i usually go tracer and zip through
Winston and Genji can jump over and Lucio can pass too with a crazy wallride.
So an all dive team with Genji/Pharah Winston/DVa and Lucio/Mercy
Yea but that means having a Mei in the![]()
Yea but that means having a Mei in the![]()
and also requires just a tiny bit of coordination.![]()
No real advice since I only got it a couple of days ago just randomly, but I imagine it works much better if you have a Zarya on your team that can grab 4+. Spam E for days. Profit!
I can get behind this. A tyrannical, marauding Mei main for Season 4...
Needs more. Invincibility when spraying her ice beam would be just nice.
I feel like Hanamura is the fairest 2cp map. Does anyone agree?
Like a good push on point B will usually get you the point. While it's more a toss up on Anubis and Volskaya for whatever reason.
I dunno who designed that but that starting area should've allowed one other place to enter.
True, altho trying to do a dive with randoms in QP/Arcade is painful.
You really want to watch the world burn, don't you?
The "quickplay doesn't mean anything so lets just be idiots" meme really needs to die. There's a reason they added a fucking hero limit to quick play and then added arcade mode.
Once you get better at Eichenwalde, it's not that bad to push the choke. I do think they should make it easier for new players to deal with, but like Lucio + picking a lane is actually good enough.
When a team setups up Symmetra Turrets, Bastion, Torb Turret, and has Reinhardt, I have no idea how to break through that bridge.
When a team setups up Symmetra Turrets, Bastion, Torb Turret, and has Reinhardt, I have no idea how to break through that bridge.
The best is when I'm flanking in as Pharah and the randoms are still at the stupid choke not rushing in and I get killed.
TBF usually the pharah are just sitting on the point alone and aren't attacking them from the back.
People can't push in because the enemy team is concentrating firepower at the front and they're missing a lot of firepower themselves because someone wants to flank but don't know the point of flanking. Not saying you do it but it's frustrating how many flankers think that sitting on the point alone is somehow helpful.
Flankers should just start diving and attacking the main attack group which is a more effective way of doing things. That way your team can set up a crossfire better.
I'm not even at the point yet. I'm attack the enemy team from behind and blowing them up. I kill a few dudes and the randoms are still sitting there.
I got PotG after I killed 4 guys and yet we still couldn't cap it because I stood at point capturing and the team returns and my team is still being dumbasses.
Ok that is pretty bad lol. Yeah people are just too afraid to die sometimes not realising that wasting time and allowing the enemy team build ults is an even worse idea than going in for a fight.
But yeah, I have nightmares about people thinking solo capping the point while the team is trying to break through a choke is somehow a good move.
I'm not even at the point yet. I'm attack the enemy team from behind and blowing them up. I kill a few dudes and the randoms are still sitting there.
Ex: I got PotG after I killed 4 guys and yet we still couldn't cap it because I stood at point capturing and the team returns and kills me and my team is still being dumbasses.
I wonder if those people even have kill feed on to notice the enemy team is dying. I forgot that thing is off by default until I started the PC version and I didn't see the kill feed.
Point A in Hanamura is easily the worst of the 2cp maps. Point B I give it to Anubis.
Volskaya is probably the best one, point A seems fair at least.
It is? I don't remember turning it on and it's there. That shouldn't even be optional, I don't understand how can anyone play this game without it.
yea, it was off on PS4 as well. had to turn it on. i remember we all bitched about it too in previous OTs and early OW YT guides would tell people to turn it on right away.
Get Rein plus Lucio, have Lucio hit E. I know that sounds really reductive, but if they set up really far forward (aka at the choke) you can just run past them to the point. Grab a Pharah for good measure.
The biggest mistake people make on offense is trying to kill people to move forward. You can just move to the point and they have to fight you on it lol
I think the best way to deal with that would be to have a Pharah and Dva that would go over and back cap forcing the team to split from the choke and then Lucio will just speed boost your Reinhardt, Soldier and Ana in.
