Imagine the dumpster fire valentines would be if there was any implied relationship
Blizzard dodged a bullet im sure.
Blizzard dodged a bullet im sure.
It's pretty so I was glad to get it and I'll use it for the event, but it soon gave me the Sigrun skin which is awesome so I don't know how much I'll use the LNY one after the event. I got one box that was all dupes, which is surprising since I'm a beginner, but I guess $185 gold in one box isn't bad.Got that fucking Mercy skin for the 3rd time today.
I can't believe that this is happening. There are more than 10 event skins and it won't stop giving me Mercy skin!
I fucking hate Winston's bubble, its seriously strong af.
My tracer stats are fire lately.
Ok, so road hog does need something. He feels like dva before the patch. He just sorta has the presence. Honestly I think 2 second longer hook and a .5 second more delay between hooking and shooting would be enough.
Ok, so road hog does need something. He feels like dva before the patch. He just sorta has the presence. Honestly I think 2 second longer hook and a .5 second more delay between hooking and shooting would be enough.
where are the mercy mains to back me up?
Get good enough to carry low ranked players.Playing solo in competitive gold is an utter joke. Won 300 and eventually lost it.
How are you ever going to reach higher ranks?
<3 Mercy. I actually like her the best because she is the easiest support mechanically to play!
Playing Mercy will actually teach you good positioning.
Got the Mei's lunar skin and Tracer's Rose skin. Already got two legendary gold chests, feels bad man :/
Playing solo in competitive gold is an utter joke. Won 300 and eventually lost it.
How are you ever going to reach higher ranks?
A good Tracer player is the thing that can lose my cool, which is why I'm considering learning one of her counters.You know how sometimes when a Mei kills you it just makes your blood boil? Yeah, well. Instead of Mei being the trigger fuel, it's now Roadhog. Holy shit. The bane of my existence right now
@ the lower gold ranks Pharah/Reaper/Zen can run the board, so I would say practice up on them.
A good Tracer player is the thing that can lose my cool, which is why I'm considering learning one of her counters.
Overbuff actually counted all of stats for one game negatively last night. I'll post a pic when I get on a home PC, but it's jacked up.This is why we should take Overbuff and other stat tracking websites with a grain of salt.
That's every character I played with during my 3 game win streak, obviously I didn't lose with any of them, but I got 4 losses and one win according to Overbuff.
another game where we could have had multiple team wipes if the mercy stuck on me but instead she flies away and leaves me SOL
I don't want the Hog thing to distract from the fact that 76 is still way too good at any ranking.
Do you have some general advice for Zen?
I mostly try to stay behind and try to send out orbs. My accuracy with his projectiles sucks ass though and I'll miss anything that moves so I mostly stick to targets that are straight in front of me. With a controller I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I thought McCree is supposed to be her hard counter? And shouldn't Genji's mobility & quick burst damage can tear through Tracer's low health?bad news
a good tracer doesn't really have one
bad news
a good tracer doesn't really have one
Still haven't unlocked a skin
Only legendary I've seen was a Widow dupe
Blizzard plz
good Tracer jukes easily all of those except MAYBE good McCreeSymmetra? Winston? Mei? Junkrat? Pharah? McCree? Roadhog?
good Tracer jukes easily all of those except MAYBE good McCree
Roadhog is iffy with hook 2.0 now
good Tracer jukes easily all of those except MAYBE good McCree
Roadhog is iffy with hook 2.0 now
Eh I've mercy mains pocket a full HP Reinhardt while everyone else is dying.
I only got one skin, during the Christmas event I got most of them without actually paying any.
so, this is a "good Tracer" vs equally good players or smurfing on bad opponents? I don't see any situation where a good Tracer comes out on top of any of those other heroes, unless they're just plain bad? >__>
Tracer has more outs than all of those opponents. Any fight Tracer doesn't want to pick, she doesn't have to pick. It's not like Genji where Winstons cd can chase him wherever he goes.
It's pretty much common knowledge that Tracer hard counters Winston.
so, basically, because Tracer can run away = those characters don't counter her? Um. If you are constantly hiding/not in the fight then you are effectively being countered.
except for the part where she's drilling away at you and charging her ult because her range is further than your range.
Symmetra? Winston? Mei? Junkrat? Pharah? McCree? Roadhog?
all I've gotten so far is Symm's skin. Gotdamn.