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Palmer Freeman Luckey is trying to do virtual wall tech for the pentagon


listen to the mad man
There's a mod here, they've seen the posts and know it breaks policy. If they specifically need someone to PM before they act, that's a lot of extra work.

So, three things:
1) The time period between when you said you'd "keep it to yourself" and when you decided to share your position yet again was pretty short, but I guess that's not really any of my business.

2) I'll note that "I can't be bothered to spend 10 seconds reporting something" is at odds with "This grievous insult is a big deal and worth replying to multiple times because I'm upset about it", but I guess that's also something I should set aside.

3) I still don't know what post you're talking about.


There's a mod here, they've seen the posts and know it breaks policy. If they specifically need someone to PM before they act, that's a lot of extra work.

Where did I say I was shocked?

So you can't be bothered to use GAFs report function but can be bothered to bitch about it.


Palmer Luckey can do whatever he wants and he's free to do it just as I'm free to state that he's a moron and I hope he fails at every venture of his going forward.

In other news, our border security is fine and we don't need anymore of this fearmongering bullshit.


listen to the mad man
Here you go stump. I found it for you. I have no idea why you're jumping down Maidens throat like that.

Oh, thanks. If Maiden had actually cared about the insult instead of Lady MacBething all over the thread, this might have been dealt with earlier.


Here you go stump. I found it for you. I have no idea why you're jumping down Maidens throat like that.

Not to step on a mods toes, but maybe its a not so subtle hint to report things that people believe should be reported and not just whine about it across multiple pages?


Luckley showing his true colors, again - fuck him & his shitty views. occulus & everything this trash touches gets no ends from me.

Good. Luckey should do what makes him happy, be open about it and not ashamed to support whatever he supports.

Yeah, cause fuck borders.. amirite?

I don't support Palmer due to his past transgressions but if he can help protect our borders then have at it.

of course there's luckey apologists on here
no, trash should be ashamed at all times, and fuck xenophobia too
Gee OP, thanks SO MUCH for that image.

This sure would come in handy right now....

Also, fuck Palmer Luckey.


No seriously. I need that flashy thing. What the fuck did I just see? I rather see this

Yeah, cause fuck borders.. amirite?

I don't support Palmer due to his past transgressions but if he can help protect our borders then have at it.

"Protect our borders" from what? Illegal immigrants that are actually leaving the country at a higher rate than they are coming in?



Right, because he didn't preach about how we needed to keep VR open and independent and then immediately sell out to Facebook? I think you're the one who's confused.

Or said 'we wont put DRM for our HMD'

'oh yeah, we did but not for the reason of locking you all out'
Right, because he didn't preach about how we needed to keep VR open and independent and then immediately sell out to Facebook? I think you're the one who's confused.

LMAO, what does this have to do with the Kickstarter? I'll give you a hint: Absolutely fucking nothing.

Since you continue to remain ignorant, I'll tell you what KS backers were promised. We pledged $300 originally. We were promised and got a Rift Development Kit, which was later called the DK1 because there was also a DK2 later.

That's all we were promised, that's exactly what we got.

Years later, all the original backers who already got what they were promised were surprised when the original consumer Rift CV1 was launched and original DK1 backers were sent a free CV1. We were not promised this when we originally backed it. We got the $600 CV1 as a thank-you gift for being the original people who got the whole thing started.

No one who backed the KS was ever unhappy with how things turned out. You however obviously never backed the KS and have no clue what you were talking about.
Off-topic: Man, his girlfriend...I guess if I was a rich white supremacist I too would have such a chance.
Maybe sarcasm rather than Off-topic? I dunno, its late.

On topic: So it truly is game over, its Bannon time all over again. This is a stupid waste of tax dollars but hey, we pay for the cheeto in chief to go golfing every weekend while his white nationalists lap it up because they arent smart enough to critically think.


I'll take you up on this.

Luckey backs financially Nimble America, which is used to post anti-Hillary memes etc. He backs the GOP and Trump (although he never really admits to this, cops out and says he'll be voting for Gary Johnson)

We all know the platform Trump ran on, racist, xenophobic, horrible, despicable blah blah. I can see why some people (the entire left) would be upset at Luckey, the VR hero who had founded Oculus and sold it to Facebook for 2 billi (American Dream yay 🇺🇲)

To answer your question, what is the reason for the outrage? Basically (from my pov) it's fuck Luckey because he supports the GOP and Trump who ran on this awful platform (who btw won the presidency, the most disastrous candidate on Earth, I can care more about the 3 million more votes Clinton got, she lost. Period)

His new startup is backed by Peter Thiel (according to the left another bad guy) and it's aim is to provide better border security (but who needs that because screw US borders right?)

Kinitari, I appreciate tryna engage with me. Thanks, but no matter what I post, I'll be a pos, a snowflake, this or that. I'm not complaining, or bitching or moping. I'll take the heat, but I'm not changing my views or how I feel about certain things when it comes to politics and the landscape we find ourselves.

Conversely I would like to express myself without being worried of being run off​ the forum or thread. Be respectful, and we'll all be good.

@Ninja Scooter, was good bro? You stay coming at me bro, I dig it tho, I dig it. Nice to know I get you all hot and bothered.

One last thing I wanna say. We gotta come together, we gotta be able to talk. I'm not the Boogeyman here lol. This all or nothing attitude didn't work for the GOP when Obama was in office and it isn't gonna work for the left with Trump in office.

Ok cue the insults.

I'll start, "Goose, you fucking ❄️"
These people think minorities are beneath them. Calling them out on their BS, wanting their horrible words & actions to have consequences is not outrage for the sake of outrage or whatever dumb as fuck things you unemphatetic right-wing selfish people like to think, so stop with with the victimhood crap. They are rich beyond fucking belief. They are not the victims in this society so it's of very poor taste and shows a severe, pathetic lack of empathy to handwave the issues & treatment of minorities by people like these away.

