I agree with you that people in this thread are getting away with hate speech which shouldn't be the case and I agree that there are countries who are clearly more dangerous than Israel but it doesn't change the fact that palestinians have been abused for decades and nothing has changed. The difference between Israel and other countries who " behave " badly is that Israel get the support of every western nation and they keep selling themselves as the beacon of light in the middle east, and keep using this kind of semantics to get support for all over the world from people who simply hate arabs/muslims. Look at who supports Israel the most in the US ? Hateful right-wing loonies.
I think like you that the jews deserved their own country. I'm glad they have theirs now, but just maybe they should have gotten one in Europe, don't you think ? I'm French and I really believe our european countries, who are responsible of the genocide, should have lost part of their lands to create a jewish state. But zionism was already a thing, and jewish settlers were already settling the holy land way before WWII. The genocide only made the process more quick. Anyways this discussion is useless, now Israel is a real thing and they're not going anywhere, So this kind of debate about the legitimacy of Israel is useless and borderline suspicious. Israelis and palestinians both deserve to live in peace. So yeah cut the inflamatory rhetoric people and stop the israel bashing. I'm a big critic of their policies and of their successive governments, if you're advocating for the destruction of a country, you're a psychopath you need help.