It's because my screen is pretty far away, but I don't see how people can aim with the dot. It so small, I easily lose it. (short) crosshairs for life.
Link to the changes?
There's a dropdown menu on the top right under the controls tab of the options menu. You can set settings for specific characters there, and some have character-specific options there that you won't find under the main section such as Mercy, Zarya, Soldier 76, Genji, Hanzo, Ana, Widowmaker, Lucio, and Zenyatta (as of PTR). Probably more that I'm forgetting about off the top of my head.How do you change custom settings for individual characters?
The roadhog nerf is so good.
I'll say it again about Winston, his bubble is one of the best abilities.
Give Winston 100 more hp, a triple jump, and sheath cancels
Also, I tried rocket jumping as bastion on ptr. He takes like 17 dmg lol. Nano Tank will be pretty unstoppable.
You have to walk forward to one shot Reaper and Mei it looks like. The timing is pretty tight to do it.
So you are telling me there is a chance.
Maybe It wont be so miserable to play reaper anymore, 99% of the time I get my ass whooped by a hog whenever trying to sneak up on the supports.
Also does the headshot only ana shit actually work?
The game after I did that I got like 9 crits which is 9 more than usual as mccree![]()
i wish mccree gets a back a bit of range. not dmg up, just up his range so he don't get so punish with the dmg fall off. (console side speaking, not sure how it will effect pc, probably make him too op?)
These PTR changes need to go live ASAP. Fuck Roadhog.
These PTR changes need to go live ASAP. Fuck Roadhog.
Echoing exYle's sentiment here.These PTR changes need to go live ASAP. Fuck Roadhog.
I think it does. I do that now and then, and it seems to have gotten easier over time. I'm also more comfortable reflexively going for the head on other characters if I feel like I can land it in real games.
It's super tiring to do that practice though. I have to really focus to land those shots because I suck at the game. Ana's head is really fucking tiny.
I have played Pharahs that are capable of completely shutting down Solider/McCree combos even at GM. She requires more of a team effort to kill than Roadhog. She shouldn't be able to stay in the air at all times, the damage drop off for Soldier/McCree is ludicrous considering how high and far back she can stay.
i wish mccree gets a back a bit of range. not dmg up, just up his range so he don't get so punish with the dmg fall off. (console side speaking, not sure how it will effect pc, probably make him too op?)
More Roadhog stuff: M2 is a lot more consistent and has longer range to instagib. It's pretty rad, but the travel time combined with different character hitboxes makes it still not some free kill.
I think this is all enough to really hurt his impact. Hook can still gib and the gun is a bit better, but the gun isn't all that much better (videos of people shooting static training bots don't count as evidence!). Hook CD feels like it takes ages.
Winston stuff: headshotting him from the side is indeed a lot harder, and I can't seem to hit his head from behind unless I have a really steep angle. Cool beans.
Edit: by really hurt his impact, I think he will be far from useless, but I really expect him to become more comp specific and map based rather than just being the default fill for a lot of teams.
by hurt his impact you mean change the way he plays from people going solo pig and just fishing for a pick to like fishing for the pick and his team got his back
The roadhog nerf is so good.
I'll say it again about Winston, his bubble is one of the best abilities.
Got itWell, atm he's picked a lot at high level because:
A) M2 destroys Rein shield (seriously this is stupid important)
B) Consistently contesting 6s hook in and out of team fighting is next to impossible
C) Outside of team fights he punishes positioning mistakes and lack of frontline pretty hard
A + C still apply, but B is basically gone. He's not going to be able to just sit around a team fight and kill everything anymore. He might get 1 kill a fight off hook where before he was getting two. The saving grace is his M2 went up quite a bit in value, but landing that in team fights is probably still hard. M2 is much better at poking though.
Idk, I guess the best way to put it is his team fighting took a pretty big hit thanks to the CD and easier ways to counterplay (via teammates) the new gap post hook. His poking with M2 is better though? He'll just be picked on teams that really would rather not team fight too often.
The bubble has been balanced with stacking in mind though, there's room for changes.
Since 2.0 I've still seen people claiming they get hit by a bunch of BS hooks per game, so I guess it might just be another stereotype for the DPS instalockers, heh.I bet you people are still gonna bitch everytime they die to a hook.
That beeing said this chance seems fair.
