Does Mei's Lunar costume do anything special? Like her Xmas one had a snowman ice regen.
Aside from the weird collision detection and skeleton issues with the Lunar skin, such as making her butt look like a table, it's pretty normal.
Does Mei's Lunar costume do anything special? Like her Xmas one had a snowman ice regen.
Wonder if you can do the Origins upgrade via this too
Got kicked out of a match too. Didn't count as a loss.Script kiddies didn't like the last patch?
I was booted from a match, we had a nice team going, damn...
I'm hoping they don't count that as a loss. Edit: They didn't.
This is ps4
Lol all you want, comp is terrible. From the matchmaking, to the enigmatic SR points, to the quitters, and so on. A shit show if I ever seen one.
Got back on. What the hell happened?
Saying the game manufacturers losing streaks is lol worthy.Lol all you want, comp is terrible. From the matchmaking, to the enigmatic SR points, to the quitters, and so on. A shit show if I ever seen one.
... you don't say! Just uploaded this as soon as it happened, could the timing be much worse?Gah this timing is awful
They could really stand to do something to encourage folks not to leave matches early. It would at least make me feel better about my losses lol.Saying the game manufacturers losing streaks is lol worthy.
Directly it doesn't, that's not what I meant to say. But it's obvious that the system is completely oblivious on how to manage matchmaking and what will make a fair and competitive game. The only thing that they hold on to is a generic number that means nothing. What happens is "people on the same skill rating" getting obliterated by the other team. This can go both ways btw, I've won 5/6 consecutive games where matches didn't took more than 3 minutes each.Saying the game manufacturers losing streaks is lol worthy.
Ah, that's a shame.It says $60.
If you're logged in and own the base Overwatch game on B.Net it shows you a special tab to upgrade to the Origins edition. It's £15 normally in the UK, not sure about NA but I would assume $20.What Origins upgrade?
Let's all agree that 5-6 stack in Comp is just torture.
That is a much better looking meta report.
Fuck Soldier 76. Every game is now counter the Soldier or die. Just nerf his stupid ass to the ground.
not hard to kill an S76 though.
Much better than trying to counter a pharah.
Winter Premiere + XTRA Cup Usage (from
Code:CRNT% LAST% Lucio | 96.97 | 89.21 | Ana | 89.45 | 94.08 | Zarya | 79.82 | 85.04 | Reinhardt | 77.81 | 89.88 | Tracer | 50.62 | 31.95 | Roadhog | 45.75 | 57.19 | Genji | 33.54 | 12.08 | Winston | 23.77 | 9.65 | Soldier: 76 | 21.84 | 15.27 | D.Va | 20.86 | 77.03 | Pharah | 19.82 | 9.03 | McCree | 14.90 | 4.49 | Zenyatta | 10.24 | 11.62 | Reaper | 4.37 | 3.29 | Mei | 3.95 | 4.47 | Sombra | 1.87 | 1.03 | Symmetra | 1.85 | 2.95 | Mercy | 1.05 | 0.00 | Widowmaker | 0.56 | 0.67 | Torbjorn | 0.44 | 0.97 | Junkrat | 0.40 | 0.01 | Hanzo | 0.09 | 0.07 | Bastion | 0.02 | 0.04 |
He's a mid-range character. At higher levels, skilled players simply choose McCree.
Ana, Widowmaker, McCree?
Is Zarya that high as an off-tank with Reinhardt?
He's a mid-range character. At higher levels, skilled players simply choose McCree.
NA isn't as lucky (I own base OW):If you're logged in and own the base Overwatch game on B.Net it shows you a special tab to upgrade to the Origins edition. It's £15 normally in the UK, not sure about NA but I would assume $20.
NA isn't as lucky:
Is Zarya that high as an off-tank with Reinhardt?
Winter Premiere + XTRA Cup Usage (from
Code:CRNT% LAST% Lucio | 96.97 | 89.21 | Ana | 89.45 | 94.08 | Zarya | 79.82 | 85.04 | Reinhardt | 77.81 | 89.88 | Tracer | 50.62 | 31.95 | Roadhog | 45.75 | 57.19 | Genji | 33.54 | 12.08 | Winston | 23.77 | 9.65 | Soldier: 76 | 21.84 | 15.27 | D.Va | 20.86 | 77.03 | Pharah | 19.82 | 9.03 | McCree | 14.90 | 4.49 | Zenyatta | 10.24 | 11.62 | Reaper | 4.37 | 3.29 | Mei | 3.95 | 4.47 | Sombra | 1.87 | 1.03 | Symmetra | 1.85 | 2.95 | Mercy | 1.05 | 0.00 | Widowmaker | 0.56 | 0.67 | Torbjorn | 0.44 | 0.97 | Junkrat | 0.40 | 0.01 | Hanzo | 0.09 | 0.07 | Bastion | 0.02 | 0.04 |
It's so fucking good to see Mccree back. I don't really understand why people thought he was bad against tanks and the finals showed that he isn't bad against tanks.
Time to start using Tracer?
Wow, you're right! That is so frustrating, I would've totally taken advantage of the discount during the sale but it listed full price then too.That's a bug I think? I did it awhile ago when it was a 10 dollar upgrade, and when I got to check out it showed just the upgrade cost instead.
He was specifically bad against D.Va/Ana as they were last patch cycle. They were nerfed just enough so that you can run McCree without the huge risk attached anymore.
Tracer has been one of the top DPS every patch cycle since beta. It's always been time to play Tracer :>
Winter Premiere + XTRA Cup Usage (from
Code:CRNT% LAST% Lucio | 96.97 | 89.21 | Ana | 89.45 | 94.08 | Zarya | 79.82 | 85.04 | Reinhardt | 77.81 | 89.88 | Tracer | 50.62 | 31.95 | Roadhog | 45.75 | 57.19 | Genji | 33.54 | 12.08 | Winston | 23.77 | 9.65 | Soldier: 76 | 21.84 | 15.27 | D.Va | 20.86 | 77.03 | Pharah | 19.82 | 9.03 | McCree | 14.90 | 4.49 | Zenyatta | 10.24 | 11.62 | Reaper | 4.37 | 3.29 | Mei | 3.95 | 4.47 | Sombra | 1.87 | 1.03 | Symmetra | 1.85 | 2.95 | Mercy | 1.05 | 0.00 | Widowmaker | 0.56 | 0.67 | Torbjorn | 0.44 | 0.97 | Junkrat | 0.40 | 0.01 | Hanzo | 0.09 | 0.07 | Bastion | 0.02 | 0.04 |
At this point after all his nerfs, I feel like I can keep people alive more with Zen than Lucio
This reads like "Defense" heroes are a failed archetype.
This reads like "Defense" heroes are a failed archetype.
thats been the modus operandi since forever lol
Either pick the actually good DPS classes or go tank/heal, dont waste a role on fuckin Hanzo or Bastion
We don't really have game modes where defense heroes shine. KOTH, payload, and hybrid. The recent CTF did make some of them shine.
Is Zarya that high as an off-tank with Reinhardt?
Zarya has always been good. Even with her nerfs, Zarya can still carry games if she's always high charged and getting good ults off.
This is my plan. I've only been using her on KOTH but she may become my go-to DPS on attack since she holds my highest non-troll character quick play win rate (Torb has a slightly better win rate)Time to start using Tracer?
How can you forget her most important role of saving stupid teammates?
Very true, how silly of me to not mention this.