Pharah basically counters everything in those "full hold checkpoint A" comps.
Volskaya's (A) helped allot not just by the alternate entry route but by that the main entrance is divided by a truck lain diagonally across the entryway. Combined with the two hallways on each side, it effectively creates two entry paths for the grounded offense but on the flip side it's designed well enough that it's not impossible to defend - One side leads only back out into the open so offense is limited in that respect, but the other end leads upstairs to a closed corridor that circles all the way around to the point. This is where defense usually focuses on but they have to be flexible enough to move and eye the other end as well. It's really a well-designed choke imo.
yea, it was off on PS4 as well. had to turn it on. i remember we all bitched about it too in previous OTs and early OW YT guides would tell people to turn it on right away.
The best is when I'm flanking in as Pharah and the randoms are still at the stupid choke not rushing in and I get killed.
I think the best way to deal with that would be to have a Pharah and Dva that would go over and back cap forcing the team to split from the choke and then Lucio will just speed boost your Reinhardt, Soldier and Ana in.
Pharah basically counters everything in those "full hold checkpoint A" comps.
Yeah that other spot is nice but going the first way is better becauae you can drop down get some jet back and find the supports in the backline quicker since they're always posted up near the point gate
Im going in on the ground through the passagewaysThe problem is that if there is a Soldier/McCree you are most likely dead because he can see you from a mile away if he's expecting you, and you really don't have any cover besides the huge tower in the middle. And since that's also the place where all the enemy team is, it's not really a good position to be in because you will get focused pretty hard.
I got outplayed so hard by a Pharah a few weeks ago in Eichenwalde. I was playing soldier and I knew that the enemy team had one Pharah, so I was looking for her to come from my right since I wasn't seeing her in the middle. 30s in and no Pharah to be seen anywhere, then she appears right above me from behind and kill me immediately with two rockets.
When I came back from the spawn my team was already wiped since we had no direct counter to her besides me. "Our soldier sucks" the team said... feels bad man ;_;
All this to say that in Eichenwalde you can also easily flank going right as Pharah instead of the usual left, flying above the houses and using your blast to get all the way behind them without being seen. If only I knew this at the time...
Yup, also disorients the enemy team and they will make mistakes.The biggest mistake people make on offense is trying to kill people to move forward. You can just move to the point and they have to fight you on it lol
The biggest mistake people make on offense is trying to kill people to move forward. You can just move to the point and they have to fight you on it lol
I think people don't take the cue because of distrust. When I play with randoms, I play as though I have no one to help me, and it makes the game a lot more enjoyable. Heals? I pretend we don't have a healer. DPS? That's up to me. Taking the point? I'm the one to do it.
If I count on my teammates to do their jobs, it rarely happens. So when a teammate makes an attempt to set something up, I'm hesitant to go along with it because I feel as though the rest of my team won't follow through. It's better to watch the one flanker die and continue my plan than it is to join in and have both of us die while the rest of the team foot shuffles around the choke.
Speaking with a friend today I got to understand just how warped people's perception of how Zarya ought to be played is. His story was that his average energy was something close to 45% and that he consistently had every single gold medal yet he kept losing as Zarya (<50% win rate) and he was wondering what else he could do. For context he's currently in Master and he was ranked Diamond last season with a fair amount of time spent playing Zarya.
Then he noticed I had something like under 25% average energy as Zarya myself but a win rate of over 60% with a similar amount of games played. So naturally he asked me if I was getting lucky and being carried by my teammates, after all how could I pull my weight with such a low amount of average energy right?
I proceeded to explain to him how every projected barrier he throws onto his teammates should have a purpose beyond giving him charge and I gave him a few generic examples of what good barrier usage looks like:
- Teammate being pinned by Reinhardt (Lifesaving);
- Friendly Reinhardt charging in (CC prevention);
- High value teammate being dove (Lifesaving);
- Teammate flashed by McCree (Lifesaving);
- Teammate hooked by Roadhog (Lifesaving);
- Preventing CC shut down of friendly ultimates e.g. Dragonblade or Tactical Visor (CC prevention);
These are but a handful of crude examples.