Well, yeah, most if not all of their changes are a direct result to use so it wouldn't really make sense to nerf something if it had gone under the radar before. Now that all the other tanks have been touched upon, maybe it's time they finally go about re-evaluating the remaining one.I still can't believe it took them this long to increase his CD. I don't know how they justified it internally at Blizzard. It probably never occurred to them to fix it because Roadhog only became super popular in season 3.
Mercy needs another ability.
Wintson stuff, snip
Good post. We'll have to wait and see if the change is enough, but I do agree they're going in the right direction with him.
I really liked Mercy as the baseline of a main healer pre-Ana release so the idea of giving her another ability always sat wrong with me on the fear of healer power creep, but we're still here with Ana being the defacto healer and having her with a heal-countering ability on top of other utility. The idea of Mercy having a cleanse ability to remove anti-healing has come up, but it just seems weird to have something that counter-acts a single ability.Mercy needs another ability.
I really liked Mercy as the baseline of a main healer pre-Ana release so the idea of giving her another ability always sat wrong with me on the fear of healer power creep, but we're still here with Ana being the defacto healer and having her with a heal-countering ability on top of other utility. The idea of Mercy having a cleanse ability to remove anti-healing has come up, but it just seems weird to have something that counter-acts a single ability.
Okay, so I'm going to get this out of the way real quick: the devs never explicitly cited hero stacking as to why it was nerfed.
Yes, this change occurred when stacking was a thing and Winston was running wild. At the same time, 1k HP shield was actually still really crazy on its own and people would straight up just bail and not interact with it even when there was just one out. The reason the CD is the way it is revolves around the fact that if Winston put down a shield and players thought better than to destroy it, he would be punished for doing so via the CD. When 1HL became a thing, Winston retained his spot as a really strong pick, and despite a dip in usage during a pretty fucked up meta period, he has had a healthy pickrate ever since.
The "balanced for stacking argument" just doesn't hold up at all. I think a better argument is that it isn't very clear to lower level players how to effectively use him in a more disorganized environment. A good argument is that lower level players have a hard time surviving with him because he is extremely punishing on positioning mistakes. Small buffs to make him less punished for mistakes while high level players will still punish him hard is probably what should happen. That's actually what just happened with the head hitbox change.
Would be pretty cool to have one direct counter to it.
Doesn't seem like they're going any direction yet. Decreasing his hitbox is useful but useless, especially at higher level of play.
500 per section, 5 sections total.How much HP does Mei's wall have? It seems like it's quicker to just wait there too unless you have a bastion or maybe reaper?
Zarya's bubbles remove anti-heal for what it's worth.Would be pretty cool to have one direct counter to it.
I believe the only one that would go from possible to impossible is Zarya, I think you could one shot or at the very least combo her from full health post 2.0, but would now not be able to.Cooldown aside: is the Roadhog hook distance actually a nerf? I mean, yes - it makes getting OHKs harder, but does it make what would previously be OHKs impossible or does it just require you to have better aim?
Cooldown aside: is the Roadhog hook distance actually a nerf? I mean, yes - it makes getting OHKs harder, but does it make what would previously be OHKs impossible or does it just require you to have better aim?
500 per section, 5 sections total.
Zarya's bubbles remove anti-heal for what it's worth.
Doesn't seem like they're going any direction yet. Decreasing his hitbox is useful but useless, especially at higher level of play.
How much HP does Mei's wall have? It seems like it's quicker to just wait there too unless you have a bastion or maybe reaper?
Cooldown aside: is the Roadhog hook distance actually a nerf? I mean, yes - it makes getting OHKs harder, but does it make what would previously be OHKs impossible or does it just require you to have better aim?
Then play with friends.Oasis. Playing Zarya. 4 gold. Entire team can't kill the fucking Pharah, despite that, I kill her multiple times with my beam by waiting for her to be in range. Win 1v3 fights at least 4 different times, team cannot follow through and cap the point. We lose 3-0.
I'm so fucking sick and tired of playing with absolute morons.
Not entirely, but you are not supposed to be engaging the Hog as monkey. He literally outheals your damage.So I'm trying to practice some Winston since he's the only tank I ignore and I just got his sweet Sun Wukong outfit, but I'm having some trouble, espeicially with Roadhogs. Am I missing something or does Roadhog just delete Winston from the match entirely?