Same, ended my session very frustrated.Playing matchmaking on a Friday night is the worst thing I think I've ever put myself through.
Same, ended my session very frustrated.Playing matchmaking on a Friday night is the worst thing I think I've ever put myself through.
It was Mercy, RIP.
I got the Rein role. We won.
Next game we had a Mercy to co heal with my Lucio on Oasis. They had an Ana, so I'm sure you can guess how that went.Mercy won you a game and yet you still begrudge her...
We did well on Route 66 defense and I think the defense Mercy was the one to go attack Mercy, I was going to mention going Ana but I respect Mercy mains and we won pretty easily.
People finally got over that I think.Isn't ana considered not ideal on console?
Isn't ana considered not ideal on console?
Regarding Ana, I always see quickscope heals on PC gameplay videos but there's a scope in time on console which prevents this, has anyone else noticed this?Only difficult thing about ana on console is zoom healing tiny heroes, other than that she's great
Regarding Ana, I always see quickscope heals on PC gameplay videos but there's a scope in time on console which prevents this, has anyone else noticed this?
Same, ended my session very frustrated.
people like to use that bs line that pharmercy isn't just becuase 'hawt flying lesbians' and because of their great mechanic synergy
but if that were true why isn't zarya x hanzo a thing
people like to use that bs line that pharmercy isn't just becuase 'hawt flying lesbians' and because of their great mechanic synergy
but if that were true why isn't zarya x hanzo a thing
Dude I might need a few days.....
Ok I think I'm off my tilt for now. I won't fall for the Overwatch weekend trap this time.
It's secretly skyshatter too.I* still dont get why Earthshatter goes THROUGH the cart and hits people ON the cart
So when Christmas Mei happened, a lot of folks expressed displeasure that it was just a recolor of her default skin with a santa hat and a snowman. Blizzard said they misjudged the cool factor (paraphrasing) on it.
Now Palanquin D.Va has happened and it's the exact same situation - a recolor of her (mech's) default skin, with a few dangly bits around the visor and a hanbok instead of a zero suit. Don't get me wrong - lovin' the hanbok - but feels pretty equal to Christmas Mei.
Are there fewer (if any?) expression of displeasure at this because a) Palanquin D.Va is just that awesome or b) Meirry set the precedent that this kinda' thing happens, and we're not surprised or bothered any more?
(I always liked Meirry, for the record, but her new year skin beats the heck out of it.)
CTF is the most garbage thing they've ever put in OW. Every game is Torb+Symm (sometimes a Bastion) on defense. This is seriously not even remotely fun.
PS4 GAF, my update says it's like 14gb. This constantly happens with just this game. Does any Ody else have this problem?
Well that's certainly one way to balance out the roadhog/dva dynamic.
Well that's certainly one way to balance out the roadhog/dva dynamic.
Playing super early morning on weekends is OK, assuming youre on at like 5 am est or somewhere around there lol
Ana will continue being a problem so long as she continues to completely overwrite Mercy's existence.
True, I mean, Ana is about as fun as a healer character has ever been in a game for me whereas Mercy being the TF2 medic turned into waifubait with wings is as dull here as it is in TF2. Alas.Though tbf, if there's a character's existence I want to overwrite because of how boring they are it would be mercy.
Though tbf, if there's a character's existence I want to overwrite because of how boring they are it would be mercy.
Though tbf, if there's a character's existence I want to overwrite because of how boring they are it would be mercy.