At first he was a bit skeptical, after all how could it be that sacrificing personal damage output and ult charge rate by consequence lead to winning? If you've read the listed examples of generic good barrier usage you will have noticed a common theme, all are centered around ensuring value out of teammates' plays and/or denying the enemy team man advantage.
Being down a man in an engagement is a much larger disadvantage than your team's Zarya having 20% less energy again, a potentially team wiping ultimate combo from your team being shut down by CC is much greater setback than Zarya having a bit less energy. There appears to be a common misconception that Zarya is supposed to carry games and that playstyle might've been viable in the past before charge nerfs and double charge on certain abilities bug fixes but these days there's very little incentive to playing an energy hungry style of Zarya.
Yes, Zarya has the potential to do significant DPS under the right circumstances but that doesn't mean you should be forcing those circumstances at the expense of your primary role as a Tank and that is the mistake many Zarya players fall prey to. Then they are left shaking their heads at their teammates because they have gold damage as Zarya and overlook the fact that their DPS players could be underperforming due to their poor tank play.
You can afford to be a lot more liberal with your personal barriers as you have a 400 health pool to fall back on and you should use these to maintain your energy.
As a Roadhog main, Reinhardt is irritating, but Zarya is downright infuriating if she saves her bubble for my hooks. She's the only character that can consistently force me to change off of Roadhog because I feel useless. So I'm in the "saving lives" camp in terms of how she can be effectively used.This was an interesting post on r/competitiveoverwatch discussing meta Zarya strategies.
This was a polarizing topic, but I think the ultimate consensus is find a sweet spot in the middle where you can maintain higher average energies, but lean towards saving teammates.
Yet my experience cannot be denied. :-/The problem with this philosophy is that Overwatch is a team game. You need coordination to be able to amount to any sort of offense or defense. If somebody calls a shot, I'm going to follow what they say because it's more important to have a strategy than none at all.
The lone wolf strategy is also what leads to ult mismanagement. Zarya getting five people in a Graviton Surge is only great if her team is in position to take advantage of it. I've Earthshattered four people but because I didn't call it and my team is dicking around fighting a lone Tracer instead, I get like one kill and it's a complete waste.
Sometimes it makes sense to lone wolf it - if the enemy has overextended and nobody's on the point, sneaking around and trying to cap is fine because it draws them back from where they are and gives your team some breathing room. But if you're constantly going for the quintuple kill with Deadeye and getting stuffed instead of using it to zone or take out one or two troublesome enemies you're not helping your team.
As a Roadhog main, Reinhardt is irritating, but Zarya is downright infuriating if she saves her bubble for my hooks. She's the only character that can consistently force me to change off of Roadhog because I feel useless. So I'm in the "saving lives" camp in terms of how she can be effectively used.
Yet my experience cannot be denied. :-/
It's not that I don't want to play with the team, it's that I can't trust the team to be competent.
It's a good point. Working with your team matters, and helping your team function is more important than getting medals.This was an interesting post on r/competitiveoverwatch discussing meta Zarya strategies.
This was a polarizing topic, but I think the ultimate consensus is find a sweet spot in the middle where you can maintain higher average energies, but lean towards saving teammates.
The thing I get annoyed at as a McCree/Soldier player is that anytime enemy Pharah kills someone the team blames McCree/Soldier. Honestly even as McCree/Soldier it's difficult to kill Pharah while she is on the move cause you have to aim and move as well, you might get a few hits but not enough to kill her quite a lot of times. So sometimes you'll lose to her. The only time McCree/Soldier can consistently hard counter Pharah with an advantage is when she is doing her rocket barrage and cut it short and a McCree/Solider that doesn't do that is doing a bad job...other times it's understandable unless it happens too often.
Just saw that thing about reaper
Reaper got more interesting. He might be on some marc spector moon night shit
Hanamura B and Anubis B are legit the worst.