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Pakistan clashes over Hebdo cartoon

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BBC said:
Pakistani police have clashed with crowds protesting over an image of the Prophet Muhammad published in French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The authorities used water cannon to disperse the demonstration, near the French consulate in Karachi.

The protest was part of a nationwide rally called by the Jamaat-e-Islami religious party.

Charlie Hebdo featured a cartoon of Muhammad this week, a week after gunmen carried out a massacre at its offices.

Twelve people were killed in the Paris attack, carried out by two French Muslims angry over earlier depictions of Muhammad in the magazine.

Journalists injured

On Thursday, Pakistani politicians passed a motion condemning Charlie Hebdo for publishing the latest cartoon.

Religious leaders openly called for journalists at the magazine to be hanged, and several religious groups called for protests after Friday prayers.

In Karachi, at least three people were injured during the clashes between police and about 200 protesters, who were mostly student activists from Jamaat-e-Islami.

The protesters had tried to get inside the French consulate.

Protest leaders said they wanted to hand a written protest to consulate officials, but were stopped by police near the main entrance.

Witnesses say the police used batons, water cannon, tear-gas shells and fired shots in the air to disperse the protesters.

Two journalists and a policeman were reportedly hurt in the clashes, though it was not clear how they sustained their injuries.

The area is now quiet, and protesters have been forced away from the consulate.

Pakistan also erupted in protests in 2006 over reports that a Danish cartoonist had published images of Muhammad.


Images from article in Swedish: http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/valdsam-protest-mot-charlie-hebdo/





Not that I am calling it the same thing, but the pic with the English color banner reminds of the Westboro baptist church.

I have the art on my desk. At home. If someone is coming over that might be offended, I will politely tell them that my room might have offensive material to some, and they should not enter.

Should I be hanged just for saying that?


Because of course, the events of this month prove that killing people who you disagree with is obviously the solution.

Spoiler: no, the solution is to stop being children, grow up, and ignore the cartoons. Free speech will never go away.


I wonder if they protested when a schoolful of people got killed in their own country? Probably not....
"Making Blasphemy Cartoon of Prophet is the Worst Act of Terrorism"

I think that would be murdering unarmed civilians but what do I know? Maybe they should protest murders first and then move on to cartoons.


These guys are stuck in time, which kind of sucks. Would love to see parts of the world develop from the stone age mentality.


Fucking idiots. I can't imagine what kind of life you must have when your number one concern is that someone in another country drew a picture of an old dead man.


These guys are stuck in time, which kind of sucks. Would love to see parts of the world develop from the stone age mentality.

That's offensive to Stone Age people. I don't think they were advanced enough to draw cartoons or be offended by them.


Are they demanding hangings for the people that were shot to death?

And I can't stand these scumbags.
As progressives we constantly fight for THEIR freedom, as well as ours.
If not for us, the conservatives of the world would bar all Muslims from everything, we tend to be the voice of reason, stop disappointing us.
Do they not care that I, as well as the rest of the world find their actions and wishes offensive, why is it only one way? Selfish.

And is your God so weak he needs you to defend him?
I thought he was the all powerful Allah, omnipotent ruler of the universe.
According to your beliefs, we will all burn in hell for eternity, so let life run its course, and mind your own business.
Such a tantrum throwing religion. When a single religion can't take jokes, which other religions can, you know it's a problem with the religion, not the world.


They should cut diplomatic ties with France and end all trade with the west lol.
You know...

Why don't people offended do just that? Would make the west more self-sufficient and they wouldn't be backing something that offends their religion. Everybody wins!


Why can't they live their lives with their religion, be happy and ignore the haters? If other people talk shit or do sinful stuff they should ignore it, they are infidels so they'll get what's coming to them in hell right?

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
The way these people use their religion baffles me. I guess I'll never understand how they feel.

The idea that drawing pictures is worse than killing people is incomprehensible.


Is this what Bill Mahr was talking about? Like the extremist terrorism may be small, especially in the west, but in Islmic countries there's still support for extreme violence as punishment?


If ISIS do take over Iraq can't we just keep them contained there, let them build some medievil backwards country and then all the sharia lovin extreamist have there dream shithole to live in?
How soon before we get a defense force in here saying these guys are a tiny minority?
Anyone that says it's a tiny minority is stupid, but I think it's equally stupid to extrapolate how much the Muslim World really cared about these cartoons based on a small scale protest in one of the most fucked up Muslim majority countries in the world.

Such a tantrum throwing religion. When a single religion can't take jokes, which other religions can, you know it's a problem with the religion, not the world.

The whole religion of Islam and all Muslims can't take the joke. Gotcha. Despite the fact I know of Muslim journalists that published and spoke in favour of the cartoons.


Is this what Bill Mahr was talking about? Like the extremist terrorism may be small, especially in the west, but in Islmic countries there's still support for extreme violence as punishment?
It is starting to get hard to argue with his point about hundreds of millions supporting the attack when a country with almost 200 million muslims decides to show their disdain of the terrorists by condemning the cartoons.

Anyone that says it's a tiny minority is stupid, but I think it's equally stupid to extrapolate how much the Muslim World really cared about these cartoons based on a small scale protest in one of the most fucked up Muslim majority countries in the world.
It is a fucked up Muslim majority country containing more than 10% of the world's Muslim population.
"Cartoon is worst act of terrorism".

Terrorists killed 132 children a month ago at a school in your country. A drawing insulting the prophet is worse? Fucking baffling.


As much as i understand the motives of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonsits, they really are just fanning the flames

Sure youre entitled to freedom of speech, but at the expense of your own life? Your families life? Your colleagues lives?

Seems pretty silly. They groups they are pissing off arent the kind to just rally arnd protest

They can, will and have instigated brutal attacks
Time for everyone to publish them all the time, so everyone can get used to the fact and no longer get their knickers in a twist about it.
Anyone that says it's a tiny minority is stupid, but I think it's equally stupid to extrapolate how much the Muslim World really cared about these cartoons based on a small scale protest in one of the most fucked up Muslim majority countries in the world.

The difference is I'd be willing to accept that argument. There are some folks who just won't budge whatsoever on the opposite end, though.

Fake edit: I was totally going to make the argument that only the latter people also enable extremist behavior, but we all know how the West is down for proxy wars/wars on terror that hurt just as many (far more in the case of Iraq for example) Muslims as terrorists do and Muslims do get painted with a broad brush because of the shitty extremists (no way France will be a comfortable place for Muslims in the short term after those attacks). Really, the whole situation is fucked.


Junior Member
What do these people even do with their lives? How do they live day by day? Why do these people exist in 2015?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
As much as i understand the motives of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonsits, they really are just fanning the flames

Sure youre entitled to freedom of speech, but at the expense of your own life? Your families life? Your colleagues lives?

Seems pretty silly. They groups they are pissing off arent the kind to just rally arnd protest

They can, will and have instigated brutal attacks

Nope, keep publishing. What are they gonna do kill everyone? This is how change happens. The church no longer burns witches and heretics thanks to people having the balls to not give in to the bullshit.
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