<

Yeah I've never liked Roadhog. A good roadhog who lands over 50% of his hooks every game consistently is the most annoying thing ever.

I think if D.Va loses the extra 100 health she'll lose a lot of her ability to survive. Maybe they could convert another 100 of her health into regular health instead of armor.


the holder of the trombone
Her ability to survive is the problem currently.

I always thought her problem was being able to finish the kill before having to escape. I was thrilled with the speed buff. Didn't need the health buff.

Having people on the other team say you were an obvious powerhouse and carried is so flattering. I didn't even think I was doing that great [no golds after all] but looking back, a lot of teammates were thanking me for shielding at the right times and firestrike picks.

I basically solely play Reinhardt now. Not sure what that says about me.


To those who solo queue a whole lot, what character have you found to be the most successful in climbing up? I placed around 1600 and I've beaten my previous career high of 2150 with 2170 playing Ana recently. I rather practice Lucio in all honesty because I don't have the level of consistency I would want hitting DPS (and it's why I don't play DPS), but I feel if I pick either him or Mercy, I'll usually get relegated to solo heal duties. I've found some success finding second healers more willingly when I play Ana even if subpar. How's your success look like?

The most successful character for me is always the one which I can play best. If someone says, for example, Zarya, technically he wouldn't be wrong in S2, but if you can't play Zarya for shit like me, then it's no use at all.


Having people on the other team say you were an obvious powerhouse and carried is so flattering. I didn't even think I was doing that great [no golds after all] but looking back, a lot of teammates were thanking me for shielding at the right times and firestrike picks.

I basically solely play Reinhardt now. Not sure what that says about me.
Good job :D Sounds like you know what you're doing and you do it well


It's almost impossible for me to climb. I can play 5 games and lose one and be right where I started. Guess I won't be breaking 4300 anytime soon.


This is easily the worst meta I've ever participated in on PS4.

Whoever "balanced" DVa should never be allowed to balance a character again.


Argh, back down to mid 2700s. Mostly losses today, fack.
Thank you! Quick reminder I'm always looking to meet new people to play comp with. I'm doing my placements still, so can't give you a rank yet, but sitting at 7-1 so far.

Judging by the number I assume you're on PC so I can't play with ya :<
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