PTR patch wont start downloading for me. I restarted few times but nothing is happening...
Lunatic Hai go to Lb right?
Yes blizzard DESTROY Ana! Think the nerf might be slightly heavy handed but I hope this creates more diversity in picks.
Yeah, they play the winner of the next match. Envy or KDU.
Envy got 3-0'd by LH earlier right?
Yeah. Anybody who is saying it was close is also a liar. It was pretty bad.
He's been in meta the entire life time of the game except for like a month or so early on.
What's the other quater final matches coming up or is there a link to see it?
No booth can contain Runner's hype
All the matches are on the TL wiki:
I mean you're just replacing one thing with another with this patch. Because if the zen changes go through you're not going to see him being swapped off.
How do you like not being able to hide from receiving 30% more damage.
I'm really perched on how the Zen changes affect picks of Rein and Orisa. It seems that Blizzard introduced Orisa as a counterpart to Rein yet Blizzard wants to reduce the reliance of barriers in the game.
No booth can contain Runner's hype
All the matches are on the TL wiki:
Oh it's a second group stage? Looks weird. Matches in B TBD. Is it 2 matches and the winners play each other and the losers play each other. Loser of the winner match up plays the winner of the losers match?
Oh it's a second group stage? Looks weird. Matches in B TBD. Is it 2 matches and the winners play each other and the losers play each other. Loser of the winner match up plays the winner of the losers match?
Does anyone play on XB1? I know Yager does.
Also, maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't think the Zenyatta buff is as substantial as people make it out to be. It helps, sure, but it's not like Reinhardt is suddenly fucked when you can have the orb sitting on him instead of putting it on him the instant his barrier goes down.
I don't get Blizzard.
Why do they first implement a very minor tweak to Ana and then murder her a few weeks later? It's bizarre.
Also, maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't think the Zenyatta buff is as substantial as people make it out to be. It helps, sure, but it's not like Reinhardt is suddenly fucked when you can have the orb sitting on him instead of putting it on him the instant his barrier goes down.
The Pharah salt is going to be even more unbearable at lower levels now that Ana needs to tag her with four shots even if she's not being pocketed.
Oh, that makes more sense. I saw people talking about orbing Rein and wondered how that really helps.You don't put it on Rein. You put it on the thing behind Rein and Winston + Genji just go delete it instantly.
The Pharah salt is going to be even more unbearable at lower levels now that Ana needs to tag her with four shots even if she's not being pocketed.
Lmao Runner
Not live yet is it? They said early morning in the US so maybe in a couple of hours?
I don't get Blizzard.
Why do they first implement a very minor tweak to Ana and then murder her a few weeks later? It's bizarre.
Also, maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't think the Zenyatta buff is as substantial as people make it out to be. It helps, sure, but it's not like Reinhardt is suddenly fucked when you can have the orb sitting on him instead of putting it on him the instant his barrier goes down.
Ikr? They also said that they won't change Ana much anymore, after that minor nerf, and that they think that she is in good place as she is. And then few weeks later... boom! It really is bizarre. Some of the decisions they make and how they say something than do completely opposite... it's weird.
lawd I didn't even consider the effects of dive comp. super interested to see how the meta takes to the changes!
Right now both tank comps and dive comps are viable. If the PTR changes go live, expect dive comp to be played more.
Ish. Most of these changes aren't aimed at pro play this time around honestly, they are aimed at ladder. Dive comps on ladder just are picked far less frequently and do way worse :T
The goal is to make it more appealing for your online ladder players without making it busted for pro play. I'm not convinced dive will be the only comp in town if all this goes live, but the Zen change in particular is extremely frightening.
who's going to inform rein about ana's death