You probably don't get many due to higher rank?
The only mode where I can use Torb and Symm without a second thought.
Just because you're higher ranked doesn't mean you don't run into idiots that just got hella boosted.
Good to know if I ever get there.Nah, there's still plenty of them. Teammate over extends, bad charge from a rein into enemy spawn, etc.
Just because you're higher ranked doesn't mean you don't run into idiots that just got hella boosted.
Just because you're higher ranked doesn't mean you don't run into idiots that just got hella boosted.
I had a friend who was 2200's (Season high) last season and is now diamond. But he only plays lucio tho.
Last season's Diamond is this season's Master. Which makes me feel bad that I'm still in Diamond in Season 3.
Even at my S3 high of 3300, I was still at a lower percentile than I was at straight 3000 in S2.
Pretty much the same here. Haven't played much and had some decay so making it more difficult but hopefully will reach it if I play more.Last season's Diamond is this season's Master. Which makes me feel bad that I'm still in Diamond in Season 3.
Even at my S3 high of 3300, I was still at a lower percentile than I was at straight 3000 in S2.
Speaking of which, when will you be jumping back into ranked? Solo quene sucks lol
I definitely feel ready for a new game to sweep me off my feet for a bit.
Feeling timid on Nioh, Horizon or Mass Effect are good bets. Maybe For Honor?
I definitely feel ready for a new game to sweep me off my feet for a bit.
Feeling timid on Nioh, Horizon or Mass Effect are good bets. Maybe For Honor?
There's a way to game the competitive queue system?
I've seen people from an opposing team load out early if they get steamrolled at the beginning of a match so it gets cancelled and their buddies don't lose rank, didn't know there was more also.
Last season's Diamond is this season's Master. Which makes me feel bad that I'm still in Diamond in Season 3.
Even at my S3 high of 3300, I was still at a lower percentile than I was at straight 3000 in S2.
Gravity Rush 2 will keep me busy until the switchI definitely feel ready for a new game to sweep me off my feet for a bit.
Feeling timid on Nioh, Horizon or Mass Effect are good bets. Maybe For Honor?
The only must plays I feel for the coming months is persona 5.
Working my way through Gravity rush 2 right now but overwatch keeps distracting me.
I'm at 1750 SR right now. Well at least I'm still gold, so it's all good I suppose.
Yeah, unless you absolutely adore golden weapons or exclusive stickers (lol), there's no reason at all to care about rank. I just play to have fun, and I play who I want. Sometimes my teammates freak out about it like you need to pick a "meta" hero at sub-1500.Don't stress too much over rank, what's important is having fun and fair matches.
That is what the ranking system is for anyways.
You won't have it if they keep the same system in place for S4.I need a fresh start.
Don't stress too much over rank, what's important is having fun and fair matches.
That is what the ranking system is for anyways.
It's nice to hear. If you're carrying you will grind the ranks, its just a matter of time.Yeah, unless you absolutely adore golden weapons or exclusive stickers (lol), there's no reason at all to care about rank. I just play to have fun, and I play who I want. Sometimes my teammates freak out about it like you need to pick a "meta" hero at sub-1500.
That said, I like seeing my rank go up over time to reflect my improvements as a player. I fell all the way to 1000 after starting at 1800, and now I'm up to 1200, and I've been carrying most of those games. I really have improved as a player, and I'm fine if it takes me a while to earn higher rankings as my skills improve.
People will post only when they want to complain about it. You won't hear praise from anyone about the good members of the community, which are the overwhelming majority.I know, but it's still a little disheartening to watch my rank go down and down. Guess that's what I get for playing alone I suppose.
Surprisingly I haven't ran into one toxic person online yet.
Congrats!Feels goodeven though it's baby ps4 version.
Feels goodeven though it's baby ps4 version.
embrace toxicity
become the anger. let hate consume you.
I definitely feel ready for a new game to sweep me off my feet for a bit.
Feeling timid on Nioh, Horizon or Mass Effect are good bets. Maybe For Honor?
embrace toxicity
become the anger. let hate consume you.
Yea i often just have fun and banter with the toxic people.
You hit top 500 one season, that was a bigger deal than Master.![]()
No. Call me Mondatta, I will die before I let myself get toxic.
Gravity Rush, Nioh, Yakuza, and RE7 have all tempted me a bit. But I just don't think any would take me off Overwatch.You need to hop on the Yakuza train with me.
It never occurred to me to put a spray on the payload car. Genius.
76 is a constant in grandmaster games and tournaments now.
Your Overwatch still thinks Genji and McCree are higher in the meta.
Damn that's on point. Dunno why it never occurred to me lol.I like spraying the glass dome encasing the Doomfist on Numbani's payload.
Speaking of McCree, reflecting his flashbang is one of the most feelgood moments in Overwatch.