They have the money and the power to influece things. Their actions hurt, even kill people. So no, it's not some pathetic far left outrage culture to not want see them get billion dollar opportunities like these despite their horrible ideologies, which they can then use to further their hateful agendas even further.

These people are not and will not ever be respectful so why should we treat them like the special little snowflakes they truly are? Us providing them with science, statistics, facts in a calm manner ain't gonna change their minds, so better do what has a small chance of at least minimizing the damage they can do and be as vocal as possible about them so that people in power can act.
LMAO, what does this have to do with the Kickstarter? I'll give you a hint: Absolutely fucking nothing.

Since you continue to remain ignorant, I'll tell you what KS backers were promised. We pledged $300 originally. We were promised and got a Rift Development Kit, which was later called the DK1 because there was also a DK2 later.

That's all we were promised, that's exactly what we got.

Years later, all the original backers who already got what they were promised were surprised when the original consumer Rift CV1 was launched and original DK1 backers were sent a free CV1. We were not promised this when we originally backed it. We got the $600 CV1 as a thank-you gift for being the original people who got the whole thing started.

No one who backed the KS was ever unhappy with how things turned out. You however obviously never backed the KS and have no clue what you were talking about.

Omg dude you're so right! You've shown me the light!

Palmer is still a hack and a lying piece of shit who betrayed the community that made him, regardless of what trinkets you got from it. we were sold on building VR not just a headset, and his skeevey ass lied to the supporters of that, stole from the people who worked with him towards those goals then he sold it all to Facebook of all people for crying out loud.

But by all means, I'm glad you're happy with your purchase, I can still emphatically state that luckey is a piece of trash and oculus will never get a cent from me. And it should be noted that this is all before the gamer gate racist nazi shitposting nonsense.


The Autumn Wind
Well, this thread has a whole lot of... something.

Why is it the people who cry about being persecuted victims are also always antagonistic as fuck?


Palmer legitimately makes my skin crawl. Dude is so cringey and I can't even look at him without feeling supremely uncomfortable. It's probably the shitty person he is that makes me so uncomfortable though

The far left is at it again. Doesn't know how to have a conversation and get along. Very adversarial and contentious. Luckey is free to support who he wants. He can get called out for it sure, I can get called out for it sure. My right begin where every other posters end.

But I know what this forum is and where I find myself. It really is as bastion for the left. Some poster just said I could go fuck myself lol. How foolish of he/she.

This new start up sounds great, Thiel is investing in it and hopefully it really takes off. It's a shame for Palmer really. The perpetually offended and outrage brigade ran him off of Facebook.
1. What the fuck is the far left? Is this some shit trump stans are using to make themselves feel better?

2. Yeah, sure he's free to support whatever he wants. Doesn't make him any less of a piece of shit.

3. You "know what this forum is"? What is it exactly?

And stop trying to downplay Palmer. The guy is a piece of shit. That's why Facebook dropped his ass. No amount of sugarcoating is going to change that.
Seeing Thiel, him and the crazy tech people in service of a fascist state is always chilling. We've seen that so far, the best rampart about Trump's crazy ideas was the administration's incompetence and its inability to bring about the changes they want, but when people competent in their field offer their services to this administration, they enable it.

Then again, we already knew Luckey was a white nationalist shitbag.

Good. Luckey should do what makes him happy, be open about it and not ashamed to support whatever he supports.
What's amazing here is not your trolling or your Trump support, but how absolutely cowardly they are. Like you're too afraid to state your strongman support, so you're oblique about it and casually discuss collaborationism like it was a hobby or a benign lifestyle choice. You support a strongman but are too fragile to explicitly state your thoughts.
That's a characteristic of trumpism I guess: the will to punch when you don't even have a spine in the first place.
Im not American so excuse my ignorance, but why is border security a bad thing? With all the dog piling, trolling and off topic snipes its hard to get where most of you are coming from.
Im not American so excuse my ignorance, but why is border security a bad thing? With all the dog piling, trolling and off topic snipes its hard to get where most of you are coming from.
Well, once upon a time a kkk member and New York real estate huckster had a son he didn't know how to love ..


Im not American so excuse my ignorance, but why is border security a bad thing? With all the dog piling, trolling and off topic snipes its hard to get where most of you are coming from.

Take a look at a map and how long the borders are. They're already patrolled and about as secure as they're going to be. It's a complete non-issue that Republicans use to dogwhistle about immigrants. It's a way to peddle fear and stoke the anti-immigrant fires.

The concept of having a 'secure' country isn't a bad thing. Giving up everything that makes you a free and tolerant society to get to a slightly more secure country is absurd.


Take a look at a map and how long the borders are. They're already patrolled and about as secure as they're going to be. It's a complete non-issue that Republicans use to dogwhistle about immigrants. It's a way to peddle fear and stoke the anti-immigrant fires.

The concept of having a 'secure' country isn't a bad thing. Giving up everything that makes you a free and tolerant society to get to a slightly more secure country is absurd.

Worth mentioning that Mexican migration into the US is a net zero, and has been for years.


I'm honestly kind of amazed how deep he wants to go down this hole, and I now realize he was probably something like 8 when Bush was elected.

Fuck, the kids that weren't already in their teens or later when he came into office are growing up to be supreme shitlords, aren't they? Well, not as if it's a universal rule, but combined with what I saw going to college classes last year with younger students talking about "dank memes" and buying into this Hillary conspiracy nonsense leave me weary about the younger millennials not really working off how shitty it was to have W Bush, and how much blatantly worse Trump is.
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